Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Saman Fitnah Terhadap Yayasan Selangor
- Voter registration - I see dead people (dwi-bahasa)
- Generation 709: Our beliefs and purposes
- Yellow
- A note from the 9th
- Tales from a Not So Action-Packed BERSIH 2.0
- Rais awarded RM400,000 in blogger suit
- DCNS, Boustead get RM10b contract?
- No more street rallies, warns Muhyiddin
- Economy still determines outcome of GE, say Pakatan, BN
- Social Media Plays Major Role in Motivating Malaysian Protesters
- Malaysian PM Najib meets Pope
- Jews trying to interfere, Malaysian newspaper warns
- No kidding, it is actually called the 'Ibrahim Ali Award'!
- Ahmad Sarbani’s death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 6)
- Let RTM show Bersih crowd violence, Rais tells cops
- Tidak pernah saya rasa begitu benci pada kerajaan
- DAP downplays Pakatan split rumours
- ICs to foreigners: Ex CM asked to explain
- Arrested in hotel room for wearing Bersih t-shirts
- Many Will Drop Out But Many More Still Will Join
- PAS: MCA, Gerakan approved nightspot ban in 1997
- Gerakan man tells Umno: Govern like PAS
- Firm loses appeal against Barisan
- Minister not sure when TBH RCI report will be released
- PSM petition campaign to secure release of EO6
- Bersih an opportunity for Jews to infiltrate country, says Utusan
- Kit Siang: Teoh’s ghost will linger after release of RCI report
Saman Fitnah Terhadap Yayasan Selangor Posted: 18 Jul 2011 11:42 AM PDT Menurut Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Februari 2010, Hj Omar layak menerima faedah persaraan sebanyak hampir RM 101,000. Walaubagaimanapun faedah persaraan berkenaan itu ditahan atas arahan Ilham bin Marzuki. By Steffan Hj Omar bin Hasbullah (KP : ******-**-****) dilantik sebagai Timbalan Pengurus Besar (Pengurusan) bertaraf tetap di Yayasan Selangor pada 16 Februari 2001. Hj Omar bersara wajib apabila mencapai usia 55 tahun pada 22 Julai 2010. Beliau menghabiskan baki cuti tahunan bermula 1 Julai 2010. Sebelum Hj Omar memulakan menghabiskan baki cuti tahunannya, beliau telah diarahkan oleh Pengurus Besar Yayasan Selangor, Ilham bin Marzuki untuk memulangkan Toyota Camry BJU 53 milik Yayasan Selangor yang digunanya. Hj Omar telah merayu kepada Ilham supaya dibenarkan menggunakan Toyota berkenaan sehingga hari akhir perkhidmatan beliau. Malangnya Ilham tidak mengendahkan permintaan tersebut. Hj Omar terpaksa menumpang kereta seorang Pengurus untuk pulang ke rumahnya dalam keadaan dukacita dan tidak puas dengan layanan Ilham terhadapnya. Menurut Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Februari 2010, Hj Omar layak menerima faedah persaraan sebanyak hampir RM 101,000. Walaubagaimanapun faedah persaraan berkenaan itu ditahan atas arahan Ilham bin Marzuki. Alasan yang diberikan ialah Hj Omar terlibat dalam meluluskan pembayaran tuntutan yang dikemukakan oleh kontraktor dalam kes saman Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. terhadap Yayasan Selangor berhubung kerja-kerja menaiktaraf sistem penghawa dingin berpusat Bangunan Yayasan Selangor di Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur. ZAH Holding Sdn. Bhd. (452383-P) telah dilantik sebagai Kontraktor Utama oleh Yayasan Selangor untuk menyempurnakan kerja-kerja menaiktaraf sistem penghawa dingin berpusat Bangunan Yayasan Selangor di Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur. Kerja-kerja berkenaan dijadualkan siap dalam masa 28 minggu yakni Ogos 2009. Kerja-kerja berkenaan siap sepenuhnya pada Disember 2009. Harga keseluruhan kelengkapan yang dibekalkan oleh Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. ialah RM 829,600. Masalah timbul apabila Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. telah mengemukakan saman (Mei 2010) menuntut baki bayaran sebanyak RM 550,000 dari Yayasan Selangor. Dalam jawapan balasnya, Yayasan Selangor menegaskan bahawa semua pembayaran berhubung dengan pemasangan sistem penghawa dingin telah dibuat kepada ZAH Holding Sdn. Bhd. Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. mengemukakan surat perjanjian bertarikh 18 Mac 2009 di antara bekas Pengurus Besar Yayasan Selangor, Hj Takril bin Tasuki, Pengarah Urusan ZAH Holding, Ahmad bin Mokmin dan Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. Di dalam surat berkenaan, Yayasan Selangor bersetuju untuk membuat pembayaran secara terus kepada Carrier bilamana perlengkapan dihantar menurut arahan ZAH Holding atau Yayasan Selangor. Dipersetujui juga bahawa Yayasan Selangor akan membayar keseluruhan RM 829,600.00 kepada Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. Perjanjian berkenaan memperakui bahawa sebarang pembayaran oleh Yayasan Selangor kepada Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. dianggap sebagai pembayaran Yayasan Selangor kepada ZAH Holding Sdn. Bhd. sebagai kontraktor Yayasan Selangor dan ZAH Holding Sdn. Bhd. kepada Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. Menyedari kepincangan surat perjanjian rahsia ini, pentadbiran baru Yayasan Selangor telah menyaman ZAH Holding Sdn. Bhd. (Mei 2010) untuk mendapatkan balik RM 550,000 yang telah dibayar oleh Yayasan Selangor tetapi tidak dibayar oleh ZAH Holding kepada Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. Yayasan Selangor telah diperintahkan oleh mahkamah untuk membayar Carrier (M) Sdn. Bhd. hutang RM 550,000. Yayasan Selangor dalam proses memulakan prosiding mahkamah terhadap ZAH Holding termasuk penggulungan. Hj Omar telah mengemukan tuntutan melalui Pejabat Perhubungan Perusahaan Selangor untuk mendapatkan faedah persaraan yang ditahan oleh Yayasan Selangor. Setelah dua sesi di Pejabat Perhubungan Perusahaan Selangor, Yayasan Selangor tegas dengan pendirian untuk terus menahan pembayaran faedah persaraan Hj Omar. Kes berkenaan telah dirujuk ke pejabat Menteri Sumber Manusia untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Hj Omar telahpun mengemukakan saman fitnah sebanyak RM 1 juta terhadap Yayasan Selangor dan Ilham Marzuki. Sebutan kes pada 24 Mac 2011 di Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam. Kes No. 22 NCVC 286-2011. Hakim Dato' Lim Yee Lan. Kes ini telah dibicarakan dan keputusan dijangka diumumkan pada bulan Julai 2011. Akan menyusul, "Penyingkiran Timbalan Pengurus Besar (Pendidikan)". |
Voter registration - I see dead people (dwi-bahasa) Posted: 18 Jul 2011 11:33 AM PDT
By Lee Wee Tak I confess I do write this piece somewhat influenced by the trust issue I have with the notion that the Election Commission is totally impartial and beyond reproach. When I went round assisting to register voters, a genuine Malaysian in his 20s told me that he registered himself 2 years ago and until today, his name never appeared in the voter's roll. I doubled checked and confirmed that this was the case and resubmitted his registration form. From this single incident, I am skeptical that if the abovementioned 40% rejection rate does not include instances like the above gentlemen? |
Generation 709: Our beliefs and purposes Posted: 18 Jul 2011 11:26 AM PDT
By Lee Khai Loon (Convener of Generation 709) 709 is the collective memory of people of all races united in making history in Malaysia. Generation 709 is a platform of youth concerned with politics, civil rights and good governance. We have converged after the historic walk of Jul 9, for a common goal: building our democracy. We believe that everyone should continue to move forward, with our commitment to Malaysia and involvement in reforming Malaysia, so that democracy can take root in Malaysia. We are an independent, principled, critical platform. We do not belong to any political organisation, do not have any financial resources, but have only a heart for the idealism. We believe that democracy does not fall from the sky, that it takes a journey of many steps to materialise. As the generation of social change, we have the responsibility and duty to be at the forefront. We believe in the power from the united youth of all races, which will empower even more youth to participate in social works and defend their rights. It will bring a new perspective to the rakyat, to struggle together for a democratic Malaysia. The platform of Generation 709 has three main objectives: (1) Solidarity and support for all political detainees from Bersih 2.0 Rally and victims of police brutality, including calling for immediate release of six social leaders detained under Emergency Ordinance; Building our democracy is a long term endeavour, so we must continue to address all sorts of political issues and raise the public's awareness. Generation 709 will forever remember the sacrifice of Sdr Baharudin Ahmad. He is the fighter of democracy is everyone's heart. Kindly join our group at www.facebook/GenerasiBersih709 or follow our twitter @generation709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generasi 709: Pendirian dan Pejuangan Kami Peristiwa 709 merupakan titik penciptaan perpaduan semua kaum dalam sejarah. Generasi 709 terdiri daripada golongan muda yang mengambil prihatin terhadap politik, hak kebebasan dan keadilan politik. Selepas perhimpunan aman 9 Julai adalah demi tujuan yang sama iaitu Pendemokrasian. Setiap orang di kalangan kami adalah menuju ke arah kemajuan, demi negara dan menjalankan reformasi negara demi demokrasi yang tulen berkembang di Malaysia. Generasi 709 merupakan sebuah pertubuhan bebas, berpendirian dan memberi kritikan yang setimpalnya. Kami tidak mewakili sesebuah politik serta bantuan sumber kewangan, titik permulaan adalah dari hati bersukarela, kami percaya bahawa sistem demokrasi adalah dari gerakan semua. Kami percaya golongan muda dari semua kaum boleh membentuk kuasa baru supaya menggalakkan lebih ramai golongan muda terlibat dalam masyarakat, mempertahankan hak kebebasan serta memperjuangkan pendemokrasian Malaysia. Generasi 709 mempunyai 3 matlamat utama iaitu: 1. memberi sokongan kepada mangsa ketika perhimpunan aman Bersih, membantah keganasan penguatkuasa termasuk 6 orang aktivis-aktivis yang ditahan di bawah EO….. Pendemokrasian merupakan gerakan yang berpanjangan. Oleh itu, gerakan dan galakkan diperlukan untuk memberi didikan kepada orang ramai. Pengorbanan Arwah Baharuddin Ahmad merupakan wira pendemokrasian kepada Generasi 709. Sila sertai Facebook kami di www.facebook/GenerasiBersih709 atau mengikuti kami di twitter @generation709
Convener Generasi 709
Take a long good look at the image above; the subtitle in the top right corner reads: 'Disperse or we shoot', in English, Greek and Turkish on a British army lorry. It shows the British occupational army in Cyprus warning the public who are rallying for their freedom. By The Rubicon In the run up to the now historical BERSIH 2.0 rally calling for free and fair elections, the BN government did many things to scare Malaysian into staying away from the rally. The government's threat to its own citizens reached the apex of incredulity during a joint exercise between Federal Reserve Unit and Royal Malay Regiment on July 6th, three days before the BERSIH rally were to take place. Malaysiakini headlined its report "Army's simulation exercise: Disperse, or we'll shoot" on July 6th here: The notion of security forces of a democratic government threatening to shoot the general public for participating in a peaceful rally is beyond comprehension, unless of course if it's a threat from an occupational army as the image below shows. (Click on the image below) Read more at: |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 11:14 AM PDT You might not change something, but sowing the seeds, giving that initial shove, is always important. By 'Malaysian' in NYC So one Saturday morning I - along with a bunch of other disgruntled Malaysians - jumped into the disgruntled Malaysians' bandwagon and rode off to the congregation of yellow shirts. Actually it was a bus, and we almost missed it because we woke up late. It was a Saturday, after all. Yet there was nothing cavalier about going to this... event, of sorts. Among the inappropriate jokes and nervous laughter was the underlying fear that I should not be there, because in all honesty, I shouldn't. It comes with having something to lose, something major and if not life, future-threatening. So, between talking and criticizing and nursing the resultant papercut from folding multilingual pamphlets detailing our cause, was the terror, the selfishness of wanting to satisfy my curiosity, the discontent that I should be afraid to be a citizen of a country loved but messed up somewhere. The weather was a bit to the warm side, a good weather for banner-waving, I suppose. We arrived at Mount Doom after a long and sweaty trek that did nothing to assuage our anxiety. There wasn't much at Mount Doom either to stoke our anxiety, because it was a Saturday and it was probably closed anyway, if the blacked-out blinds and closed windows were anything to go by. Then again, it was in the morning, and a Saturday, and by the smatterings of our yet-incomplete yellow congregation, Mount Doom of our project was probably quiet due to the oft commented-on Malaysian timing. We were greeted by the organizer in all his yellow magnificence. He had placards, in yellow, and a paperbagful of yellow finery, should we need some yellow to express our cause. We must have looked like a loose bouquet of sunflowers, with all the yellow. Passer-bys stared accusingly at us, probably because of all the bright royal yellow we were wearing. Or perhaps because we were blocking the sidewalk with our Malaysian loitering-around-lepaking skills that were specially honed and cultivated in the sidewalks of our beloved homeland. Let's take a little time here to contemplate, as we allow the tide of Malaysian timing to sweep in the trickle of yellow that would bulk up our loose bouquet into a cheerful congregation of warrior sunflowers. What makes a young, disgruntled Malaysian join a protest? Curiosity seems to be a trend. What's this about? What do Malaysians do at a protest? Do the others who would turn up really care about the cause, or is it mere curiosity as well, or is it that Malaysian desire to get together and do stuff that sprouts kenduris and open houses and gotong-royongs? Someone told me that, 'It doesn't matter anymore,' the eight demands we have. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe the tide of getting together to do something has swept it all away, whipped us up into an entity united in frustration. Maybe it still does, to validate our need to protest. I think it does, and I pray we do not lose sight of that. I could not gauge or fathom everyone's purpose for coming here, but I was convinced that my presence would serve well to add bulk to the cause. Malaysians of many shades of yellow soon arrived. Some were students, full of hope for the future. Some were old and wizened by years and fed up with the nonsense they attest to have received from the government. Some came with their families all decked in yellow. The mass of yellow grew, if not into a sea, into an excited, chatty congregation of anxious sunflowers. I thought it would have done me well to talk, to ask, why why why, why are you all here, what do you stand for? But there was the fear, of being found out or of seeding the gossip that would lead to my discovery. And so I just listened to the chatter. What kind of person goes to a protest? The disgruntled and the discontent? The angry and malicious? The down-trodden and oppressed? It was the everyday person you meet in school, the other person you saw today, the people who have read the nonsense and bothered to think for a while, 'there is something not quite right here'. It is the Malaysian who have listened and thought and decided that his or her mere attendance is enough to support a cause every other rational person has kept in his or her heart. There were no talks of 'burn this', 'overthrow that', 'death to the infidels' or 'let's destroy the government'. There were conversations of 'where are you from in Malaysia, do you know so-and-so, my aunt lives there in Malaysia, I used to live there, the food there is good.' 'Something isn't right and we know you're messing things up'. They were disgruntled. There was discontent. There didn't seem to be a murderous desire to set fire to everything or throw rocks. There was solidarity in nationality, in food, and in the feeling that there has been injustice and those who were supposed to dispense said justice were not doing their jobs. The congregation reached its desired bulk, and off we went a-marching down the path of discontent. From Mount Doom we arrived at designated venue of protest. I don't know if I could call it a protest. We waved banners and cars honked if they supported us. We had a banner for that and all. We cheer and waved and sang our national anthem. We love our country. We just don't like the people who are doing a terrible job at running it. We walked back. Some spoke. We dispersed. Each yellow going their separate ways with perhaps new friends, and with the satisfaction of being there. I scurried away into obscurity with the hopes that my anonimity is preserved. Being there among the ranks, to show support, to see for myself what goes on and who does what, is good enough for me. Will this bring any change? Some say no, some say of course, some think it doesn't matter anymore. Some go away with the burning desire to do better, to pursue this course. Some come back with sagely advice and catharses. What did I bring back with me? Fear is real, and it does not make you a coward to be afraid. Curiosity is dangerous, and so is the desire to know of which we youths are known to heed and to embrace unprepared. You might not change something, but sowing the seeds, giving that initial shove, is always important. Malaysians love food no matter where they are. Yellow is a good colour to be spotted in. I'm still terrified, but as of now, I'm glad I went. |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 11:10 AM PDT What kind of a government shoots tear gas at unarmed citizens, sitting on the ground, asking for peace? By Katrina Thousands upon thousands, She asks you - what kind of a government shoots tear gas at unarmed citizens, sitting on the ground, asking for peace? |
Tales from a Not So Action-Packed BERSIH 2.0 Posted: 18 Jul 2011 11:05 AM PDT With all that was happening back home in Malaysia, how could we not stand in solidarity with our fellow Malaysians whom we knew would be facing arrests, water cannons, tear gas, and possibly even violence from silat people, patriot, perkasa and many others who opposed them? It all started when Kevin found a facebook page called 'Bersih 2.0 Australia' and read about the planned rallies in Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne. Unfortunately, there was none planned for Perth. But he did notice a comment on the page - someone else from Perth was asking if there was going to be one in Perth. Kevin responded to his comment, and asked if anyone else was interested. Then another commenter from Perth turned up... and another and another and another... soon, it all became a reality, thanks to Soon Yee Yap (the original commenter), and Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Australia! A day before the event, more than 200 had confirmed their participation on the Bersih 2.0 Perth facebook page! With all that was happening back home in Malaysia, how could we not stand in solidarity with our fellow Malaysians whom we knew would be facing arrests, water cannons, tear gas, and possibly even violence from silat people, patriot, perkasa and many others who opposed them? We took a bus to the city, and Kevin hopped off near the Malaysian consulate where the rally was being held. Agnes and Jacynth went instead to the Hay Street mall (under strict orders from Kevin, just in case anything happened...), where they walked around as they waited. Agnes and Jacynth (albeit underneath her jacket!), of course, showed their support by wearing yellow! Having been a part of the Bersih 1.0 rally in 2007 at the Masjid Jamek area (where water cannons and tear gas were also fired), Kevin couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between both rallies. We all know what happened in Malaysia in 2007, and even worse, what happened in Bersih 2.0 this year in KL. But here in Perth, it was like a street party! There was music, balloons, etc. The police here also set up make-shift roadblocks, but only to protect the participants from oncoming traffic! Yes, we did get a little bit careless and wandered onto the roads in all the excitement! They even helped participants cross the road, and even responded to requests to help shoot photos! Check out the hot chicks in uniform (and with guns)! Kevin managed to chat with a few Aussies who joined in the rally - they were from the Socialist Alliance of Western Australia, the sister organization of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM). They mentioned that they knew Dr. Jeyakumar personally, and he stayed at their homes when he visited Perth to give talks. A local passerby even commented on his surprise at the number of people gathered there (more than 200), and that this was the biggest rally he'd ever seen in Perth! Apparently Perth residents are not as inclined as their counterparts in the East when it came to involvement in such rallies. As the crowd dispersed, Kevin went over and thanked the police for their help. Policeman: What for? (looking surprised, as if it was all just a part of his job) Kevin: Well, at least you're not firing tear gas at us, which is probably what's happening back home right now. Policeman: (Laughs) Yea, that's because we don't have any! |
Rais awarded RM400,000 in blogger suit Posted: 18 Jul 2011 10:33 AM PDT
By M Mageswari, The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim has been awarded RM300,000 in his defamation suit against blogger Amizudin Ahmat for implying that he was guilty of raping his Indonesian maid. High Court judge Justice Zabariah Mohd Yusof on Tuesday also awarded Dr Rais RM100,000 in costs. In her ruling, Justice Zabariah said there was no evidence that the blogger had been provoked by Dr Rais into publishing the defamatory article. Dr Rais had filed a suit against Amizudin on Jan 31 saying that the blogger had published or caused to be published a defamatory article under the heading Hei Pak Menteri ... mana mau lari ... (Hey Mr Minister ... where do you want to run to) in his blog on Dec 28 last year. In his suit, Dr Rais claimed that the words meant that he was guilty of raping his Indonesian maid and capable of murdering her to conceal evidence over the alleged rape. Dr Rais on Tuesday said it was a sound judgement. |
DCNS, Boustead get RM10b contract? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 10:27 AM PDT
By Syed Jaymal Zahiid, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: Controversial companies, French DCNS and Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS), are said to have received a contract to build patrol vessels worth RM10 billion, according to former law minister Zaid Ibrahim. DCNS is currently being probed by French prosecutors for the scandalous Scorpene submarine deal with the Malaysian government, which is also linked to the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaaribuu. "DCNS will build these patrol vessels in Perak this time (after all, our Defence Minister (Ahmad Zahid Hamidi) hails from Perak). Unsurprisingly, BNS has no idea how to build these patrol vessels, nor does it know what electronic and fighting equipment these vessels should be equipped with. "BNS will not listen to advice of the Navy either. DCNS will decide and dictate everything, including the price of about RM10 billion (usually, it will announce a lower figure but these costs usually escalate further on various grounds (such as additional requirements). "This is the same old modus operandi," said Zaid, who is also the president of independent party Kita in his recent blog posting. Second scandal for BNS This is the second time BNS has been implicated in an arms contract scandal. The only naval shipyard company in Malaysia was first linked to allegations of irregularities when an opposition lawmaker claimed the government was paying BNS 870% more than market price for six offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) for RM6 billion. Meanwhile, the French prosecution is ready to go on full trial over the submarine fiasco that could see Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and wife Rosmah Mansor called to testify before the French court. The case was filed by a local human rights group Suaram which questioned the alleged payment of 114 million euro (RM500 million) in commission to Perimekar Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, of which the wife of Najib's aide Abdul Razak Baginda is a principal shareholder. Najib was the defence minister at the time of the deal. Zaid did not state if he has the evidence to back his claims but urged opposition politicians to unearth more of these scandals.
No more street rallies, warns Muhyiddin Posted: 18 Jul 2011 10:22 AM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - With Putrajaya still reeling from the July 9 Bersih rally, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today warned Pakatan Rakyat (PR) that the government will brook no further street demonstrations. "Do not take any threatening action (towards the administration). We will not bow to threats but since they (PR) have a political motive, they are trying to make it look as though the government is insensitive, our electoral system is outdated and that our general elections had been conducted improperly," Bernama Online quoted the deputy prime minister as saying today. Muhyiddin today maintained the establishment line on the list of electoral reforms demanded by Bersih, but added that Barisan Nasional was also interested in improving the present system. "Our electoral system has been tested for more than five decades and this system should be accepted by all," he said. Bersih is persisting with its eight reform demands for free and fair elections, but chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan has said that no further rallies are being planned. The July 9 Bersih rally has sent the Najib administration on the back foot, and criticism of the way it suppressed the mass gathering has taken on a global nature. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak arrived in the UK for a four-day visit last week and was greeted by a scathing editorial in The Guardian that compared his administration to ousted Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak's regime.
Economy still determines outcome of GE, say Pakatan, BN Posted: 18 Jul 2011 10:14 AM PDT By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 — The next general election will still be won or lost on the economy as both Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders believe that sound economic reform policies will effectively garner maximum voter support. Leaders from both sides of the political divide have agreed that while Bersih's electoral reform demands are important and should be addressed, the Najib administration would still be able to ward off criticisms and win back support if it focused on reforming and addressing economic issues, specifically rising inflation and commodity prices. The BN government's image has taken a severe beating following the July 9 rally where tens of thousands poured into the city, resulting in nearly 1,700 arrests, scores injured and the death of a PKR division leader's husband. Its suppression of the Bersih rally drew widespread condemnation from the global media, with UK's The Guardian going as far as to compare the Najib government to ousted Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak's regime."To be honest, if the economy performs very well — high commodity prices, low inflation, increasing wages and improved employment opportunities — then really, political abuses take a back seat," DAP national publicity secretary Tony Pua told The Malaysian Insider. But Pua argued that the the current administration under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was not in full control of the economy, and charged that many "economic benchmarks" — global commodity prices like crude oil, natural gas, rubber, palm oil — were not within the government's control. The Petaling Jaya Utara MP said that many key policies have not been "followed through" due to race-based objections from political groups. "Major privatisations contracts are still being awarded on a direct negotiation basis without a credible open tender system. Policy 'pillars' such as the Approved Permit (AP) system for cars and a host of other imported goods remain in the selected hands of connected companies in the guise of 'Bumiputera development'," said Pua, adding that unless the government addressed its economic reform plans seriously, its policies would backfire.
Social Media Plays Major Role in Motivating Malaysian Protesters Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:11 AM PDT
Social media such as Facebook and Twitter have played a major role in motivating some of the demonstrators in the run-up to the rally, which went ahead despite a police ban and lockdown imposed on sprawling Kuala Lumpur on the eve of the July 9 protest. Simon Roughneen, Media Shift Less than a week after Malaysian police fired teargas and water cannons at thousands of demonstrators seeking reform of the country's electoral system, a Facebook petition calling on Prime Minister Najib Razak to quit has drawn almost 200,000 backers, highlighting the role of social and new media in Malaysia's restrictive free speech environment. One contributor to the page wrote: "The world is full of multimedia and electronics; the things we so call camera and videocam ... And photos and videos were already being uploaded on the Internet but 'it' still denies the truth and makes stories and lies until today." Social media such as Facebook and Twitter have played a major role in motivating some of the demonstrators in the run-up to the rally, which went ahead despite a police ban and lockdown imposed on sprawling Kuala Lumpur on the eve of the July 9 protest. The demonstration organizer, Bersih 2.0 -- a coalition of 63 NGOs (non-government organizations) that wants changes such as updated electoral rolls and a longer election campaign period -- has its own Facebook page, attracting a similar number of "likes" as the page urging Najib to step down, with 190,000+ fans at the time of this posting. The latest notable update is another petition, requesting 100,000 backers for a Bersih 3.0 -- although organization head Ambiga Sreenavasan has said she does not foresee any similar protests in the immediate future. Clearing Distorted coverage Along with online news sites such as Malaysiakini and Free Malaysia Today, social networks have helped get around partisan coverage by newspapers close to the government, where accounts of the rally did not square with what I witnessed. Protestors flee as police prepare to fire tear gas. Photo: Simon Roughneen. Coverage in Utusan, the pro-government Malay-language daily and best-selling print newspaper in Malaysia, was explicitly hostile to the protest and has remained so in the days since. Just this week, the paper came out with an editorial claiming that Jewish groups would use the opposition to infiltrate the Muslim country. The day after the rally, the front page of the English-language New Straits Times (NST) showed a single protestor, face covered with a scarf, looking set to hurl something at someone or something, minus the surrounding street scene. The photo was headlined "Peaceful?" and was devoid of context, the implication being that Kuala Lumpur was beset by thousands of other would-be anarchists on July 9 and the police acted with heroic restraint in the face of relentless provocation. The NST is linked to Malaysia's main governing party, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), which has ruled uninterrupted since independence in 1957. As observed at several locations around the city center, the protest was peaceful, multi-ethnic (Malaysia's demographic breakdown is two-thirds ethnic Malays, a quarter ethnic Chinese, and the remainder mainly Indian/Tamil), though it was impossible to know how many in the gathering were affiliated with the country's opposition political parties versus how many were ordinary, disgruntled Malaysians who were galvanized into action by Bersih's exhortations. With police roadblocks and checks emptying the usually bustling city by Friday evening, the only other people on the streets on Saturday morning -- before the demonstrators' emergence -- were expectant journalists and lost-looking tourists. When the protestors came onto the streets, the police wasted little time in firing teargas into the crowds gathering at various locations in an attempt to march to the Merdeka (Victory) Stadium, where the country declared its independence from Great Britain. Despite allegations of police aiming tear gas or water cannons directly at protestors or at a hospital in the city, print newspapers praised the police response, as did the government. That, in turn, has drawn criticism from Malaysia's online news sites.
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 02:46 AM PDT
(Channel News Asia) - Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak's visit to the Vatican was planned before street protests rocked the Malaysian capital two weekends ago. The scheduled meeting with Pope Benedict XVI is essentially to establish diplomatic relations with the Vatican.
Jews trying to interfere, Malaysian newspaper warns Posted: 18 Jul 2011 02:39 AM PDT (The Jerusalem Post) - The Malaysian government-backed newspaper said in an editorial that foreign Jewish groups will try to use a current push for reform to interfere in the country. "At a time when the drumbeats in the name of human rights are getting boisterous, it will give the best opportunity for pro-Jewish groups to interfere in any Muslim countries," the Utusan Malaysia daily said in aneditorial Monday. "Muslims and Malaysians should not allow any party, especially the Jews, to discreetly interfere in the country's administration." "The success and prosperity of Malaysia as a model Islamic nation has created jealousy to a certain country and this is made worse by Malaysia's firm stand in fighting against violence by the Jews in Palestine," the editorial continues. "The Jews will find ways to destroy our prosperity and well-being. "We probably think that this is a misplaced concern, but we must not forget the fate of certain countries which have been victims of the hidden hands," it concludes.
No kidding, it is actually called the 'Ibrahim Ali Award'! Posted: 18 Jul 2011 02:34 AM PDT
Five thousand ringgit: That is the amount Ibrahim Ali is offering. Any takers? (Harakah Daily) - Heaven and earth may be closer than Ibrahim Ali and ivory tower, but that did not stop UiTM to name one of its awards after the Perkasa leader. While Ibrahim Ali's antics may evoke anger among a section of people, most Malaysians have come to terms with the staunchly pro-UMNO independent member of parliament's rhetoric, welcoming him as comic relief in a political environment that has been otherwise littered with vile and personal allegations.
Ahmad Sarbani’s death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 6) Posted: 18 Jul 2011 01:00 AM PDT Sheikh Niza had to do what was necessary to pin this rap on Ahmad Sarbaini. There was no turning back now. They had already committed themselves and so they had to make this 'Malaysian Book of Records' case stick, by hook or by crook if necessary. NO HOLDS BARRED THE TIME HAS COME TO EXPOSE THE KILLERS OF AHMAD SARBAINI MOHAMED Ahmad Sarbaini's Second Cautioned Statement Ahmad Sarbaini's first Cautioned Statement (part 5 of this report) became a serious problem for the MACC KL senior officers when there was nothing in that statement which could be used against the Customs Deputy Director. The assignment the MACC HQ gave them was to 'detect and detain'. However, based on what had transpired thus far, the MACC KL office could neither detect nor detain Ahmad Sarbaini -- or any of the other more than 60 Customs Department officers 'on the list' for that matter. This posed a dilemma for the MACC, which had earlier announced a 'Malaysian Book of Records' investigation into a so-called super-dynamite RM108 billion Customs Department scam -- more than the Perwaja, PKFZ and Scorpène submarines scandals combined. MACC KL's Director, Hj Mohd Yusof Akope, was not about to risk his KPI (Key Performance Index) just because his Deputy Director, KUS Mohd Fauzi Bin Hussin, was an ineffective Ketua Unit Siasatan. He also blasted Fauzi for asking IO Mohd Rosly to record that first Cautioned Statement whereas it was Sheikh Niza who was deemed to have made that successful arrest. Fauzi did that to cover up for the MACC's false arrest against Ahmad Sarbaini. Feeling infuriated just like Hitler when told he was losing the war, Hj Mohd Yusof demanded to see the 'evidence' of corruption against Ahmad Sarbaini as soon as possible. In turn, Mohd Fauzi, pounced on Sheikh Niza who had arrested Ahmad Sarbaini on 1st April -- but had achieved nothing in the first Cautioned Statement. Sheikh Niza had to do what was necessary to pin this rap on Ahmad Sarbaini. There was no turning back now. They had already committed themselves and so they had to make this 'Malaysian Book of Records' case stick, by hook or by crook if necessary. Sheikh Niza summoned Ahmad Sarbaini back to the MACC KL Office to give a second Cautioned Statement. Contrary to normal procedures where written notices are issued, this order was given verbally. Sheikh Niza decided that he could not tackle Ahmad Sarbaini by playing hardball. He realized that Ahmad Sarbaini was a God-fearing man who feared no mortal. He never missed praying five times a day -- whereas Sheikh Niza may have a pious name but he was nowhere near that pious name. It was then he decided to use trickery, deception and inducement - something he had learned while serving as a prison warder. Cunningly, Sheikh Niza told Ahmad Sarbaini that he (Sheikh) had aided in his release and that Ahmad Sarbaini was no longer regarded as a suspect. Without batting an eyelid, Sheikh Niza convinced Ahmad Sarbaini that although this second statement was a continuation of the first one, Ahmad Sarbaini would be treated as a witness and not a suspect. Subsequently, Sheikh Niza demonstrated to Ahmad Sarbaini that he was recording the second statement under section 30(3) of the MACC Act. That is why if you were to scrutinise the opening remarks of the second statement, which was supposed to be a continuation of the first statement, it was made under a different provision of the MACC Act. It was all part of Sheikh Niza's and KUS Mohd Fuzi's sleight of hand or 'silap mata'. Despite his 'soft' and persuasive approach to deceive Ahmad Sarbaini, Sheikh Niza became frustrated when, in spite of the long hours of interrogation, Ahmad Sarbaini was still not giving him the story that he wanted. Sheikh Niza tried to intimidate Ahmad Sarbaini by placing the lockup uniform on the table in plain view for him to see while recording the final part of Ahmad Sarbaini's statement. Sheikh Niza then made distinctions between "wang imbuhan" and "wang ehsan". Deviously, he trapped Ahmad Sarbaini into believing that "wang ehsan" was like sedekah or a donation and that it was halal and purely legal to accept it. Sheikh also made various analogies to substantiate his deception. By then the interview was already stretching into more than four hours. Feeling tired, Ahmad Sarbaini was afraid he might be kept in the lockup again since it was already 6.30 pm. and was ready to accept any suggestion by Sheikh Niza. All he wanted was to return to his family. That was how Sheikh Niza deceived Ahmad Sarbaini into signing the second Cautioned Statement that contained his 'confession'. Sheikh Niza admitted to the Coroner that the so-called Cautioned Statement merely provided answers to questions that he had posed to Ahmad Sarbaini. In fact, Abd Ghani, the IO assigned to the case, told the Coroner that he was surprised to see the 'confession' that Sheikh Niza had successfully extracted. IO Abd Ghani had served in Anti-Corruption Agency before it became MACC - old wine in a new bag. He confided to close friends his reservation about the 'confession' and even told the court that it was the first ever in 20 odd years as an IO where he had seen anyone admitting to receiving kickbacks. He said, "Ini adalah sesuatu yang pelek" (This is very strange). Recalling Ahmad Sarbaini KUS Mohd Fauzi could not contain his elation when Sheikh reported that Ahmad Sarbaini had signed a confession. Immediately, he reported to his Director, Hj Mohd Yusof, who reported the same to the MACC HQ. There was an incredible outburst of joy untold. MACC HQ's Director of Investigation, Dato Mustafar Ali, saw this as a vindication of the MACC -- especially since the on-going Teoh Beng Hock RCI was making embarrassing disclosures of MACC officers watching pornography during office hours not forgetting revelations of other dubious acts and acts of incompetence. MUSTAFAR ALI: Eager to use Ahmad Sarbaini's confession to vindicate MACC over the TBH RCI Dato Mustafar directed Hj Yusof and Mohd Fauzi to recall Ahmad Sarbaini, re-arrest him, seek a remand order, and to record a third Cautioned Statement under s. 53(3) -- like the first statement and not under s. 30(3) of the MACC Act as was done for the second statement. Sheikh Niza, now regarded as MACC's hero, again summoned Ahmad Sarbaini to the MACC office for his third statement to be recorded. Again, no written notice was given. In fact, Sheikh Niza, and all the MACC senior officers both at KL and their HQ in Putrajaya, will later use this as an excuse to say that Ahmad Sarbaini had come to the KL MACC Office voluntarily and without any appointment. The absence of a written notice made this lie possible. This was in fact the same trick they used in the Teoh Beng Hock case that enabled them to claim he was a mere witness and not a suspect in custody. Events leading to 6th April After he left Sheikh Niza that late evening of 4th April, Ahmad Sarbaini met up with some colleagues and narrated to them what had happened. They all told him that he had been tricked into giving a 'confession'. Initially, Ahmad Sarbaini was in a state of denial. Since he had never accepted any bribe by whatever name, he felt that Sheikh Niza was a decent man who would not trick him. He believed that even if he had admitted to receiving 'wang ehsan', whereas he did not, that would at most tantamount to a donation in the manner explained by Sheikh Niza. After all, Sheikh Niza was very encouraging when they spoke about religion and, to Ahmad Sarbaini, such a man would not resort to trickery. To comfort himself, the next day, on 5th April, Ahmad Sarbaini met up with his freight forwarding friend, Wan Zainal, and told him that he had inadvertently mentioned Zainal's name to the MACC. He did not tell Wan Zainal that Sheikh Niza had tricked him into making that confession. Ahmad Sarbaini was a simple man who felt that a person must be accountable for his actions. To his mind, he would be accountable and retract that confession when he met the MACC the following day. That was the same thing he had told his other close friends, the last time they ever saw him alive. TO BE CONTINUED ADDENDUM Ahmad Sarbani's death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 1) Ahmad Sarbani's death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 2) Ahmad Sarbani's death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 3) Ahmad Sarbani's death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 4) Ahmad Sarbani's death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 5) |
Let RTM show Bersih crowd violence, Rais tells cops Posted: 18 Jul 2011 12:01 AM PDT By The Malaysian Insider BANTING, July 18 — Datuk Seri Rais Yatim today offered for Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) to broadcast police recordings of unruly crowd behaviour captured during the July 9 Bersih rally. The information minister urged the police to hasten the showing of any such material to combat allegations of police brutality during their attempts to disperse the crowds attending the rally for electoral reforms. Earlier today, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said six teams will be set up to probe alleged incidents of brutality and violence by the authorities during the Bersih rally. He also appealed to the public to submit video footage captured during the march as evidence that police used excessive force in dispersing protesters. Police previously another formed three teams to investigate the death of protester Baharuddin Ahmad, whom authorities said died of a heart attack, and claims that police fired tear gas and water cannon into Tung Shin Hospital that day. Today, Rais also said the public should not criticise the police for not being genial in the execution of their duties "If they're like that, the public will not be afraid of them... We don't want the police to be always smiling or being too polite until the people question their ability to protect the country," the minister was quoted in a Bernama Online report today.
Tidak pernah saya rasa begitu benci pada kerajaan Posted: 17 Jul 2011 07:16 PM PDT
(Gambar: Pak Samad menurunkan tandatangan pada baju seorang anak muda yang hadir pada malam itu.) Beliau menyatakan demikian ketika berucap dalam Majlis Pelancaran Yellow Saturday di Markaz Tarbiyah PAS di Taman Melewar malam kelmarin. Turut berucap ialah dua Naib Presiden PAS, Salahuddin Ayub dan Datuk Mahfuz Omar serta anggota Unit Amal yang difitnah membawa pisau semasa himpunan Bersih 2.0, Abdul Razak. Khaulah Azwar, Harakah Daily Sasterawan Negara Datuk A Samad Said yang terkenal dengan sikap kelembutannya kini menyimpan satu perasaan benci kepada kerajaan. Ini berikutan tindakan polis menyuraikan perhimpunan Bersih2.0 genap seminggu lalu melibatkan kecederaan dan kehilangan nyawa rakyat. "Tidak pernah saya rasakan begitu bencinya saya pada kerajaan. Itulah waktunya saya lebih benci," katanya yang lebih mesra dengan panggilan Pak Samad yang mengimbau kembali pengalamannya di KL Sentral, tempat beliau mula-mula bertembung dengan polis. Beliau menyifatkan tindakan polis menangani perhimpunan damai itu secara bengis. Katanya, seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang telah menyertai himpunan itu terus mengkritis kerajaan Umno BN apabila melihat keganasan yang dilakukan oleh pihak polis. Justeru, beliau kesal kerana pemimpin Umno BN membuat berbagai helah menyatakan polis yang menjalankan tugas ketika itu tidak melakukan tindakan yang kasar kepada rakyat sebaliknya menuduh rakyat yang bertindak kasar. "Kata-kata itu menjadi luka berdarah buat rakyat Malaysia dan saya percaya Umno BN akan terkubur dalam PRU ke 13 nanti," katanya. Beliau menyatakan demikian ketika berucap dalam Majlis Pelancaran Yellow Saturday di Markaz Tarbiyah PAS di Taman Melewar malam kelmarin. Turut berucap ialah dua Naib Presiden PAS, Salahuddin Ayub dan Datuk Mahfuz Omar serta anggota Unit Amal yang difitnah membawa pisau semasa himpunan Bersih 2.0, Abdul Razak. Pak Samad juga menceritakan peng.alamannya dalam himpunan Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai lalu. "Sebelum (gas) ditembak, ada himpitan dari belakang, kelompok polis juga. Jadi kami agak tersepit, seperti di (Hospital) Tung Shin, (kami) tiada jalan alternatif lain, jadi go through saja. "Menghabiskan hari yang panjang daripada pagi sehinggalah disekat polis kali terakhir kira-kira 300 meter daripada Istana Negara di sebelah petang untuk menyampaian Memorandum yang merupakan amanah rakyat untuk di sembahkan kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, amat mengecewakan tiada pertimbangan yang sebaiknya oleh polis. "Mata saya telah mengalami kecederaan akibat tembakan gas water canon, mereka (Polis dan FRU) nampak saya ketika itu, kalau boleh mereka hendak makan saya". "Berbeza dengan demonstrasi pertamanya pada Mac 2007 bagi membantah dasar pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI), kali ini saya rasakan ujiannya terlalu kuat dengan menempuh pelbagai rintangan. "Sepatu Nike saya juga hilang apabila dihimpit dengan ramai rakyat disitu lebih-lebih lagi apabila polis datang mengejar rakyat yang berhimpun di situ. "Saya bukan sahaja hilang capal, tetapi peralatan yang saya bawa seperti garam, tuala kecil dan air mineral yang dibawa sebagai alat pelindung saya tepaksa diberikan orang lain apabila salah seorang peserta himpunan disitu kelihatan nafasnya menjadi sesak meminta-minta agar diberikan bantuan. "Saya berikan semua peralatan saya kepada beliau untuk menyelamatkan dirinya, jika tidak mungkin orang itu juga mengalami nasib yang serupa seperti arwah Baharudin. "Saya seharusnya diapit dua orang peguam, (tetapi) mereka juga hilang apabila kami semua dikejar oleh polis dan FRU untuk mengelak diri daripada ditembak dengan gas. "Pada Sabtu itu, pakaian saya sudah basah lencun akibat hujan dan dengan tembakan meriam air, saya terus berjalan kira-kira 10 kilometer menuju ke Istana Negara untuk menyerahkan memorandum kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong. "Saya berkaki ayam separuh jalan, berbatu-batu. Ada beberapa anak muda yang nampak saya ketika itu hendak beri saya sepatu Nike tetapi saya menolaknya kerana saya fikir sepatu itu cantik sangat dan biarlah saya bersusah payah untuk masa depan anak bangsa saya sendiri. "Kemudian saya didatangi oleh seorang lagi anak muda dengan memberi saya sepatu yang besar, saya menerimanya kerana saya fikir perjalanan saya jauh dan banyak halangan yang perlu saya tempuhi untuk menyerahkan Memorandum kepada Agong. Ini merupakan satu pengalaman pahit dan tidak mungkin saya lupakan. "Tidak pernah saya melihat satu kelompok orang muda yang berbilang bangsa itu bersatu oleh satu cita-cita. Itu sangat membanggakan. "Saya berpesan berulang kali kepada generasi muda terutamanya kalian seharusnya bertekad bersatu hati untuk mengubah pentadbiran demokrasi Negara ini dalam pilihanraya umum ke -13 nanti, demi masa depan anak cucu kita. "Orang tua mungkin tidak mampu lagi untuk bekerja kuat, namun kita akan sentiasa memberi sokongan padu bagi menukar pentadbiran kerajaan baru," kata Pak Samad Said disambut laungan Allahu akbar hadirin.
DAP downplays Pakatan split rumours Posted: 17 Jul 2011 06:59 PM PDT By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 — DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang today shrugged off talk that his party may split from Pakatan Rakyat (PR) due to recurring conflicts with PAS, saying the idea had "not seriously occurred" to party leaders. The senior politician also rejected the notion that PAS had kowtowed to DAP when the former revoked the Kedah entertainment outlet ban yesterday, insisting instead that the state government had shown tolerance and their willingness to resolve conflicts through consultation. "The issue has shown the preparedness of the Pakatan Rakyat leadership to discuss and resolve problems, a glaring contrast with Umno," he told The Malaysian Insider today. "The misunderstanding is really about the enactment in 1997 passed by Barisan Nasional (BN). That enactment affects the rights and sensitivities of the non-Muslims but now it has been rectified." Lim acknowledged, however, that the issue had irked many members from PAS and DAP but stressed that the problem had been resolved amicably through a win-win solution for both parties. The Kedah state government raised eyebrows recently when it said it would enforce the Entertainment and Entertainment Outlets Enactment 1997, which prohibits 13 types of entertainment outlets from operating during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. DAP leaders, including Lim, had spoken out against the ban, saying it infringed on the rights of non-Muslims and would be bad for business. Despite this, an aide close to the Kedah mentri besar said the ban would remain.
ICs to foreigners: Ex CM asked to explain Posted: 17 Jul 2011 06:45 PM PDT By Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: The blame game for the massive illegal immigrants in Sabah is now at the feet of former chief minister Harris Salleh. Earlier Harris had questioned a federal minister from Sabah for blaming the National Registration Department (NRD) for the illegal immigrants. Anti-illegal immigrant activist Dr Chong Eng Leong has called the former chief minister to clarify his alleged involvement in the infamous 'Project IC' issue. Chong said Harris had made several statements in the past where illegal immigrants were purportedly granted citizenship to prevent the dominance of the state by a largely Christian population. Chong said Harris had told writer Paul Raffaele in his book 'Harris Salleh of Sabah' that the federal government had the power to do what it liked in the state. Raffaele had quoted Harris as telling him: "… The federal government can register any of the refugees in three hours, three days, three months or three years. "There is no law stating the time and if the federal government wanted to alter forever the voting patterns of Sabah then it can do so it as easily as signing the papers…" This comment appeared in the last sentence of paragraph 6 on page 425 of the book, said Chong who wants Harris to clarify what he meant. United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) secretary general Wilfred Madius Tangau, a former MP, meanwhile recalled Harris's strong objection to the calls by politicians from both sides of the political divide for the establishment a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the alleged Project IC. He said this could be because Harris was afraid of being called as a witness should the federal government decide to proceed with it. NRD must respond Chong also said that Harris was implicated in the controversy by former ISA (Internal Security Act) detainee Hassnar Ibrahim who wrote in a letter which was reproduced in the book 'IC Projek – Agenda Tersembunyi Mahathir?' by MD Mutalib that Harris was also involved in the exercise. In his letter, Hassnar described how Harris was involved in the issuance of blue ICs to foreigners and the purpose of the exercise. Also mentioned in this letter were many names of top civil servants involved. "I did lodge a police report in October 2006 urging the authorities to investigate by interviewing those people mentioned in the letter but until today there is no reply from the police. I wonder if Tan Sri Harris has read this book," said Chong in a statement issued here today. He further noted that Hassnar was one of his witnesses in the Likas election petition 1999 trial against Sabah Progressive Party president Yong Teck Lee and the Election Commission. "Hassnar testified under oath describing how he was involved in this fraudulent act of issuing blue ICs to foreigners in Sabah and how eventually he was arrested under ISA for it. He named names who were involved, including Tan Sri Harris. |
Arrested in hotel room for wearing Bersih t-shirts Posted: 17 Jul 2011 04:03 PM PDT
By G Vinod, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: In a blatant invasion of privacy, the police arrested four people on holiday in Cameron Highlands by entering their hotel room at 1am on Sunday. The reason for the arrest: they were wearing Bersih t-shirts inside their hotel room. Those arrested were Seputeh MP's Teresa Kok's aide Teh Hoong Keat, 25; Lan Suet Ling, 23; Chin Kah Wai, 25; and a mutual acquaintance who requested anonymity. But the baffling part is that while they were held at the police station for three hours, no statements were taken, and their Bersih t-shirts were given back to them and told "to wear it as we please". Teh told a press conference today that the police arrested him and the three others when they were in their room at Cool Point Hotel in Cameron Highlands. Relating his ordeal, Teh, who was flanked by Lan and Chin said about 15 plainclothes policemen arrived and knocked on their hotel room at about 1am on Sunday after being tipped off by the hotel management that they were in possession of the Bersih T-shirts. "They just entered the room when I opened the door. One officer identified himself as chief inspector Basar Safar and said we needed to follow him to the police station for being in possession of banned material," said Teh. However, Teh said Basar refused to inform them whether they were under arrest. "One female officer then took our MyKads to note our details but refused to return it. She told us they will only be returned if we followed them to the police station," added Teh. Left with no choice, the four changed to a casual clothing and handed over their Bersih t-shirts to the police before following them. However, Teh said the police merely left them to sit on a couch for about three hours before releasing them. "At about 3am, another officer took our personal details again and told us that we can go back," said Teh. Unhappy with the episode, Teh accused the police of being unjust for invading their private space. OCPD must say sorry
Many Will Drop Out But Many More Still Will Join Posted: 17 Jul 2011 03:48 PM PDT By batsman Although RPK has a somewhat cynical opinion of politicians, not all politicians are cads or opportunists. The political struggle is a complex one and people need to understand some basics. I like to compare it to a journey. When people go for a tour, there is a very great likelihood that somehow quarrels, dissatisfaction and unhappiness will surface, especially if the tour consists of strangers from all sorts of backgrounds and needs. If the journey is a long one or an expedition, even more complex episodes and stories will occur and people will drop out from exhaustion, desertion, splits and quarrels, differences in timetables, resources and commitments and so on. Not all will complete the expedition from start to end. However, most journeys or expeditions still give good results. A political struggle is somewhat the same. I like to classify people into 5 categories for convenience in describing the political journey. The first category are the non-starters. They are the silly, the unconcerned, the apathetic, the overly busy, the disinterested, the cynical, the uninformed, the ignorant, the marginalized, the contented, the antagonists and the otherwise occupied, the lost and those without hope. These will only join the bandwagon when some sort of tragedy or earth shaking event knocks on their door. The next group are the crooked, the greedy, the corrupt and the opportunistic. They will also drop off quickly depending on their appetite or ambition. Most will turn into frogs very early on (the minute there is some temporary success) although some crooks can cling on to the bandwagon for quite a long length of time depending on how great their ambition is. The 3rd group are the weak, the weak-minded, the demoralized, the tired, the small minded, the small hearted, the revengeful, the manipulated, the tricked, the seduced, the satisfied and the self-interested. Most of these people get what they want from whatever small improvements that are achieved whether it is more attention, less suppression, too much pressure, enough goodies thrown their way or a big promotion and they drop out or split. The 4th group are the true nationalists and professionals. They are fed up of seeing the country racked by corruption, petty racial and religious quarrels and yearn for a truly united and successful country working as one. If they succeed, these are the people who will form the backbone of the new government and the new order, but they will not go further than working to see the country being competitive, successful and progressing fast, not pulled back by internal quarrels. Most of the strongest people in the PR will be from this group. Further when people see hope that corruption and abuse can be successfully fought, many more will join the fight. The tide will be turned. Those who were non-starters or who had no hope before will be eager to join the fight against prejudice, abuse and corruption. The last group are the idealists. They are the ones who will push to go the farthest. They have a vision for the country that goes beyond being competitive, successful, progressing fast and not pulled back by petty internal squabbles. Most of such ideals will be of a spiritual, cultural or social nature. They see it as pointless to be rich and successful but without a soul or to be surrounded by unhappiness. These people will shrink from spiritual and cultural corruption of society especially those imported from what they see as the decadence and sinfulness of the west or inherited from medieval times. Most of these people will be from PAS but will also include other types of idealists including who have no religious backgrounds as well. Some claim that DAP socialists can be included in this category, but I personally doubt very much that DAP socialists are such idealists. I may be wrong. The problem with these idealists are that they may actually drop out early in the beginning of the journey especially if they lack patience, when their idealism overrides their judgment, or if their understanding of the struggle is weak. Such people will push for the satisfaction of their ideals even before all the previous stages are achieved – even before the biggest obstacle of all to getting rid of corruption is still entrenched as absolute power in government, wielding all the power it needs to practice corruption and stamp out idealism. There are some major problems to achieving idealistic goals, whether religious, cultural or social. The understanding that idealistic goals cannot be achieved by force is badly needed. Once force is employed, idealism goes out the window. Without a good understanding and full appreciation of the difficulty, the subtlety and problems involved, there will be an underestimation of the strength and patience needed for the struggle and short cuts will be attempted. Idealism can only be achieved by respect, consensus, consultation and agreement. It cannot be achieved by trying to force beliefs and practices on lost people who lack ideals, but by example and successful projects and programmes starting with small but convincing projects and exercises. If there are no successful practical models to convince people, it is pointless to force non-believers or beginners to achieve idealistic goals. However, even nationalistic governments will not tolerate things like fraud, prostitution and drug abuse. As members of government concerned not only about monetary corruption but corruption of the spirit, culture and society, idealists have the right to demand a minimum of decency in the social environment. Such a minimum is open to interpretation and will have to be negotiated with others of different faiths, culture or ideals on a progressive basis – as an when the situation improves, a new level of decency may be aimed for. Idealism is the most difficult and takes the longest to achieve because it involves changing people, their habits, their values and beliefs. Short cuts are appealing but dangerous and apt to backfire. As it stands, people have to be properly briefed, properly motivated and properly informed to get even the most simple agreements, but that is the nature of idealism. If it were not difficult to achieve, it would not be a worthwhile ideal. Not only that, successful real life achievements speak volumes for themselves. With this, many who call themselves idealists will also drop out along the way, but many more others still will join up because every new level of decency achieved will serve as encouragement for a multitude. Those who drop out however will turn into impatient cynics skilled in using the language and arguments of idealism but actually practicing short cuts and employing force to get what they want. The struggle will be complex and difficult, but there is little choice in the matter as the present abuse, sin and corruption is beyond the tolerance of even the most patient decent person and there will be no improvements at all without struggle against evil. Once the tide is turned, evil will be on the run. |
PAS: MCA, Gerakan approved nightspot ban in 1997 Posted: 17 Jul 2011 03:47 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - PAS today called MCA and Gerakan hypocrites for criticising the Kedah ban on entertainment outlets, pointing out that the two parties had approved the law when it was passed during the rule of the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the state. "It was this group that supported the enactment in 1997 when it was debated before," PAS information chief Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said in a statement carried on PAS website Harakah Daily this morning. "Suddenly, they want to become heroes supposedly because they want to protect the rights of the non-Muslims." Tuan Ibrahim, who is PAS Pahang commissioner, also countered accusations that the state's decision yesterday to revoke the ban was due to the Islamist party's subservience to DAP and dared all BN-controlled states to impose the same restrictions. Instead, Tuan Ibrahim said it was a smart move because operators had now agreed to help the state government ensure that Muslims would not patronise their outlets and were prepared to be reprimanded if they violated the enactment. "This is a new chapter because the Kedah government, under PAS's leadership, has successfully enforced an enactment that benefits the Muslims in the state, something which Umno never achieved despite its long rule," he said. Tuan Ibrahim also claimed that Kedah Muslims knew of BN's failure in this respect, saying the federal ruling pact had never made any effort to create a conducive environment in the state for the Ramadan month.
Gerakan man tells Umno: Govern like PAS Posted: 17 Jul 2011 03:38 PM PDT
The Islamic party can teach Putrajaya a thing or two about good governance, says Baljit Singh. (Free Malaysia Today) - A Gerakan leader today praised the Kedah government for cancelling its blanket ban on entertainment during Ramadan. It shows that PAS, unlike the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government, respects public opinion, according to Baljit Singh, who heads Penang Gerakan's Legal and Human Rights Bureau. The PAS-led Kedah administration yesterday revoked a decision to shut bars, discos and other entertainment outlets during the Muslim fasting month, just days after announcing it and provoking a public uproar. Operators are now required merely to turn away Muslim customers. Baljit said PAS, in its willingness to accept positive public feedback, had shown an aptitude for good governance. "I have to praise PAS for listening to the people and accepting views that the blanket ban was a bad move," Baljit said. "The Umno-dominated federal government should be emulating such an example. It should learn from PAS to improve its governance." Instead, he said, Umno had shown arrogance in the face of criticism, as reflected in its refusal to repeal draconian laws and answer the call for reforms in the election system. "Umno seems never to listen to public opinion. If only it would heed the public, we would have a better and more popular federal government."
Firm loses appeal against Barisan Posted: 17 Jul 2011 03:04 PM PDT
By Lisa Goh, The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Merchandise supplier Elegant Advisory Sdn Bhd received another setback Monday in its RM218mil suit against Barisan Nasional over non-payment for the supply of election paraphernalia for the 2004 general election. The High Court here has dismissed its appeal against an earlier High Court decision (by a senior assistant registrar) in favour of Barisan. Justice Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof made his ruling after meeting with counsel for parties in chambers Monday. Speaking to reporters, counsel for Elegant Advisory Mohd Nazruddin Abdullah said the court made the ruling after finding that the plaintiff had failed to serve the writ to the defendants properly. Counsel for Barisan Datuk Hafarizam Harun, said following the ruling, he would be filing an application soon to have the suit struck out. In its suit filed on Feb 17 this year, Elegant Advisory said it was involved in supplying election merchandise, transportation and publications, and had supplied Barisan with the items for the 11th general election in 2004. Barisan treasurer-general Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamed Hanadzlah, Barisan secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and the Barisan public officer were named as defendants in the suit. The plaintiff claimed that it had sent invoices for over RM218mil and that the defendant had failed to pay up. On March 7, the plaintiff obtained a judgment-in-default against the defendants. On March 24, the defendants filed an appeal to set aside the judgment-in-default, which was granted by a senior assistant registrar on June 23. The High Court Monday also fixed July 21 for mention of the case.
Minister not sure when TBH RCI report will be released Posted: 17 Jul 2011 02:41 PM PDT By Melissa Chi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 — Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said today he was not sure when the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) report into the death of Teoh Beng Hock would be made public. "You have to check with KSN's office because on the implementation of our decision, it is the secretariat of the Cabinet, you have to ask the chief secretary when, I wouldn't know," he told reporters after officiating the Commonwealth Magistrates' and Judges' Conference 2011 here at the Royale Chulan Hotel. He was referring to possible publication issues. Nazri said he had on July 6 submitted the report to the Cabinet and it had unanimously agreed to make the report public. He said the government had no reason to keep the 124-page report under wraps, as the RCI was set up under public pressure. Teoh, 30, the political aide to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah, was found dead on July 16, 2009, after giving his statement to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
PSM petition campaign to secure release of EO6 Posted: 17 Jul 2011 02:13 PM PDT By Athi SHankar, FMT GEORGE TOWN: A group of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) local leaders, members and supporters held an hour long petition campaign here on Sunday evening to secure the release of its six activists from the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance (EO) 1969. Led by PSM's central committee member and Bayan Baru branch secretary Soh Sock Hwa, the group held public talks, a signature campaign and a brief candlelight vigil at the Esplanade Speaker's Square from 6.30pm. They also held up a banner calling on the government to release the six and distributed leaflets on PSM statements on the EO detention. The petition campaign was a coordinated effort of Soh's branch and Penang chapter of human rights NGO, Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram). It was part of PSM nationwide campaign to garner public support to secure the release of the six, including Sungai Siput Member of Parliament Dr D Micheal Jeyakumar. Jeyakumar is the first MP to be detained for 60 days without trial under EO. The other five are party national deputy chairman M Saraswathy, CC members Choo Chon Kai and M Sugumaran, Sungai Siput branch secretary A Letchumanan and national Youth chief R Sarathbabu. They are aged between 56 and 26. At the campaign, Soh, Suaram local coordinator Ong Jing Cheng and Jeyakumar's sister Prema explained to some 50 people that the detention of the six was unjust, unfair and against the rule of law. They called on the public to support the petition campaign to secure their release. They explained that the six were made scapegoats in the Barisan Nasional federal government anti-Bersih drive. Soh, 29, alleged that the Umno-led Putrajaya administration intended to scare off Malaysians from Bersih 2.0 rally last July 9 by detaining the six under the EO. "EO is to hoodwink the people. The authorities dare not admit ISA detention," claimed Soh. She was among the 30 PSM leaders and members detained on Saturday evening June 25 at the Sungai Dua toll plaza in the North-South Expressway. She was charged together with 22 others in Butterworth Sessions Court on July 4 with allegedly being in possession of 600 photocopies of Bersih pamphlets and subversive documents. The charges were under Societies Act and Internal Security Act.
Bersih an opportunity for Jews to infiltrate country, says Utusan Posted: 17 Jul 2011 02:06 PM PDT By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 — Utusan Malaysia said today that street demonstrations could open the door to Jews and Israel to interfere in the country's affairs. The Umno-owned newspaper specifically named Bersih as such an example after citing former police chief Tan Sri Rahim Noor's assertion that there were parties who wanted any country that was against Jews and Israel to be toppled. "When the drums in the name of basic human rights becomes louder, it gives an opportunity to pro-Jewish groups to interfere in any Muslim country," Utusan said in an editorial today. "We may not be aware that supporting an action, including demonstrations, can trap us in the mission of foreign parties who are trying to control the country. The same with the illegal Bersih gathering, it is not free from getting foreign aid where thousands of ringgit was channelled into their account." The Malay daily also added that "we have seen a political leader who is said to be close to Jewish leaders and NGOs. Due to political ambitions, Islam and Malays can be sold out," it said, repeating allegations it has made in the past against opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, whose Pakatan Rakyat (PR) were firm backers of Bersih. Utusan Malaysia has also painted Bersih chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenivasan as anti-Islam and previously alleged that Bersih was funded by Christian groups such as the Konrad Adenauer Foundation from Germany and the Canadian Allied Foundation. It added today that "Muslims and Malaysians should not allow any party especially Jews from interfering in the affairs of this country". Its news editor, Zulkiflee Bakar, also wrote in a separate commentary that swift action should be taken against the Bersih chief, as "we want to know the truth behind the allegations that Ambiga has received foreign funds to organise the illegal demonstration".
Kit Siang: Teoh’s ghost will linger after release of RCI report Posted: 17 Jul 2011 02:01 PM PDT By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 — DAP's Lim Kit Siang today lauded the Cabinet's decision to make public the Royal Commission of Inquiry's (RCI) findings on Teoh Beng Hock's death but warned that its release might not lay the two-year controversy to rest. The senior politician reminded the government that it was still yet to be determined if the RCI had successfully unearthed the mysterious circumstances that led to Teoh's fatal fall in 2009."We do not know if the RCI was able to get to that depth, to the root of the matter . . . to determine the details behind Teoh's death and whether it is acceptable. We will still need to study it," he told The Malaysian Insider. On the announcement by Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz that the report would be made public, Lim said that while this was a positive development, the report should have been released simultaneously to the public when it was presented to Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin last month. "If this (announcement) is true, it is a positive step," he said. "There is no justification for withholding the report from the public. "But they should have a practice whereby arrangements are made when RCI reports are presented to the Agong, they are also released simultaneously to the public." Lim, along with numerous opposition leaders, has been pressuring the Cabinet to release the report by the RCI, which was tasked to unravel the mysterious circumstances behind Teoh's death and to look into the investigation methods of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). "This is for the principles of accountability and good governance," said Lim. "It is the people's right to know what belongs to them. "This delay, it reflects the efficiency and competency of the government . . . after more than three weeks, the matter is still shrouded in uncertainty." Federal Court Judge Tan Sri James Foong, who headed the five-man panel on the RCI, presented the 124-page report to the King on June 22. The report documents the proceedings of the inquiry, including testimonies from 70 witnesses and recommendations to the MACC. The Star newspaper today quoted Nazri, a minister in the Prime Minister's Department, as saying that he presented the report to the Cabinet on July 6 and it had decided to release it to the public.
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