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- Sex video: Anwar files counter-claim against Hishammuddin
- ‘No response from Najib, Musa on illegal immigrants’
- ‘Govt abused power when detaining activist’
- Lynas Corp taking advantage of lax environmental laws, says Fuziah
- Subsidy cuts focus of today’s Cabinet meeting
- Dato Onn: Precursor of Perkasa?
- Anwar Ibrahim – Victim of baseless allegations
- Utusan memalukan visi Said Zahari
- Talking Malay on false premises
- Islam as a tool of Umno's political game
- DAP agrees to no concurrent polls in Pakatan states if snap election this year
- The burden of proof
- Shazryl defends ties with Thai Malay militants
- Anger grows against ‘selfish’ Gerakan boss
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- Fighting shadows, stoking fire
- Time to Curb Malaysia's Racial Attack Dogs
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- Orang Asli Perak 20 tahun tiada kemudahan asas
- When tenders are not so open
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Sex video: Anwar files counter-claim against Hishammuddin Posted: 24 May 2011 01:10 PM PDT By M Mageswari, The Star KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is seeking for unspecified damages from Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein for slander in relation to the sex video implicating him. Anwar has filed his counter-claim against Hishammuddin's defamation suit. He is also seeking for costs, interest and other relief deemed fit by the court. Hishammuddin has accused Anwar of defaming him and has sought a High Court order for the Opposition Leader to make a public apology for linking him to the release of the sex video. He wants Anwar to pay him costs, interests and any other relief deemed fit by the court. In his suit, Hishammuddin said Anwar had linked him to the tape when he spoke to the media outside the Dang Wangi police headquarters on March 22 after lodging a police report over the tape, which showed a woman and a man resembling the Opposition Leader having sex. |
‘No response from Najib, Musa on illegal immigrants’ Posted: 24 May 2011 01:09 PM PDT By Charles Rudai, Free Malaysia Today PAPAR: The way the opposition here sees it, the Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) government's continued silence on the illegal immigrant issue is a tacit admission of defeat. Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) said the government has yet to revert to the 14-point memorandum it submitted after the 1999 general election on the issue. Entitled "Mother of All Threats", it had among others, proposals on how to better manage the long-standing problem affecting Sabah. Former chief minister and SAPP president Yong Teck Lee said SAPP was still a member of the BN when it submitted the 14-point memorandum. It had a suggestion for comprehensive management of maritime monitoring and a proposal to impose a RM500 bond on foreigners arriving by ferry from neighbouring countries. The bond would be forfeited if they failed to return using the ferry. "We tabled the 14 points one by one in Putrajaya in front of then Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, but before we finished our presentation he fell asleep. "Yes…, he fell asleep. We have witnesses to this but what to do, he is an old man," said Yong. A similar memorandum was also presented to his deputy Najib Tun Razak and Chief Minister Musa Aman but there was no response from either. Yong believes the BN leadership feels it is no longer necessary for them to respond to the issue, especially after Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) eturned to the BN's fold in 2002. "They are reluctant to respond because it involves their 'fixed deposit'," he said. Yong said there was a window of opportunity after the 2008 general election when Sabah and Sarawak became the 'kingmakers' for the BN following its dismal show in the Peninsular. "Never before (did) Umno need Sabah more, but still they did not listen… we said that if Umno refuses to listen to us, then it is better that we leave the BN," he said. So in September 2008, he said SAPP and its leaders made a sacrifice to ditch the coalition. "A day before we declared SAPP's vote-of-no-confidence against Abdullah Badawi, I received an offer letter for a senatorship.
‘Govt abused power when detaining activist’ Posted: 24 May 2011 01:07 PM PDT By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today KUCHING: Malaysian Election Observer-network (MEO-net) leader BK Ong's lawyers have accused the state authorities of abusing their power and detaining Ong "as if he is a criminal". Counsel See Chee How said Ong was in Sarawak to help instil political awareness, especially on the importance of voter registration among the natives. Ong has found out that in some areas like Belaga and Baram between 20% and 30% of the population have registered themselves as voters. Sarawak, See said, needed people like Ong to help voter registration. "After all, he is spending his own money for a worthy cause. I want to see that justice is done to Ong by taking the authorities to court, and at the same time to raise the issue at the State Legislative Assembly during its meeting next month," said See, who is also Batu Lintang assemblyman. Ong was picked up by enforcement officers of the Sarawak Immigration Department yesteday morning while on his way to the Bengoh dam. He was then brought to the immigration enforcement office at Pending where he was questioned by the officers and detained before being deported to Penang last night. Contacted through SMS, Ong said the officers did not give any reason why they arrested him. "All they told me was that they have the power to do," said Ong. It is understood that Ong is one of those who have been blacklisted and who is being denied entry into the state where immigration is under its control. Unexpected defeats Before and during the recently concluded Sarawak election, several personalities who were seen to be pro-opposition were barred from entering the state. Among them were the president of Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) Harris Ibrahim, Bersih 2.0 chairman Ambiga Sreenivasan and PKR MP for Subang R Sivarasa. During the April 16 state polls, Ong was actively monitoring the campaign and is believed to have found evidence of corruption and abuse of power by the Barisan Nasional (BN). He was also highly critical of such practices.
Lynas Corp taking advantage of lax environmental laws, says Fuziah Posted: 24 May 2011 01:04 PM PDT By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 25 — PKR's Fuziah Salleh accused Lynas Corp of adopting weaker safety standards for its Kuantan rare earths refinery, relying on lax local environmental laws to use suspect Chinese standards. The Kuantan MP based her claims on the Australian miner's previous proposal to the Terengganu state government back in 2007, which quoted standards from China for the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (Lamp). |
Subsidy cuts focus of today’s Cabinet meeting Posted: 24 May 2011 01:00 PM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - Subsidy cuts will top the agenda when Datuk Seri Najib Razak chairs the weekly Cabinet meeting today, with many speculating it will lead to hike for RON95 petrol and electricity rates. Cabinet sources say the government has to trim the runaway subsidy bill which could balloon to RM21 billion if nothing is done. On the table is the scheduled plan to cut subsidies for RON95 petrol and gas for independent power producers while increasing electricity tariffs in a growing economy. Labs run by Performance and Management Delivery Unit (Pemandu) last year proposed 15 sen hikes every six month for RON95 petrol but the government decided to stick to 10 sen, ensuring a slow rise in the fuel's prices. "What has happened is that the high RON97 prices has pushed more people to use RON95, increasing the subsidy bill further," a Cabinet source told The Malaysian Insider. RON95 petrol is now RM1.90 a litre while the premium RON97 fuel is floated at market price of RM2.90 a litre, making it a great saving for motorists but a bigger share of the national budget. The Malaysian Insider understands it is the same for electricity tariffs which should have been increased months ago but postponed to ensure the economy keeps growing at a quicker pace. Pemandu's proposal last year was to initially cut gas subsidy by RM4.65 per mmbtu and then set a corresponding 2.4 sen per kWh increase in tariffs in July 2010, followed by a 1.6 sen per kWh increase every six months.
Dato Onn: Precursor of Perkasa? Posted: 24 May 2011 09:32 AM PDT The younger generation and those who are not too familiar with Malaysian history may not be aware of Dato Onn's questionable record on race relations and civil rights. We shall examine the twists and turns of Dato Onn political stances as he abandoned multi-ethnicity for Malay-centrism to suit his political fortunes during the run-up to Independence. By Dr Kua Kia Soong The recent call by various quarters to "Reclaim Malaysian History" is most timely. My 2007 title "May 13: Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969" was just such an attempt to rectify the official revisionism of Malaysian history. We pity the poor kids in school who have to put up with this mangled history but we should cry more for the poverty of the Malaysian intellect that allows such blatant dishonesty.This article is a snippet from my new title: "Merdeka: the Real Story, Documents from the British archives" which will be published later in the year. It attempts to salvage Malaysian history from those who have warped it to present UMNO as the anti-colonial champion of the independence struggle. More recently, we have also witnessed an attempt to rehabilitate Dato Onn (bin Jaffar) as one of UMNO's "honourable" leaders. The younger generation and those who are not too familiar with Malaysian history may not be aware of Dato Onn's questionable record on race relations and civil rights. We shall examine the twists and turns of Dato Onn political stances as he abandoned multi-ethnicity for Malay-centrism to suit his political fortunes during the run-up to Independence. Today, as we put up with the racist garbage of the far right, Dato Onn's record sounds familiar and reads like a cautionary tale for what reformist Malaysians should avoid ….
Under British Patronage During the Emergency which began in 1948, it became the urgent task of British imperialism to cultivate an alternative to the Malayan nationalist movement. The colonial state ensured that the mantle of political power would pass to the local Malay ruling class who had been groomed by the British since the early days of colonialism. However, some accommodation still had to be found between them and the non-Malay capitalist class who formed a decisive link in the chain of imperialist exploitation of the Malayan economy. The shifting alliance of the upper stratum of the Chinese and Indian communities had been noted by the British colonial Government and they had not been slow to appoint some of its representatives to the legislative and other advisory bodies. With the Emergency Regulations and the banning of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), the rich Chinese leaders with the help of the colonial authorities began to take advantage of the vacuum created in the leadership of the Chinese community. As early as 1948, the idea of a Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) as the counterpart of the UMNO (United Malay National Organization), had been conceived by Sir Henry Gurney, the British High Commissioner: "I have recently had long and frank talks with the Chinese members of the Legislative Council and representatives of mining and rubber interests with a view to obtaining more active help from the Chinese against the terrorists...Steps are now being taken by leading Chinese to form a MCA open to all who have made their home in the Federation with the object of cooperation with the government and with other communities in restoring peace and good order in this country...I have mentioned this development to Dato Onn and am satisfied that it will be helpful in forth-coming Malay-Chinese conversations on long-term problems...I intend to pursue these developments strongly since without the active help of the Chinese we cannot succeed. They are as you know notoriously inclined to lean toward whichever side frightens them more and at the moment this seems to be the government." (From Sir H. Gurney to Secretary of State for Colonies, 19 December 1948, FO 371/1583) This 'behind-the-scenes' plan is also borne out by MacDonald's telegram to the Secretary of State: "...the High Commissioner has played, behind the scenes, a decisive part." The next step in the political strategy of the colonial state was the establishment of the Communities Liaison Committee (CLC). This had made its debut in January 1949 as the 'Sino-Malay Goodwill Committee', an informal closed-door forum for the upper classes of all three communities. Dato Onn, leader of the UMNO, has been accredited with initiating its formation, (Ishak Tadin, 'Dato Onn, 1946-51, Journal of SEAsian History, Vol.I, No.I, 1960) but the records show that Sir Henry Gurney had initiated the idea. The Committee included five Malays and four Chinese, all members of the Legislative Council, including Tan Cheng Lock, and Yong Shook Lin of the MCA; later it was expanded to incorporate leaders of the Indian community. The CLC was actively patronized by the Governor-General, Malcolm MacDonald himself, who attended all the Committee meetings. It was promoted as the 'multi-racial' alternative to the CPM. (Indian Daily Mail, 20 September 1949; quoted in K.H. Khong, 'British rule and the struggle for independence in Malaya, 1945-57, PhD Pittsburgh, 1975:87) The communal bargaining within the CLC predated the similar secret negotiations within the later Alliance National Council. While the agreements within these were presented as 'non-communal' solutions to the rest of the country: "The Committee never developed a genuine non-communal approach to the problems confronting Malaya; it did demonstrate that significant communal compromise was more likely to emerge from semi-secret and 'off-the-record' negotiations conducted by communal leaders." (G. Means, 'Malaysian Politics', NY 1970:124) From these negotiations, the bare bones of the 'Alliance Formula' began to take shape, rife with contradictions from its inception.
Dato Onn, the Inconsistent Politician It will be recalled that Dato Onn had led the first revolt over the British Malayan Union's proposals in 1946 to grant citizenship and civil rights to the non-Malays. He had later been won over to the British view that they had to accommodate the non-Malay upper class, especially when the Emergency was proving to be more than just a 'mopping-up' operation: "The lessons of the Emergency awoke the dominant Malayan politicians to the dangers of perpetuating an arrangement in which political power is concentrated in the hands of one racial group while another, almost of the same size, is left with perceptibly less access to that power." (M.Osborne, Region of Revolt: Focus on SE Asia, Pelican, 1970:97) At the time, the crucial issues facing the non-Malays were those of citizenship. Onn had to try very hard to persuade the conservative elements in UMNO to relent on the citizenship question and to accept the CLC recommendations to reduce the residential requirement for citizenship for non-Malays from 15 to 10 years. After a melodramatic resignation from the UMNO Presidency, Onn succeeded in getting the CLC recommendations accepted by UMNO. The fragile limits of this 'Alliance Formula' were realized when Onn, through a fatal miscalculation, thought that the British-inspired 'nationalist' movement could be liberalized and expanded by opening up the UMNO membership to the non-Malays. The traditional Malay rulers in UMNO would not hear of this, and when Onn realized that another feigned resignation would be futile, he left UMNO to launch the Independence of Malaya Party (IMP) in June 1951. The IMP mainly attracted the upper strata of the Malay middle class, the Mentri Besars (Chief Ministers) and the like. Within the Malay community, Onn was accused of being a 'traitor to the Malays'. (Straits Times, 12 June 1950) Meanwhile, an ultra-communalist Persatuan Melayu Semenanjung (Peninsula Malay Union) had been formed to oppose Onn's policies. Similarly, a 'Malay Union of Singapore' was formed. Tungku Abdul Rahman, a prince from Kedah, who represented the dominant traditional Malay rulers, became the new President of UMNO. Up until then, and indeed until the IMP had shown itself to be a spent force, there is no doubt that the British had cultivated Onn to represent what they had hoped would be seen as more liberal tendencies in the neo-colony that was being created. From the beginning of the 1950s, the British colonial state began to introduce reforms in a gradualist fashion, in an attempt to divert influence from the anti-colonial forces rooted in the labour movement. First, a selective ministerial system was permitted to present a facade of local custodians taking over from the colonial power. Five Malaysians: Dato Onn (UMNO President until June 1951), Tengku Yaacob bin Sultan Hamid (brother of the Sultan of Kedah), Dato Mahmud bin Mat (Mentri Besar of Pahang), E.E. Thuraisingham (CLC Chairman), and Dr Lee Tiang King (another CLC member), were appointed by the High Commissioner to head the Departments of Home Affairs; Agriculture and Forestry; Lands, Mines and Communication; Education; and Health respectively. This was billed as "...a sure and steady progress toward freedom and democracy." (Ibid. 9 October 1950)
Selling Out Citizenship Rights Secondly, the colonial government had to make some concessions regarding the granting of citizenship rights to the non-Malays; this was one of the main demands of the nationalist movement. In 1950, only 500,000 Chinese and 230,000 Indians had Malayan citizenship, a mere fifth of the total Chinese population despite the fact that by 1947, more than three-fifths of the Chinese and half the Indian population in Malaya were local-born. (Federation of Malaya, Annual Report 1950, p.24; M.V. de Tufo, 'A Report of the 1947 Census of Population') In 1952, therefore, the colonial authorities made some amendments to the Federation of Malaya Agreement Ordinance. Instead of the 15-year residential requirement and the stipulation that both parents of the non-Malay would-be citizen must have been born in Malaya, the amendments permitted citizenship on the following terms: (a) A total of 10 out of the 12 preceding years of residence, including the 2 years immediately preceding the date of application; the applicant must be of good character; be proficient in Malay or English, and must intend to stay permanently; It can be seen that the British colonial state was reluctant to abandon its communalist strategy. The amendments fell far short of the demand for citizenship based on jus soli principle, whereby all who are born in the country can claim automatic right of citizenship. The conditions were also more stringent than those in the Malayan Union proposals of 1946. This, after all, was in accordance with the demands of the conservative Malay rulers, who refused to accept even basic democratic rights, especially equal political rights for the non-Malays. Without doubt, the amendments did enable more Chinese and Indians to acquire Malayan citizenship. V. Purcell estimated that between 50 per cent and 60 per cent of the Chinese and 30 per cent of the Indians would have become eligible. (V.Purcell, 'Malaya: Communist or Free?'1954:196) By the end of 1953, 1,157,000 Chinese and 255,000 Indians had become citizens, a comparatively bigger fraction of the total numbers of non-Malays than under previous regulations. (K.J. Ratnam, 'Communalism and political process in Malaysia', KL 1963:92) As Khong, K.H. has pointed out, (op cit, p. 146) by 1952 most of the UMNO leaders who had opposed citizenship for non-Malays had, in one way or another, been co-opted into the Administration, and appointed either as Ministers or Legislative Councillors, Mentri Besars, State Councillors, or members of various advisory boards. Furthermore, any protests or demonstrations were impossible while the Emergency Regulations were in force. The next 'safe' reform introduced by the colonial power was elections to the Local Councils and Municipalities, but even at this level, no real democracy was permitted: the British High Commissioner had the power to revoke the elections as he saw fit; the Mentri Besar (appointed by the High Commissioner) could appoint up to one-third of the members; there was no fixed tenure of office since the Ruler-in-Council could dissolve the Council as he deemed fit; and lastly, the Local Councils themselves had no autonomy, since everything needed ratification by the High Commissioner or the State Government.
Racialist IMP: '1Malaya' to 'Malay Rights' The Kuala Lumpur Municipal Council Elections in February 1952 largely decided the configuration of the political set-up in the would-be Independent Malaya. UMNO was determined to prove itself to be the credible representative of the Malay electorate and decisively to undermine the IMP. The MCA also had reasons for not trusting the IMP, which tended to define 'Malayan' solely by reference to the Malays. This stance by the IMP was yet another opportunistic volte face by Onn. The apparently unlikely alliance between the two communalistic parties, the UMNO and MCA, won nine out of the 12 seats in the elections, while the IMP won only two seats. Essentially, the Kuala Lumpur Municipal Elections gave an indication to the colonial government of the political forces in Malaya at the time. The IMP, after the poor showing at the polls, lost its credibility. Soon, with the successful application of this electoral 'Alliance Formula' in the other areas of the country, the arrangement became institutionalized. During the Emergency, there was reason enough for the Malay rulers in UMNO and the Chinese big businessmen in the MCA to reach a rapprochement in order to defend the status quo and defeat the workers' revolt. At the same time, great strain was placed on the Alliance since, as basically communalist parties, the leaders of the UMNO and MCA constantly had to assuage the respective social bases in their communities.The IMP managed to stir up more communalist issues before its final demise. It still had considerable strength in the Federal Legislative Council, accounting for 30 out of the 75 members. In the last days of its existence, it tried to destroy the UMNO-MCA alliance and succeeded in having the MCA's 'Social Welfare Lottery' banned in May 1953. When the government introduced the Education Ordinance to control the Chinese-medium schools (which were strong bastions of anti-colonialism), overwhelming pressure from the Chinese community forced the MCA to take an independent stand from the Alliance. Similarly, it had to differ over the licencing and registration of businesses. In 1953, Dato Onn in provocative vein accused the MCA and other Chinese organizations of trying to make Malaya 'the 20th province of China'. In the furore, the colonial government took a backseat. The censure motion in the Legislative Council against Onn for his speech that was "calculated to stir up interracial discord" was defeated. (Debates 6 and 7, May 1953; and Khong,KH, 1975:146) While the UMNO and MCA still lacked ministerial positions in the government, the IMP was the party preferred by the British. The UMNO and MCA then demanded that elections to the Federal Legislative Council be held by 1954, but the British would not oblige. It is noteworthy that throughout all this, UMNO and MCA did not openly conflict with the colonial authorities. After the IMP was defeated in the Municipal Elections, it lost interest in further elections. The IMP had no base in the Malay masses, which were more responsive to the communalist line of the traditional rulers in UMNO, or were otherwise unconcerned. Moreover, the IMP was the party most closely identified with the colonial power. In March 1953, the IMP attempted to launch a new initiative to gain support by sponsoring a National Conference "to plan the way to a united, free and independent Malaya." (Malay Mail, 20 March 1953) The British Governor-General gave his whole-hearted support to the Conference, while UMNO and MCA boycotted it. (R.K. Vasil, 'Politics in a plural society', KL 1971:76) UMNO and MCA threatened to resign from the Government Councils if the 1954 deadline was not met. With these various groups vying with each other to lead the so-called nationalist movement, the British had to make some concessions. Consequently, in May 1953 the colonial government announced the formation of a Legislative Committee.
Swansong for the IMP In February 1953, in what was to be its last about-turn, the IMP gave way to the 'Party Negara' and the ideology of this opportunistic party once more reverted to that of Malay chauvinism. Dato Onn's political stance had come full circle, back to that of 1946 when he led the Malay revolt over the Malayan Union proposals. In many ways, it reflected the realization that in 1955, 85 per cent of the electorate was Malay. (K.J. Ratnam, op. cit. p.186) Party Negara adopted the IMP's programme of the gradual introduction of elections and self-government, and maintenance of the Malay rulers as constitutional monarchs. In addition, to prove that it was even more communalistic than UMNO: (Straits Times, 3 January 1955) (a) It disallowed membership of the party to non-Malays who had resided in Malaya for more than 10 years but who were not citizens; Party Negara maintained that the immigration restrictions were meant to avoid "the growing imbalance between the three major races... [since] we are against any attempt at domination by a section of the Chinese community in this country." (Singapore Standard, 23 January 1955, cited in G. Means, 1970:159) Onn even proposed encouraging Indonesian immigration as a way of ensuring the numerical superiority of the Malays. In its campaign to break the UMNO-MCA alliance, Party Negara played upon the theme that by its alliance with MCA, UMNO was betraying Malay interests. In 1955, it succeeded in putting pressure on the Alliance by forcing UMNO to take a definite stand on the language issue as well as on citizenship policy. The two parties in the Alliance had kept their programmes as vague as possible while invoking communalist rhetoric to their respective audiences; it was this tenuous bond that held the Alliance together. The IMP motion in the Legislative Council had moved to make Malay the sole official language. The MCA and the Chinese guilds protested, and the Alliance decried the devious nature of the motion, but it was passed. The Chinese associations then petitioned the British Crown demanding a policy of multilingualism. When the Federal election campaign began in earnest, the country had a full taste of the communalist politics that was to feature in the years to come. The 'Alliance' was complete when the MIC joined this 'Communal Formula'. The strain on the Alliance was most severe during the allocation of seats for the elections. In all three member parties, there were protests at what each saw as concessions to the other parties, and the familiar allegations of the leaders having 'sold out their race'. The Alliance leaders had to impose strict internal discipline to keep the electoral front intact, while at the same time they each had to secure the support of the very same communalist base; such was the contradiction of the 'Alliance Formula'. For example, on the one hand the Tunku appealed to the Malays by stressing the 'alien danger' posed by non-Malay immigration, and on the other, he defended the Alliance manifesto compromise of marginally less restrictive citizenship requirements, arguing that the 'loyal' MCA and MIC members did not constitute this alien threat.
Dato Onn's Political Demise The 1955 Federal elections were mainly a contest between Party Negara and the Alliance, although neither faction was antagonistic to the interests of imperialism. During the election campaign, Party Negara played on the theme of Chinese domination after Independence and the betrayal of the Malays by UMNO through its compromise citizenship conditions for the non-Malays. Party Negara, however, could not shake off the close identification with the colonial power at a time when independence and self-government were the main demands of the masses. Its target date for Independence was not until 1960. The Alliance managed to keep the contentious communal issues as nebulous as possible between themselves, and created an apparent image of opposition to the colonial power to suit the prevailing political climate. It capitalized on all the misgivings relative to the colonial power, but failed to present the electorate with any clearly defined alternatives. It even orchestrated some protests and boycotts, such as the resignation of the three main Alliance leaders from the Legislative Council in May 1955. (Ibid. p.161) The question of amnesty for the guerrillas (included in the Alliance manifesto) was intended to appease a war-weary population. Their manifesto, however, made no reference to the eventual union of Malaya and Singapore. Above all, this was because of the fear of Singapore's strong left-wing labour movement, as well as the threat to the Malays' numerical edge should Singapore become part of the Federation. The 1955 election saw a landslide victory for the Alliance, which won 51 out of the 52 seats. The remaining seat was lost to the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party (PMIP) in the Krian rice district of Perak, which was mainly composed of Malay padi farmers. After the rout, Party Negara became a spent force, leaving the Alliance as the only political party worth supporting by the British colonial state and the Tunku became 'Chief Minister'. Subsequently, the Alliance announced the target date for Independence four years hence and also undertook to negotiate amnesty for the guerrillas. But the British were not prepared to hand over power until they were assured of the Alliance's ability to deal with the CPM and the insurgent masses. Western imperialist interests had to be ensured while the Emergency was still in progress. Only after the Baling talks between the Alliance and CPM leaders had broken down in December 1955 and the former had reneged on its amnesty proposals, were the British assured of the Alliance's reliability as their neo-colonial custodians. Soon, negotiations started between the British Government, the Alliance, and the Malay Rulers. The result was a foregone conclusion. |
Anwar Ibrahim – Victim of baseless allegations Posted: 24 May 2011 09:21 AM PDT Anwar stopped Mahathir to protect his family's fortune & business interests by diversifying the public funds to their corporate. This has gone against the wishes of his senior colleague. It is said there is nothing bigger than the self politics which even does not spare the closest of the relations if they come in between of the personal satisfaction & greed of political growth. By Hatef Mokhtar (Founder of Armed for the Quill - Oslo, Norway)
Anwar Ibrahim started his career when he was pursuing Malay studies as a President of Muslim student organization Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) & of Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Universiti Malaya (PBMUM) simultaneously. In 1971 he was one of the prominent members & among the founders of Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia or Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) founded in 1971. During 1974 student protests against rural poverty & hunger he was booked under Malaysian Internal Security Act leading him to imprisonment of 20 months detaining him without any judicial trail. Famous for his nationalist ideology his move to support the government of Malaysian President Mahathir Mohammad in 1981 shocked his liberal & unconditional supporters of his founded organization Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). As he joined the politics the rise of his ranks & status gathered momentum. His first ministerial post was as the minister for Culture, Youth & Sports in 1983. The time of Anwar's golden era has now just started in 1983 & he remained & gained his ranks of political world with a great pace when ultimately he reached & was sworned in as a Deputy Prime Minister in Mahathir bin Mohammad government from 1993 – 1998 which ended with the blow of ASEAN financial crisis of 1997 closing of his son-father relationship of political path in 1998 with UMNO. He was also appointed as an Acting Prime Minister during absence of Mahathir Mohammad who took holiday from his work for about two months. Before climbing to the Prime Minister's desk Anwar Ibrahim headed many ministries in UMNO such as in 1984, Minister of Education 1986 which cleared the way for his prime ministerial position expected as per Malaysian politics which rife him to the surety of his Deputy Prime Ministerial choice. Anwar came in limelight when he took charge of the two prominent ministries in 1986 Education Minister & 1991 Minister of Finance. During his tenure as a Minister of Education he introduced numerous pro Malay policies in the national school curriculum & the most controversial of them all was when he renamed the national language as Bahasa Melayu from Bahasa Malaysia this invited the huge public outcry from the non Malays who felt that this will detached the future generations from the national language & there will be nothing which does not belong to Malaysians but only to Malays. This has created a much silent rift which has now widened with his moves. When he was Finance minister the allegations were drawn that he is being corrupt & is using public exchequer in a non transparent manner. During the last years of his golden era when Malaysia & other ASEAN economies were facing brunt of financial crisis Anwar blamed Mahathir being a capitalist & was opened a clear front against his protectionist policies which have resulted in financial turmoil in Malaysia. The trail & allegations which he faced & is going through are completely baseless as it is completely political which a result is of the confrontation between the two political magnets. With a rise in support & increasing popularity in the masses especially in the minorities Anwar's demise can be beneficial to one person & that is Mahathir himself who even have called him the potential prime minister for Israel. The person who is nationalist by choice & is clear with transparency in his views cannot be corrupt & can't perform the act of sodomy with his fellow ministers. The trail under which he gone & spent 6 months under severe torture by the police authorities are completely not justified. The person who had been declared as Asian of the year just because of his policies & stand for his nation's worst days is charged with the allegations of being corrupt political figure; the person who took stand against the corrupt political practices of the national leaders of his Malay nation especially that off Mahathir whose intentions to save his own investments leads the national exchequer to the mere dummy.The reason which nobody knows is that Anwar stopped Mahathir to protect his family's fortune & business interests by diversifying the public funds to their corporate. This has gone against the wishes of his senior colleague. It is said there is nothing bigger than the self politics which even does not spare the closest of the relations if they come in between of the personal satisfaction & greed of political growth. This is what happened to the relations of Mahathir & Anwar which when tested on the values came under the political weight of scrutiny. The nationalistic values & patriotism of Anwar Ibrahim which thought was right & has guided him right on the path of truth & justice which his nation was expecting of him at the most difficult times of its economy didn't matched with the greedy expectations of the corrupt political circles of the Mahathir bin Mohammad's regime which even at the harsh times were just trying to save their own interests rather than those of nation. The Anwar's policies favouring financial & banking system which allows them to protect their funds in terms of saving them from bankruptcy & not allowing any offerings for public bailouts for the corporate had resulted in the first between the two titans of the Malaysian Cabinet. It is the policies of Anwar & the values of his nationalism which saved Malaysia from the worst of the financial turmoil otherwise if there would be someone else corrupt then scenario of Anwar's nation would have been completely different. This is he who have helped building Malaysia a more secular & friendly state rather being clutched in the grip of fundamentals of the radical Islam which has always threatened Malaysia's system from the start of its first years of independence. When somebody wants fame & want to get famous mostly the people choose to target who is already under sight & this is what happened to Anwar Ibrahim who was prosecuted under the false charges of sodomy by his fellow minister which though somehow proven on the false identification & criticised reports of the DNA has ended Anwar's career altogether as Malaysian law has provisions of 15 years jail term under sodomy charges. The trail which Anwar went through was full of loops in the judicial decision which made him the victim of the corrupt politicization of the judiciary in Malaysia. The decision to sentence Anwar & the maltreatment of him by the police officers in jail was the matter of the fact of political influence which still exist in advance Malaysian society which portrays itself as the most clear & a true Asian in real. Defaming the image of the person whose ideology & focus is his nation, who have always stand for his nation in the most difficult times for which he even got awarded as the Asian of the Year. The person who sees life as respect & believes in being natural & clear in his approach was booked under the false allegations of the sodomy charges falsely put by the greedy sections of his fellows who Anwar has always trusted & coordinated on every level. The person who visions a better & safer future for his nation was declared corrupt defaming his image which characterises him as the national hero who saved his nation from being driven in the down line of crisis. The person who talked about secularism & national unity was banned from the politics just because the loopy trails of false allegations were being conducted under the political channels favouring the hollow desires of greedy politicians. The trail has not only tarnished the image of Malaysian judiciary but has also been criticised by most respected international organisations & communities. The open truth of Anwar Ibrahim's patriotic soul has not been felt by the citizens of his nations to whom he served the most. The mockery of the Malaysian judiciary has now been made in the public resulting in the complete shame for the nation like this which is secular & friendly. Read more at: |
Utusan memalukan visi Said Zahari Posted: 24 May 2011 09:16 AM PDT Di zaman kemuncaknya, Said Zahari sebagai Ketua Pengarang Utusan dalam tahun 1950-an dan 1960-an berjuang untuk kepentingan rakyat, khususnya membawa isu-isu orang Melayu yang masih hidup miskin dan melarat. Kerana itu juga beliau menjadi mangsa politik UMNO yang mahu menguasai Utusan pada 1961. By Izwan M Susur jalur sejarah akhbar tertua di Malaysia iaitu Utusan Melayu dipenuhi dengan liku dan perjalanannya sejak sebelum sehingga selepas merdeka tidak lekang dengan kontroversi. Sebuah akhbar yang menjadi lidah dan telinga kepada perjuangan rakyat suatu ketika dahulu kini menjadi alat dan instrumen mengekalkan kemandirian si penguasa. Akhbar yang lahir di Singapura (ketika itu Singapura masih bersama Tanah Melayu) pada 1938 menjadi pentas utama dalam melontarkan mesej dan berita bagi memangkin kebangkitan rakyat serta menjadi alat utama di dalam kesedaran rakyat ketika masih di bawah penjajah. Etika kewartawanan dibawa Utusan Melayu jika dibandingkan pada suatu masa dahulu dengan sekarang seperti langit dan bumi. Di zaman kemuncaknya, Said Zahari sebagai Ketua Pengarang Utusan dalam tahun 1950-an dan 1960-an berjuang untuk kepentingan rakyat, khususnya membawa isu-isu orang Melayu yang masih hidup miskin dan melarat. (Kerana itu juga beliau menjadi mangsa politik UMNO yang mahu menguasai Utusan pada 1961. Apabila Said ke pejabat Utusan di Singapura, kerajaan Malaya mengharamkan beliau kembali. Di Singapura pula, Lee Kuan Yew menahan beliau tanpa bicara atas tuduhan kononnya terlibat dalam kegiatan komunis. Selama 17 tahun beliau dalam tahanan di Singapura) Sepanjang liputan perjanjian perdamaian di Baling pada tahun 1955 (ketika itu Said Zahari bertanggungjawab membuat laporan), tiada laporan yang dianggap sensitif serta mengundang kemarahan dilaporkan walau pun peristiwa tersebut dianggap antara sejarah penting buat negara. "Bagaimanapun upacara itu tidaklah didramatikkan oleh suasana prasangka, ketidakpastian, kecemasan dan ketegangan yang membendung pertemuan Baling," Zainuddin Maidin, bekas Ketua Pengarang Utusan, menulis di dalam salah satu artikelnya. Sejak pengambilalihan kuasa oleh UMNO, Utusan tidak lagi menjadi suara rakyat, sebaliknya ia hanya menjadi penyebar fikiran UMNO. Reputasi dan kebebasan Utusan menjadi lebih parah lagi apabila tindakan memecat salah seorang wartawannya iaitu Hata Wahari yang juga merupakan presiden Kesatuan Wartawan Malaysia atau National Union of Journalists (NUJ) baru-baru ini. Berbeda ketika era Said Zahari, pemogokan Utusan Melayu yang dikepalainya dari bulan Julai hingga Oktober 1961 bukan sahaja sebahagian daripada sejarah penting Utusan Melayu sendiri bahkan juga sejarah persuratkhabaran dan kewartawanan tanah air yang tidak boleh dipadamkan daripada lembaran sejarah. Solidariti dan setiakawan antara sesama wartawan ketika itu sangat kukuh bahkan ia menampakkan jelas imej tegas dan kebebasan sebuah entiti yang wajib menjadi milik rakyat dan bukannya untuk segelintir mereka yang mempunyai kepentingan. Lihat sajalah berapa ramai ketua cawangan parti politik pemerintah yang memegang jawatan tinggi di dalam Utusan ketika ini, beranikah pengurusan dan lembaga disiplin bersikap bertanggungjawab untuk menjawab soalan ini? Ia pasti tidak sama sekali. Adakah dengan status wartawan di Utusan Melayu, individu-individu ini menjadi bebal dan kebal dari segi undang-undang? Cermin-cerminlah. Sudah tiba masanya ketua-ketua pengarang di dalam Utusan ketika ini untuk mencermin diri sendiri dan bukan sekadar menjadi kartun badut seperti kolum senyum kambing dalam akhbar mereka. Jika semangat Said Zahari yang sanggup mogok dan meringkuk dalam penjara ISA (Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri) selama 17 tahun tidak diolah dan sudah lenyap, mungkin juga akhbar Utusan akan suatu hari nanti menjadi lebih teruk daripada bungkus nasi lemak. – Izwan adalah seorang wartawan bebas dan aktivis hak asasi |
Talking Malay on false premises Posted: 24 May 2011 04:12 AM PDT Sakmongkol AK47 Let us demolish one pet belief of UMNO people and those who think they speak for UMNO. It's time for the real Malay to speak for the Malay. Where have the real Malays gone? How can we force ourselves to suffer fools by allowing ourselves to consume the hate spewing writings of some bloggers whose Malay-ness are questionable? Why isn't the peddler of rancid curry speaking on behalf and for Kimma members? He looks more kitol-ish that the person he castigates as Kitol. Why isn't the gold nugget seller doing the same? We thank you but no thanks. Jadi jadi lah kita orang Melayu kena tipu. I find myself in strange territory listening to people like Reezal Merican, or Rahim Azeez speak for the Malays. I would have thought, Malays are better off if these people speak on behalf of KIMMA. I think Malays have got enough talented people to speak for ourselves. Then we have those who pretend they speak for UMNO but are themselves not UMNO members. Can they have the same thinking dynamics of an UMNO member? And I am not even differentiating between good and bad thinking- just undifferentiated UMNO thinking. Why is this important? It's important because then, what we say can be leavened with realistic assessment. Then we can appreciate the UMNO spirit. Without the UMNO spirit, what you write is mechanical. The real UMNO man wouldn't speak of an imagined clash of Christians and Muslims or spun the story about Christians taking over this country. I think Malays are already suffering from an overdose of ghost stories and will NOT want to add to their consumption ,manufactured tales about DAP becoming PM or Christians taking over this country. Does a Malay cease to be a Malay if he is not UMNO member? Being UMNO is not an absolute requirement to fight for a Malay cause. Even being Malay is not an absolute guarantee that Malay interests are taken care of. Both require the right Malay with the right values and the UMNO Malay with the right values. Consider the record before us. From the day we got independence, most of our MBs are Malays. The top bosses in the Police and the army are Malays. The KSUs and TKSUs are almost invariably Malays. The top government officers are Malays. All the District officers are. All penghulus are Malays. All the Kings? All are Malays. Now, one would be justified into assuming that given the fact that almost all the important orifice bearers are Malays and the governmental institutions we have are peopled by Malays, the lot of the Malays would be greatly improved or would have been vastly improved. Wouldn't it? Well, in terms of control of the economy, Malay economic interest is just about 20%. That's 20% of the overall wealth being shared by 65% of the population. We would further imagine that Malays would own more land in this country. We would also imagine that Malays owned better housing. Their education would be of higher standard. With Malays in power, there would have been more rich Malays than rich non Malays. Yet in the top 20 richest in Malaysia, you would find probably one fellow. In the top 40, you start getting more Malays but you also get more non Malays. So what conclusion can you deduce from these observations? The only valid and justifiable conclusion, is having Malays up there does not readily translate into Malay prominence in any of the fields we mentioned. It follows from here, that positioning Malays in strategic offices is not necessarily beneficial and advantageous to Malays.
Islam as a tool of Umno's political game Posted: 24 May 2011 01:00 AM PDT
In the current case, the three women, previously unknown to the public, were caned and the public was not informed for over a week. The canings were administered by federal prison officials in a federal women's prison. This gives rise to a possible violation of federal law that the GOM has yet to explain or address. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KUALA LUMPUR 000108 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/19/2020 TAGS: KTIP, KCRM, KWMN, PGOV, PHUM, PREL, SMIG, MY SUBJECT: CANING OF THREE WOMEN REFLECTS UMNO'S POLITICAL TACTICS
Classified By: Political Counselor Brian McFeeters for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).
--- SUMMARY AND COMMENT --- 1. (SBU) Summary: On February 17, Home Minister Hishammuddin announced that three women and four men who had been found guilty of illicit sex under Syariah law had been caned on February 9. The three became the first women to be caned in Malaysia. Caning of women in Malaysia had recently become the subject of international scrutiny, and Malaysian legal scholars are wondering what the decision means for the legal system, since caning of women is against federal law. On July 20, 2009, Malaysian Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, a Muslim woman, was sentenced by a state-level Syariah court to six lashes with a cane and a fine for consuming alcohol in public. To date, Kartika has not yet been caned. Viewing the caning as a political maneuver, the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) was critical of the GOM's actions contending they were not consistent with Islam. NGOs too were critical of the caning contending that it does not comport with federal law. End Summary. 2. (C) Comment: Kartika's case put Prime Minister Najib's new administration in the difficult position of balancing the competing forces fighting for Malaysia's Muslim identity. While concerned about preserving Malaysia's image as a moderate Muslim State, Najib has been unwilling to date to criticize Syariah law or otherwise downplay the seriousness of Kartika's offense for fear that it could damage United Malays National Organization's (UMNO) Islamic bona fides. That the GOM chose to cane three anonymous women, rather than the internationally renowned Kartika, seems to be a tactical maneuver by UMNO to retain or lure back conservative Malay voters as well as perhaps a testing of the waters presaging Kartika's caning. That Najib feels the need to placate the most conservative Malays suggests that his stated intent to change to a more inclusive, less Malay-centric economic and political model is facing considerable, resistance within his own coalition. End Comment. --- FIRST WOMEN CANED IN MALAYSIA --- 3. (SBU) Home Minister Hishammuddin announced on February 17 that GOM officials caned four Muslim men and three Muslim women found guilty of illicit sex under Syariah law. Sex out of wedlock is unlawful under Syariah law. The canings took place on February 9, and the three women are believed to be the first women to be caned under the law in Malaysia. Two of the women received six strokes of the cane and the other received four. The women were caned in a female prison. According to the Home Minister, one was released on February 14, one will be released in the coming days, and the third will be released in June. --- MALAYSIA'S DUAL LEGAL SYSTEM --- 4. (SBU) Article 3 of the Malaysian Constitution states that "Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practiced in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation." Article 3 further provides that issues of Islamic law are state, rather than federal, matters. Thus, states, and the Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory, have individual Syariah law codes and have established Syariah courts, with jurisdiction over Muslims, to deal with family law and certain infractions under Islamic law. The constitution makes clear that federal law has precedence over state law (articles 4 and 75, "if any State law is inconsistent with a federal law, the federal law shall prevail and the State law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void"). Hence, because Syariah law is a state matter, any inconsistencies between these two legal systems should, according to the language of the Federal Constitution, be resolved in favor of the federal system. However, Article 121(1A) of the Constitution, added under former Prime Minister Mahathir in 1988 says, "the courts referred to in Clause (1) (the High Courts) shall have no jurisdiction in respect of any matter within the jurisdiction of the Syariah courts." This amendment introduced ambiguity about Syariah versus civil law that has yet to be resolved clearly. --- CANING IN MALAYSIA --- 5. (SBU) Under federal law, Malaysian judges routinely include caning in sentences of individuals convicted of kidnapping, rape, and robbery. The law also prescribes caning for illegal immigrants and their employers and as an additional punishment for those convicted of some nonviolent crimes such as narcotics possession, criminal breach of trust, and alien smuggling. The caning is carried out with a half-inch wooden cane that can cause welts and scarring. Federal law exempts men over 50 and all women from caning. Conversely, some states prescribe caning under Syariah law, for which there are no exceptions for women. In Syariah caning, a smaller cane is used and the caning official cannot raise the cane above his shoulder. Additionally, the subject is fully clothed so that the cane will not touch the flesh. Local Islamic officials claim that the intent is not to injure but to make the offenders ashamed of their sins and repent. --- THE CURIOUS ROLE OF THE GOM IN CANING THREE WOMEN --- 6. (C) In the February 9 case, the three women were sentenced to caning for committing adultery in violation of Section 23(2) of the Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory Syariah Criminal Offenses Act of 1997. The sentencing of women to such corporal punishment under Syariah law contradicts the federal law outlined in Section 289 of the Criminal Procedure Code that states that women are not to be subject to caning. In the current case, the three women, previously unknown to the public, were caned and the public was not informed for over a week. The canings were administered by federal prison officials in a federal women's prison. This gives rise to a possible violation of federal law that the GOM has yet to explain or address. 7. (SBU) The federal government has highlighted its role in meting out these sentences, indicating that the decision had Najib's support. Home Minister Hishamuddin (Prime Minister Najib Razak's cousin) placed himself at the forefront of this issue, announcing on February 17 that the women had been caned, commenting that "the punishment is to teach and give a chance to those who have fallen off the path to return and build a better life for the future," sounding much like an Islamic cleric. In a February 19 interview, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin did not address the legal issue, focusing instead on the need to explain that Syariah caning is ritualistic rather than severe. The government-influenced daily, Bernama, on February 19, quoted Minister for Religious Affairs in the Prime Minister's Department Seri Jamil Khir Baharom as saying that the women were remorseful and "welcomed their sentence." In a separate article, Bernama reported that Minister of Women, Family, and Community Development Shahrizat, said that her Ministry will monitor future caning of women noting that "as the minister in charge of women affairs in this country, I really hope that the whipping sentence on Muslim women will be carried out fairly and judiciously." --- REACTION FROM PAS --- 8. (SBU) When the canings were announced, some observers wondered whether the punishments could be seen as an effort to divide the opposition coalition People's Assembly, expecting PAS to support the punishments, while the secular Democratic Action Party (DAP) would likely oppose the canings. However, PAS Central Working Committee Member and Member of Parliament Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad of Selangor urged his party not to fall into the trap of allowing UMNO to portray itself as the defender of the Islamic agenda. He asserted that there is a political motive behind the caning of the three women. If UMNO were sincere about upholding the principles of Islam, it would address the source of problem rather than just implementing the sentence and would be combating corruption, abuse of power, cruelty, and embezzlement of the wealth of the country by political cronies. 9. (SBU) PAS Women's Movement Chief Nuridah Salleh asserted that the GOM's caning of the seven individuals did not conform to Islamic principles because it was done in private and not in the open as required by Islam. She explained that canings are to be public in order to educate and instill awareness among the people and to ensure the violators do not commit the crime again. She called on the Home Minister to remember this intent prior to carrying out future caning sentences. --- REACTION FROM CIVIL SOCIETY --- 10. (SBU) Civil society groups have condemned the GOM caning of the women. The Malaysian Bar Council, on February 18, issued a press release expressing its "shock and disappointment" and elaborating, "given that the Kartika issue remains unresolved and the public outcry on issues of constitutionality in regards to the fact that corporal punishment is forbidden for women under Section 289 of the Criminal Procedure Code, it is indeed shocking that the Government has made the announcement only after the punishment has been carried out." Similarly, Sisters in Islam questioned the GOM's motive behind caning the Muslim women while the issue of Kartika's case remains unresolved. All Women's Action Society president Sophia Lim asserted that "the Home Minister needs to explain why the government allowed the punishment to be carried out in secret on an issue that is of high public interest with very far ranging and damaging consequences." KEITH
DAP agrees to no concurrent polls in Pakatan states if snap election this year Posted: 23 May 2011 06:25 PM PDT (The Star) - The DAP has agreed not to hold concurrent elections in Pakatan Rakyat-led states if the Prime Minister announces snap polls this year, party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said Tuesday. He said during a meeting of the party's central executive committee, they agreed that the party preferred if the four Pakatan state governments - Kedah, Kelantan, Selangor and Penang - completed the full five-year term. "However, if snap polls are called next year, then it is likely that we will hold concurrent elections," he told a press conference at the party's headquarters here. He added that general discussions have been held with other component parties about the elections but the final decision would be made following the Prime Minister's announcement.
Posted: 23 May 2011 06:05 PM PDT
That's why! These lowly educated Melayu from Umno want to try to play psy-war and spin-doctoring. But they don't know how. Maslan may be the Umno Information Chief but that does not mean he is clever. NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin Ball is in Anwar's court, says Umno info chief (The Malaysian Insider) - Umno information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan said today that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim must prove Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah's allegations are false following the latter's exclusive interview with Utusan Malaysia. (Read more here: Shazryl Eskay gave a mere interview with Utusan Malaysia. I signed a legal document, a Statutory Declaration, and my lawyer, J. Chandra, sent it officially by way of letter to the prosecutors in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial. Going by what the Umno Information Chief said, then the Malaysian government has to now prove that what I signed in that 2008 SD is false. I need not prove what I signed is true -- just like Shazryl Eskay does not need to prove what he said about Anwar is true. This means the government has to first of all drop the three S.501 Criminal Defamation charges against me (not just 'discharge not amounting to an acquittal'). Then the government needs to investigate my SD and prove that what I signed is false. Only when it is proven that what I signed is false can the government, again, charge me -- but this time for the crime of signing a false statutory declaration under S.203. That's why! These lowly educated Melayu from Umno want to try to play psy-war and spin-doctoring. But they don't know how. Maslan may be the Umno Information Chief but that does not mean he is clever. Remember, back in 1999 Anwar Ibrahim was convicted of corruption and sodomy and was sentenced to 15 years jail because, according to the court, he had failed to convince the court of his innocence. Get it? Anwar was jailed 15 years not because he was found guilty. He was jailed 15 years because he failed to convince the court of his innocence. Okay, our laws may be based on the doctrine of innocent until proven guilty. But that only applies to people who suck up to Umno. For those who oppose Umno it is the other way around. So, can I hear it from the Malaysian government? Are you going to drop the three Criminal Defamation charges against me and, like what the Umno Information Chief said, prove that what I signed in my SD is false? Then, and only then, if you can prove that what I signed in my SD is false, can you charge me for the crime of signing a false SD. This is what Umno says must be done and I, for once, would be most happy to listen to Umno. |
Shazryl defends ties with Thai Malay militants Posted: 23 May 2011 05:23 PM PDT (The Star) - Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah has defended his "connection" with Thai Malay militants as exposed by Wikileaks, adding that this was to facilitate peace in the southern part of the country. Shazryl said that along with Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, he had initiated the Langkawi Peace Talk with the consent of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej in 2006. "The peace talk culminated in a peace road map. We have handed over the findings to the Thai and Malaysian governments. The Thai government had implemented most of the action plan proposed in the peace road map," he said. Shazryl, who was part of the Datuk T trio that exposed a sex video implicating Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, was responding to details of his meeting with United States Embassy political counsellor Mark D. Clark on Feb 5, 2006. Wikileaks had exposed the meeting from a leaked US Embassy cable, which was then uploaded onto an online portal. In the report, Clark revealed that Shazryl, who was former Thai consul in Langkawi, had in-depth knowledge of the separatist movement, including the role played by the older generation insurgency leaders in providing support to the younger leaders. Clark also noted that Shazryl had informed the US officials that he saw no evidence linking the Thai Malay separatist to external terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah. Clark said Shazryl believed that the Thai Malay separatists accounted for only 30% of attacks in south Thailand while the rest were linked to criminal gangs and factions within the army, intelligence and police. It was also revealed that the insurgents received financial assistance via Singapore from unknown sources. Clark had noted that Shazryl's information on the insurgents were the most detailed the US team had received. However, Shazryl denied Clark's claim that veteran insurgent Abdullah Idris, the vice-president of National Revolutionary Front, was responsible for ordering some of the ongoing attacks in southern Thailand. Shazryl also denied sharing with the US officials a 12-page "confidential" paper on the insurgency and views of the Thai Malays.
Anger grows against ‘selfish’ Gerakan boss Posted: 23 May 2011 04:59 PM PDT As anger mounts, there is a possibility that an EGM may be called to knock out Koh Tsu Koon from the top post. (Free Malaysia Today) - There is growing resentment among Gerakan members towards their president Koh Tsu Koon and an emergency general meeting may be called to remove him. Former party youth vice-chief S Paranjothy said several party leaders told him that Koh must be axed to save the sinking Gerakan. The Taman Ehsan branch chief claimed that the president was more interested in safeguarding his own political position in the federal government and had ignored the problems in the party. Paranjothi recalled how former party chief Dr Lim Keng Yaik had advised Koh to concentrate on building the party at the state level in Penang. "But Koh was too ambitious and went for the Batu Kawan parliamentary seat to shine at the federal level. He lost the seat to DAP's P Ramasamy in the 2008 general election," he said. Paranjothy also accused Koh of failing to live up to expectations during his tenure as chief minister of Penang and warned that if not reformed, Gerakan would become irrelevant in Malaysian politics. 'Yes man and self-centred' He listed the president's shortcomings as:
Pemimpin silih berganti, dari yang lemah kepada yang bertambah lemah Posted: 23 May 2011 04:37 PM PDT The Ariff and Aspan Blog Kali ini mungkin banyak reaksi yang tidak menggemari pandangan saya tentang isu pembangunan negara. Saya tidak akan menyebut angka-angka secara 'quantitative' kerana ia akan membawa banyak lagi 'confusions' di kalangan yang membaca komen saya terhadap isu yang akan saya sebut ini. Sejak Najib mengambil alih kepimpinan negara bermacam-macam telah di umumkan oleh beliau dengan 'jargon-jargon' yang besar untuk mengambil hati rakyat. Najib hendak menunjukan perbezaan beliau dengan pimpinan sebelumnya. Tiada satu pun di antara initiatif yang beliau umumkan akan berjaya dilaksanakan dan ianya akan tetap tinggal sebagai retorik kosong yang tidak akan membawa apa-apa munafaat kepada rakyat kecuali kepada beberapa kerat yang berada di dalam senarai kroni yang disayangi. Sebaliknya apa yang kita dengar ialah penarikan balek subsidi kos tambahan kepada rakyat yang tua-tua dan yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan dengan membeli barangan yang terkandung di dalamnya kos dari cukai 'GST'. Saya sengaja menyebut isu ini kerana apa yang saya katakan kali ini akan berhadapan dengan kebenarannya. Mungkin banyak pihak yang akan membidas saya tetapi itu tidak mengapa kerana akhirnya nanti apa yang saya katakan ini akan terbuktikan kebenarannya. Semasa Abdullah Badawi menjadi PM dahulu rakyat mula mempersoalkan kewibawaan beliau setelah 2 tahun memgang tampok kuasa yang dipusakakan oleh Dr Mahathir. Malahan semasa beliau menjadi Timbalan PM lagi sudah ramai di antara rakyat yang bercakap secara senyap-senyap mempersoalkan kemampuan beliau mentadbir sebuah negara seperti Malaysia ini kerana kepada pandangan ramai beliau hanya seorang yang baik tetapi bukan seorang pemimpin yang baik. Salah seorang dari rakan saya yang sekarang berada di dalam kabinet sekarang ini berkata menyatakan, jika orang baik seperti Abdullah ini di jadikan pemimpin dia (Abdullah) akan jadi pemimpin yang tidak baik. Orang baik dengan pemimpin yang baik ada dua perkara yang berlainan. Seorang yang baik tetapi tidak pemimpin yang baik jika diberikan tanggungjawab untuk memimpin dia akan akhirnya menjadi orang dan pemimpin yang kurang baik. Tetapi itu bukan kesalahan Abdullah, kerana beliau lantik oleh Dr Mahathir. Begitu ramai yang mempersoalkan kemampuan Abdullah Mahathir seorang yang mengatakan Abdullah itu boleh memimpin. Tetapi sesiapa yang ada roh politik UMNO yang kuat akan memahami kenapa Dr Mahathir berkehendakan Abdullah untuk menggantikan beliau walaupun beliau (Mahathir) tahu yang Abdullah bukan seorang pemimpin yang berwibawa untuk menjadi PM. Ramai yang berfikir yang bercakap, apabila seseorang pemimpin diambil alih oleh yang lebih lemah darinya, pemimpin seterusnya yang akan mewarisi pimpinan negara akan datang dari mereka yang bertambah lemah. Bukan tidak ramai yang berkata semasa Abdullah mengambil alih kepimpinan negara, "bermula dari saat ini kepimpinan negara akan bertambah lemah dan lemah. Yang menggantikan Abdullah akan lebih lemah dari Abdullah dan sesiapa yang menggantikan pengganti Abdullah itu akan lagi bertambah lemah dan seterusnya begitulah sehingga parti dan pimpinan Melayu itu akan rebah dan tersungkur". Apabila pemimpin lemah mengambil alih negara, dia akan cuba menutupi segala kekurangan yang ada pada dirinya melalui penerampilkan diri yang cantik serta 'disposition' yang menarik. Kelemahannya akan ditutupi dengan perwatakan serta 'personality' yang hebat dan sebagainya. Pemimpin lemah akan mengutamakan 'form' dari 'substance' kerana 'form' itu berkemampuan untuk membina persepsi yang baik untuk dirinya walaupun 'substance'nya tiada. Tetapi menghadapi rakyat ramai, cara dan kaedah penerampilan secara ini tidak akan kekal. Akhirnya rakyat akan bertanya, "apa yang kita capai secara organiknya dalam pentadbiran ini?"
Wikileak: Did Eskay botch again? Posted: 23 May 2011 04:23 PM PDT
Another Brick in the Wall The blogosphere have been going tic toc tic toc ... waiting for Dato Eskay Shazril to make a revelation he claimed as a final blow to the political career of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. There were two opportunistic moments to release the information but it didn't come out.
Eskay had not answer the five questions but he is now faced with a Wikileak expose by Raja Petra on Malaysia Today here yesterday. Read also reports by Free Malaysia Today here. Blogger rbf here notice Malaysiakini, Anwars paid mouthpiece has yet to make a report of it. When pushed, only then would Eskay respond? There is supposed to be an expose in Utusan Malaysia today but where is it online? Did Eskay botch again? Fumbled Big Time In the last sex video case, he fumbled big time. Although the man is not the same, getting Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik involved destroyed the credibility of the expose. Displaying the video to reporters and opposition leaders and sympathisers at Carcosa, of all the place, was unnecessary. It build up curiosity to the public but late in fulfilling it. By the time, the video was released, which was rather late, Eskay was playing games as though he was trying to emulate his spin maestro friend, Anwar Ibrahim, by releasing it bit by bit. He fumbled in the handling and many mistakes were made that finally the impact was lost. Anwar had all the time in the world to response, cook up excuses, and played his religious card. Do not be surprise if Eskay is charged for the offense of distributing pornography and Anwar goes scots free from this episode. He did not do anything wrong under the law. It is the woman that will be charged for prostitution. Thank God, this blogger was not called back by the Dato Trio to view the video. Anwar's friends and supporters can be dangerously unreliable, unethical in their game and in some cases, naive gloryseekers. Eskay is undoubtedly an associate of Anwar. Read this blog X-PKR here, believed to be that of a former associate of Anwar. Cards in hand The manner that made Eskay turned against Anwar has still not jive with many. Furthermore, comments this blogger received from those with business dealing with Eskay does not make him credible. This blogger believed Eskay has many cards in hand. Assuming he has no credibility issue and is really a changed man, does he knows what and how to do with the information he has? One possibility is the video below that revealed Anwar sourcing money from abroad via Bangkok.
Fighting shadows, stoking fire Posted: 23 May 2011 02:38 PM PDT By Free Malaysia Today The band of brothers – Perkasa and Umno foot soldiers – who pledged to defend Utusan at all costs has set the stage for a future conflict. An attack on Utusan Malaysia is an attack on the Malays. If the newspaper goes to town with screaming headlines about more unverified dark plots hatched by "infidels", no one can squeak a word of criticism against the sacrosanct daily. To do so would risk a full-blown crusade. The enemies are fellow citizens who also called Malaysia their one and only home. They are threatened with another round of bloodshed which would probably be the final solution – no more Chinese, Indians, Christians. The country will be swept clean of all these irksome "guests" and only the Malays will remain intact. It will be a celebration of fanaticism, narrow-mindedness, insanity, intolerance. But what good would all this do? What purpose would it serve the country when the social fabric is torn asunder? It is well-nigh impossible to rebuild the country when the soil is soaked with the blood of innocent people. Utusan is fighting shadows. No one is questioning the supreme position of Islam or trampling on the inalienable rights of the Malays. The Malays are in the majority and following age-old tradition, the majority always calls the shots. The minority has little choice but to swim with the tide. It is universally recognised that Islam occupies a pre-eminent status and people of other faiths have no problem living with that unalterable fact. It is also an indelible historical record that the Malays were at the forefront in the fight for independence and we all salute these brave fighters. With the passage of time, all these historic events should have been the cement to build the country on a stronger foundation. Unfortunately, as the world moves in step with the Internet age, Malaysia is still caught in the rut of ancient animosity and unbridled religious fervour. Its foundation is not made of rock but sand. Now, the country is moving dangerously close to the edge. The scene gets darker by the day with the repeated strident martial calls to defend the Malays against home-made enemies lurking in the shadows. Utusan never fails to rouse the ire of the Malays with its provocative breaking news on non-Malay conspiracies or anything to do with the other races. It does not matter these sensational stories will not help boost declining circulation. The point is to get out the bodyguards and the stormtroopers to create a climate of fear. Utusan has succeeded in portraying itself as a defenceless victim slayed for uncovering numerous intrigues. It has evoked pity, sympathy, compassion. Defenders are now ready to die for their "persecuted" mouthpiece. The battle against the other races and creeds will largely be fought in the pages of Utusan. The danger is, it might leap out of the pages and onto the streets. Utusan is a warhorse for Umno. It is as old as Umno. It is a venerable institution. Utusan is Umno and Umno is Utusan. They are inseparable. They are twins. No one can drive a wedge. When Utusan shouted hoarse over the "Christian plot", it had the implicit backing of Umno. It works to Umno's advantage that, thanks to the daily, a national crisis has hit the country giving Umno a golden opportunity to flex its shrivelled muscles. This will be the rallying call – and a pretext – for Umno to all Malays to unite under the Umno, and not PAS, banner. Utusan has given Umno a lift to its sagging spirit in playing up a sensitive issue. Umno can depend on Utusan to come up with more reports of conspiracies to save the party, not from the non-Malays, but from the Malays. Not all Malays stand shoulder to shoulder with Umno. Not all Malays identify themselves with a party born in a palace. Not all Malays would want to associate with a ruling elite that has grown fat and grubby through long years in power. Utusan may do its political bigshots a favour with its partisan news but it will not heal the wounds of a divided nation.
Time to Curb Malaysia's Racial Attack Dogs Posted: 23 May 2011 02:34 PM PDT By Salim Osman, Straits Times Indonesia There are thus grounds for the Najib administration to review its policy towards Perkasa and rein in the group before it causes more damage to already fragile ethnic ties. As racial tensions rise in Malaysia, one organization causing ripples in the country is Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa).
Federal bailout of S'gor water companies means no chance of state deal Posted: 23 May 2011 01:29 PM PDT (The Star) - PETALING JAYA: The federal government's proposed RM6.5bil bailout of Selangor's privatised water companies has killed off any remaining possibility of the state government striking a deal with these companies to restructure and take over the water industry in Selangor. "The debts of these water companies were at risk of default after they were unable to meet their installment earlier this year. "The failure of these companies to service their debts, had no bailout been offered, would have necessitated these companies to come to the table and negotiate the terms of restructuring with the Selangor state government or other parties which has made offers to acquire the businesses and assets," said Petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua in a statement Tuesday. He said the state government has made a third offer amounting to RM6.3bil into acquire these water companies, and taking over their debts obligations. In addition, the state government was able to ensure that there would be no water tariff hikes post restructuring. "However as a result of the Federal Government bailing out the massive debts, they have relieved these companies of their cash flow problems. This will mean that there is now no urgency for these companies to agree to any form of restructuring as desired under the Water Services Industry Act (2006) as they now have the upper hand at the negotiating table at the expense of the rakyat," Pua added. "The result is clearly a loss for the people of Selangor, for they have lost an opportunity for the privatised water industry to be truly restructured to ensure quality water prices are to be provided at the lowest possible prices," he said. Pua also urged Energy, Water and Green Technologies Minister Datuk Peter Chin to immediately provide clarification for the move to bail out the debts of the water concessionaires before a restructuring deal was finalised, and to fully disclose the means and terms of repayment to the Government by these concessionaires with the Government taking over these debts. |
Orang Asli Perak 20 tahun tiada kemudahan asas Posted: 23 May 2011 01:25 PM PDT (FMT) - PETALING JAYA: Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Perak (DPPN Pk) mendakwa kerajaan negeri Perak gagal membela nasib masyarakat orang Asli apabila tiada kemudahan asas di Pos Perwor. Tujuh kawasan perkampungan yang didiami kira-kira 1,000 penduduk orang Asli di sini masih tidak mendapat kemudahanan jalan raya, bekalan air dan tenaga elektrik walaupun sudah 20 tahun tinggal di kampung itu. DPPN Pk yang kesal dengan keadaan ini mendakwa ia berpunca daripada kerajaan negeri tidak mengikut lunas-lunas sistem demokrasi Berparlimen dan Raja Berpelembagaan sehingga menyebabkan rakyat terabai. "DPPN Pk juga merasa sangsi malah kesal terhadap masalah yang bertimpa-timpa datang kepada rakyat tanpa jalan penyelesaian yang cekap oleh pihak kerajaan lantas masalah mereka terpaksa ditanggung sendiri," kata Ketua DPPN Pk Zawawi Hassan dalam satu kenyataan hari ini. Kuasa rakyat Zawawi berkata, mengikut pilihanraya umum lalu, Barisan Nasional (BN) Perak bukanlah pemegang tampuk pemerintahan yang sah. Namun peralihan kuasa pada tahun 2009 berlaku apabila pemerintahan Perak di bawah Pakatan Rakyat 'dirampas' BN dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Pangkor Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir dijadikan sebagai Menteri Besar yang baru.
Posted: 23 May 2011 01:21 PM PDT By Terence Fernandez, The Sun THE goings-on in the Social Security Organisation (Socso) are worrying indeed. Here we have an institution, which is responsible for the livelihoods of over five million workers, getting embroiled in procurement processes that leave room for speculation. Its insistence of a RM30 million disaster recovery centre which was front-paged in this paper begs the question if the organisation is taking chances with contributors' money. While many contributors will vouch that getting a successful claim from Socso is like winning the lottery, Socso seems to be not quite careful in spending millions in its members' contributions. It does not seem to bat an eye-lid in spending RM30 million on a system which it may not need, but is careful when dishing out a few thousand ringgit to blue-collar contributors who were maimed or injured in the course of their work. Those who have had their claims rejected by the appeals board can attest to this. While one cannot claim to be an expert in the systems that run Socso, concerns arise when the auditor-general feels that there is no need for such extravagances. So why did Socso go ahead with its plans? If the recommendations of the auditor-general are thrown out the window, then what purpose does the auditor-general serve? Are not Tan Sri Ambrin Buang's observations meant to save taxpayers' money? Isn't he supposed to be the check and balance of government agencies to ensure that there is no leakage? If his 2009 recommendation can be easily defied, then the question to ask is this: Is the recommendation of the auditor-general binding on the agencies or is it merely that – a recommendation? To be used as a guideline, not necessarily to be followed. If that is the case, then here is another case of a toothless agency, like Suhakam. The whole tender process for the disaster recovery centre and server upgrades leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. This is because tenders are being called for a system that is provided by only one source. The fact that Unisys is mentioned in the tender document is a give-away to those in the loop of who the eventual winner would be. Instead of going for a direct negotiation as is the case when there is only one supplier, why the need for tenders? One cannot fault the public for thinking that this is another instance of an Ali-Baba arrangement. A letter from Unisys to Socso shows that Unisys is privy to the tender process as it seeks Socso's clarification if Company A is authorised to bid for the tender. Who's calling the shots here? A questionnaire sent by the company to the other bidders also seems to indicate that the whole process is a flawed attempt at portraying that a transparent and level-playing field is in place for the Socso job. At press time, Socso and Unisys have yet to respond to queries. The human resources minister has also shied from talking about the matter, preferring to let Socso "clarify" the matter. This is not the first time Socso's procurement practices have come under the spotlight. In 1999, Socso's first ICT revamp was awarded to Lityan. Socso had paid RM15 million or 90% of monies to Lityan but claims the system was never delivered and the case is now under litigation. It also spent close to RM30 million for its current registration and contribution system by Unisys, and splurged another RM30 million on another system for claims, managed by IBM/Mesiniaga. Problem is both systems do not talk to each other and has been fingered as a possible reason why claims seem to take forever. The failure over this integration forced Socso to look for a new supplier. In 2005, then Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr Fong Chan Onn had said that since 1996, when Socso embarked on the computerisation project, the supplier had failed to integrate the project with other existing systems in Socso's operations. This was also noted in the Auditor-General's 2004 report, which found a discrepancy of RM98 million between the figures in the fund's electronic processing system and its books. There were also discrepancies of RM1.27 million in 2003 and RM4.5 million in 2002. In 2007, on the orders of the Treasury, Socso had embarked on direct negotiations with Precision Portal for the RM152 million ICT "core system". This was in contradiction to the views of Socso's own procurement board. The change in the country's leadership also saw the end of Precision Portal's hopes for securing the contract for the ICT revamp. It is understood that new players are now in the ring, hoping to get a piece of the pie. Meantime, the authorities should fix their antennas on this never-ending issue, which has taken a huge chunk out of contributors' funds. Funds which are meant to care for the most vulnerable of our workforce. |
Utusan warns of DAP entrapment Posted: 23 May 2011 01:18 PM PDT By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — Umno's Utusan Malaysia warned today the Malay community against falling for the DAP's Malay spiel, saying it was an election ruse for the party to capture Putrajaya. In its editorial today titled "Jangan terperangkap 'hajat besar' DAP" ("Don't be trapped by DAP's 'grand intent'"), the Malay daily said the Chinese-majority party had grand ambitions that stretched all the way to ruling Malaysia. The paper was riding on Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's reported "expose" yesterday of a presumed systematic movement to capture Perak, Malacca amd Negri Sembilan in the coming 13th general election. It noted some might find the allegation hard to believe because it sounds illogical as the DAP is not widely received by the majority and has been publicly rejected especially among the Malays. But it insisted the reality remained as the DAP was planning a systematic move to "capture Malaysia as was carried out by its 'big brother', the PAP, in Singapore". "It's not only the Malays in the three states but the entire country who must be careful with that DAP move. "The DAP is looking for Malays as candidates only to ensure if it wins, a mentri besar or chief minister in a Malay-majority state hails from the party," Utusan said in its opinion piece that seemed for all intents and purposes to rouse racial sentiments among its readers. It claimed the Chinese-led opposition party has never been comfortable nor honest with the Malays and Muslims in Malaysia. "In the name of democracy and equal rights, the DAP has frequently and openly questioned the special rights of the Malays," it said, adding in order to achieve its goal to capture even more state governments and ultimately the federal government, the party was "willing to do anything including pretending to champion the Malays". It stressed that whoever from the Malay race was willing to stand on a DAP ticket in GE 13 will become a tool that will betray his own race only to fulfil the DAP's political goal.
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