Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Now MCA says Guan Eng is anti-Chinese
- “Video polis di TV bukan arwah Baharudin”
- Unjustified detention prompts Kumar to launch hunger strike
- Rakyat the 'Third Force' or 'The Main Force"
- After Bersih, Pakatan to launch pre-polls Hari Raya blitz
- Rosmah denies buying RM24m diamond ring
- If you had to argue your case
- Tan Kay Hock under the spotlight, again
- A Sister's Grief
- Can BN deny paying US bloggers?
- Doc goes on hunger strike
- Have you got your halal certificate yet?
- Explain, Bersih 2.0 tells ‘bad boy’ Tian
- MCLM candidate steps down
- Confirmed : Tian Chua was a bad, bad boy!
- Malaysian refugee swap spells human rights disaster
Now MCA says Guan Eng is anti-Chinese Posted: 28 Jul 2011 12:49 PM PDT
By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider The MCA is now griping that Lim Guan Eng is sidelining the Penang Chinese community, claiming he has awarded all Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) contracts to Malays, Bumiputeras and Indian Muslims. Penang Wanita MCA chairman Tan Cheng Liang said today this was likely because the chief minister was "currying favour" with the non-Chinese community as the DAP has realised that it could not forever rely on support from the Chinese. "It is DAP's foresight that they realise they cannot forever rely on the Chinese to consolidate their political power in the next general election, but I hope that their currying favour among other races is not done at the expense of the Chinese," she said in a statement here. As such, Tan said Lim's anti-Chinese slant would erode the rights of the community, who makes up the majority of Penang's population. "Since DAP took over as the Penang state government, not a single Chinese contractor in all the five districts has been awarded contracts for the state's DID. "This is proof that despite the support from the Chinese for Lim Guan Eng and DAP, the interests of the Chinese have been threatened after DAP came into power," she said. Tan was referring to a statement Lim had purportedly made on Wednesday that the contractors in all five districts in Penang for DID contracts are Malays, Bumiputeras and Indian Muslims, with women accounting for 20 per cent. Ironically, the Penang administration under Lim's rule has often been accused by Umno, the MCA's partner in the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) pact, of being racist by allegedly discriminating against the Malay community. But Tan insisted today that Lim's failure to award contracts to at least one Chinese contractor proves that he has been ignoring the community's support for him and his party. READ MORE HERE.
“Video polis di TV bukan arwah Baharudin” Posted: 28 Jul 2011 12:26 PM PDT By Azhar Kassim Keluarga Allahyarham Baharuddin Ahmad hari ini tampil menafikan lelaki dalam rakaman CCTV yang ditayangkan polis di saluran televisyen perdana adalah beliau. Menurut anak saudaranya, Azhar Kassim, pihak keluarga menolak sekeras-kerasnya lelaki dalam video tersebut adalah arwah Baharudin dan mereka juga kesal dengan tindakan polis menayangkan video itu. "Video itu bukan arwah, kami menafikan sekeras-kerasnya itu adalah beliau. "Setakat ini pihak peguam keluarga memperincikan beberapa alasan kami menolak bahawa itu adalah Baharudin," kata Azhar ketika dihubungi Menurut Azhar, mereka ada alasan yang kukuh mengapa lelaki dalam video itu bukan arwah Baharudin. "Kami ada alasan yang kukuh dan kuat kerana video yang ditunjukkan tidak selari dengan gambar arwah semasa dibawa keluar daripada Avenue K oleh pegawai perubatan. "Mulanya gambar yang ditunjuk, pakai seluar jeans, tapi masa dibawa keluar pakai seluar hitam. Tapi keluarga menegaskan bahawa semasa keluar dari rumah untuk ke perhimpunan Bersih, arwah pakai baju putih berseluar hitam," kata beliau. Selain itu, bentuk fizikal arwah Baharudin yang amat dikenali ahli keluarganya menguatkan lagi keyakinan mereka lelaki dalam video itu bukan beliau. "Kalau tengok video itu, rupa yang kononnya Baharudin adalah cengkung, tapi muka sebenar arwah bentuk bulat. "Manakala cara jalan arwah tidak sama, kami percayai arwah sebelum ini jatuh berdekatan KLCC, takkan boleh berlari masuk," ujarnya. Azhar seterusnya menyifatkan tayangan video itu sebagai mengganggu siasatan yang masih lagi berjalan ke atas kematian Baharudin. "Sepatutnya polis berbincang dengan keluarga dan peguam sebelum keluarkan video itu, ini sedang mengganggu siasatan. Tindakan polis hanya mahu melepaskan batuk di tangga, nak senang semuanya," katanya. Pengarah Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan Ketenteraman Awam (KDNKA) Bukit Aman, Datuk Salleh Mat Rasid Jumaat lalu mendakwa kononnya tulang rusuk Baharudin patah mungkin disebabkan rawatan kecemasan yang diberikan ke atasnya. Beliau turut mendakwa kononnya gigi lelaki berusia 58 tahun itu mungkin patah disebabkan tiub bantuan pernafasan yang dimasukkan ke dalam mulutnya. Salleh juga mendakwa, tiada gas pemedih mata dilepaskan di KLCC dan tiada anggota polis berada di lokasi Baharudin meninggal dunia. |
Unjustified detention prompts Kumar to launch hunger strike Posted: 28 Jul 2011 12:23 PM PDT
PSM Central Committee member and Kumar's wife Rani Rasiah, together with party colleagues, announcing today that the detained MP has started a hunger strike Aliran is gravely concerned to hear that MP Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, one of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia 6 who have been unjustly and unjustifiably held in detention under the Emergency Ordinance, has decided to go on hunger strike. PSM Central Committee member and Kumar's wife Rani Rasiah, together with party colleagues, announcing today that the detained MP has started a hunger strike
We know Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, a long-standing and outstanding Aliran member, well enough to know that he does NOT engage in such acts for theatrical effect. Rather, given his steadfast and tenacious character in facing threats and intimidation from the police before, there is every reason to expect that Jeyakumar Devaraj conduct his hunger strike with complete seriousness.
At the same time, knowing he has a poor heart condition that has required treatment and hospitalisation during the period of his detention, we can only be alarmed at the potential damage to his health that this action may bring about.
We understand his frustration and impatience with the endless and pointless attempts by his police interrogators to extract confessions of guilt where none exists except in the imagination of the Special Branch officers and the political masters whom they serve, in particular Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak and Minister of Home Affairs Datuk Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.
Perhaps our politicians have become so used to believing that all politics is about perceptions and images that can be moulded by lies, distortions and propaganda that they cannot anymore recognise that there can be politics of the highest moral level, such as that exhibited by Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj and his fellow detainees from PSM.
Politicians like Najib and Hishammuddin and the Inspector-General of Police have been issuing irrelevant and self-serving warnings about how Bersih 2.0 was trying to import the Arab Spring into Malaysia. Let them, who try to hoodwink the Malaysian public and frighten others with images of chaos, remember how the uprising in Tunisia began with the needless self-immolation of one protester.
We in Aliran, together with other concerned citizens, non-partisan but admiring and supportive of the courageous stance of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj and the other members of the PSM 6, demand their immediate release from an unjust imprisonment.
Free Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj! Release the PSM 6 unconditionally! Now!
Rakyat the 'Third Force' or 'The Main Force" Posted: 28 Jul 2011 12:21 PM PDT Now, if rakyat is the third force, who then are the first and second forces? Umno/BN the first force and Pakatan the second force but both without rakyat, since rakyat is the third force, how can that be? By Richard Loh Today I am taking a challenge to write against the tide. Read more at: |
After Bersih, Pakatan to launch pre-polls Hari Raya blitz Posted: 28 Jul 2011 11:57 AM PDT By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider When thousands of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) party members head home for the Hari Raya holidays next month, they will each be armed with specially-packed information kits and strict instructions from the opposition's strategists. Their mission: To launch a pre-election blitzkrieg for PR and keep the Bersih torch burning. Their target: The Malay heartlands outside the capital. The federal opposition hopes to get first dibs on campaigning for the Malay vote ahead of a general election expected soon and will trumpet PR's reform agenda in areas they believe have limited access to information. They will make full use of the Hari Raya holidays to do this and beginning from the month of Ramadan, PR members and supporters across the country will participate in "balik kampung" programmes aimed at spreading the "PR word". "Ramadan is not an excuse for us to sit back and relax. It is an important month for Muslims and Malays in Malaysia but besides our usual rituals and prayers, we must use the opportunity for our leaders and members to go back to their kampungs and bring with them these issues, these leaflets, to spread the PR word," PKR deputy president Azmin Ali told The Malaysian Insider. The Gombak MP said PKR has already prepared special information kits for the blitzkrieg, with each one explaining the chaos that erupted in the capital during Bersih's July 9 rally and highlighting PR's reform promises from its Buku Jingga. "We also called our 'Demi Rakyat' programme directors from each party division to the headquarters last week and we gave them all these information kits and the details and our secretary-general has explained to them what to do," he said.
Rosmah denies buying RM24m diamond ring Posted: 28 Jul 2011 11:44 AM PDT
By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor has denied she had purchased a diamond ring worth over RM24 million, three weeks after the allegations surfaced in cyberspace. The wife of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak dismissed the allegation that was raised by a blogger, calling it yet another lie to slander her. "There is nothing I want to say because I have no time to address such things. Let (the blogger) say what he wants. "This is slander but what have I not experienced? I have experienced it all. So, rather than address this, it is better I pay attention to public issues as these are more important," she was quoted as saying by Berita Harian when accompanying her husband on his working trip to Kedah yesterday. Screenshots of a Customs computer screen showed the ring, from New York celebrity jeweller Jacob and Co, was brought in under her name.
Posted: 28 Jul 2011 07:14 AM PDT
Your Honour, I am not prophet. I can't claim to be guided by God, at least not in the way the Prophets of old were. But what have we learned from the examples of the Prophets? Basically, what we have learned is we must not be afraid of challenging the system and not to fear reforms. To do that, we must speak out, debate and enter into discourse. NO HOLDS BARRED Malaysia's Internal Security Act allows the government to detain you without trial indefinitely. The initial detention is not more than 60 days during which time they will decide whether you can be released or should be further detained in the Kamunting Detention Centre. ************************************ Your Honour, first of all I thank you for the opportunity offered me to try to convince you why I should be released and allowed to go home. I realise that, normally, detainees would arrange for a lawyer or a team of lawyers to argue their case and that the proceedings are conducted in the same way as in a court of law. Your Honour, the Honourable Minister has declared me a threat to national security based on his standards and interpretation. Can one man make this sole decision on behalf of 28 million Malaysians? Does his view reflect that of the majority of Malaysians? |
This is the second time Raja Petra has been detained under the ISA. The government of then Prime Minister Mahathir detained Raja Petra under the ISA in April 2001 for his involvement in former DPM Anwar Ibrahim initiated "reformasi" movement. He was held for 53 days before being unconditionally released, reportedly due to pressure from the King, the late Sultan of Selangor who was Raja Petra's uncle. The current Sultan of Selangor is his cousin. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Classified By: Political Section Chief Mark D. Clark, reason 1.4 (b and d).
1. (C) Summary: Malaysian police on September 12 arrested controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin under the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for detention without trial. Raja Petra's arrest came days after Prime Minister Abdullah threatened to use the ISA to clamp down on those allegedly stoking racial and religious tensions. The arrest stands as a warning to the growing Internet media, but also sends a signal to the political Opposition, which has vowed to topple Abdullah's coalition later this month, that the UMNO-led government could take stern measures to defend itself. End Summary. 2. (SBU) Malaysian police detained Raja Petra Kamarudin, prominent blogger and editor of the controversial website "Malaysia Today", under the Internal Security Act (ISA) on September 12. The ISA allows for detention without trial. This is the first time the Act has been implemented for blogging. Raja Petra's detention came days after Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi told reporters that the government would use the ISA on those who stoke racial and religious tensions, following inter-racial feuding in this coalition and mounting challenges to Abdullah's authority and political position (Septel). 3. (U) Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar, who approved Raja Petra's ISA detention order, told reporters that the blogger was detained under Section 73(1) of the ISA because he was deemed a threat to security, peace, and public order. The Minister explained that Raja Petra's detention came in the wake of various statements published by him in his blog "Malaysia Today," the latest being a commentary which allegedly ridiculed Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. Syed Hamid stated, "We have called and advised him many times following the publishing of his statements but he has continued to write, so much so that they (the statements) could pose a threat (to security and public order)." The Minister added that under Section 73(1) of the Act, Raja Petra would be detained for 60 days and the police will do an assessment during the period. Syed Hamid added "if they feel he should be held more than 60 days, the police will then refer to me". Traditionally the minister will accept the recommendations made by the police and sign the order under Section 8(1) of the Act, which allows the person to be detained for renewable two-year periods. 4. (U) This is the second time Raja Petra has been detained under the ISA. The government of then Prime Minister Mahathir detained Raja Petra under the ISA in April 2001 for his involvement in former DPM Anwar Ibrahim initiated "reformasi" movement. He was held for 53 days before being unconditionally released, reportedly due to pressure from the King, the late Sultan of Selangor who was Raja Petra's uncle. The current Sultan of Selangor is his cousin. 5. (U) Raja Petra's arrest came a day after the Cabinet ordered the Multimedia and Communications Commission (MCMC) to re-instate access to all blocked websites, including Raja Petra's "Malaysia Today" website (which was blocked on August 27). Energy, Water and Communications Minister Shaziman Abu Mansor stated on September 12 that the Cabinet ordered the move because there were other "harsher" laws in the country, including the ISA, to "control the irresponsible dissemination of information over the Internet and to bring those irresponsible websites and blogs to book." 6. (C) Comment: Malaysia's on-line news sources and blogs have blossomed over recent years as an alternative to the government dominated mainstream media. This trend has only increased after the March 8 elections, in which Abdullah and his UMNO party suffered a major setback. Raja Petra is considered the most outspoken and controversial Internet journalist, and is often a proponent of opposition views. Aside from his ISA arrest, Raja Petra faces sedition charges for articles implicating Deputy Prime Minister Najib in an ongoing high profile murder case. Raja Petra's arrest is another sign of insecurity on the part of Abdullah and the UMNO party. The government's use of ISA sends a strong warning to other opposition bloggers to curb their activities. This arrest may intimidate some activists, but it also could result in a backlash by the independent media and bloggers, and increase public disaffection with Abdullah's leadership. 7. (C) As PM Abdullah and his UMNO party become increasingly concerned over threats to bring down their government through the crossover of 30 more BN members of Parliament, Raja Petra's arrest also will be interpreted here as a warning to the political opposition and its leader Anwar Ibrahim. Opposition officials consistently have expressed concern that the government could invoke ISA if they advance too far. While not determinate given the fluid political situation and UMNO's disarray, today's arrest of Raja Petra lends support to the view that the UMNO-led government will take stern measures to defend itself. End Comment. 8. (U) The Embassy offers the following draft "if asked" press guidance. Q: WHAT IS THE U.S. REACTION TO THE ARREST TODAY (SEPTEMBER 12) OF BLOGGER RAJA PETRA KAMARDUDIN UNDER MALAYSIA'S INTERNAL SECURITY ACT (ISA)? A: We understand from press accounts that Malaysian police detained Raja Petra, who is associated with the "Malaysia Today" website, under an article of the Internal Security Act covering threats to "security, peace, and public order". We cannot comment further on the specific grounds for the Malaysian government's actions. We are aware that Raja Petra also faces legal complaints and charges of sedition related to information posted on the website. The United States firmly believes that freedom of the press and freedom of speech are fundamental components of a vibrant democracy. Freedom of expression is a basic right embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The peaceful expression of political views is a cornerstone of democratic rights and practice, as is the impartial application of the rule of law. (IF ASKED SPECIFICALLY ON MALAYSIA'S USE OF THE INTERNAL SECURITY ACT) A: As a matter of principle, we hope that countries refrain from using national security laws to curtail the peaceful expression of political views and media freedom. KEITH
Tan Kay Hock under the spotlight, again Posted: 27 Jul 2011 08:51 PM PDT
Tan Kay Hock has trained his guns on Quek Leng Chan, Low Keng Huat, Syed Mokhtar al Bukhary, Francis Yeoh, Lim Kok Thay, Chua Ma Yew, Vincent Tan, Danny Tan, Ta Kim Yan, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, and even the Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. He is determined that all these people get sent to pasture so that he remains the last man standing. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Three weeks ago, there was a report concerning Tan Kay Hock's company, George Kent, getting the RM1.5 billion Ampang-Line Light Railway Transit (LRT) project. He did not say he has already got the project but that he is confident of getting it. Two days ago, the Minister of Transport announced the RM7 billion 197-kilometre Gemas-JB electrified double-tracking project (EDTP). This project has not been officially awarded to anyone yet but it appears like 'the market' already knows who may be getting it. You can read both reports below. According to the Minister, the Gemas-JB stretch is already in the final stage of design. He declined to comment whether the project, which is only due to be tendered out towards the end of this year, would be open to 'foreign parties'. Nevertheless, Tan Kay Hock, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's golf buddy, is already telling everyone that his company is going to get the job, most likely in joint venture with China Harbour Engineering Co Ltd (CHEC). CHEC is the company that is building Penang's Second Bridge in joint venture with UEM Builders Bhd, an Umno company. The bridge costs RM3 billion, up RM2 billion from the original budget of RM1 billion. (I wonder whose pocket this additional RM2 billion is going into). Many feathers are being ruffled, not because Tan Kay Hock is getting all the multi-billion projects, but because of his bragging. He is shooting his mouth off to all and sundry about his relationship with the Prime Minister. And he is bragging about how he is sabotaging all his competitors, the other tycoons. Tan Kay Hock has trained his guns on Quek Leng Chan, Low Keng Huat, Syed Mokhtar al Bukhary, Francis Yeoh, Lim Kok Thay, Chua Ma Yew, Vincent Tan, Danny Tan, Ta Kim Yan, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, and even the Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. He is determined that all these people get sent to pasture so that he remains the last man standing. These people can accept competition. It is, after all, part of business. But what they can't accept is when you 'throw sand into their rice bowl', as what the Chinese would say. And this is what Tan Kay Hock is doing. And because of that he has made many very powerful enemies. And since they know Tan Kay Hock gets away with murder only because of his relationship with Najib, they will have to hurt Najib to get back at Tan Kay Hock. Najib already has many enemies of his own. Those enemies alone are a handful. The last thing that Najib needs are more enemies, which Tan Kay Hock is making and who will now become Najib's enemies as well. But this is good for Muhyiddin. Now, Tan Kay Hock's enemies will become Muhyddin's friends. And with them all backing Muhyiddin, and with billions at their disposal, Muhyiddin would be well poised to challenge Najib for the Umno Presidency. Sometimes this is how fate works. An enemy of my enemy becomes my friend. And a friend of my enemy becomes my enemy. So we have Najib-Tan Kay Hock versus Muhyiddin and all the rest. And Muhyiddin and all the rest make a more formidable force to take on the Prime Minister. Najib has to be careful with the friends he chooses. When your friend has too many enemies these become your enemies as well. And Tan Kay Hock will help us prove this theory. Mere speculation, you might say? Well, remember a couple of years ago Malaysia Today published Statutory Declarations signed by six police officers who alleged that the ex-IGP, Musa Hassan, had links with the Chinese underworld and that he was behind the drugs, prostitution, loan shark and gambling syndicate? The six police officers were subsequently charged for 'lying', just like I was when I signed my Statutory Declaration in April 2008. And, today, the court acquitted these six police officers. This would mean what they signed in their SDs was true and not a lie. So, did Malaysia Today lie when we said that the IGP is a crook? Six police officers said the same thing and the court agreed with them. Yes, what is 'speculation' today is proven true later. And what may be considered 'rumour' becomes fact some time down the road. So let us see whether this 'speculation' and 'rumour' about Tan Kay Hock becomes fact once his company wins the RM7 billion Gemas-JB double-tracking project -- which has not even been tendered out yet but which Tan Kay Hock is already telling everyone is his. ***************************************** Gemas-Johor Baharu double-tracking project to be tendered out by year-end, says Minister (Bernama, 26th July 2011) -- The tender for the 197-kilometre Gemas-Johor Baharu electrified double tracking project (EDTP) will be done before year-end, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said today. The stretch is already in the final stage of design, he said, but declined to state if the tender would be open to foreign parties. "The Ipoh-Padang Besar and Seremban-Gemas lines are 70 and 90 per cent complete respectively," he added, after officiating a forum on "Powering the Rails in Malaysia," here. The Gemas-Johor Baharu sector is the final package for the EDTP. It was previously stated that the Gemas-Johor Baharu line is worth RM7 billion because it does not only comprise the building of a double-tracking system but also a transport hub with a capacity to rival the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) in Singapore. Kong said the rail sector is poised to emerge as a catalyst in the rapidly changing landscape of Malaysia's public transportation system once all the projects comes to a conclusion. He said the EDTP in the northern section is slated for completion at end-2013 and the line to Johor by 2016. Asked if the Komuter Service would be extended from Batu Caves to Selayang, he said the government is considering the possibility. "There has been a request from the public for the extension. At the moment we are still looking at the possibility. There will be a long term need for it and the extension is seen as the most viable," he added. **************************************** George Kent bullish about LRT job bid (Business Times, 7th July 2011) - George Kent (Malaysia) Bhd, an engineering group, is confident of winning the Ampang-Line Light Railway Transit (LRT)'s extension mega infrastructure project worth RM1.5 billion. The chances of getting the project is very good, its Chairman, Tan Sri Tan Kay Hock told reporters after the company's annual general meeting today. He said the company's bid for the project was strengthened by George Kent's previous experience of handling government contracts and its achievements. "We are about to hand over the RM97.75 million Kuala Lipis Hospital in Pahang to the Ministry of Health, and I guess this is one of the very few hospitals delivered on time. George Kent only tenders for projects that we think we can do, thus, we don't see any negative points for not winning the tender," he said. Prasarana Bhd is expected to announce the winner of the Ampang LRT extension project by September this year. Tan also said the company, which also produces water meters and the casing for the meters, has embarked on a RM50 million plan to upgrade its manufacturing facilities in Puchong, Selangor to accommodate higher sales in the meter and Original Equipment Manufacturing businesses. He said the present plant was already producing at a maximum capacity. With the expansion, George Kent aims to double its production capacity to two million completed meters and two million pieces of non-meter brass parts per annum. George Kent's pre-tax profit for the first quarter ended Apr 30, 2011 jumped to RM4.8 million from RM3.9 million in the same quarter last year. Its revenue, however, slipped to RM30.7 million from RM32.5 million previously. Tan said the demand for meters from Hong Kong, Macau, Middle East, Puerto Rico and Colombia remained strong. "The company has also penetrated Vietnam and Laos, where we expect good returns," he said, adding that the company expects to sustain its growth as the year progresses. |
Posted: 27 Jul 2011 07:15 PM PDT By Masterwordsmith "When a government shudders at a yellow t-shirt and uses the tools of the state and arbitrary laws, it is exceedingly clear that at the next elections, they have to be voted OUT." At the "BERSIH 2.0 Crack-Down: "EO Another ISA" Forum" last night, it must have been difficult for Dr Prema Devaraj, younger sister of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, to recount the memories of the ordeal following the detention of EO6. Not many could have pulled it through but Prema did - beautifully! Her face, though weary, did not belie the grief within her. The sea of faces looking right at her must have given her the inner strength she needed to speak so movingly. On that fateful night, she recounted how there were only ten supporters waiting outside the Kepala Batas Police Station and she wished that there could have been more that evening to cry for their release - the volume of support might have rattled the police.
Can BN deny paying US bloggers? Posted: 27 Jul 2011 06:41 PM PDT
A UK-based investigative news blog claims their research 'clearly links' America's 'New Ledger' to Umno-Barisan Nasional. According to SR founder-editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown, Umno-BN's 'dirty tricks' public relations campaign began just after the general election in 2008 when the Anwar Ibrahim-led opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, swept into power in five states. (Free Malaysia Today) - Online news portal Sarawak Report (SR) has challenged Umno/Barisan Nasional to deny its ties with US-based blogsite New Ledger and other associated blogs. The portal claimed the ruling coalition and its leaders had commissioned the various blogsites in the US to defame its political opponents including SR. According to SR founder-editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown, Umno-BN's 'dirty tricks' public relations campaign began just after the general election in 2008 when the Anwar Ibrahim-led opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, swept into power in five states. "Our research shows the dirty tricks campaign is clearly financed by BN. "The New Ledger was launched in 2009 as the main vehicle for these commissioned attacks. Throughout 2010 and 2011 they have focused more on Anwar than on any other subject! "(Sarawak Chief Minister) Taib (Mahmud) has also now hired them to run a sustained defamation campaign against us (SR). "But our research has clearly established the online campaign against Anwar and Sarawak Report as being commissioned by Umno/BN and Taib. "We therefore, challenge Umno and BN to deny our reports that its party leadership is paying New Ledger and other online blogs to defame its opponents," she said. Misleading Malaysians A July posting on SR noted that New Ledger's whole campaign's game plan was "to bounce back articles that have been placed in the United States websites into anonymously run blogs in Malaysia and then work on getting the stories into Malaysia's mainstream media, as if they had originated from a reputable source." The posting named 'Malaysia Watcher' is one of the websites managed by the New Ledger team. "New Ledger writers like to refer to Malaysia Watcher as an independent website, which they use as a resource, but in fact the sites 'bounce' stories off each other to build them up. "In this way the Umno-BN were conniving to mislead the Malaysian public and trick them into thinking that Anwar is also despised in America and has lost his influence in the US establishment," it said. Naming the foursome who formed the core of the New Ledger writing team – Racheal Motte, Christopher Badeaux, Leon Wolf and Brad Jackson – the posting said these were 'people with no profile in the United States or recognised expertise in Malaysia." It described the reports by these writers as malicious and one-sided and dismissed them 'as laughable'
Posted: 27 Jul 2011 06:33 PM PDT Dr Michael D Jeyakumar's wife reveals that the PSM leader will go on a hunger strike until all the six are charged or freed. (Free Malaysia Today) - Detained PSM leader Dr Michael D Jeyakumar has started a hunger strike since this morning until all the six party activists held under the Emergency Ordinance are released or charged, said his wife today. R Mohana Rani, who had tried to change her husband's mind, said the police have not budged from their original stand despite the PSM six cooperating during interrogation. "He (Jeyakumar) believes that the police and government have their own agenda and aims. "He has given his full cooperation since being remanded," she told FMT, adding that her husband signed three reports, including a 45-page report in Penang where he was first arrested. Now, the authorities had prepared an 80-page report, but Jeyakumar decided not to sign it as he considered the investigation futile. Apart from the Sungai Siput MP, the others under detention are PSM deputy president M Sarasvathy, central committee members Choo Chon Kai and M Sukumaran, Youth chief R Saratbabu and Sungai Siput branch secretary A Letchumanan. They were arrested in Kepala Batas on June 26 while distributing leaflets calling on the public to support Bersih 2.0′s demands for free and fair elections. The authorities later accused them of waging war against the King. They were then re-arrested on July 2 under the EO which allows the police to detain suspects for up to 60 days. Meanwhile, PSM secretary-general S Arutchelvan could not confirm if Jeyakumar had started his hunger strike.
Have you got your halal certificate yet? Posted: 27 Jul 2011 05:39 PM PDT
Hotel operators which have yet to obtain halal certificates from the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (Jakim) have been urged to get their certifications to ensure that the food and drinks they served during Ramadan are halal. NO HOLDS BARRED Jakim director-general Othman Mustapha said the department had simplified the certification process and it can now be obtained within a day. "We have sent out letters to them and about 80 per cent of hotels in the Federal Territories have obtained their certifications." "There are also special officers to process the certifications should an urgent approval is needed," he told reporters after opening the Federal Territories Nasyid Festival 2011 at the Islamic Centre complex, here today. He said hotel operators who failed to display the halal certificate can be fined under the Trade Descriptions Act 1972. "We will carry out operations from time to time. We will also act based on complaints from the public," he said. -- (Bernama) ****************************************** Jakim: Yes, can I help you? Hotel: Is this where I apply for the halal certificate for my hotel? Jakim: It depends. Hotel: Depends? Jakim: Yes, are you a local-owned hotel or foreign-owned hotel? Hotel: Foreign-owned. Jakim: This counter, counter number one, is for local-owned hotels. The next counter, counter number two, is for foreign-owned hotels. Hotel: Okay, thank you. Jakim: Yes, can I help you? Hotel: Hey, hold on! You're the same officer from counter number one. Jakim: Yes, we have only one officer on duty today. Hotel: But you have ten counters. Jakim: Yes, counter number one is for local-owned hotels, counter number two for foreign-owned hotels, then we have counters number three to ten for other applications like restaurants, supermarkets, and so on. Hotel: But why did you ask me to move to counter number two? Why can't you just serve me from counter number one if you are handling all applications? Jakim: Procedure. Hotel: Never mind. I want to apply for a halal certificate for my hotel. Jakim: Foreign-owned? Hotel: Yes, I already told you. Foreign-owned. Why ask again? Jakim: You told the officer at counter number one. This is counter number two. Hotel: But you are the same officer at counter number one. Oh, never mind. Jakim: Have you filled in the form? Hotel: Yes I have. Here it is. Jakim: But this is Borang A. You must fill in Borang B. Hotel: What's the difference? Jakim: Borang A is for hotels registered under the Registrar of Businesses. Yours is registered under the Registrar of Companies. So must fill in Borang B. Hotel: Where do I get Borang B? Jakim: At counter number ten. Hotel: But there is no officer at counter number ten. Jakim: I am also the officer for counter number ten. Hotel: Yes, I know, you already told me there is only one officer on duty today. So why can't you just give me the form here? Jakim: Cannot. You must go to counter number ten. Procedure. Hotel: Okay, okay, I will go to counter number ten. See you over there. Jakim: Yes, can I help you? Hotel: You know what I want. I want Borang B. Jakim: For foreign-owned hotel registered under the Registrar of Companies? Hotel: Yes, yes, yes. Jakim: No need to get angry. I am just doing my duty. Hotel: Okay, okay, I know, procedure. Jakim: Your hotel sells halal food? Hotel: Yes, we sell only halal meat, fish, vegetables…all halal Jakim: Fish and vegetables definitely halal. No need for halal certificate. Only need halal certificate for meat. You buy your meat from halal butcher? Hotel: Yes, from halal butcher. Jakim: You have the halal certificate from the butcher? Hotel: No, I don't. But there is a halal sign on the packing. Jakim: How do you know it is really halal? It could be a fake halal sign. There are many fakes nowadays. Hotel: I don't know whether it is genuine or a forgery? I go by the halal sign on the packing. The packing says the meat is halal so I assume it is halal. Jakim: Cannot. We must be sure. You must ask them to show you the halal certificate from Jakim. They can't simply put a halal sign on the packing unless they first have a Jakim halal certificate. Hotel: But my suppliers are overseas. How would they get a Jakim halal certificate? Jakim: Jakim will visit the overseas factory and check first. Then we will issue them the halal certificate. Hotel: So when can you visit these overseas factories then? Jakim: The factories must first invite us. Hotel: Then you will go there? Jakim: No, we will then schedule a visit. But they must send us the flight tickets and book the hotels for our officers at their own cost. Hotel: The factories have to pay for one of your officers to visit them so that you can certify that their factory is halal? Jakim: No, not one officer. Ten officers. Hotel: You need to send ten officers overseas just to certify that the factory is manufacturing halal meat? Jakim: Yes, if not we cannot confirm that their meat is halal. Hotel: Okay, never mind, we will stop selling imported meat and just serve local meat. Would that be okay? Jakim: Yes, that is okay as long as you can show the halal certificate from the supplier. Hotel: Okay, we also sell beer. Does the certificate cover this as well? Jakim: No, beer is haram. We cannot issue a halal certificate for that. Hotel: But we can sell beer? Jakim: Yes. Hotel: But we can't sell meat unless we can prove it is halal? Jakim: No. Hotel: Can we accept credit cards? Jakim: Yes. Hotel: But credit cards involve interest. Is that not haram? Jakim: Interest is haram. Hotel: So the meat must be halal but you can pay by credit card even though interest is haram? Jakim: That is correct. Hotel: And we can employ Malay staff who are Muslims? Jakim: Yes, you can. In fact, if you have no Malay staff you cannot get a hotel licence under the rules of the New Economic Policy. Hotel: But our hotel has a bar, disco, karaoke lounge, massage centre and everything that is haram to Muslims. We can, or must, employ Muslims? Jakim: Yes. Hotel: But their salaries would come from haram sources. Jakim: No problem. Even government staff get paid from revenue from banks, finance companies, money-lending, liquor, bars, night clubs, massage parlours, gambling, lotteries, casinos, cigarettes, and so on. Hotel: That is allowed? Jakim: Yes, allowed. Hotel: But aren't all those businesses haram? Jakim: Yes, they are haram. Hotel: So banks, finance companies, money-lending, liquor, bars, night clubs, massage parlours, gambling, lotteries, casinos, cigarettes, and so on are allowed but meat that is not halal is not allowed? Jakim: That is correct. The meat must be halal. And Jakim will not issue a halal certificate unless you can prove it is halal. So you must sponsor ten officers to go overseas for two weeks to visit the factory first before we can issue the halal certificate. Hotel: Two weeks? Why so long? Jakim: We need one whole day to visit the factory and the other 13 days for rest after the long journey. Hotel: I think never mind. We will stop selling imported meat, just sell local meat, and we will continue to sell beer and run our bar, disco, karaoke lounge and massage centre where most of our revenue comes from anyway. Jakim: No problem. Then you can get a Jakim halal certificate.
Explain, Bersih 2.0 tells ‘bad boy’ Tian Posted: 27 Jul 2011 03:40 PM PDT
Tian Chua finds himself in the hot seat following a Bersih 2.0 video of him charging at the FRU. (Free Malaysia Today) - PKR vice-president Tian Chua has been asked to explain a video clip that clearly showed him leading a charge at the FRU during the Bersih rally on July 9. The clip (below) showed the crowd facing off with the police at the KL Sentral tunnel moments before multiple rounds of tear gas were fired at them. Tian Chua was seen standing in the front while the Bersih 2.0 leaders were seen urging the crowd to move back. Then Tian Chua counted down from three to one and led a charge straight at the FRU who fired at them. The clip was uploaded by Bersih 2.0 steering committee member Haris Ibrahim on his blog earlier today. The blog post entitled, "Confirmed: Tian Chua was a bad, bad boy!" demanded an explanation from the Batu MP. "Tian Chua, you have some serious explaining to do," Haris wrote. "You showed disrespect to the Bersih 2.0 leadership that was present there, especially (Bersih 2.0 chairperson) Ambiga (Sreenevasan) and you were leading the rally. "More importantly you took it upon yourself to alter a peaceful rally to one of aggression, and in doing so, put many out there at risk to life and limb," he said. Tian Chua declines to comment When contacted, Tian Chua declined to comment on the video and repeated his earlier statement that he would only respond to an official police charge against him. "I don't think it it appropriate for me to comment on this video clip," he said. "If the police have evidence then they should charge me and I will defend myself in court." The clip however was included in the police version of the Bersih rally. That version was screened to the media last week during which the police pointed out that Tian Chua had provoked them into firing the tear gas. "I'm very troubled by the video," Haris told FMT. "When I saw the line of FRU on that day I suggested to Ambiga that we ask the crowd to sit and that the Bersih 2.0 leaders peacefully approach the FRU. "I didn't hear the countdown nor the call to charge. All I heard was the sound of shooting. Two days later eye-witnesses told me about Tian Chua's actions, I read FMT's report of the police screening and I recently received this video clip," he said. Bersih 2.0 leaders condemned the police for the unprovoked firing but an upset Haris pointed out that Tian Chua's actions now exonerated the FRU and validated police claims of crowd aggression. uFWduXFANAI
Posted: 27 Jul 2011 03:03 PM PDT
Haslinah Yacob bows out of MCLM due to a clash of priorities and unpreparedness for politics. (Free Malaysia Today) - The Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) has lost one of its four candidates for the 13th general election after Haslinah Yacob withdrew her candidacy last month. Haslinah, who was introduced as MCLM's third candidate in January, was the movement's first female candidate and was scheduled for deployment with the others in March. The 49-year-old former Awam president was reportedly handpicked by MCLM president Haris Ibrahim for her dedication to grassroots and advocacy work on women's rights and empowerment. FMT understands that she was slated to contest in Wangsa Maju where she would have faced incumbent Wee Choo Keong. However, Haslinah decided that she was unprepared for the political arena and informed the movement that she was pulling out last month. "I made the mistake of taking on two new things this year; the candidacy in January and the opening of a women's shelter in April," she told FMT. "Suddenly I found myself being stretched too thin and I was overwhelmed by the demands from both sides. I had to ask myself which one took priority and it was the shelter." Haslinah also admitted that she belatedly realised the challenges that came with starting from scratch in an unfamiliar constituency. A decade of social work had taught her that making inroads into the grassroots was a lengthy process and speeding it up in time for the general election was simply not feasible. "It was a a very difficult decision but I truly felt that I would be short-changing MCLM and my constituency if I went ahead," she said. "I believe someone else would be able to better serve the constituents at this point." "I'd also like to make it clear that this has nothing to do with MCLM and I continue to support the movement and its ideology a hundred percent. "It was a personal decision and yes, I'm very disappointed with myself."
Confirmed : Tian Chua was a bad, bad boy! Posted: 27 Jul 2011 02:54 PM PDT
THE PEOPLE'S PARLIAMENT Twitter buddy S. Aroki provided the link to this video that confirms what I was told by the 3 eye witnesses. Tian Chua, you have some serious explaining to do. You showed disrespect to the Bersih 2.0 leadership that was present there, especially Ambiga, and were leading the rally. Most importantly, you took it upon yourself to alter a peaceful rally to one of aggression and, in so doing, put many out there at risk to life and limb. Please do not keep silent on this, Tian Chua. READ MORE HERE: EARLIER POST: Tian Chua, have you been a bad, bad boy?
Malaysian refugee swap spells human rights disaster Posted: 27 Jul 2011 02:29 PM PDT
The Conversation On Monday, Australia and Malaysia signed a deal that will mean 800 refugees that have arrived in Australia will be swapped with 4,000 verified refugees from Malaysia. This deal from both Australian and Malaysian perspectives seems mind boggling. For Australia, if the policy is not implemented properly and human rights of refugees are seen to be abused then Julia Gillard's Labor government will face political disaster. For Malaysia, it's out of character with its long-term foreign policy of limited engagement and could embarass the nation by putting a global spotlight on Malaysia's terrible human rights record. How the refugee deal fits in with Malaysia's foreign policy strategyThe current Malaysian prime minister, Najib Razak has a clear strategy when it comes to foreign policy. Firstly, to improve his personal international profile to compensate for declining domestic popularity. And secondly to directly improve Malaysia's economic fortunes by convincing international investors & entrepreneurs to invest in Malaysia. But there are serious implications to Najib's strategy. Malaysia is very gradually moving away from its long-held position of non-alignment and limited engagement towards a tighter alliance with the US and two of its closest allies in the region – Singapore and Australia. Under Najib, Malaysia's relationship with the U.S., Australia and Singapore is the closest ever. The number of difficult deals that Najib has delivered with these countries has made him appear to be an important asset. One perspective is that Malaysia has opted to resolve the refugee matter at the bilateral level rather than through regional (Bali process) or multilateral (UN) channels. But also the refugee swap deal falls into this broader trend of raising Najib's international profile. A puzzling policyBut what is puzzling is the fact that Najib would accept this trade-off between a higher profile for himself among government leaders for public humiliation. It is inevitable that due to the intense media scrutiny around this deal, Malaysia's atrocious human rights record will be put under the spot light. If this is the principle reason Malaysia signed such a deal, then whose objectives were really being considered – Najib's personal needs or the country? Another theory is that the generous payments from the Australian government maybe trickling in to companies related to the ruling regime. The Australian government will need to make public who are the beneficiary companies from this deal.
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