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- A New Alliance
- Anwar Ibrahim – Victim of baseless allegations
- Talking Malay on false premises
- Wikileak: Did Eskay botch again?
- Top 7 Reasons NOT To Vote BN Come GE13
Posted: 25 May 2011 05:52 PM PDT This behaviour automatically triggers equally vicious reactions from the BN and there is so much mutual hatred even in Parliament that we wonder whether good laws are being made. How can there be? There is so little real debate. There is almost no engagement between the two sides. Leaders in the BN and Pakatan seem interested only in annihilating each other. One side can "gain" only if the other side "loses", but the reality is that no one wins in this kind of system. It is unhealthy and it is certainly not democratic. This endless acrimony brings no benefit to the Rakyat. They are disappointed by all the broken promises, the absent leadership, and the blind pursuit of power that puts party politics above all else. Many openly say the BN is no longer a working coalition. Some of the major component parties nolonger enjoy the support of their constituents and they cannot come to the table as equal partners as they once did. Only UMNO continues to wield its traditional influence—but without the strength of its partners to bring balance, UMNO too has changed. It has become autocratic and fixed in its ways. It is unaware, or afraid, of the need to change. It has become deaf to the needs of others. Even now there is a movement within UMNO that wants more seats at the next General Election at the expense of the component parties. If this happens, the BN will cease to be a coalition even in name. It will no longer represent Malaysians. It will represent only its own interests and I fear for my country and my fellow citizens should that day ever come. What about the Pakatan? Not only has it failed to provide a real and constructive Opposition to the Government, it has positioned Anwar as beyond question and reproach. He can do no wrong and his "coalition" follows him blindly out of politically expedience. Anwar is a convenient figurehead, and he is the only person holding the Pakatan together. PAS and the DAP are still utterly divided on the issue of the Islamic state. They have merely postponed their differences—not resolved them—for the sake of achieving political power. In situations like this, basic questions of right and wrong get lost in the mud of ambition. Why should a coalition depend exclusively on the cult-status of one man alone? How can we expect the Pakatan to provide responsible leadership if it simply ignores its own internal differences? Have we even seen any evidence that the Pakatan is a real coalition and not a marriage of convenience? No, we haven't, and because they are locked in the endless death-struggle with the BN, we can'texpect anything more of them either. So, what about the rest of us who are sick of this endless political feuding? There are many of us who adhere closely to the founding principles of our nation regardless of the political leadership of the day. We put national unity first, and we work tirelessly to ensure, as Tunku Abdul Rahman wanted, a place in the sun for everyone. We yearn for real debate on policies that affect us because we know that this is the process through which we make good laws. We want to engage all sides because we recognise that good ideas exist everywhere, regardless of creed, colour or political affiliation. We never dismiss an argument simply because we don't like the person who says it—we evaluate proposals on their own merit for the benefit of all Malaysians, not just a particular party, ideology or interest.
Anwar Ibrahim – Victim of baseless allegations Posted: 24 May 2011 09:21 AM PDT
Anwar Ibrahim started his career when he was pursuing Malay studies as a President of Muslim student organization Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) & of Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Universiti Malaya (PBMUM) simultaneously. In 1971 he was one of the prominent members & among the founders of Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia or Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) founded in 1971. During 1974 student protests against rural poverty & hunger he was booked under Malaysian Internal Security Act leading him to imprisonment of 20 months detaining him without any judicial trail. Famous for his nationalist ideology his move to support the government of Malaysian President Mahathir Mohammad in 1981 shocked his liberal & unconditional supporters of his founded organization Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). As he joined the politics the rise of his ranks & status gathered momentum. His first ministerial post was as the minister for Culture, Youth & Sports in 1983. The time of Anwar's golden era has now just started in 1983 & he remained & gained his ranks of political world with a great pace when ultimately he reached & was sworned in as a Deputy Prime Minister in Mahathir bin Mohammad government from 1993 – 1998 which ended with the blow of ASEAN financial crisis of 1997 closing of his son-father relationship of political path in 1998 with UMNO. He was also appointed as an Acting Prime Minister during absence of Mahathir Mohammad who took holiday from his work for about two months. Before climbing to the Prime Minister's desk Anwar Ibrahim headed many ministries in UMNO such as in 1984, Minister of Education 1986 which cleared the way for his prime ministerial position expected as per Malaysian politics which rife him to the surety of his Deputy Prime Ministerial choice. Anwar came in limelight when he took charge of the two prominent ministries in 1986 Education Minister & 1991 Minister of Finance. During his tenure as a Minister of Education he introduced numerous pro Malay policies in the national school curriculum & the most controversial of them all was when he renamed the national language as Bahasa Melayu from Bahasa Malaysia this invited the huge public outcry from the non Malays who felt that this will detached the future generations from the national language & there will be nothing which does not belong to Malaysians but only to Malays. This has created a much silent rift which has now widened with his moves. When he was Finance minister the allegations were drawn that he is being corrupt & is using public exchequer in a non transparent manner. During the last years of his golden era when Malaysia & other ASEAN economies were facing brunt of financial crisis Anwar blamed Mahathir being a capitalist & was opened a clear front against his protectionist policies which have resulted in financial turmoil in Malaysia. The trail & allegations which he faced & is going through are completely baseless as it is completely political which a result is of the confrontation between the two political magnets. With a rise in support & increasing popularity in the masses especially in the minorities Anwar's demise can be beneficial to one person & that is Mahathir himself who even have called him the potential prime minister for Israel. The person who is nationalist by choice & is clear with transparency in his views cannot be corrupt & can't perform the act of sodomy with his fellow ministers. The trail under which he gone & spent 6 months under severe torture by the police authorities are completely not justified. The person who had been declared as Asian of the year just because of his policies & stand for his nation's worst days is charged with the allegations of being corrupt political figure; the person who took stand against the corrupt political practices of the national leaders of his Malay nation especially that off Mahathir whose intentions to save his own investments leads the national exchequer to the mere dummy.The reason which nobody knows is that Anwar stopped Mahathir to protect his family's fortune & business interests by diversifying the public funds to their corporate. This has gone against the wishes of his senior colleague. It is said there is nothing bigger than the self politics which even does not spare the closest of the relations if they come in between of the personal satisfaction & greed of political growth. This is what happened to the relations of Mahathir & Anwar which when tested on the values came under the political weight of scrutiny. The nationalistic values & patriotism of Anwar Ibrahim which thought was right & has guided him right on the path of truth & justice which his nation was expecting of him at the most difficult times of its economy didn't matched with the greedy expectations of the corrupt political circles of the Mahathir bin Mohammad's regime which even at the harsh times were just trying to save their own interests rather than those of nation. The Anwar's policies favouring financial & banking system which allows them to protect their funds in terms of saving them from bankruptcy & not allowing any offerings for public bailouts for the corporate had resulted in the first between the two titans of the Malaysian Cabinet. It is the policies of Anwar & the values of his nationalism which saved Malaysia from the worst of the financial turmoil otherwise if there would be someone else corrupt then scenario of Anwar's nation would have been completely different. This is he who have helped building Malaysia a more secular & friendly state rather being clutched in the grip of fundamentals of the radical Islam which has always threatened Malaysia's system from the start of its first years of independence. When somebody wants fame & want to get famous mostly the people choose to target who is already under sight & this is what happened to Anwar Ibrahim who was prosecuted under the false charges of sodomy by his fellow minister which though somehow proven on the false identification & criticised reports of the DNA has ended Anwar's career altogether as Malaysian law has provisions of 15 years jail term under sodomy charges. The trail which Anwar went through was full of loops in the judicial decision which made him the victim of the corrupt politicization of the judiciary in Malaysia. The decision to sentence Anwar & the maltreatment of him by the police officers in jail was the matter of the fact of political influence which still exist in advance Malaysian society which portrays itself as the most clear & a true Asian in real. Defaming the image of the person whose ideology & focus is his nation, who have always stand for his nation in the most difficult times for which he even got awarded as the Asian of the Year. The person who sees life as respect & believes in being natural & clear in his approach was booked under the false allegations of the sodomy charges falsely put by the greedy sections of his fellows who Anwar has always trusted & coordinated on every level. The person who visions a better & safer future for his nation was declared corrupt defaming his image which characterises him as the national hero who saved his nation from being driven in the down line of crisis. The person who talked about secularism & national unity was banned from the politics just because the loopy trails of false allegations were being conducted under the political channels favouring the hollow desires of greedy politicians. The trail has not only tarnished the image of Malaysian judiciary but has also been criticised by most respected international organisations & communities. The open truth of Anwar Ibrahim's patriotic soul has not been felt by the citizens of his nations to whom he served the most. The mockery of the Malaysian judiciary has now been made in the public resulting in the complete shame for the nation like this which is secular & friendly. Read more at: |
Talking Malay on false premises Posted: 24 May 2011 04:12 AM PDT How can we force ourselves to suffer fools by allowing ourselves to consume the hate spewing writings of some bloggers whose Malay-ness are questionable? Why isn't the peddler of rancid curry speaking on behalf and for Kimma members? He looks more kitol-ish that the person he castigates as Kitol. Why isn't the gold nugget seller doing the same? We thank you but no thanks. Jadi jadi lah kita orang Melayu kena tipu. I find myself in strange territory listening to people like Reezal Merican, or Rahim Azeez speak for the Malays. I would have thought, Malays are better off if these people speak on behalf of KIMMA. I think Malays have got enough talented people to speak for ourselves. Then we have those who pretend they speak for UMNO but are themselves not UMNO members. Can they have the same thinking dynamics of an UMNO member? And I am not even differentiating between good and bad thinking- just undifferentiated UMNO thinking. Why is this important? It's important because then, what we say can be leavened with realistic assessment. Then we can appreciate the UMNO spirit. Without the UMNO spirit, what you write is mechanical. The real UMNO man wouldn't speak of an imagined clash of Christians and Muslims or spun the story about Christians taking over this country. I think Malays are already suffering from an overdose of ghost stories and will NOT want to add to their consumption ,manufactured tales about DAP becoming PM or Christians taking over this country. Does a Malay cease to be a Malay if he is not UMNO member? Being UMNO is not an absolute requirement to fight for a Malay cause. Even being Malay is not an absolute guarantee that Malay interests are taken care of. Both require the right Malay with the right values and the UMNO Malay with the right values. Consider the record before us. From the day we got independence, most of our MBs are Malays. The top bosses in the Police and the army are Malays. The KSUs and TKSUs are almost invariably Malays. The top government officers are Malays. All the District officers are. All penghulus are Malays. All the Kings? All are Malays. Now, one would be justified into assuming that given the fact that almost all the important orifice bearers are Malays and the governmental institutions we have are peopled by Malays, the lot of the Malays would be greatly improved or would have been vastly improved. Wouldn't it? Well, in terms of control of the economy, Malay economic interest is just about 20%. That's 20% of the overall wealth being shared by 65% of the population. We would further imagine that Malays would own more land in this country. We would also imagine that Malays owned better housing. Their education would be of higher standard. With Malays in power, there would have been more rich Malays than rich non Malays. Yet in the top 20 richest in Malaysia, you would find probably one fellow. In the top 40, you start getting more Malays but you also get more non Malays. So what conclusion can you deduce from these observations? The only valid and justifiable conclusion, is having Malays up there does not readily translate into Malay prominence in any of the fields we mentioned. It follows from here, that positioning Malays in strategic offices is not necessarily beneficial and advantageous to Malays.
Wikileak: Did Eskay botch again? Posted: 23 May 2011 04:23 PM PDT There were two opportunistic moments to release the information but it didn't come out.
Eskay had not answer the five questions but he is now faced with a Wikileak expose by Raja Petra on Malaysia Today here yesterday. Read also reports by Free Malaysia Today here. Blogger rbf here notice Malaysiakini, Anwars paid mouthpiece has yet to make a report of it. When pushed, only then would Eskay respond? There is supposed to be an expose in Utusan Malaysia today but where is it online? Did Eskay botch again? Fumbled Big Time In the last sex video case, he fumbled big time. Although the man is not the same, getting Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik involved destroyed the credibility of the expose. Displaying the video to reporters and opposition leaders and sympathisers at Carcosa, of all the place, was unnecessary. It build up curiosity to the public but late in fulfilling it. By the time, the video was released, which was rather late, Eskay was playing games as though he was trying to emulate his spin maestro friend, Anwar Ibrahim, by releasing it bit by bit. He fumbled in the handling and many mistakes were made that finally the impact was lost. Anwar had all the time in the world to response, cook up excuses, and played his religious card. Do not be surprise if Eskay is charged for the offense of distributing pornography and Anwar goes scots free from this episode. He did not do anything wrong under the law. It is the woman that will be charged for prostitution. Thank God, this blogger was not called back by the Dato Trio to view the video. Anwar's friends and supporters can be dangerously unreliable, unethical in their game and in some cases, naive gloryseekers. Eskay is undoubtedly an associate of Anwar. Read this blog X-PKR here, believed to be that of a former associate of Anwar. Cards in hand The manner that made Eskay turned against Anwar has still not jive with many. Furthermore, comments this blogger received from those with business dealing with Eskay does not make him credible. This blogger believed Eskay has many cards in hand. Assuming he has no credibility issue and is really a changed man, does he knows what and how to do with the information he has? One possibility is the video below that revealed Anwar sourcing money from abroad via Bangkok.
Top 7 Reasons NOT To Vote BN Come GE13 Posted: 23 May 2011 11:28 AM PDT Reading the latest happenings about our country is a pain for many of us. Seeing the kind of filth BN politicians churning day in and day out makes you think that Malaysia is in a state of anarchy. Would anyone disagree? Politically, economically and socially our nation is sinking lower and it seems we are reaching the point of no return. We were considered to be a model country at one time but today we are on the way to become the "Next Sick Man of Asia" or the next Somalia. Can we re-claim our country from these corrupt and good for nothing BN politicians? I say we have to. And we need to. And we need to do it this coming GE13. Personally, I have 7 good reasons to kick BN out of Putrajaya come GE13:- Read more at: |
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