Selasa, 27 November 2012

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

LIVE dari Singapura 'Siaran Langsung Taklimat Scorpene Oleh Peguam Perancis'

Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:28 PM PST 

Tarikh:  27 November 2012 (Selasa)
Masa: 12.00 tghari
Lokasi: KLSCAH (Dewan Himpunan Cina KL/Selangor)

Telah yang dijangkakan, peguam dari Perancis akhirnya tidak diberi laluan untuk membuat taklimat mengenai isu Scorpene di Malaysia dan terpaksa memilih Hotel Changi Village, Singapura sebagai lokasi alternatif menyampaikan taklimat.

Seperti yang dijanjikan, SAMM menyediakan ruangan awam untuk siaran secara LIVE dari Singapura untuk sepanjang sesi taklimat peguam Perancis. Jadilah antara rakyat Malaysia terawal yang mengikuti taklimat ini dengan hadir ke KLSCAH jam 12tghari (27nov).

Satu sidang media juga akan diadakan setelah tamat sesi taklimat.


Mengapa Kerajaan Malaysia Takut Peguam Ini?

Apakah perkara/maklumat terbaru yang bakal disampaikan dalam taklimat peguam Perancis ini??

yang penting untuk diketahui:

1- siapa lelaki ke tiga
2 - apa peranan Altantuya
3 - siapa dia Aminah Abdullah?
4 - siapa dapat passport Malaysia?

- syarikat siapa?
- alamat di mana?
- siapa tuan yang ambil duit?

- di mana mereka berjumpa?
- kenapa Altantuya dibunuh?

- termasuk gambar Najib dan Altantuya
- termasuk bil makan dalam restoran
- termasuk bil hotel 

Kenyataan awal SAMM adalah seperti di bawah;

Kenyataan Media
23 November 2012

SAMM Cabar Kerajaan Bagi Laluan Peguam 'Scorpene' Perancis Masuk Malaysia

Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) mengalu-alukan dan sedia menyambut kedatangan peguam Perancis ke Malaysia untuk merungkai isu pembelian kapal selam Scorpene dalam sebuah sesi taklimat khusus kepada ahli parlimen di Parlimen Malaysia. Ahli parlimen juga tanpa mengira warna kepartian harus bersama mendengar taklimat yang akan disampaikan kerana perkembangan isu Scorpene sangat penting.

Namun sehingga hari ini masih belum ada sebarang kata putus dari pihak Kerajaan Malaysia membenarkan atau tidak kemasukkan peguam Perancis untuk memberi taklimat mengenai skandal Scorpene. Sikap kerajaan yang membisu ini bukan sahaja menimbulkan lebih banyak persoalan malah menyebabkan persediaan untuk sesi taklimat yang telah diatur terganggu sehingga terpaksa ditangguh minggu depan.

SAMM sekali lagi ingin menegaskan sekiranya tiada berlaku rasuah atau apa jua kesalahan serius maka tiada sebab untuk peguam dari Perancis, William Bourdon dan Joseph Breham dihalang untuk masuk ke negara ini. Apakah faktor yang menyebabkan kerajaan takut sehingga peguam yang sama pernah diheret keluar dari negara ini pada 22 Julai tahun lalu?

SAMM dengan ini mencabar kerajaan Malaysia supaya berani atas nama kebenaran untuk memberi laluan kepada peguam Perancis ini masuk ke Malaysia. Kerajaan juga digesa untuk memberi jawapan kebenaran lebih awal, boleh atau tidak boleh? Kerajaan perlu berani dan jangan jadi penakut walaupun untuk katakan 'tidak boleh'.

Untuk memastikan orang ramai mendapat first hand information SAMM akan menyediakan satu ruang awam untuk rakyat ikuti taklimat peguam Perancis di parlimen secara siaran langsung, akan dimaklum dalam sedikit masa. Selain itu, SAMM juga bercadang untuk membawa William Bourdon ke Jelajah Scorpene SAMM-Suaram siri ke-5 di Kuala Terengganu pada 30 November ini.

Kehangatan isu Scorpene berada di kemuncaknya apabila SAMM kini sedang dalam jelajah ke seluruh negara juga dikenali sebagai LeTourDeScorpene dan disambut hebat dalam 4 siri sebelumnya di empat buah negeri, menjadi bukti isu Scorpene adalah isu yang dekat dengan rakyat. Bersekutu dengan Suaram, Jelajah Scorpene kini menuju siri ke-lima di Kuala Terengganu sebelum beberapa siri lagi akan menyusul di Selangor dan Perak.Sekian


Should Anwar become PM or not?

Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:13 PM PST 

Even if he becomes the next PM of Malaysia, he may be on the seat for only one term to set the course straight for the new generation of Malaysian leaders who are beginning to see that the only way forward for Malaysia is for her to treat all her citizens equally no matter what race or what religion one belongs to or believes in. 

P Dev Anand Pillai, FMT Letter

There seems to be some confusion on who may be the next Prime Minister should PR take federal  power in the coming general elections. As usual there were many spins in the pro Umno blogs that there could have been a deal made by the leader of the current administration and the leader of the opposition that he will be freed from being convicted of the Sodomy II episode if the leader of PAS is allowed to become the next PM should PR win the elections.

This is a classic spin tale which we have seen so much of since the time of former PM Dr Mahathir. We still succumb to such tales because we have let ourselves be led by spin masters who ply their skill through the media to control the minds of the people. This is one reason why the freedom of speech, association and assembly is so important.

Through the freedom of speech the freedom to opine becomes necessary. What we seem to see is the spin masters trying to create a riff between the parties in the opposition so that they will be distracted by it whilst the BN goes on as usual to win another term in office though not winning the popular vote of the people.

By telling the people that freedom of speech and the right to protest will lead to rightful governments being toppled, the leader of a former administration seems to indirectly say that Umno knows what is best for the people and that is how it should be and no one no matter how high that person may be is forbidden to question it.

Further we even have people reminding us that we ought to respect the so called social contract where the non Malays accepted by being lesser of an equal to the Malays in exchange for being allowed to live here, this is all nothing but the staple mantra that will be said at the nearing of every general election when there is a strong wind of public support blowing towards the opposition.

All this has been said and said many times before and whenever the people being as gullible as they may be due to the education system that never encourages thinking and questioning, vote in the BN, everything then goes back to normal mode where corruption continues as a way of life whilst the cost of all the follies of large scale and massive corruption is then passed down to the gullible and dumb people of Malaysia again.

Now by pitting PAS and PKR on whom should be the PM should they capture federal power, is actually a jibe at the Malay mind set and the maturity of the Malay intellect, the question that the people should respond with is, Can't any other Malay besides that from Umno be the Prime Minister of Malaysia?

Aren't there any other candidates besides those from blue political blood linage of Umno qualified enough to lead Malaysia? The question of whether Anwar should be the Prime Minister or not is now not the issue at all, even if there is another cooked up allegation which may then start episode III of the Sodomy trials that we all have become so used to, reform and a quest for a change of government has already taken root deep in this country now for it to just fade away should Anwar be jailed again on some trumped up charges.

Even if he becomes the next PM of Malaysia, he may be on the seat for only one term to set the course straight for the new generation of Malaysian leaders who are beginning to see that the only way forward for Malaysia is for her to treat all her citizens equally no matter what race or what religion one belongs to or believes in.

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