Jumaat, 20 September 2013

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

MEB vs DEB (Bhg 1)

Posted: 19 Sep 2013 01:39 PM PDT

Mahu tidak mahu kita mesti akui yang keadaan politik negara dan pentadbiran pelaksana Dasar Negara sudah sampai ke tahap yang amat membimbangkan. Keadaan sekarang ini  begitu dirasakan. Ratusan, malahan ribuan manusia memberikan sebab kenapa keadaan menjadi sebegini buruk.

Sudah bertahun-tahun UMNO di berikan peluang untuk memperbaiki diri tetapi keadaan semakin buruk hari demi hari. Boleh lah kita mengambil pendirian yang 'conclusive' yang UMNO itu tidak akan dapat diperbaiki lagi. Apa juga tindakan membaik-pulih UMNO yang dilakukan oleh pucuk pimpinan dan barisan Pimpinan Tertinggi UMNO itu semuanya sentiasa tidak kena. Hasil dari tindakan dan pengumuman perancangan kerajaan itu adalah 'predictable'.

Pada hari ini kita wajar berterus terang dan jujur dalam memberikan pandangan. Pimpinan UMNO sekarang sudah tidak mempunyai apa-apa kebolehan lagi selain dari menjahanamkan 'fabric' politik tanah air dan amat membebankan rakyat. UMNO betul-betul sebuah parti yang menghadapi penyakit tua. Kos untuk mengubatinya terlalu tinggi. Itu pun belum tentu sembuh lagi.

Rakyat sudah kenyang dengan pengumuman berbagai-bagai perancangan dan belum pun satu dari banyak-banyak perancangannya telah nampak kejayaannya. Yang terakhir ialah perancangan tentang Pembangunan Bumiputra dan Melayu dan apa yang di umumkan itu semuanya merupakan ulangan dari apa yang telah di umumkan semasa pelancaran Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) dahulu.

Perancangan yang di umumkan tidak terancang dengan baik. Kali ini pengumuman itu tidak lari dari sebab hendak menghadapi pemilihan dalam UMNO untuk memperagakan yang beliau adalah pemimpin Melayu yang efektif. Seperti perancangan yang puluhan jumlahnya yang telah Najib umumkan selama ini, peranangan MEB (Memperkasakan Ekonomi Bumiputra) beberapa hari lalu adalah 'predictable'. Bagi siapa yang menilai betul-betul dan jika di asaskan kepada pengalaman beberapa tahun Najib menjadi PM ini, MEB akan gagal juga.

MEB laungan Najib itu tidak lain tidak bukan, ialah dasar yang sama seperti DEB dahulu. DEB dahulu diwujudkan dengan persetujuan semua kaum dan ianya di rancang begitu rapi dengan bermatlamatkan satu matlamat sahaja, iaitu perpaduan kaum. Apa-apa perancangan sesuatu dasar penting negara ia mesti di rundingkan dahulu dengan semua pihak. Untuk merundingkan itu ia memerlukan pimpinan atau barisan pimpinan yang sebenar-benarnya di hormati oleh pimpinan rakyat semua kaum yang mendiami negara ini sebagai rakyat negara.

Ini amat perlu kerana sesuatu dasar itu mesti difahami dan diketahui sebagai dasar yang boleh membawa perpaduan kaum di negara ini. Masalahnya sekarang ini pimpinan negara tidak mendapat penghormatan rakyat secara keseluruhannya dan masalah untuk membawa kemeja perundingan untuk penggubalan dasar itu tidak dapat dilakukan dengan baik. Kerajaan boleh mengumumkan apa-apa dasar tanpa merujuk kepada semua rakyat tetapi inilah jadinya seperti yang kita alami sekarang.

Pimpinan kerajaan perlu memberi kefahaman kepada semua kaum melalui pimpinannya betapa pentingnya pengimbangan dan pembahagian kekayaan negara untuk menjamin kesejahteraan negara dalam jangka panjang. Katakan dan fahamkan semua pihak bahawa kita terpaksa melalui proses-proses yang drastik dan jelas untuk mencapai matlamat Perpaduan Nasional itu.

Katakan dan fahamkan yang ekonomi merupakan faktor terpenting dalam usaha pencapaian matlamat itu, maka dasar-dasar yang 'affirmative' perlu dilaksanakan bagi mencapai matlamat tersebut. Jika majoriti rakyat itu berada dalam keadaan kemurungan, kedudukan ekonomi matlamat pencapaian Perpaduan Nasional itu akan tidak tercapai sampai bila-bila.

Itulah yang dilakukan oleh pimpinan terdahulu khususnya Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Tun Razak. Setiap bangsa dalam negara ini dibawa berunding maka hasilnya setiap bangsa telah memberikan dukungan kepada DEB semasa itu. Bangsa-bangsa bukan Bumiputra telah bersama-sama berusaha menjayakan matlamat itu dengan menerima DEB sebagai proses pencapaian Perpaduan Nasional itu.

Semua kaum telah merasakan betapa pedihnya keadaan semasa berlakunya peristiwa 13 Mei 1969 telah di ketahui umum ketidak seimbangan kedudukan dan tahap ekonomi setengah kaum itu merupakan salah satu faktor terjadinya peristiwa itu. Kemiskinan merupakan faktor yang sangat mudah bagi kegelisahan rakyat untuk wujud dan akhirnya membawa sebuah negara itu terjebak dengan peperangan saudara dan perselisihan diantara mereka (rakyat).

Itu sebabnya DEB itu wujud diatas matlamat yang begitu luhur kerana ia telah difikirkan dengan mendalam bukan sahaja oleh pemimpin Melayu tetapi juga oleh pemimpin semua kaum. Ia berlaku sebegitu kerana semua kaum sedar yang keseimbangan kedudukan dan tahap ekonomi itu sangat penting untuk diselesaikan.

AES : RM700 Million Compensation For Chicken Sh*t Advisor?

Posted: 19 Sep 2013 12:36 PM PDT

Here is more news about the troubled AES. Unfortunately (for him) Hishamuddin Hussein now has to handle this AES matter. To be fair to Hisham, he has only recently been appointed the acting Minister of Transport. Here is the news :

  • summonses under the (AES) will carry fine RM150 said Hishammuddin 
  • increase to maximum RM300 if the offender delays settling 
  • Two concessionaires – Beta Tegap S/B & ATES S/B – awarded contract 
  • Taking over would be AES Solution SB, under MOF Inc. 
  • "..taking over assets, liabilities & system...we will have to pay compensation
  • due diligence would be conducted by a third party
  • independent auditor to evaluate worth of companies 
  • Under my watch, nobody is going to profit from this (take-over)
  • two companies spending RM300mil & RM400mil each 
  • including 831 cameras nationwide
  • began operations on Sept 23 last year with 14 cameras 
  • nationwide installation expected to be completed this year
Hisham says  "Under my watch, nobody is going to profit from this (take-over)".

Well I think this may be a little too late bro.  

First of all you know that too many people know that the two companies (Beta Tegap SB and ATES SB) are linked to the close "Advisor".  Its t hat chicken sh*t fellow again. 

Secondly these people are not stupid. Their profit has already been built into that RM700 million figure mentioned above (RM300mil &RM400mil each). Dari awal lagi depa dah kira untung dah. They were not born yesterday.

Read more at: http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/aes-rm700-million-compensation-for.html 

The Third Rail of Malaysian Politics: True Leadership

Posted: 19 Sep 2013 11:39 AM PDT

For many years now, MANY in Malaysia have had an uneasy feeling that democracy, as generally understood, sits uneasily among the people of this country. Malaysia has large and sometimes articulate political parties and it has had leaders totally committed to the concept of democracy, which is also true. There was Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Tun Dr Ismail, Tun Hussein Onn, John Aloysius Thivy, Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, Tun Fuad Donald Stephens, Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, Peter Mojuntin, Tun Mustapha, O K K Sedomon, Ahmad Boestaman,  and others who believed in the concept of democracy as the only one that would keep Malaysia together and take it forward.

Like true democrats they believed that dissent was an essential part of democracy, and that the country would only be enriched by debate and discussion, even by agitation if that became necessary. Their belief was complemented by their direct contact with the people; the trust that people had in them made it possible for them to persuade them to accept, enthusiastically, the beliefs and ideas they gave them.

But when such leaders and people are not there any more, what happens to the parties and institutions they have built and nurtured? One facile answer is that political argument gets stronger and power shifts from one group to another when elections are held. In other words, the people decide who will have the responsibility to manage the state, removing those whom they consider incapable and bringing in those they think can do the job. This is very convenient and comforting. It is also totally fictitious.

It is true that political argument does get stronger, more so because of the increasingly watchful media both print and electronic, of which most political groups have become wary, even fearful, and not without reason. The fiction lies in the belief that the "people" remove those who do not perform and bring in those who they think can perform.

First, the concept of "people" is simplistic; the vast numbers of individuals in the state are an infinitely complex entity consisting of a vast number of groups and sub-groups. This enormous mass of individuals does not come together and decide anything; that is not what happens, not at all. What happens is that a strategy aimed at finding acceptance with groups of individuals, in some cases possibly fortuitously, works or works better than the strategy of another group.

In the 2008 general elections, the strategy of what was called the Third Front did not work; most individuals did not trust it. In a muddle of strategies, five states fell to the opposition Pakatan Rakyat but not because it had planned to do so. It had, of course, tried to win the Federal Government, but its plans were wide off the mark. When it won 5 states and 82 parliamentary seats it must have been as surprised as anyone else.

On the other hand, Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman had a strategy that he had worked on for years since 2003 – to give people the kind of development and security they had been yearning for – and his many victories till 2013 May 5th was no surprise, except perhaps to his opponents, and their surprise was more at the magnitude of his success than at the victory itself. It made their strategies and plans look comic in comparison. Musa Aman is an exception, and a phenomenon confined to Sabah.

At the national level, and in most other States, the structure of democracy is being subjected to forces that may well change it completely over time. To understand that one has, perhaps, to take a step back and look at what the process is about today.  It is not about representing the "people's" will. It is about control and power.

Our so-called democracy is defined not by the existence of dissent and opposition activity but by the nature of the power wielded. It is monarchical and meant to secure the interests, political and economic, of the ruling group, whichever it is. And this is done by ensuring that power remains with an elite group – preferably the family, but also those who are close to it and share the same backgrounds.

One can see it today in what many refer to as the First Family in the Umno Baru; Dr Mahathir Mohamad is clearly grooming his son, Mukhriz, to be the next Prime Minister. But they are not by any means the only family. Look at the number of sons and daughters and son-in-law now who are inducted into the corridors of power:  Najib Tun Razak, Hishammuddin Tun Hussein Onn, Khairy Jamaluddin, even Mukhriz Mahathir in Kedah who is what he is because he is Dr Mahathir's son, and a whole host of others whom media naively call the Young Turks. The original Young Turks were not just young; they had come to prominence because of their abilities, not because of who their father or mother or father-in-law was. A number of sons and daughters whom the media naively call Young Turks have been inducted into the corridors of power.

Inevitably, the elements of power are being chivied towards specific families, which will then determine who will stand for elections for their parties, and thus consolidate their own position, securing it for their generation and the generations to follow. Increasingly, their contact with the people has become more and more distant; the people get to be called the "rakyat" who have to be maneuvered by race, religion, money and promises. But this is not a phenomenon confined to the Umno party; it is as much in evidence in the opposition Pakatan Rakyat parties such as the DAP, PKR and PAS. Look at Lim Guan Eng, Nurul Izzah, Karpal's sons, Ustaz Din Tok Guru the son-in-law of PAS President Ustaz Abdul Hadi Awang, so many more.

Read more at: http://selvarajasomiah.wordpress.com/2013/09/19/the-third-rail-of-malaysian-politics-true-leadership/ 

Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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