Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Stop making more wrong turns, BN told
- Teoh’s sister: My brother was murdered
- Veterans to attend Amanah launch
- Teoh committed suicide due to aggressive questioning by MACC officials, says RCI
- Jewish group slams Utusan for sowing anti-Semitic hatred
- Arrest warrants for July 9 VIPs
- RPK claims proof Sarbaini did not take bribes
- French lawyer probing Altantuya-linked 'kickbacks' is in town
- How did I get a MyKad?, fumes cheated investor
- Cops to attack Bersih with clips for brutality probe, claims Utusan
- Shafee: Raja Petra’s Sarbaini claims nonsense
Stop making more wrong turns, BN told Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:16 PM PDT
MIC central working committee member S Vell Paari tells BN to stop dumping salt into the July 9 wound. (Free Malaysia Today) - Barisan Nasional should stop making one wrong turn after another with regard to the Bersih 2.0 rally, said MIC central working committee member S Vell Paari. Expressing regret over the harsh reaction to the rally from the onset, he warned that the July 9 episode had left a gaping wound and it was counter productive for BN to continue dumping salt into it. "Let us put aside Bersih 2.0′s call for electoral reforms, what is also needed is a total reformation in BN, where its leaders should learn to handle a crisis in a more diplomatic manner instead of using tear gas and water cannons to silence dissenting views," he told FMT. Vell Paari noted that Bersih 2.0 had a bone to pick with the Election Commission, but the unwarranted actions and threats from the authorities made it seem that the coalition was against BN. Commenting on the Tung Shin Hospital incident, he said the police should apologise if it had fired tear gas into the compound and not attempt to skirt around the issue when there were many videos and photographs to back the claim. "Sometimes in a tensed situation, there is a possibility that an overzealous policeman may make a mistake, and the police should just admit this instead of going into denial mode," he said. The game has changed Vell Paari said that the game of politics in Malaysia had changed tremendously over the years, but the politicians in BN still refused to adapt and held on to antiquated strategies. "We cannot operate like how we did 10 or 20 years ago, everyone has access to information, almost everyone is walking around with a smart phone – with just a click of the button, information comes pouring. "In order to argue its case, BN must engage its opponents and critics on the same wavelength and not invoke security laws, deploy the police or ban T-shirts," he added. Concurring with Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, Vell Paari said the six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) leaders held under the Emergency Ordinance should be released. "Their continued detention will only make things worse for BN and the repercussions will be felt in the next general election," he added.
Teoh’s sister: My brother was murdered Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:04 PM PDT
Teoh Beng Hock's family rejects the RCI findings that he committed suicide and will consider a judicial review. (Free Malaysia Today) - The family of Teoh Beng Hock said today that they rejected the findings of the Royal Commission Inquiry (RCI) that Teoh had committed suicide due to aggressive interrogation techniques by three Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers. Teoh's sister Teoh Lee Lan told reporters that the family cannot accept the report's conclusion that her brother had been driven to suicide, saying that her brother was not a weak individual. "We cannot accept the (RCI's) conclusion… that he was driven to suicide. That is not an answer to us," she said . The clearly distraught and angry Lee Lan said that RCI report still failed to provide answers. Although it had pointed to bad interrogation techniques, it fell short of stating that Teoh was murdered. "(The report) showed that he was badly tortured. But did they prove that Beng Hock was murdered? These RCI finding shows how bad MACC procedure is. (But) it did not tell us what really happened to Beng Hock,"she said. "It is not an answer for us. We will continue to fight for justice." Lee Lan, who was reduced to tears during the press conference, said that her brother was not weak. Minister in the Prime Minister's department Nazri Abdul Aziz said earlier that the RCI conclusion was also supported by forensic psychiatrist Dr Paul Mullen, who was engaged by the Bar Council. Mullen had said that Teoh's risk of committing suicide soared drastically due to the long hours of aggressive interrogation. Lee Lan also said that the MACC had killed her sibling, quoting many eye-witnesses who have recounted their experiences during RCI proceedings. "They killed him. This fact we know," she said adamantly. Lee Lan also slammed the government saying: "The RCI report merely tell us that the government doesn't want to bear the responsibility. They used some improper manner, but nobody tells who should bear the responsibility." "We will not compromise, we will go nationwide and tell all that you are an irresponsible government." 'Time needed to study report' Meanwhile, family lawyer, Karpal Singh, said that more time was need in order to study the report carefully before deciding on the next course of action. He added that they will most likely decide on the matter next week. Asked if any legal criminal charges can be taken against the three MACC interrogators, Karpal said that the focus should instead be on the RCI conclusion that Teoh had committed suicide.
Veterans to attend Amanah launch Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:53 PM PDT Haris Ibrahim of MCLM will also be attending the AMANAH launch Former ministers and elected reps are expected to dominate the inauguration of Tengku Razaleigh's NGO (Free Malaysia Today) - The launch of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah's Angkatan Amanah Merdeka tomorrow is expected to draw some political veterans, including former MCA president Ong Tee Keat and former MIC deputy president S Subramaniam. Others who may attend are former minister Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir, Penang Malays Association president Yusoff Latiff and a few leaders from Sabah and Sarawak. But sources said the crowd would be dominated by members of Mubarak, the association of former elected representatives. Kita president Zaid Ibrahim has confirmed his attendance, saying he supported Tengku Razaleigh's initiative "one hundred percent" and that the new NGO would be a palliative against the current politicking that had turned the country into a "combat zone". It is learnt that not many prominent leaders from either Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat would attend. PAS vice-president Husam Musa said some PAS members might attend, not necessarily to join Amanah, but to give it moral support because the party and the NGO upheld similar principles. Invitations were sent through SMS last night. One of the recipients was Kelantan opposition leader Alwi Che Ahmad, but he told FMT the launch conflicted with another event he had to attend. Meanwhile, individuals close to Tengku Razaleigh have dismissed speculation that he intended to quit Umno, saying he still believed that the party could be reformed from within.
Teoh committed suicide due to aggressive questioning by MACC officials, says RCI Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:40 PM PDT
(New Straits Times) - The Royal Commission of Inquiry to look into the death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock found that he committed suicide due to aggressive questioning by the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) officials. Following is the conclusion of the 124-page report released today: "Conclusion We recognise that the MACC is necessary as an instrument of society in furthering its desire to eradicate corruption in all its multifaceted forms. To this end, the MACC was created and given wide-ranging powers to make it effective in achieving society's aim. However, the conferment of extensive powers on the MACC without the necessary checks and balances will inevitably result in those powers being abused. Such abuse becomes difficult to prove as the only witnesses would most likely be those officers whose conduct is being investigated. As we have stated, the investigation into this will bring in its wake the inherent and harsh realities of meeting "a blue wall of science' basde on brotherhood ties among those officers. But what is most saddening and regrettable is that the operation that the Selangor MACC embarked upon led to the death of TBH, a promising young man in the prime of life who had everything to look forward to. His family was robbed of a son and brother, his fiancee of a husband and his then unborn child of a father. We can feel the pain and anguish that they must have suffered and continue to suffer as a result of the callous machinations and attitudes of the MACC officers who were involved in the operation. We express our heartflet sympathies on the loss that the family of TBH and his fiancee and son have had to bear and continue to bear. We can only hope that time will assuage their plan. The officers of the MACC should in fact be the guardians of the MACC Act and be persons of impeccable character and integrity who exercise their powers with an even hand, a steady eye and an unswerving allegiance to justice for the generation of public confidence in the MACC, together with the checks and balances proposed by us in place so that what had happened in this case will hopefully not recur. As for what did happen, we have made our findings in this report and we therefore leave it to the relevant authorities to take the necessary action.
Jewish group slams Utusan for sowing anti-Semitic hatred Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:10 PM PDT
A global Jewish organisation says that the paper's allegations were 'preposterous' and 'offensive' and only serves to perpetuate anti-Semitic sentiments. (Free Malaysia Today) - A global Jewish organisation has hit out at the Utusan Malaysia newspaper for propagating anti-Semitic hatred. The paper had claimed in its editorial that the Bersih 2.0 rally was an opportunity for Jews to infiltrate into Malaysia's national affairs. B'nai B'rith International, a Jewish humanitarian organisation, called the allegation "preposterous" and "offensive" and which only serves to perpetuate an anti-Semitic attitude. "Though no specific plot was mentioned in the editorial, the accusation of a possible Jewish interference in Malaysia's internal affairs is an outlandish claim that promotes anti-Semitic attitudes," said a statement on its website. It added that that this claim was "especially harmful" as spreading such messages in a government-backed paper only lends more legitimacy to such arguments. "As many Malaysians rely on government-backed media outlets for news and information, this destructive claim is likely to be the only information some citizens receive on this issue," it added. On July 18, Utusan had carried an editorial linking the Bersih 2.0 rally to pro-Jewish groups. It said that supporting the demonstration can assist the alleged motive of "pro-foreign parties who are trying to control the country". It further cautioned: "Muslims and Malaysians should not allow any party especially Jews from interfering in the affairs of this country." Prior to the July 9 rally, the Malay daily had also carried headlines linking Bersih 2.0 – which had staged the rally demanding for clean and fair elections – with Communism and being funded by international Christian organisations.
Arrest warrants for July 9 VIPs Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:00 PM PDT
A Berita Harian report claims that the police have applied for 13 arrest warrants, but a PKR leader says there is no basis for this and demands an apology. (Free Malaysia Today) - The police have applied for arrest warrants to haul in 13 individuals, including Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and national laureate A Samad Said, in connection with the Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9. Berita Harian reported that among the luminaries on the list were Anwar's daughter, PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar, PAS vice-president Husam Musa, PKR MP R Sivarasa, PAS MP Hatta Ramli, Bersih 2.0 steering committee members Haris Ibrahim and Wong Chin Huat, PKR leaders Latheefa Koya and Badrul Hisham Shaharin as well as former Perak Speaker V Sivakumar. The list also contained the name of PAS Titiwangsa MP Dr Lo' Lo' Ghazali but she had passed away on Sunday. Umno Youth exco member Reezal Merican Naina Merican was also on the list for failing to turn up at the Dang Wangi police headquarters to assist investigation. Berita Harian reported that the Kuala Lumpur police had submitted their findings to Bukit Aman, which stated that the 13 failed to assist in investigations and that applications were submitted for arrest warrants. Previously, the police recorded statements from Bersih 2.0 chairperson S Ambiga, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, his deputy Mohamad Sabu, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, Putera 1Malaysia Club chairperson Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim and Anwar's youngest daughter, Nurul Iman. He also dismissed the claim that Anwar, Samad, Husam, Sivarasa, Nurul, Hatta and Latheefa had been called for questioning but failed to turn up on July 11. "We are surprised by this threat of issuance of warrants of arrest. We confirm that none of the persons mentioned above received any notification from the police to attend questioning. Based on this, we also believe none of the other persons mentioned had received notification," he said.
RPK claims proof Sarbaini did not take bribes Posted: 20 Jul 2011 03:25 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Raja Petra Kamarudin today continued his attacks against the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), this time producing what appears to be a cautioned statement by Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed where he allegedly stated that he had never received any bribes as a Customs officer. The fugitive blogger posted on his Malaysia Today website what appears to be Ahmad Sarbaini's cautioned statement under section 53(3) of the 2009 MACC Act. The document contained supposed details of the Customs officer's personal and family assets where he stated that he and his family owned three cars and three houses. Ahmad Sarbaini, 56, who was attached to the Port Klang Customs office, was found dead on a badminton court on the first floor of the MACC building in Cheras here on April 6. He had been remanded on March 29 following an MACC-led swoop on a Customs syndicate that it said was responsible for at least RM3 billion in unpaid taxes, resulting in the arrest of 62 officers. "I can confirm that all the time I have worked in Customs I have not met anyone by the name of Chooi from Top Freight and Shipping (M) Sdn Bhd. As far as I can remember I only recognise Top Mark officials who deal with me regarding imports and exports… (one of them) is called Firdaus. "In all my dealings with Firdaus I have never been offered any imbuhan (additional profit) related to Customs," read the document allegedly signed by Ahmad Sarbaini. According to the document, MACC investigators had asked Ahmad Sarbaini to verify whether he had approved and signed three Customs forms labelled B18101007861, B18104010782 and B18111013743. The document suggests that the late Customs officer had confirmed that his seal was used but could not at the time verify whether the signature belonged to him as there have been cases of "forgery" in the past. Raja Petra had also recently alleged Ahmad Sarbaini fell accidentally from the third-floor pantry window of the Kuala Lumpur MACC office after being forced onto the ledge by a senior MACC investigator.
French lawyer probing Altantuya-linked 'kickbacks' is in town Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:53 PM PDT
(Harakah Daily) - KUALA LUMPUR, Jul 20: French rights lawyer William Bourdon is in town, ready to push local political temperature even higher when he speaks at three events under rights group Suaram's latest project 'Ops Scorpene'. Bourdon's arrival is part of Suaram's efforts to seek a closure to the murder case of Altantuya Shariibuu, the Mongolian who had an affair with Abdul Razak Baginda, a close aide of Najib Razak, who was found brutally murdered in November 2006. Perimekar is said to be linked to Razak Baginda and his wife Mazlinda, who is one of its directors The purchase contract was signed by the Malaysian government in 2002 with French DCNS and Spanish Navantia, through direct negotiation undertaken by Perimekar, a company linked to Razak Baginda, who left for Britain soon after he was acquitted of the murder charge. This and the fact that Perimekar was only set up in 2001 fanned speculation that it was the middleman to receive kickbacks from Malaysia and France.
How did I get a MyKad?, fumes cheated investor Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:48 PM PDT By Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: A puzzled Taiwanese businessman, Lin Yun Chun, wants the police and the relevant authority to investigate how and when a MyKad was issued in his name. "I have never applied to the National Registration Department (NRD) for the MyKad. I do not read English and Bahasa Malaysia. "I do not know how the MyKad was issued in my name, with different birth dates from my passport. "I purchased all my properties in Sabah using my Taiwan passport. "I urge the police and the relevant authority to investigate how and when the MyKad was issued in my name," he said in a statement issued through his representative Chia Chiew Pui. Chia, who holds power of attorney for Lin, lodged a police report here yesterday. He is seeking police assistance to investigate how a MyKad was issued in his name. Lin said he had always travelled to Sabah with his Taiwanese passport. He said his visits to Sabah was always either on a tourist or business visa. "The last time I traveled to Sabah was in 2000. I was on a tourist visa and then (they) granted (me a) business visa. "When my visa expired sometime in July 2000, the relevant authorities such as the Industrial Development Department and the Chief Minister's Department recommended to the Sabah Immigration to extend a one year business visa to me as an investor," he explained. Falsified documents He said this latest twist of event was not isolated but was in fact an addition to the multiple falsifications of documents by unscrupulous persons leading to the wrong issuance of copies of his title deeds which saw the exchange of hands of his properties. Lin said that he had been away from Sabah from 2000 to 2009 because of illness and had only discovered the fraud on returning here in August 2009. "When I returned, I was shocked that my properties had changed to third parties by way of falsified documentations. "I am still holding all the original title deeds to these properties. "How could I be selling my properties without surrendering my original titles to the lawyer preparing the sales and purchase agreement?" he said. Lin also dismissed 'as baseless and wrongful' allegation that he received RM800,000 for the sale of his house in Tangung Aru and or other properties via Chia. "I have never appointed anyone to sell my house or properties using power of attorney," he stressed.
Cops to attack Bersih with clips for brutality probe, claims Utusan Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:44 PM PDT By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 — Investigators tasked with looking into Bersih police brutality claims will instead use video evidence collected during the probe to attack the credibility of protesters, according to an Utusan Malaysia report today. Police sources told the Malay daily several videos found on pro-opposition blogs were found to have been tampered in an effort to damage public perception of the police and discredit the authorities. Investigators are also said to have a video showing a protester allegedly waiting for police to arrive to provoke them and can be heard saying: "If they (the police) don't come, we (protesters) failed." Police said on Tuesday that the internal probe into alleged police brutality will study videos and pictures taken at the rally, and take statements from protesters, police on duty that day and the general public. Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar revealed the same day that the probe was nearly done and gave an assurance that the findings would be revealed to the public "very soon". Ismail also promised the media police will hold a special video screening at Bukit Aman police headquarters featuring relevant recordings of the rally once investigations have been completed. The Malaysian Insider reported yesterday, however, that Bersih organisers and independent observers have yet to be called by police for statements or evidence. The ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition has been put on the defensive over the Bersih rally for the past week as the international community, from Singapore to the UK, criticised the government's handling of the public dissent.
Shafee: Raja Petra’s Sarbaini claims nonsense Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:29 PM PDT By Syed Mu'az Syed Putra, The Malaysian Insider Datuk Seri Shafee Abdullah told The Malaysian Insider that most of the witnesses and forensic experts in the ongoing coroner's inquest into how the Selangor Customs assistant director fell to his death at the Kuala Lumpur MACC office on April 6 have so far ruled out both suicide and homicide. "Raja Petra is talking nonsense. I believe this allegation will not affect the inquest. He is history," Shafee (picture) said of the Malaysia Today news portal editor. Raja Petra had alleged on his website yesterday that Ahmad Sarbaini fell accidentally from the third-floor pantry window of the Kuala Lumpur MACC office after being forced onto the ledge by a senior MACC investigator. The popular blogger claimed the investigator was incensed that the Customs man wanted to retract his earlier confession, allegedly obtained under duress, and punished Ahmad Sarbaini by making him stand on the ledge. He further claimed that the MACC investigator convened a "conference" with his colleagues to "brainstorm and concoct the most plausible story" to protect their careers. "Raja Petra has nothing left to talk about, no credibility and not even accepted by the opposition," Shafee said. The high-profile lawyer said it was impossible for Ahmad Sarbaini to stand on the window itself as claimed by Raja Petra. "If Raja Petra can do it, then I want to see him try," he said. Up to yesterday, Raja Petra had written a seven-part series on Malaysia Today alleging that Ahmad Sarbaini death was caused by the anti-graft body's officers.
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