Khamis, 9 Jun 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

An appeal to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, Penang State Government and the Board of the Penang ...

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:45 PM PDT

We respectfully ask the Chief Minister, members of Penang State Government and the Board of the Penang Hill Corporation to allow the members of the Alumni of Uplands School a final opportunity to visit the old site, for perhaps 1 week prior to any handover to the new owners, so we might say our farewells and pay our respects to an old friend.  

By James Justice MBII

In light of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's announcement, that Amanresorts will refurbish the famous Crag Hotel in Penang within 3 years. In which he totally neglected to mention the time Uplands School occupied the site for some 20+ years from 1955 and the importance its successor The International School of Penang still plays in its economy today.

As spokesperson for the Uplands School (Penang Hill Alumni) and son of one of the first school governors.  I would like to point out that since 2005 and the school's 50th anniversary there has been an upsurge of ex- alumni (ex-pats) returning to Penang to remember and visit their childhood school haunt.

Culminating in the 2010 reunion, that brought 250+ alumni and families back to Penang, thereby boosting tourism income during month of March. So as 2015 would mark the 60th anniversary of the school and the possibility of the current landmark being changed an destroyed forever. Oh they might keep an old dumb waiter (kitchen food lift) how appropriate. As they say money talks and Penang's Heritage walks.

We respectfully ask the Chief Minister, members of Penang State Government and the Board of the Penang Hill Corporation to allow the members of the Alumni of Uplands School a final opportunity to visit the old site, for perhaps 1 week prior to any handover to the new owners, so we might say our farewells and pay our respects to an old friend.

Perhaps they could issue a press release in answer to this request that gives us suitable advance warning to make the required travel arrangements for such a visit. And please give consideration to the number of students that passed across its bridge in its time as a school and the income this event alone will bring into Penang. Also the ensuing Press interest in a part of Penang's forgotten Heritage.

And also consider slowing the new train down to an enjoyable 15 minute journey rather than 5 roller-coaster rides for us in middle to old age? After all we tourists are paying 3x more than locals so let us get value for that money and enjoy the stunning views.

Malaysia, a nation under wraps

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:40 PM PDT

Every deal made, every paper inked continues to remain under wraps.
By J. D. Lovrenciear
Is Malaysia a huge nation compared to its neighbors? Is the population the largest in the region? Silly question? No!
If Sabah and Sarawak decide that enough is enough and pull out from Malaysia, what would you have got? Another ridiculous question? No!
Or is Malaysia having far too many enemies surrounding its entire coastlines and aerial space that secrecy is extremely vital? Another stupid question? No!
No is the answer because if you take the total number of things that are under some form of secrecy, you begin to wonder why. Even the USA has humbly accepted the fact that its very own Pentagon is under surveillance 24/7.J. D. Lovrenciear
But here in Malaysia - a tiny liliputant in the face of the world, we seem to have so many contracts and concessions and monopolies under some sort of shrouded wrap. The very fact that we still have the OSA tightly in place goes to show how the government has taken the rakyat for fools for far too long.
Today in this century the world has shrunk. It has almost become visible to all and sundry. The advent of the internet and its latest arrival of Wikileaks including its predecessor Youtube, the Google Earth, the international accounting standards, the eavesdropping and visual surveillance technology - all of these and many more have made it almost near impossible for nations to remain in wraps.
But in Malaysia the government uses the draconic ISA and the PDRM as well as the Judiciary to keep the rakyat blind-folded and ear-plugged as well as glued in the mouth. The on-going issues surrounding the IPPs is a classic example.
Now really this nation - mind this tiny nation, to whom does it belong? Does it belong to all the present and future citizens or only for a select few and especially those in power? If that be the case then stop kidding everyone by saying that Malaysia is a democratic country.
Going to the ballot box every five years is not the hallmark of a democracy. Doing away with oppressive laws, draconian control measures, threats over public show of protest to register concerns peacefully - all of these are the defining moments of truth for true democracy and civil liberties.
As such, each time the ministers holler that this and that contract or agreement involving the resources of the nation and its management cannot be shared with the rakyat, it makes you wonder whether the rakyat are communist insurgents or terrorists. It makes one feel that only the BN ministers are protectors of the nation and everyone else - from opposition leaders and MPs to the tax paying rakat on the street are hoodlumps who cannot be trusted.
Then who is going to supervise and ensure that there are no robbers and thieves within the BN who may in all probabilities be the real robber barons. We are talking about mortal man - not a heavenly angel please. And even then, do not forget that scriptures and holy revelations teach us that angels too have fallen along the way.
Oh no. We should not say such things. The BN government is the only God-given blessing from above for the past, present and future of the nation. Everyone else is a problem-rouser or a plain sick-o.
And in that spirit, every deal made, every paper inked continues to remain under wraps. Indeed, if you took inventory of all that is kept tightly inside the OSA labelled jars, the whole nation comparatively is under wraps.
Perhaps Pentagon should come here to learn a thing or two. Here is a tiny nation that has almost everything crucial to national survival under wraps while the citizens remain dumb, deaf and blind without any say on the development of its resources.
In a nutshell, either the BN-led entity and its entire band of leaders are far too smart (or sly if you like) and the rest of the nation are plain dummies (or helpless feeble nerds if you like).
Let us have a debate - agree, disagree or couldn't care a less.


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