Jumaat, 22 Julai 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Is MACC now “Malaysian Ante Chamber of Crime”?

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 05:53 PM PDT

However, in just two years, MACC had achieved what its predecessor the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) had never done in 41 years from 1967-2008 – two deaths at its premises in circumstances suspected by the majority of reasonable Malaysians as caused by MACC – Teoh Beng Hock in July 2009 and Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamad in April 2011.

There was sheer disbelief when news first broke out yesterday that the James Foong Royal Commission of Inquiry had reported that Teoh Beng Hock was driven to commit suicide by aggressive and continuous questioning by MACC officers – raising the question whether there is such an animal as "forced suicide" which is not homicide or murder.

Other news items yesterday which followed on the contents of the RCI report reveals one consistent picture – of how it is impossible for MACC to disclaim responsibility for causing the death of Teoh Beng Hoch who was totally at the mercy of MACC officers while in MACC custody on the fateful days of July 15 and 16, 2009. There can be no doubt as to the answer even before the establishment of the RCI when the question is asked: Was MACC responsible for the death of Teoh Beng Hock. The answer is in the categorical positive.

The RCI report did not give a direct answer to the question but anyone reading the contents can only derive one conclusion – that the RCI would say "Yes" if asked to answer this specific question.



A forgotten older and enduring ideal

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 03:11 PM PDT

When it responded the way it did, the very dreaded effect it wanted to avoid, came into effect. Because public and international opinion made Bersih into the impression of a popular movement rather that a localized event it should have been.

Well, that's what you get if the government is reactive by nature rather that proactive in a thoughtful way. It doesn't want to engage Bersih preferring the bully tactics so liked by people like Ibrahim Ali.

When the marchers took the streets in a peaceful manner, it took a life of its own. It wasn't any more about Ambiga or Anwar or whoever else. They may have set the tone and did some synchronization, but once out there, the people called the shots.

This I think is what the government doesn't understand and because of that it responded the only way, a government believing in its own infallibility and invincibility behaves.

In the UK, our PM said that street demonstrations are not the way to form a government. He is stating what is already universally accepted nowadays. In Malaysia, no right thinking people harbors any thought about securing governmental power, through undemocratic or unconstitutional methods. Indeed we quarrel a lot to ensure the sanctity and integrity of a democracy be preserved. UMNO people went to court to seek a declaration that the 1987 UMNO elections were subverted. A new UMNO was formed in 1988. From then on, UMNO could never qualify to have practiced real democracy.

Malayan communism was ended half a century ago. Because the idea of forming a government through armed insurrection could never be accepted. Plus, there were a lot other complications such as religion and ethnic composition. Government is formed through the democratic way- through free and fair elections. We all do it through fair and clean elections, we are all democrats.

The statement which the PM raises and which is fortified further by the solemn declaration of the DPM when he said no more street rallies- raises important points.

Why does a democratic system still make possible for other forms of collective political expression take place? If elections sort out all issues, if a democratically elected government is supposed to end all issues, there wouldn't be a need for other forms of collective political expression, would there?

The response towards Bersih has been handled badly. So the government becomes the target of international censorship and sharp criticisms. The issue has not died down in our own country. Bersih has increased awareness among citizens on the importance of having clean and fair elections. That's a simple demand. The circuitous responses by the EC and government supporters will surely widen the divide between voters and the ruing government.



DSAI...I think therefore I write

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:59 PM PDT

Back up a bit and let us think….or to be more exact..let me think and as I think I will put my thoughts on paper…you read and you think!

Do I write for money? Yes! I will write for a magazine, for newspaper for anybody if the money is right and if what I am told to write is something I want to write about. …understand this….I cannot write to order. I cannot keep hantaming Najib and BN/UMNO if I have nothing to write about. You guys are not stupid – you can read and work out in your head if what I write if true or false, right or wrong, lies or truth. And I am referring to the majority of you. There will always be a few who will insists that a Biduan and Banduan are one and the same thing – and there is even one who has insisted that I have a brother by the name of Katib! But that is the world we live in…what I hope to do is to "talk" to those of you who wants to listen to what I have to say...and I will give you the courtesy to listening to you back.

As I have said earlier – I cannot write bad about Najib if I have nothing bad to write about him….and again "bad" is subjective. Anything is subjective depending on which side of the fence you are standing on. But you and I know that you cannot play Rugby with a Soccer ball. Nor can you play tennis with a badminton racket. Here in Australia the Prime Minister Julia Gillard lives in the Prime Minister residence with her partner – not a husband – but a partner. To all intents and purpose, he is her official "husband" – going on official visits and any state functions. This kind of arrangement will never be tolerated in Malaysia.

In Malaysia too if you are a Muslim you cannot be found eating in  public during Ramadan. I think you get my drift – if you profess to be a Muslim, which Anwar does – what he does in his private and public life must conform to the Islamic way of things. Just because UMNO leaders have indulged in unislamic activities does not make it okay for other Muslim leaders to do so! Just because UMNO had indulged in corruption, nepotism and serious abuse of their position in public office should not in any way allow us to even shut one eye to any failings of anyone if that someone is aspiring to be a leader in Malaysia. If we do so, for whatever reason, we run the risk of allowing that leader to second guess us as to what he can and cannot do in government.

You want to know what it is that I have to tell about Anwar that you do not know? You know that he was part and parcel of that corrupt and arrogant UMNO when he was in UMNO. But do you know how corrupt and how arrogant Anwar was then? You know that he has been accused of sodomy – not once but twice. Do any of you know for sure that he did commit sodomy? He has been accused by the 3 Datuks of having sex with a prostitute. Do any of you know for sure whether he did or did not do so? 99.999% of you simply have no clue of the real truth…but that does not prevent you from jumping to Anwar's defence!

Of course Anwar has been unfairly reviled, harassed and accused of so many things by UMNO. So has Najib, so has Mahathir and Pak Lah. The truth is known to so few and it is only when the few tell their story that the 99.999% will know the real story. The real story about Anwar is still to be told.



Aggressive Interrogation? How Aggressive?

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:37 PM PDT

"Having considered all the evidence in its entirety, we found that Teoh was driven to commit suicide by the aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation to which he was subjected by certain officers of the MACC who were involved in the ongoing operation by the Selangor MACC on the night of the July 15 (2009) into the morning of the 16th," the report said.

The 124-page report said that Teoh's frame of mind after hours of interrogation would have been "almost a mental and physical wreck" and the only way out was by "jumping out of the window".

"By the fourth or final stage of the interrogation was over, TBH would have been almost a mental and physical wreck. When (Selangor MACC officer) Ashraf (Mohd Yunos) fetched him a glass of water, Teoh was said to have sat up very slowly.

"These intense stages of interrogation must have created serious doubts in Teoh's mind as regards his actions in relation to his duties as (Selangor exco) Ean's (Yong Hian Wah) political secretary.

"Signing his name but affixing Ean's seal, the absence of at least three quotations before awarding of a project or programme, the alleged kickbacks to the DAP, the direct awards of projects and fixing prices to goods required for projects also weighed heavily on his mind," the report stated.

The report stated other contributing factors which caused Teoh to be in an imbalance state of mind were sleep deprivation, an uncomfortable and unfamiliar environment as well as being held in custody for a long time.



Bersih 2.0 rally – a basketful of faux pas by BN Government, before during after and still ...

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:57 PM PDT


The basketful of faux pax before 709 included:

1. Arbitrary declaration of Bersih 2.0 as unlawful.

2. Ban on Bersih T-shirts and paraphernalia, to include even yellow T-shirts, coupled with indiscriminate arrests.

3. Police and government disrespect to the Yang di Pertuan Agong who had met with Bersih 2.0 leaders and suggested a compromise of a stadium rally instead of a march – accepted by Bersih 2.0 but reneged by the authorities.

4. Police roadblocks causing infernal traffic congestions in and out of Kuala Lumpur and police lockdown of the federal capital on 709, alienating the general public.

5. Intemperate, extremist threats of counter-demonstrations and racial riots, even another May 13 by Umno Youth and Perkasa's Ibrahim Ali.

6. Abuse of court process in securing an ex parte injunction to ban 91 Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat leaders and activists from key areas in KL on 709.

7. Baseless invective and vicious campaign to demonise Bersih leaders, particularly Bersih Chairperson S. Ambiga, with wild and reckless charges to incite religious and racial hatred and tension.

8. Daily incitement of hate and campaign of lies by BN msm, both printed and electronic, particularly Utusan Malaysia.

9. Gross abuse of power in the arrest of PSM MP Dr. Michael Jeyakumar and other PSM activists first on the ridiculous charges of "waging war against the Agong" and "reviving communism" and later on EO detention-without-trial for being Bersih activists.

10. Refusal/failure of the Election Commission to respond to Bersih 2.0's eight demands for free, fair and clean elections.


1. High-handed police action of mass arrests and individual cases of police violence and brutality.

2. Causing death of Baharuddin Ahmad.

3. Criminal police landrover ramming of PAS Deputy President Mat Sabu on motor-bike.

4. Reckless and indiscriminate firing of tear gas without notice and into KL sentral tunnel – an enclosed space – heedless of the safety of the Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat leaders and the public.

5. Wanton and criminal firing of tear gas and chemically-laced water cannon into Tung Shin Hospital grounds.


1. Najib's fire-breathing speech to 6,000 UMNO leaders the morning after 709.

2. Further plunge in public credibility with police and Umno leaders disputing that 50,000 people had gathered in support of Bersih 2.0 rally, with IGP claiming that it was only 6,000, upped to 10,000 by Hishammuddin with Najib later topping it to 15,000 in London!



Malaysian Money – £3 Billion Yacht !

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:41 PM PDT

The purchaser of this record-busting toy is clearly reluctant to answer questions such as: How much tax have you paid? How much have you contributed to helping alleviate poverty? Or, indeed, how did you earn so much money in the first place?  So, they have remained anonymous.

Platinum-lined walls! - but so what?

But, we can deduce that they have an amazing level of wealth and that they think an appropriate way to spend it is towards their occasional gratification when enjoying a yacht trip.  Given the poverty of so many people in Malaysia and also the questions over how Malaysia's natural wealth in terms of oil and timber have been requisitioned and distributed, it is a shocking judgement for a rich person to make.

If you want to enjoy an occasional sea picnic does your boat really have to be a gold-plated, platinum-line yacht ?  Might there not be another more worthy recipient for such money and might it not be more gratifying to use such wealth to benefit your community?




My Bersih 2.0 Story : Trapped, Ambushed and Gassed

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:25 PM PDT

Nothing surprising. It was just that I couldn't wrap my mind around the paranoia displayed by the government over a planned peaceful assembly to demand for clean and fair elections. This whole scare tactic definitely was funnier than any comedy show I'd ever watched on TV.

It was 9 July 2011, the day plethora of right thinking Malaysians and I had been waiting for. It felt like waking up to Aidilfitri morning. Serenity filled the air. Peaceful. I packed my bag. Salt, checked. A bottle of water, checked. My friends, Latheefa Koya, Eric Paulsen and Renuka Balasubramaniam and I went to KL Hilton to meet with the rest of the group.

When I got into the room, I saw Bersih leaders, Ambiga Sreenevasan, Maria Chin Abdullah, Wong Chin Huat, Haris Ibrahim and Zaid Kamarudin, all getting ready to lead the march. I also saw Pakatan Rakyat leaders, Anwar Ibrahim, Wan Azizah, Lim Kit Siang, Hadi Awang,  Tian Chua, William Leong, Nurul Izzah and our respected national laureate, Pak Samad Said, standing firm next to Bersih leaders, to give their undivided support to the cause.

I looked at my watch, it was 1.30pm. After finishing our Zohor prayers, we put our yellow Bersih t shirts on. The room was filled with laughter, the worrying thoughts on the highhandedness of the police in dealing with this planned peaceful assembly seemed to fade away for a little while. I could feel the strong conviction to freedom, freedom to march on, to assemble peaceably to demand for free and fair elections. We couldn't wait to meet with the rest of right thinking Malaysians so that we could walk together to Merdeka Stadium on this historic, most awaited day.

We started marching on, we held each other's arms so tightly. We chanted "Bersih!Bersih!Bersih!".A strange feeling suddenly embraced me. A pleasant strange feeling. I believed this was what solidarity, strength and conviction felt like.

I was holding Wan Azizah'z right arm. Nurul Nuha was holding my left arm. As we were walking, I could feel more hands were holding my arms, the hands of amazing people I hardly knew. When I looked around, all I could see was police. My heart was beating so fast, in between the chanting and the thought that all of us would not make it to Merdeka Stadium as it was almost certain that we would be arrested, judging  from the heavy police presence around us.
From KL Hilton we proceeded to KL Sentral train station. At this juncture I kept asking myself why we weren't arrested yet. The police were there, surrounding us, waiting and watching our single move. I just ignored the question that was lingering on my mind. From KL Sentral train station, we had to go down the escalator to the underpass to reach the main road.

After going down the escalator, we then walked through the dark and confined underpass. Suddenly I heard the wail of police siren behind us, there was a police truck that was trying to pass. We stopped and gave way to the police truck. We then continued walking.

As we were still walking in the underpass, people in the forefront abruptly stopped. It was puzzling as to what was happening. I saw Anwar Ibrahim turning around and asking the people who were standing in the back to step back. I was still puzzled as to what was happening at that particular moment.  In a split second, I saw the dark and confined underpass filled with tear gas. I couldn't breathe. My eyes were all teary. Everyone was coughing. Panic struck.
I kept asking myself these questions. "Why did they fire the tear gas directly at us while we were still in the confined underpass? Why didn't they arrest us right before we headed for the underpass? Could this be a trap?".


“The last of the Mohicans.”

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 11:55 AM PDT

Until Sunday, Datuk Amar was the last man living who was a signatory to the formation of our nation Malaysia. He was a founding father of our nation. Let us NEVER forget that. He was, as Datuk Michael Bong (Datuk Amar's brother-in-law) put it, "the last of the Mohicans."

I was also touched when Datuk Michael Bong mentioned that my late grandfather, Ivory Kedit Ipa, was one of the founders of SNAP. He is correct. SNAP was founded and constituted in granddad's home in Lintang Park all those years ago. It was my father, Albert Rumpang Kedit, who carried the newly written constitution of SNAP from Seria (Brunei) to Kuching for the protem committee to endorse. So yes, my family has a long history in SNAP.

But my grandfather would not have approved of how the current leadership of SNAP has allowed a once glorious party to become the sham that it is today. Such pity. Perhaps I should join SNAP and resurrect the ideals that granddad and his fellow founders subscribed to?

And then at lunch I read in the Borneo Post a comment (click HERE to read) by that fellow Mr. Mawan, who never ceases to amaze me with his churning out of insensitive statements. He said, "There is a possibility that the state's first deputy chief minister would be given a posthumous award. He may no longer be around but recognition may possibly be granted." Twice, Mr. Mawan qualifies himself. Twice!

Firstly, why wait until the man is gone to honour him? Honours are best bestowed when the person being honoured can receive and enjoy the honour himself, not posthumously when he is gone. All this while, was the government blind to his achievements? Did it take for him to pass away before the government finally recognises that within their midst was a mountain of a man?

Read more at: http://beingvernon.blogspot.com/2011/07/last-of-mohicans.html

Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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