Sabtu, 9 Julai 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Mind control: the game of religion and politics

Posted: 07 Jul 2011 08:01 PM PDT

When you see kemunkaran (evil), fight it with your hands, said Prophet Muhammad (meaning, rise up in opposition). If you fear to fight it with your hands then fight it with your mouth (meaning, speak out against it). And if you still fear to fight it with your mouth then hate it in your heart. But those who only dare hate it in their heart is the sign of a very weak Muslim, said the Prophet.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Friday sermon accuses Bersih of manipulating Muslims

(The Malaysian Insider) — For the second week in a row, the Friday sermon in mosques throughout Kuala Lumpur attacked the credibility of Bersih's organisers, accusing them today of causing disunity by questioning Islamic rights and manipulating Muslims.

The sermon, obtained from the website of the Malaysian Department of Islamic Development (Jakim), charged that the organisers were using many tricks to achieve their goals. The sermon is prepared by the government and read out in all mosques in Kuala Lumpur.

"The big question is, who exactly are these people who have become traitors to their religion, race and country? They have actually angered Muslims before. Questioning Muslim rights and manipulating some Muslim leaders who have been blinded by the pursuit for power," said the prepared text.

The sermon did not name any of the leaders it was referring to, but it is believed to be aimed at Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders as well as the organisers of tomorrow's rally.

Last week's sermon accused Bersih's leaders of being "extremists", and had urged Muslims to reject the movement.

Today's sermon however stated that the rally's organisers undermined Islam through many means including legal measures. The speech also claimed that these leaders encouraged hatred among Malaysians by making provocative slogans.

"This is who they are, wearing masks on the pretext of upholding justice, making the rakyat a shield but the truth is that they have their own agenda to destabilise the country, weaken its rulers and destroy the harmony between the country's citizens," added the sermon.

The sermon warned Muslims against supporting any cause which could jeopardise the country's peace and security.

"As Muslims who love their religion, race and country, do not be fooled by their lies. Let us unite in defending every inch of our land from being invaded by enemies of Islam, unite so that every effort by our enemies will not bear fruition," said the sermon.

It urged Muslims to abide by the wishes of Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin that peace and security of the nation should be the utmost priority at all times.


Yes, JAKIM again, the same people who accused me of insulting Islam -- when I wrote that Friday prayer sermons spread hate messages -- which resulted in me being detained without trial under the Internal Security Act.

So, BERSIH is now the enemy of Islam whose aim is to undermine Islam. How convenient to pull the race and religion card out of your hat when you need a bogeyman.

JAKIM sounds just like the Christian preachers of 1,000 years ago -- whom in their sermons said that the Jews killed Jesus Christ and the Jews cut out the hearts of Christian babies and eat it raw and whatnot.

The result of that anti-Jew propaganda was the Jews all over Europe were expelled from the country of their birth. They were persecuted and discriminated against and were placed in 'special neighbourhoods' which they were forbidden from leaving under pain of death. They also had to wear yellow stars on their chest.

This was almost 1,000 years before Hitler and the Nazis did the same thing. England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc., were 700-800 hundred years ahead of Hitler but we keep talking about how bad the Nazis were while forgetting that the whole of Europe was as bad or worse than the Nazis.

So how different is JAKIM compared to the Europeans of 1,000 years ago or Nazi Germany of World War 2? JAKIM is just like the Fascists and Nazis. They stir hate and they hide behind religion in doing so. 

Yes, I know, many are asking me why I do not have the balls to come back to Malaysia. It is not about balls. It is about the freedom to say what I want to say. And can I go back to Malaysia and say that JAKIM is just like the Fascists and Nazis?

I can, I suppose. But then I would have to do that from behind the barbed wire fences of the Kamunting Detention Centre.

No, staying here is not just about freedom from prison. Staying here is about the freedom to whack racism, extremism, persecution, discrimination, hate sermons, Fascism, Nazism, and whatnot -- everything that Umno stands for and everything that I am opposed to.

Let me put it this way. If the Malaysian government can guarantee me that I shall be allowed Internet access in jail (like in the western countries) and if the government can guarantee me that I can continue to write and update Malaysia Today every day without fail, I, in turn, can guarantee that I will return to Malaysia and spend my time in jail.

Can we have a watertight agreement in writing?

READ: Expanding Internet Access in Prison (

Many prisons outside Malaysia allow inmates to keep in contact with the outside world through the use of the Internet and e-mails. In Malaysia, they still lock you up in solitary confinement in windowless cement boxes with no beds and mattresses.

Anyway, back to the issue of Friday prayer sermons. Is JAKIM doing a great service to Islam by indoctrinating Muslims to hate Christians and those of other religions? Malays are being brainwashed into becoming bigots and racists. And they are using religion to do this evil deed.

Many from the other faiths consider Islam an evil religion. Non-Muslims believe that Islam is a religion of hate. And can we blame them for coming to this conclusion when our words and deeds give this impression? Even I think that the government is spreading hate through the Friday prayer sermons. Why should non-Muslims not think the same?

And have a look at the memo below. What the Telekoms Malaysia staff does during working hours is the business of the company. But what they do outside working hours is nobody's business.

What illegal activity is Telekoms Malaysia talking about? Demonstrating? The so-called 'perhimpunan haram' being organised by BERSIH?

Read Imam Ghazali's kitab on haram and halal. Imam Ghazali has explained everything that is haram and halal in Islam. And demonstrating (perhimpunan) is not one of those listed as haram.

Is Malaysia not a Muslim country? Is not Islam the religion of the Federation? So, should we not follow the proper Islam of Imam Ghazali and not the false Islam of the Malaysian government?

And, according to Imam Ghazali, amar makruf, nahi munkar is mandatory to all Muslims. Failure to uphold this principle would make you a weak Muslim.

When you see kemunkaran (evil), fight it with your hands, said Prophet Muhammad (meaning, rise up in opposition). If you fear to fight it with your hands then fight it with your mouth (meaning, speak out against it). And if you still fear to fight it with your mouth then hate it in your heart. But those who only dare hate it in their heart is the sign of a very weak Muslim, said the Prophet.

That is true Islam, not the Islam of JAKIM. And organisations like Telekoms Malaysia are going against Islamic teachings. Maybe that is because a Jew is the CEO of Telekoms Malaysia and we all know that Jews are enemies of Islam, as what the Friday prayer sermons teach us.


The plan is working well (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 01:00 AM PDT

Participating in a march against the ruler is a sin that may affect the faith of Muslims, Federal Territory Mufti Datuk Wan Zabidi Wan Teh said yesterday. "From their understanding of the Quran and Sunnah, ulamas agree that loyalty to the ruler is obligatory for every Muslim," he added.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tan Sri: So, Datuk, are things working according to plan?

Datuk: Yes, Tan Sri, everything is perfect. We got the Federal Territory Mufti to issue his fatwah.

Tan Sri: Good, and how was it?

Datuk: He made it very clear that it is obligatory for all Muslims to support the government. If you oppose the government then you are kafir and you will burn in hell for eternity.

Tan Sri: He said it exactly like that?

Datuk: Not exactly like that lah, Tan Sri. He has to twist and turn a bit to confuse the Muslims.

Tan Sri: I see, like what most of these people do best anyway.

Datuk: The mufti said that from their understanding of the Quran and Sunnah, ulamas agree, etc., etc. etc. But he did not quote any verses from the Quran or any of the so-called Hadith. He also never mentioned by name which ulamas are of this opinion. So he very cleverly left it vague, which is therefore quite safe because no one can contradict him.

Tan Sri: But won't the Muslims ask for clarification since it is very vague?

Datuk: No lah, Tan Sri. When we were children, remember, we were never allowed to question the ustaz or ask for clarification? Whenever we ask any questions the ustaz would whack us and tell us that only those influenced by the devil will was-was.

Tan Sri: Very true. Yes, it is easy to fool Muslims because they will swallow whatever these so-called religious people say, hook, line and sinker. So far no one has contradicted the mufti with their own fatwah? Not even Nik Aziz or Dr Asri?

Datuk: No. It's already more than 24 hours and no one has rebutted the mufti. So I don't think we will face any problems. We can now circulate this fatwah in all the kampongs.

Tan Sri: I am surprised that Muslims can swallow this fatwah without question. If they just used their brains they will know that all the Prophets -- Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad -- opposed the government. If what the mufti said is true then Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad will also become kafir.

Datuk: Exactly. But then our education system has been able to reduce Muslims to a race that never questions religious people. So, as long as it comes from religious people, no one asks any questions -- although sometimes these religious people bullshit just like politicians.

Tan Sri: Don't we all know that. And what about the other matters?

Datuk: BERSIH has applied to use Stadium Merdeka but we rejected their application. We gave them a very vague excuse that some renovation work needs to be done on the stadium.

Tan Sri: But I thought that same night they were supposed to have a rock concert.

Datuk: That has been postponed to 1st October.

Tan Sri: I see, so the stadium is really closed then?

Datuk: Not quite. We are considering allowing PERKASA to use the stadium instead.

Tan Sri: On the 9th?

Datuk: Yes. Same time and date as BERSIH.

Tan Sri: But how will we explain rejecting BERSIH but approving PERKASA?

Datuk: We will say that PERKASA applied first.

Tan Sri: But we said we rejected BERSIH because of the renovation work.

Datuk: We will say that the renovation work is now delayed because the budget has not been approved yet.

Tan Sri: This sounds like we are twisting and turning.

Datuk: We ARE twisting and turning, Tan Sri.

Tan Sri: Can the people buy this?

Datuk: Well, we used this same excuse when Tunku Abdul Rahman and Hussein Onn applied to form Umno Malaysia. We rejected Umno Malaysia's application on grounds that Umno Baru applied to use the Umno name first even though Umno Baru submitted their application three days after Umno Malaysia.

Tan Sri: Yes, I remember that one. So everything is going smooth according to plan then?

Datuk: Not quite, Tan Sri. PERKASA requested an audience with His Majesty the Agong but Istana Negara declined the request.

Tan Sri: Oh, how are we going to explain that?

Datuk: We will think of a good spin. Not sure what we are going to say yet though.

Tan Sri: Hmm…that's embarrassing.

Datuk: Never mind. We can always refocus attention on different issues.

Tan Sri: Like what?

Datuk: Well, the police have announced that BERSIH is still an illegal organisation even though His Majesty consented to the audience. That means we can still arrest those behind BERSIH. Then the police announced that anyone wearing BERSIH T-shirts would still be arrested. Then the police announced that BERSIH still needs to apply for a police permit even though the assembly in the stadium is the Prime Minister's idea. The people will all argue about this and will forget that His Majesty refused to meet PERKASA.

Tan Sri: Have they applied for the police permit yet?

Datuk: Not sure but even if they have we can still reject the application because they need to apply for a permit 14 days before the event and 9th July is only three days away. That is the rule, 14 days.

Tan Sri: But what about PERKASA's application? How can we approve theirs if we reject BERSIH's?

Datuk: We can backdate it and say that they applied for the police permit more than 14 days ago.

Tan Sri: Good plan. Okay, and do you think all this is working in our favour?

Datuk: I think so, Tan Sri. People will be so angry because of all these twists, turns and bullshit that BN is going to get whacked in the next election.

Tan Sri: Good, very good. We need to create as much problems as we can so that BN performs very badly just like Pak Lah did in March 2008. Then Muhyiddin and Mukhriz can push for Najib's resignation just like Najib pushed Pak Lah out after the last GE.

Datuk: I think that is more or less assured, Tan Sri. Najib is looking more and more stupid on this BERSIH blunder. The Umno people are really pissed. We told Muhyiddin and Mukhriz to stay very silent and not make any comments. Let Najib and the police do all the talking.

Tan Sri: Yes, I have noticed how quiet Muhyiddin and Mukhriz have been. Khairy did open his mouth though.

Datuk: Yes, he said he is prepared to work with BERSIH. Umno Youth will whack him hard on this…you see.

Tan Sri: Okay, I need to brief Tun on all these developments. Keep me updated on anything new.

Datuk: Will do, Tan Sri. And please send Tun my salam and tell him we are with him all the way.

Tan Sri: I think Tun is going to be very pleased. His son should be the DPM very soon once Muhyiddin becomes PM.


Sertai perarakan haram boleh jejaskan iman - mufti

(Bernama) - Menyertai perarakan menentang pemerintah adalah sebaris dengan dosa-dosa besar yang boleh menjejaskan iman, kata Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan Datuk Wan Zabidi Wan Teh.

Merujuk kepada beberapa hadis, beliau menerangkan bahawa dosa akibat menderhaka kepada pemerintah diletakkan sebaris dengan syirik, membunuh, makan harta anak yatim, riba dan menderhaka kepada ibu bapa.

"Termasuk dalam perbuatan derhaka ialah membantah tanpa mengikut saluran yang betul mengenai apa jua keputusan pemerintah yang dibuat secara sah berasaskan kuasa yang diberikan kepada mereka dalam menjalankan urusan pentadbiran negara," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Wan Zabidi berkata, Rasulullah SAW telah mengingatkan dalam hadis-hadis sahih bahawa antara pelbagai aliran kefahaman agama, hanya pegangan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah yang akan selamat di akhirat kelak.

"Dan berasaskan dalil-dalil jelas dalam Al-Quran dan Sunnah, para ulama Ahli Sunnah telah ijmak (sepakat) mengatakan bahawa taat kepada pemerintah adalah fardu ke atas setiap Muslim," katanya.

Wan Zabidi berkata, sejarah dan realiti masa kini seperti yang dialami beberapa negara Islam yang terjerumus dalam kancah perang saudara, membuktikan kegiatan yang bermula dengan tunjuk perasaan terhadap pemerintah akhirnya mencetuskan suasana anarki dan kekacauan dalam negara.

Beliau berkata, memandangkan kemusnahan yang sangat besar terhadap agama dan umat disebabkan kegiatan penderhakaan atau "bid'atul khuruj", maka tidak hairanlah golongan penderhaka digelar Rasulullah sebagai "kilabunnar" (anjing neraka).

Wan Zabidi berkata, dalil-dalil turut menerangkan bahawa perbuatan derhaka selain daripada menjejaskan iman, juga boleh memutuskan jalan ke syurga dan menyebabkan seseorang mati dalam keadaan jahiliah.

"Sayugia diperingatkan mereka yang terlibat dalam penganjurannya, bukan sahaja akan menanggung dosa perbuatan itu, tetapi juga dosa setiap orang yang mengikutnya, tanpa mengurangkan dosa pengikut tersebut," katanya.

Wan Zabidi menyeru setiap umat Islam tidak melibatkan diri dengan apa jua bentuk tunjuk perasaan kerana ia adalah sebahagian daripada tindakan derhaka yang boleh menjurus ke arah pertumpahan darah, kehilangan nyawa, kemusnahan harta benda dan kesengsaraan masyarakat awam.


Translated into Chinese at:


Yeh! Yeh! Kita menang!…hmm…or did we? (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 06:25 PM PDT

Bersih 2.0 will hold its rally for electoral reforms in a stadium and not in the streets, the group said today fresh from an audience with the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong in Istana Negara. "We accept the government's offer to hold the demonstration in a stadium. We will not hold it in the streets," Bersih 2.0 chief Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan told reporters today.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Datuk: Tan Sri!

Tan Sri: Calm down, Datuk….apa hal bising sangat ni?

Datuk: I have some good news, Tan Sri.

Tan Sri: Ah, what is it this time? Ambiga has migrated and has applied for Australian citizenship? 

Datuk: No lah, Tan Sri. Better than that.

Tan Sri: What can be better than Ambiga leaving Malaysia?

Datuk: The BERSIH march is off…cancelled…batal.

Tan Sri: Hmm…that is certainly good news. How come?

Datuk: Ambiga had an audience with the Agong this afternoon and BERSIH has agreed to cancel the street march and hold a rally in the stadium instead.

Tan Sri: His Majesty agreed to meet Ambiga?

Datuk: Yes.

Tan Sri: So that means His Majesty recognises BERSIH?

Datuk: Looks like it.

Tan Sri: So that means we can't ban BERSIH then.

Datuk: Why not, Tan Sri?

Tan Sri: Aiyah...if His Majesty had an official meeting with BERSIH this would mean His Majesty recognises BERSIH. 

Datuk: So?

Tan Sri: So it means we can't ban BERSIH. If not then His Majesty would be guilty of collaborating with an illegal organisation and we would have to arrest His Majesty under the Internal Security Act.

Datuk: Oh…I never thought of that.

Tan Sri: Yes…and that's why you are a mere Datuk while I am a Tan Sri.

Datuk: That also means we cannot allege that BERSIH is backed by the Communists and Jews. If not then His Majesty would be guilty of working with the Communists and Jews.

Tan Sri: Now you are getting it. So how can that be good news?

Datuk: Didn't His Majesty think of this? Aiyah…why so stupid?

Tan Sri: Hey, that is seditious. You can't call the Agong stupid.

Datuk: No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant it was stupid of us to allow the Agong to meet Ambiga.

Tan Sri: But we dragged the Agong into this. So how can we prevent the Agong from meeting BERSIH?

Datuk: Ia lah. We made a big mistake in issuing that statement from the Agong.

Tan Sri: Hey! Cakap baik sikit!

Datuk: Sorry, I meant we made a big mistake in asking the Agong to issue that statement.

Tan Sri: That's better. Don't ever say we issued that statement on behalf of the Agong.

Datuk: Okay lah, but at least the street march is off…now it's been reduced to just a rally in a stadium.

Tan Sri: How many people do you think will attend the rally?

Datuk: Not sure. Maybe 100,000…could even be 200,000. Now that it is no longer an illegal assembly and there is no danger of arrests many more people may turn out. Those who were initially afraid to turn out may now turn out since it is safe. Mana tahu? Could even be 300,000 people.

Tan Sri: How would 300,000 people park their cars at the stadium?

Datuk: Oh, cannot lah. There is not enough car park space for 300,000 people. They will have to park their cars elsewhere and walk to the stadium…or take public transport.

Tan Sri: So, to get to the stadium they will have to walk, right?

Datuk: That's right.

Tan Sri: Which means they will be marching to the stadium instead of marching to the Agong's palace, right?

Datuk: Yes, that's right…oh…I see what you mean.

Tan Sri: Yes, that's what I mean. So the march is still on then. Only now it is a legal march, not an illegal march. And they will march to the stadium instead of to the palace. And we can't do anything about it because the Agong has agreed to this. We can no longer arrest the marchers.

Datuk: Aiyah! This is a disaster. We got tricked. What to do, Tan Sri?

Tan Sri: What can we do? His Majesty has just given BERSIH legitimacy and it has been agreed that a legal rally can be held in the stadium and because of the huge crowd that may turn out they cannot drive to the stadium but will have to march there dressed in yellow shirts. 

Datuk: Mampus! 

Tan Sri: Yes, mampus. This is even worse. At least if they proceeded with the original plan we can ban BERSIH and declare it a menace to society and a threat to nation security. Now we can't touch them. We can't even arrest anyone on 9th July. And because the rally is legal more people will come out. They are not scared any more. And Umno Youth and PERKASA can't march on the streets in opposition to BERSIH. If they do we will have to arrest them.

Datuk: Alamak. We can't touch the BERSIH marchers but will have to arrest the Umno Youth and PERKASA marchers. And Khairy already said if BERSIH cancels the street march he is prepared to work with them. So Umno Youth must now support the BERSIH rally at the stadium. 

Tan Sri: Exactly. Now you know why I am a Tan Sri and you are just a Datuk?

Datuk: And that means we can't also ask the Agong to revoke Ambiga's citizenship.

Tan Sri: Revoke citizenship for what? For obeying the Agong by cancelling the street march and by holding a rally at the stadium like how Najib asked them to?

Datuk: Somehow I think we have been had…suckered big time.

Tan Sri: Aiyah…please get out of here and leave me alone. I need to draft my resignation letter. 

Datuk: What should I do, Tan Sri?

Tan Sri: I suggest you also go draft your resignation letter. Najib will want both our heads on a silver platter after this.


Translated into Chinese at:

Round and round the mulberry bush

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 03:20 AM PDT

Alternative Action Team president, B. Kalai Vanar, wants Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin to revoke Bersih chairperson S. Ambiga's citizenship for going ahead with the plan to organise a mass rally on July 9. Kalai said his movement was backed by Pusat Penyelidikan Tamil Malaysia. -- Free Malaysia Today


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Datuk: Tan Sri, I think I may have found the solution on how to handle BERSIH.

Tan Sri: Finally….a solution. Shoot!

Datuk: We can withdraw Ambiga's citizenship.

Tan Sri: Now hold on! Won't that make the Indians angry? We already have problems with HINDRAF. I don't want a new movement called AMBIGARAF to be launched by the Indians.


Tan Sri: Yes, Ambiga Rights Action Force.

Datuk: Oh, that won't happen, Tan Sri. It is the Tamils themselves who are asking His Majesty the Agong to withdraw Ambiga's citizenship.

Tan Sri: Oh good, if the Tamils themselves are asking for it then no problem.

Datuk: Yes, then later when we withdraw the citizenship of other Indians the Tamils cannot complain since they started this whole 'withdraw the citizenship of Indians' thingy.

Tan Sri: Hmm…yes…I like that. Once we open the Pandora's box the Indians can't complain any longer.

Datuk: Pandora? Is he also a Tamil?

Tan Sri: Oh never mind…sigh…how I wish we did not change our medium of education from English to Malay. When can we withdraw her citizenship?

Datuk: As soon as we sort out one tiny problem.

Tan Sri: What tiny problem?

Datuk: If we withdraw her citizenship and she is no longer a Malaysian citizen, she can no longer remain in Malaysia. All non-citizens will have to be deported.

Tan Sri: So? That's the whole idea isn't it? To kick her out of Malaysia.

Datuk: Yes, but where do we deport her to?

Tan Sri: To India of course.

Datuk: But she is not an Indian citizen.

Tan Sri: So what? That would become India's problem, not ours.

Datuk: But how do we send her back to India?

Tan Sri: On a plane of course, like how all Indians go to India.

Datuk: But she won't have a Malaysian passport since we would have to cancel her passport once we withdraw her citizenship.

Tan Sri: Naturally. But why would that be a problem?

Datuk: No airline would allow her to board a plane without a passport.

Tan Sri: Then how would we send her back to India?

Datuk: Exactly. That is what I meant.

Tan Sri: So we can't let her remain in Malaysia because she is no longer a Malaysian citizen but we can't deport her since she no longer has a passport.

Datuk: Right. That's the tiny problem I was talking about.

Tan Sri: Sheesh….Catch 22.

Datuk: You want me to catch who?

Tan Sri: Sigh….Malay medium education…never mind.

Datuk: So what do you suggest we do, Tan Sri?

Tan Sri: Me? You were the one who suggested we withdraw her citizenship.

Datuk: The suggestion came from the Tamils, Tan Sri.

Tan Sri: Aiyah…these Tamils are talking…..

Datuk: Tamil?

Tan Sri: I was going to say 'talking cock'. So that means it is not possible to withdraw anyone's citizenship then?

Datuk: Not unless we can figure out what to do with them once we withdraw their citizenship.

Tan Sri: Aiyah…this will not work. Go figure out another solution.

Datuk: Okay, Tan Sri. And what should I tell these Tamil people?

Tan Sri: Tell them to stop talking….

Datuk: Cock?

Tan Sri: No, Tamil. 



Posted: 03 Jul 2011 04:14 PM PDT

This is just a quick note to inform you of the latest developments of the planned BERSIH rally this Saturday, 9th July 2011. I will update this page and tell you more once I get the latest news from BERSIH.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

There appears to be some confusion within the ranks of the BERSIH committee. If the purpose of His Majesty the Agong's announcement yesterday was to throw the cat amongst the pigeons then it certainly worked. It looks like someone else has been reading up on Sun Sze as well.

Anyway, as you read this, the BERSIH committee meeting is in session to decide how to respond to His Majesty's 'titah'. Titah means the Monarch's royal edict or command.

The question here would be: was this really His Majesty's titah or was it crafted for His Majesty? Most Malaysians now understand how the system works and are no longer awed by such royal edicts or commands.

Two members of my own family have sat on the throne as Agong -- so we know that His Majesty, at best, lives in a diamond-studded golden cage. The cage may be golden and diamond studded, but it is still a cage nevertheless.

Remember back in the late-1950s when Tunku Abdul Rahman was the First Prime Minister of Malaysia and Tuanku Abdul Rahman the First Agong? A British cabinet minister tried to barge in to the Tunku's office without an appointment and the Prime Minister refused to see him. Malaysia, after all, had gained independence and was no longer a British colony so who did this Kwailo think he is?

Later, during an audience with the Agong, the British cabinet minister complained to His Majesty and suggested that His Majesty sack the Prime Minister for his kurang ajar (insolence).

To this suggestion His Majesty the Agong replied that in Malaysia it is not the King who sacks the Prime Minister but the Prime Minister who sacks the King.

That was way back 50 years or so ago and things have not changed much since then. In fact, since Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over as Prime Minister 30 years ago, it has become worse.

Was not Dr Mahathir the man who engaged the Monarchy in a Constitutional Crisis back in the mid-1980s where Umno openly and loudly reminded Their Highnesses that the Federal Constitution of Malaysia clearly states that the King has to 'take advice' from the Prime Minister and the Sultans from the Menteris Besar?

Many Malaysians at that time lauded and applauded Dr Mahathir's 'brave' effort at 'cutting down the royalty to size'. And His Highnesses were sent running back to their palaces with their royal tails between their legs, metaphorically speaking.

Today, how many believe that the Rulers make their own decisions? How many believe that a statement from Istana Negara is a statement from the mouth of His Majesty the Agong?

Does not Istana Negara come directly under the Prime Minister's Department? And since the time of Dr Mahathir are not all statements from Istana Negara first vetted by the Prime Minister's Department and first approved by the Prime Minister's Department before they can be released? And is it not the procedure that the Prime Minister's Department drafts all statements and speeches of the Agong?

I remember when the late Sultan of Johor was the Agong and, as was customary, he read out his speech prepared by the Prime Minister's Department. His Majesty had never seen that speech until it was time to deliver it and clearly he was struggling with it.

Halfway through the speech, His Majesty, with a look of irritation on his royal face, retorted: siapa tulis ni (who wrote this)?

But then His Majesty the Johor Sultan has been known to do things 'out of script' like jumping over the fence during a football match or stepping down from the VVIP stage to try his hand at riding a superbike during the Merdeka Day parade.

Never has Malaysia seen such a 'colourful' Agong in its 53 years of Merdeka and probably never will again.

So there you have it: my short story on Malaysia's monarchy and why BERSIH must first explore whether the titah from the Agong released yesterday needs to be further clarified before the committee decides whether to call off the planned BERSIH rally of Saturday, 9th July 2011 or proceed with it. And later today we will know the answer to that question.



BERSIH will seek an audience with His Majesty the Agong to get clarification on yesterday's titah. If clearly His Majesty wishes to avoid any security problems and would like the march to be called off then BERSIH will try to hammer out a compromise.

One compromise would be to hold the rally in a stadium instead of marching on the streets as originally planned. The Stadium Merdeka is one such stadium that is being suggested.

The BERSIH committee appears divided on this matter. Understandably, not many want to be seen as durhaka (treasonous) by ignoring His Majesty's titah -- if it really is His Majesty's titah in the first place.

Some are of the view that the BERSIH chairperson may have become intimidated by this latest development of the Agong's titah -- plus with the warnings of the army stepping in, more detentions without trial, the four million silat exponents taking to the streets to oppose BERSIH, May 13 Version 2.0, the Muslims declaring a holy jihad against BERSIH, etc.

If Ambiga feels that things have got out of hand and have become very dangerous then she might have to consider bailing out to allow someone else more prepared to face the consequences to take over. We can quite understand if Ambiga is now living on the edge and is fearful for her life and under the present circumstances no one will fault her if she throws in the towel.

Nevertheless, whether the BERSIH march finally gets aborted, or is held in a stadium, or proceeds as planned, the message has been delivered. What BERSIH wanted to do was to draw attention to the need for electoral reforms and this has been achieved.

Let us wait and see where BERSIH goes from here.


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