Isnin, 26 Disember 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Prophet Muhammad is a Malay (NOT)

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 08:44 PM PST

The "Malay World" is actually very small. Regardless of Article 153, UMNO can Malay this, and Malay that, and yet, I find it both amusing and sad that they are claiming the "Superiority" of a clan which is actually fast diminishing.

By John Doe

Everyday we hear of someone screaming and shouting about Article 153. Article 153 seems to be the Bane-of-Malaysian-Unity, the Bondage-of-UMNO, and the Brunt-of-Kopitiam-Discussions. Somehow, dress like, speak like, practise customs like, and is Muslim defines a race. Race, race, race, race. That's all Malaysians are bombarded with all day long. Has Malaysia no "udder" better topics to speak about? Chinese-Indian-Malay this, Chinese-Indian-Malay that. This will be the last time I will discuss this. And once and for all put to rest all this nonsensical cloak-and-dagger discussions.

Before I begin, and this is trained at Pakatan Rakyat - STOP screaming about Tax-Payers' Money. 90% of Malaysians do NOT care! Why? Because only 10% of the Malaysian Population pays Tax. And those who do NOT pay Tax, do NOT care! The majority of Malaysian Government's income comes from Oil Money. And to stop UMNO, you have to stop their source of income. This Oil income is circa 45% of Malaysia's Wealth. Capisce? And why do I bring Oil into the formula? Simple! The Majority of oil comes from Borneo. And in Borneo, there are only 11% Malays in Sabah. And once you deduct the percentage of Melanaus in Sarawak, you are left with about 3% Malays in Sarawak. 


Number one: 

Melanaus are Melanaus. Malays are Malays. Ibans are Ibans. And you will never hear anyone speak about the Teochew race. Since when is a Chinese Muslim a Malay? And since when is a Kerala-boy a Malay?

Number two: 

Konvensyen Dunia Melayu proudly proclaims that the "Malay-World" has a population which includes Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, Burma and Vietnam. Sounds dandy. But to the average person, this is confusing. It seems to suggest that all of Thailand, which has a population of circa 60 million is Malay. However, for that to happen, then Konvensyen Dunia Melayu needs to accept that you MUST also accept the definition of a Buddhist Malay in Indochine, Hindu Malay in Bali, and Abangan Malay in Jowo, as well as a Catholic Malay in the Philippines!! Clearly, these countries are as Austronesian (Malay) as the samples found in Malaysia, but they are definitely not Muslim. 

Konvensyen Dunia Melayu needs to trim their numbers down by quite a bit then. Let's start with some of the Major-slashings. (You do the math yourself.) Approximately 80% of all Javanese are of the Abangan Religion, and Jowo has a population of about 120 Million. Bali is 93% Hindu, Philippines is 87% Catholic, and less than 2% of Thais are Muslim.


And what about Malaysia then?

According to the latest Census, despite all the body-snatching, conversions of Chinese, and Indians for Business Purposes, conversion of Chinese and Indians for Marriage Purposes, plus the deeply encouraged importation of Indonesian Muslims, Project IC of the Philippino Muslims, Southern Thai Muslims, Bangala Muslims, India's Muslims, Pakistan's Muslims, heck, even Serbia's and Palestinian Muslims and the insistence that "Malays" needing to breed 16.3 children per woman, it is perhaps SHOCKING to reveal that the census of Malaysia in the year 2011 proudly announces that:


"Malays are (now finally) the largest ethnic group in the country, comprising 50.1 per cent of the 27,484,596 total"
Taken from Here:


Wait a minute!?! ONLY 50.1 PERCENT? Yes. It reads correctly. What happened to the 68% Malay-Muslim the Main-Stream-Media had always advertised, and insisted that we believe?? You mean now, and only now there are 50.1% Malays in Malaysia? Was there a drop in Islamic popularity? An 18% drop is a serious concern, by everyone involved. Regardless, let's assume that the 50.1% is not faked in any way ....

What if we deducted all the Chinese Muslims, all the Indian Muslims, and all the "dan lain-lain Muslims", what percentage would we end up with? 30%? Less? (Yea, yea, we all know guys like Abdullah Tee, Mahathir, and his koncho-koncho are called "Malay" because of Article 153.) What if we also deducted all the Malays who have been successfully proselytized? Yea, all those closet Hindu Malays, and Buddhist Malays, Catholic & Christian Malays, Jewish Malays, Hare Krishna Malays, Bahai Malays, Mahakari Malays Zoroastrian Malays and Atheist Malays .... What numbers then would we have? 20%? Less?

What was it ten years ago? What was it 30 years ago, and what was it half a century ago?

Who is a Malay? 

A 1974 document issued to the United Nations by the Government of Malaysia, prepared by DOROTHY Z. FERNANDEZ, AMOS  H. HAWLEY, SILVIA PREDAZA, defines "Malay" as:

"... Malay: Malay, Indonesian, Negrito, Jakun, Semai, Semdai,Temiar, Other Orang Asli and Other Malay(s)..."

Hold on a second ... A Negrito, Jakun, Semai, Semdai,Temiar, Other Orang Asli are Muslim? What happened to Article 153?


Also, why is every Indonesian on Malaysian soil considered a "Malay"? There is also no mention of the word Bumiputra in that Document at all. Mind you that this was prepared in 1974, and Article 153 was already almost twenty years old!!

What is interesting to note is a particular paragraph which reads like this, and I quote verbatim:

"...There was also an immigration of Malays from the neighboring islands, particularly from Java and Sumatra, to work on the rubber estates. It is not possible to trace their numbers through the early years. Attempts were made to identify "Malays and Other Natives of the Archipelego" in the enumerations of 1891 and 1911, but the ease of assimilation of Malay migrants from Indonesia made the counts very unreliable..."


What then is all this nonsense about "Malays" NOT being "pendatangs" and all?

Read again the above. It clearly and plainly states "immigration of Malays from neighboring Islands, particularly Java and Sumatra..." 


If this sentence does not define "Pendatang Malay", then I don't know what does!!! I must remind you that this is indeed a Malaysian Government Official Document, prepared for the United Nations.

What is significant in this document, is that on page 16, it gives a breakdown of the races. Including all the (in their own words) "Pendatangs".

The "Malay" Population in Malaysia totaled 3,125,474, the Chinese 2,333,756, and the Indians 696,186. It is strange that there was no "dan lain-lain" category. As if they did not exist at all. The total population in this table is drafted at 6,278.758. And thus, we can deduce that if we added 3,125,474 (Malay) to 2,333,756(Chinese) and 696,186(Indian), and subtracted this number from the grand total of 6,278.758, we would have the numbers for the "dan lain-lain" category, which amounts to 123,342. However, when one divides 3,125,474 (including Indonesians, Orang Asli's, Sabahans, and Sarawakians etc etc) by the total population of 6,278.758, then you would hit an astonishing figure of 49.778539%.

Hold on a minute now. You mean that despite all those inclusions of "Pendatang Indonesians" and Sabahans, and Sarawakians (they are classified as the "other Malays") and just about everyone else, the total "Malay" population in 1974, in percentage terms was only 49.778539% ? Anyone else can see the number-manipulations which has been going on now right under your noses?

The full document in PDF form can be downloaded here:
(Yes, it was typed with a typewriter. Clickety-clack, smudges and all)

Number Three:

DNA, according to Prof Zilfalil Alwi, defines "Malay" as an admixture of multiple races with 52% coming from Chinese DNA, and the rest, from Indians, amongst others. The long and short of it, a term which most Malaysians endear, "Chindian". Another theory presented by Professor Zilfalil was that early Malays could also be Indian priests who came to the Malay peninsula to spread Hinduism. Sejarah Melayu fortifies this when it recorded that the first Kings of Malaya were indeed of the Keling stock, which I wrote about here, titled "Parameswara is a certified Singaporean Keling - Not a Joke"
You can read the full piece here:



On Dec 23rd 2011, on USM's own website, they presented this again
Read it yourself from the horse's own mouth here:


I will call your attention however, to one of Prof Zilfalil Alwi's own statements, and that is "...From his presentation, the 'Indianisation' of the Malay peninsula was described in early Chinese accounts, where there was a Hindu kingdom...", and the only thing which I want to stress, is that they are called "Chinese Records" because the Chinese were already in Geographical Malaya. And being a Hindu certainly does NOT make one an Indian!! Race and Religion do NOT correlate. Country borders and religion does have a correlation though, and that is something else to think about.

Number Four:

Why is it that once a Chinese or an Indian converts to Islam, they have to change their name(s) to an Arabic one, and inadvertently put Abdullah as your father's name?

Perhaps Malay Muslims have never heard or come across Hui Liangyu (China vice premier) and Sania Mirza (tennis player). Their names never resembled anything Arabic but they are well-known Muslims. This includes Yvonne Redley (a reporter once detained by Taliban), Nicolas Anelka and Frank Ribery (both footballers) are still proud to be called by their original name despite their conversion to Islam. It is important to note that none carry the "bin Abdullah" suffix.

Many become Muslims when they want to marry a Muslim while others convert to Islam as a means of tapping in to the social and economic benefits that Muslims enjoy. This is certainly an excellent way to promote one's religion.

Number Five:

The Baju Melayu is NOT Muslim clothing. Neither is the Songkok. I guarantee you that neither the Prophet Muhammad, nor any of his 10,000 Soldiers wore the Baju Melayu. Unless of course, someone from UMNO tells you that Prophet Muhammad was a Malay!! The Songkok clearly comes from the Bataks of Medan, who in turn were either inspired or (more likely) copied it from Nehru in India. The Kopiah, on the other hand, is as Jewish as it is Islamic. (Google "Religious Skullcap" yourself.) The Jewish word for it is "kippah". For those who do not know, the French government banned the wearing of kippot, hijabs and large crosses in public primary and secondary schools in France in March 2004. Contrary to what you were told, the French were NOT only banning the Hijab. In fact, one could proudly wear the baju Melayu in France and no one gives a hoot, because it is NOT Muslim clothing, and is not recognised as so.

Number Six:

The 20-point agreement and the (now erased) 18-point agreement between the Federation and Borneo can be read here:

How many of these have been violated? Anyone been to Kuching would note that the street-signs are all in English (most of them anyway.).

I want to point your attention to 

Point 12: Special position of indigenous races

"In principle the indigenous races of North Borneo should enjoy special rights analogous to those enjoyed by Malays in Malaya, "

This in essence means that there is absolutely no need for conversion to any religion other than their own to enjoy the same details of Article 153. Failure to comply with this probably allows for both Sabah and Sarawak to "un-join" themselves like what happened to Singapore.

Although, this remains the prerogative of the future "Republic of Borneo" citizens to decide. That is the true trademark of Democracy. Decision by the people, and not decision by the Dictators, and this is perhaps the best explanation of what is happening around the world. Regime after Regime is collapsing one by one. Perhaps the UN would welcome the "Republic of Borneo" as its 197th country after Sudan (North and South?) Borneo certainly has the resources to do so, and if they exercised "skill procurement" like Singapore, they can continue to "brain-drain" the peninsular of her top Academics, and trained professionals. The Oil wells will certainly carry her through the year 2030, especially with Rigs like "Kiki" being one of the top producers beating the combined wealth of all of Miri's oil rigs (but that's another story).


I'm also pretty sure that Pakatan Rakyat would assist you in gaining this independence, as their assurances of fairness to all, based on their Championing of Human RIghts, Voice-of-the-People Battle-Cry and so on would be happy to grant you this, if you collaborated with them before the coming 13th General Elections. After all, it's a win-win situation. Pakatan gets to defeat UMNO, and the "Republic of Borneo" is born. What a fantastic photo-finish!! No longer will Penans have to be raped, no longer will Taib be robbing Sarawak, and Bruno Manser's body may finally be found after all these years. For West Malaysians, it makes no difference to you at all. Most of you have never been there anyway, and even if you did today, you still need to show either your Passport (before) or show your MyKad (aka IC).

So, in addressing Abraham-son-of-Ali's statement about Article 153 and the church, and it's relevance to May 13th, what is the relationship? Are you telling everyone that Perkasa would launch another May 13th if "dan lain-lains" start to debate Article 153?

As shown above, the Borneo people have been denied their Bornean Article 12 Rights. Are you defending the Bornean Article 12 as well? Was Article 153 written by Prophet Muhammad? Is Article 153 called a Hadith? The Koran? Is this man-made document so "Holy" that it cannot be changed?

I know for a fact the Malaysian Constipation has already been changed almost 600 times since 1957. With the "most significant change" pertaining to the de-clawing of the Sultans. Proselytizing of Muslims? You want evidence? Sure, I'll give you evidence. Just read here:


(A kid with internet access would have found these easily):


and here:

Go ahead. The evidence is clear. Arrest them! Hang them, stone them, or decapitate them. Show the world that Malaysia is indeed NOT the moderate Muslim country which she pretends to be!! And all because of a few over-zealous individuals who pretend to be "Holier-than-Thou" whilst digging their hands into the wealth of the country, and robbing it blind!

What happened to Article 11 of the Federal Constipation? Did Abraham-son-of-Ali erase it? Did he also erase Sarawak's 18-point agreement? It's certainly contained within the same Constipation which he screams and rants about (while saying three times on Al Jazeera as well). So where does that leave us?


The truth of the matter is, the "Malay World" is actually very small. Regardless of Article 153, UMNO can Malay this, and Malay that, and yet, I find it both amusing and sad that they are claiming the "Superiority" of a clan which is actually fast diminishing. Javanese are now called Melayu, Bugis are now called Melayu, Acehnese are now called Melayu, Minangs are called Melayu and even Southern Thais, and Southern Philippinos are called Melayu. What exactly is so important about being a Melayu which warrants the attack on the Nons?

Prophet Muhammad was certainly NOT a Malay, and hence, the "Ketuanan Melayu" is pure bollocks. Who are you trying to impress? Article 153 is man-made, man-written, and man-changeable. Who knows if we continue to let UMNO Dictate the future of Malaysia, one day, UMNO might declare that Allah is a Malay??


Legitimacy of the Judiciary: Political Foes, BN Businessman and You

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 08:40 PM PST

If the rich are fearful to fight for their rights, the weak, the poor and the disadvantaged have no chance at all. Many are suffering in silence. This is because we did not speak up when it was needed to. 

By William Leong Jee Keen

Tay Choo Foo, a Barisan Nasional friendly business man, has lost all confidence in the Malaysian judiciary. When he was sued, he was sure the Courts will throw out the case. To Tay Choo Foo, the claim was a fabrication of lies. To his horror, the Court accepted the claimant's witness hearsay evidence and threw out his testimony. The High Court ordered him to pay RM13 million. The Court of Appeal and the Federal Court upheld the High Court judgment. Tay Choo Foo feels like a victim of sexual assault, he feels violated except he does not have a video to prove it.

Tay Choo Foo now realizes from bitter experience what Alexander Hamilton warned Americans in 1787, more than 200 years earlier in the Federalist Papers, that:-

 "A steady, upright and impartial administration of the laws" is essential because "no man can be sure that he may not be tomorrow the victim of a spirit of injustice, by which he may be the gainer today."[1]

Tay Choo Foo is writing a book entitled "Lawless" to warn Malaysians of the dangers of judicial corruption and to stir citizens into action. The question is whether Malaysians having been warned will act on it. When it mattered most Malaysians did not act. 

In 1988, Malaysians did not speak out when Tun Mahathir sacked the Lord President and the 5 Federal Court Judges. In 1998, many stood by when he sacked his Deputy Prime Minister and the Courts convicted and put him in jail for 6 years. The Federal Court judges, who had dedicated their entire career to the principle of upholding the Rule of Law, became victims of the Rule of Man. They suffered a grave injustice in being sacked, disgraced and robbed of their personal dignity and self-esteem. The monetary payment given twenty years later can never compensate for their pain and suffering. An even graver injustice was visited on Anwar Ibrahim when he was arrested, beaten and imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. All this was done for the purpose of destroying his political career in order to prolong that of others. It is not just heinous it is evil. The Federal Judges were sacked and the Deputy Prime Minster was imprisoned for political purposes.     

Malaysians allowed political powers to exert influence over the judiciary for political ends. They did not realize that like in all usual public private initiatives, economic entities would also gain influence over the Courts. Thus were spawned judicial decisions:- 

·         That interfered with the shareholding control of a public listed company such as the infamous Insas Bhd v Ayer Molek Rubber Co Bhd [1995] 2 MLJ 833;

·         That allowed multi-million ringgit defamation suits against MCG Pillay, Param Cumaraswamy, Raphael Pura, Tommy Thomas and Skrine & Co for writing about judicial corruption; 

·         That allowed contempt cases to be instituted against Zainur Zakaria, Tommy Thomas, Manjit Singh and prosecution of Karpal Singh who dared to challenge the unfairness of court proceedings;

·         That allowed a forger to acquire indefeasible title to property such as the Federal Court decision in Adorna Properties v Boonsom Boonyanit [2001] 1 MLJ 241 that made our country a forger's haven for 10 years until corrected by the case of Tan Ying Hong v Tan Sian San [2010] 2 MLJ 1 FC;

·         That ordered an insurance company to pay an arsonist that set fire to his own factory to claim on his insurance policy and dismissed the insurance company's application for review in Asean Security Paper Mill v Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (Malaysia) Bhd [2008] 5 AMR 377 

·         In Tay Choo Foo's case, the administrators of the estate of Tunku Mansur (deceased) sued him for the purchase price of 1.2 million Harrisons Holdings Berhad shares. Tay Choo Foo contended that the shares were given to him by Tunku Mansur as commission for arranging an investor to participate in the management buy-out led by Tunku Mansur. The High Court allowed the hearsay evidence of a purported conversation between the witness and Tunku Mansur to be admitted under section 32(1) (b) of the Evidence Act. Until the Federal Court upheld the High Court decision, section 32(1) (b) of the Evidence Act is accepted of only allowing a statement made by a deceased clerk in the entry of account books and records kept in the ordinary course of business. Tunku Mansur was not a deceased clerk and the statement was not an accounting entry or documents kept in the ordinary course of business. The Federal Court held that section 132(1) (b) should be given a broad and liberal interpretation. The Federal Court decision adopted a new approach that differed from what lawyers and academicians knew about section 32(1) (b). The decision may be a development of the law but it gave rise to the issue of satisfying the requirements of certainty and predictability which is so essential to the legitimacy of judicial decisions.        

There are many more cases that are not reported. I have a friend who lost his family business built over several generations to a third party despite non-compliance of the clear provisions of the law. He dared not challenge the matter in the courts because the third party is well connected. If the rich are fearful to fight for their rights, the weak, the poor and the disadvantaged have no chance at all. Many are suffering in silence. This is because we did not speak up when it was needed to.

In 2008, the cycle of political interference has been repeated. The 2nd edition of the Anwar Ibrahim trials is instituted to clip the opposition's momentum after the 12th General Elections. The Guardian in its editorial on 13th December 2011 described what the Courts will do to Anwar Ibrahim as an egregious travesty of justice.[2] The last vestiges of the judiciary's legitimacy will be lost on 9th January 2012 if Anwar is convicted.    

The public knows there is a clear distinction between a legitimate system of law and a mere system of commands coercively enforced.[3] It is not necessary for the public to be lawyers or legally trained to know whether a judicial decision is legitimate or not. Each of us has a built-in antenna that can sense the truth from a lie and whether a judicial decision is fair or unjust.

The public can detect judges, who while hiding behind a veneer of fairness make intellectually dishonest decisions. They make procedural and evidential rulings to admit into evidence facts favourable to the outcome they want. They shut out facts that would make it inconvenient for them to arrive at the desired outcome. They are thus able to write impeccable decisions by adopting the applicable laws to the selected evidence.[4] 

However, to the losing litigant and the public such decisions are complied with only because of the coercive force the court can bring to bear. The decisions are not accepted as expressions of legal and valid authority. They lacked legitimacy. It is public confidence that gives legitimacy to the judiciary and its decisions. To enjoy public confidence the judiciary must honour the values and principles of consistency, coherence, legal certainty, predictability and not the least justice and objectivity.[5] The citizens must always be vigilant and remind the Judges of their sacred duty. Sandra Day O'Connor said:

"If judges are to be independent guardians of rule of law values, they must be incorruptible. Judges are entrusted with ultimate decisions over life, freedoms, duties, rights, and property of citizens. But judges will never win the respect of the citizens[6] if they are subject to corrupt influences. Whenever a judge makes a decision for personal gain, or to curry favour, or to avoid censure, that act denigrates the Rule of Law… If the judiciary is perceived as being corrupt, biased, or otherwise unethical, society's confidence in the legal system and its respect for the Rule of Law will crumble"

The public is aware that the Anwar Ibrahim trials lacked legitimacy:-

  • In the first Anwar Ibrahim trial for corruption, the Judge attracted adverse worldwide criticism for the manner he conducted the trial. The Judge threatened and charged defence counsel for contempt for complaining the court was not impartial and fair.[7] The words "Irrelevant! Irrelevant! Irrelevant!" were uttered so often that it was only matched 10 years later by a subsequent refrain of "Correct! Correct! Correct!" The trial did not meet the requirement of impartiality, justice and objectivity;
  • In the second Anwar Ibrahim trial for sodomy, the High Court Judge applied the wrong law in convicting Anwar Ibrahim. It is a well established law that the court cannot convict on uncorroborated evidence of the complainant in a sexual offence. The Judge can only do so upon reminding himself of the danger of convicting on uncorroborated evidence. The Judge is required to set out in his judgment the reasons he found the complainant's evidence were sufficiently convincing to establish the case beyond reasonable doubt.[8] The High Court Judge failed to do this and the Court of Appeal did not pick up this error. It was only after the change of Prime Ministers that the Federal Court pointed out that the complainant's evidence lacked credibility and that the confession of sodomy was extracted by torture and improper means.[9] The second trial did not meet the standards of consistency and coherence to existing legal principles;
  • In the 2008 edition of the Anwar trials, Ragunath Kesavan, Chairman of the Malaysian Bar Council said that the Federal Court's decision to dismiss Anwar's application for access to key evidence was a regressive decision. The decision contradicted the clear language and intent of Parliament in section 51A of the Criminal Procedure Code[10]. The section imposed on the prosecution a statutory duty to provide to the accused before the commencement of the trial the documents that the prosecution intended to use at the trial. This was made in the interest of enhancing an accused person's right to a fair trial. By barring Anwar access to CCTV footage, medical reports, chemist reports and witness statements, Anwar was severely and unfairly impaired in defending himself. The Federal Court decision did not meet the standard of coherence, consistency, certainty and predictability, impartiality and justice;
  • Anwar applied under Rule 137 of the Federal Court Rules 1995 to review the Federal Court's decision in dismissing his application for disclosure under section 51A Criminal Procedure Code. The second Federal Court dismissed the application on the ground that the Federal Court does not have jurisdiction to review an earlier Federal Court decision. NH Chan said that the decision fly in the face of the plain words of Rule 137. Rule 137 provides that nothing shall be deemed to limit or affect the inherent powers of the court to hear any application or make any order as may be necessary to prevent an abuse of the process of the court[11]. The Federal Court decision was clearly incoherent and inconsistent with the clear words of the Rule;
  • The trial was filled with rulings on procedural and evidential matters that left the public with the distinct feeling that the decisions did not satisfy the standards and values of impartiality, legality, certainty, predictability, transparency and justice;       

International and domestic observers with a sense of fair play have a bad taste in the mouth at the injustice perpetrated. The New York Times in an article published on 13th December 2011 reported that human rights groups, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have criticized the trial. [12] Condemnation has also come from Al Gore, the former US Vice President who with Paul D Wolfowitz, the former US Deputy Secretary of Defense wrote in the Wall Street Journal that the trial "threatens not just Mr. Anwar but all those who have struggled for a freer and more democratic nation."

Malaysians had twice missed the call to stand up and speak out against injustice in 1988 and 1998. If we miss the third chance on 9th January, it will be strike three and Malaysia shall be struck out. It is therefore not inappropriate to recall the famous words of Martin Niemoller who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler:-

      "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out

       Because I was not a Socialist;

       Then they came for the Trade Unionists and I did not speak out

       Because I was not a Trade Unionist;

       Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out

       Because I was not a Jew;

       Then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak for me"

Martin Niemoller's quotation reminds us that the people were complicit through their silence in the Nazi imprisonment, persecution and murder of millions of people. We will similarly by our silence be complicit in the erosion of our society's foundation.  By staying neutral, by keeping silent, we will allow the rule of law to be replaced by the rule of man, criminals to go unpunished, the innocent to be deprived of a fair trial and the poor losing out to the rich. This country has deteriorated not because of bad people but because good people did not stand up and speak out against injustice. Tay Choo Foo is now standing up and speaking out. Many more must do so otherwise, they will take Anwar, then Tay Choo Foo and when they finally come for you, no one is left to speak for you.  


William Leong Jee Keen

Member of Parliament for Selayang

27th December 2011  





[1] The Federalist No 78 (Alexander Hamilton) Clinton Rossiter 1961.

[2] Najib risks Malaysia"s reputation in his treatment of Anwar Ibrahim Simon Tisdall

[3] A Passerin d'Entreves, The Notion of the State. An Introduction to Political Theory. Oxford Claredon Press 1967 p 141; M. Webber, Wisrtschaft und Gesellschaft Tubingen JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1972 p 19. Weber's three pure or ideal types of legitimate power as distinct from mere force are traditional power, legal-rational power and charismatic power.

[4] Elena Ruth Sassower, On Judicial Misconduct and Discipline, The Long Term Review Massachusetts School of Law Vol 4 No 1 197 pp 990-97

[5] J.L.M. Gribnau Legitimacy of the Judiciary Netherlands Comparative Law Association

[6] Sandra Day O'Connor, Associate Justice Supreme Court of the United States of America; Vindicating the Rule of Law: The Role of the Judiciary. Remarks delivered at the National Judges College, Beijing China on September 18, 2002

[7] NH Chan Judging the Judges 2007 p9

[8] NH Chan Judging the Judges p140

[9] Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim v PP [2004] 3 MLJ 405 FC

[10] Speech by Ragunath Kesavan, Chairman of the Bar Council at the Opening of the Legal Year 2011 given on 15 January 2011 [2011] 4 MLJ c

[11] NH Chan Judges Can Fly-In the Face of Rule 137 of the Federal Court Rules.

[12] The New York Times December 13 2011 by Liz Gooch: As Trial Nears End, Opposition Leader Vows No Surrender.

DAP's Gift to UMNO/BN for GE13: The Karpal-Ramasamy Feud

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:49 PM PST

If Ramasamy does make such a report, who will be the loser? DAP and Pakatan, of course. UMNO will have a lethal weapon to whack them.
By Ken
It all started with Ramasamy supposedly announcing the names of possible Indian DAP candidates for GE13 at an Indian event and which was reported in a Tamil newspaper. Someone or some people who read this news informed DAP chairman Karpal Singh on this matter. Karpal, without verification or clarification, warned about the need to control "warlords" in DAP. Ramasamy, without thinking about the consequences and party protocol, responded by calling for "godfathers" in DAP to also be controlled. 
Seri Delima assemblyman Rayer and Bagan Dalam assemblyman Tanasekaran immediately came to Karpal's defense and demanded an apology from Ramasamy for supposedly referring to Karpal as a "godfather". (Would Rayar and Tanasekaran have openly attacked Ramasamy if their names had been included in Ramasamy's reported list?)
Indian groups supporting Ramasamy joined the fray to worsen matters. Karpal's supporters continued their attack on Ramasamy to further increase the tension. The UMNO-controlled media has been having a field day reporting and, where possible, twisting facts.
UMNO and its partners, particularly the MIC, is delighted at what has been happening in the DAP. Even Dr. Mahathir joined in and added to the confusion by asking Ramasamy to apologize to Karpal Singh. (That is certainly a surprise. Is Dr. Mahathir a supporter of Karpal Singh?)
The Rakyat, in particular DAP and Pakatan supporters, are confused and are wondering whether DAP is also like UMNO and BN, where individuals matter more than the party and the people.

In the latest development, Ramasamy has declared that some DAP grassroot leaders were plotting against him for not responding to their overtures for projects and favours. Karpal was quick to see the implication of this statement and challenged him to report to the police as well as the MACC if he has evidence of those he had alleged were involved in making the demands to him. Karpal further noted that Ramasamy has "failed in his duty as the deputy chief minister by not reporting them to the relevant authorities." 

If Ramasamy does make such a report, who will be the loser? DAP and Pakatan, of course. UMNO will have a lethal weapon to whack them.
Up till now, UMNO and corruption have been synonymous. DAP and other Pakatan members have been working hard to bring this matter to the attention of the voters. The police and MACC would love to receive a report from Ramasamy, even if not true, to investigate.
The Malaysian media (Utusan, Star, NST, RTM, TV3, etc.) would have the headlines made out for the next few months before GE13. UMNO cyber-troopers will be in full force to whack DAP and Pakatan, this time on the basis of some facts. It will become a major issue in GE13, and DAP and Pakatan will have to say "Goodbye" to Penang and even other states. Ramasamy will no longer be DCM II or even ADUN. Karpal Singh's son, Jagdeep, can forget any future DCM II plans or even remaining as ADUN. Even Karpal's Wakil Rakyat position will be in doubt. As for Rayar and Tanasekaran, they may not even make it into the list of GE 13 candidates, given that their major asset is patronage and not people's support. Why, even Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang could lose their seats. Which decent citizen will want to vote out a corrupt UMNO/BN and replace it with a "corrupt" DAP/Pakatan?

The damage which could be inflicted by the report, if made, will finally make everyone realize that the Karpal-Ramasamy feud has been just a trivial matter which has been blown out of proportion because of ego and internal politics.
It should have been checked at the early stage itself. It is still not too late. Karpal, a seasoned politician and chairman of DAP, should have realized the consequences of such a report before asking Ramasamy to report to the police or MACC. He, as chairman, should have called for an internal inquiry and questioned Ramasamy. We hope that Ramasamy will "fail in his duties as deputy chief minister" and not make the report that Karpal is demanding, as the consequences will be uncontrollable and become a lethal weapon which can be deployed in the most unscrupulous and dirty manner by UMNO and BN in GE13. The report, if made, would be a gift from DAP to UMNO/BN to be used for GE13. 

Appeal to Ramasamy: Let Karpal win this round and put an end to this matter. By losing this round and ending this feud, you will be making a significant contribution to the real WIN that matters - A Pakatan Rakyat Government in Putrajaya after GE13.

Stick to The Facts!

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:46 PM PST

By Jeffrey Chew, Special Investment Officer To Penang Chief Minister

Wanita MCA Deputy Secretary General Tan Cheng Liang should stick to facts, figures and statistics and acknowledge that Penang recorded the highest debt reduction amongst all states in Malaysian history when the PR state government succeeded in slicing off RM600 million or 95% off the state's debt since taking over in 2008.

When PR took over Penang on 8 March 2011, Penang's debts amounted to RM630 million. Now Penang state's debts has been reduced by a whopping 95% or RM600 million, the highest almongst all states in Malaysian history. The Chief Minister had explained how this historic debt reduction was achieved during his 2012 Budget presentation speech at the Penang state assembly in October 2011. Tan Cheng Liang should refer to the Chief Minister's speech and not make wild and baseless allegations.

Tan Cheng Liang should not forget two facts. One that Penang state debts has indeed been reduced by 95% to RM30 million, a feat never achieved by BN. Two the 95% debt reduction from March 8 2008 until end October 2011 is the highest amongst all states in Malaysian history. I challenge Tan to state which Peninsular state government has a higher % debt reduction than Penang's 95%.

To try to fudge the issue by not talking about % comparison is dishonest and shows not just her ignorance about basic accounting but
also her desperation to take away credit belonging the the PR state government. As a good basketball player, the Chief Minister would not
be so presumptuous as to try to teach Tan Cheng Liang how to play basketball just as Tan Cheng Liang should not pretend to know about
accounting and financial management.

Tan should realise that both Transparency International and Audtior-General Report had praised the Penang state government for sound financial management that recorded not only budget surpluses annually but also rescued Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai from bankruptcy.

The True Cost of Corruption – Everyone Loses

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:38 PM PST

By Md Ikhram

As we brace ourselves for an impending election and speculate over who will emerge victorious, I think it may be apt for us thinking Malaysians to ponder our role in creating a Malaysia that is equitable. The sketchy approach, the approach that most of us may be subscribing to is, change the government and we'll have a better Malaysia. I deliberately say "sketchy approach' because it is not an entirely wrong approach, just incomplete.

Creating a nation that is equitable to all, regardless of race and creed, is every Malaysian's responsibility and it is not enough to vote out one government in exchange for another. Yes, on an elementary level, a strong two-party system could be exactly what we need. We need to get rid of politicians intoxicated with power, money, and greed – inevitable results of staying too long in power. Voting out UMNO and its cohorts in the BN could resuscitate our country and provide the momentum we need to drive real change. But that is only one half of the equation.

The other half is us; you and I.

Great people inspire change by becoming the change they want to be. Our responsibility in effecting a change goes beyond casting our vote. It includes changing certain behavior and attitudes that are deeply rooted in our psyche. So deeply rooted, that some of them though despicable, have become the norm. One such case in point is corruption. I would like to bring your attention to this pestilence and humbly submit that curing our wounded nation from this disease will be a catalyst towards a more just Malaysia.

When it comes to corruption, the big picture eludes most of us. Money exchanging hands between a police officer and a traffic offender has no dire repercussions, does it? Most of us think it doesn't but nothing can be further from the truth. There is the butterfly effect here.

Corruption allows criminals to operate without fear. Crime bosses have nothing to fear as long as the law can be bought. It means that Ah Longs can walk into your house and hurt your poor family for a missing relative's debt without reprimand.

Corruption breeds incompetence. The corrupted feel no compulsion to perform their jobs if there is no money offering. It could mean that you have to wait 1 hour for the police to come to your rescue when your house is being robbed. It could mean that you cannot get fair treatment unless you're rich. It could mean that you have to live with potholes and sub-standard roads even in your posh, urban neighborhood.

Corruption raises the cost of enterprise. Government and businesses end-up paying above market prices for goods and services. Someone has to pay for this additional cost and inevitably it comes out of your pocket in the form of higher prices or higher costs.

Corruption puts lives in danger. If you've been privy to the local news, you must know of schools, stadiums, and bridges collapsing. You would know of sub-standard hospitals and military helicopters. Corruption means innocent people get harmed by the very institutions founded to protect them.

The cost of corruption to you and me is high and it affects everyone. If you're ever tempted to engage in corruption, even for business opportunities, remember that it comes back to bite you in so many other ways, that in the end it is just not worth it.

Recently, the government allocated RM 530 million to give school students a one-off RM 100 aid. Of this amount, RM 50 million went to private school students. Private schools? One cannot be faulted for wondering if this was a gross misuse of the tax payer's money for political expediency. This is happening when there are schools that cannot afford to pay their electricity bills because of a lack of funds from the government.

Nearly RM 500 million was paid as commission to Perimekar for the purchase of submarines. Schools could have used those funds. In fact, every teacher in Malaysia could have received a RM 3,433 raise with the combined allocation for the one-off school aid and submarine commission. More competent individuals would become teachers with wages like that and your children would not have to go to private schools.

RM 250 million was allocated for the NFC and according to reports I'm reading, over RM 20 million has been spent in luxury condominiums. The NFC is supposed to be committed to helping farmers and entrepreneurs in the local cattle industry. How many deserving farmers and entrepreneurs were neglected in this spending spree? It could be you, an uncle, or a friend.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Much, much more is wasted every year at the expense of your children's education, your right to equal justice, competitive wages, and your lives.

Will a change in government fix this problem? Maybe. But a change in our attitudes towards corruption will certainly do more good. We need to understand that for corruption to work there must be two parties; the corrupt and the corrupter. We need to focus on the big picture. Let's treat corruption with the same disdain we accord to murder because at some point, corruption can lead to loss of lives.

Let's have zero tolerance towards corruption. No matter if it is a RM 10 bribe for a parking offense. Send a strong message. When someone you know engages in corruption, whatever the scale, frown upon him. Make it socially unacceptable. Educate your children on the cost of corruption. Let anyone, be it a Minister or clerk, face humiliation and rejection by their own social circle when they indulge in corruption.

It may be idealistic to expect that the overwhelming majority of Malaysians will one day reject corruption fully and abhor it on any scale. However, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, and if this essay inspires a single person to say no to corruption, then we're one step closer. Perhaps when there is enough momentum, any government we elect will be free of corruption and we as citizens of this country will have truly brought about change for the better.

A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the souls of its people – M.K Gandhi

The MPAJ Cover Up (Episode 2)

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:31 PM PST

For those uninformed, there exist a widening rift between the Selangor PKR Chief, the Selangor MB and PKR EXCO. On June the 27th, 2010 PKR appointed Azmin Ali as the Selangor PKR Chief, a post traditionally reserved for the Menteri Besar. Could the Anwar clique be attempting to wrestle power from Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and appoint Azmin Ali as the next Selangor MB should PKR win the subsequent Selangor State Government?

By Hakim Joe

First of all, I would personally like to thank Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, the Menteri Besar of Selangor for officially initiating an internal investigation on Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) and the MP of Ampang, YB Zuraida Kamaruddin for their alleged involvement and complexities in the Bazar Larut Malam @ Midnite Jelatek case whereby the hawkers' license fees of approximately RM19,000 are still currently outstanding (refer to

However, it is rather disappointing and unacceptable that the Selangor PKR Chairman and PKR vice-president Mohamed Azmin Ali, would not officially sanction this investigation on his deputy chairperson for reasons unbeknownst to anyone except himself (and probably his deputy). Whether the fact that PKR President Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah or any (or all) of the PKR Executive Committee members are knowledgeable of this issue remains mysterious as no directive was officially issued from the Parti Keadilan Rakyat HQ.

For those uninformed, there exist a widening rift between the Selangor PKR Chief, the Selangor MB and PKR EXCO. On June the 27th, 2010 PKR appointed Azmin Ali as the Selangor PKR Chief, a post traditionally reserved for the Menteri Besar. Could the Anwar clique be attempting to wrestle power from Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and appoint Azmin Ali as the next Selangor MB should PKR win the subsequent Selangor State Government?

Regardless of the speculation that Azmin Ali is being groomed to be the next Selangor MB, both himself and the existing MB should disassociate themselves from the suspect in this current issue. Although the sum of RM19,000 is but paltry (as compared to the cost to construct the Toyol Mansion), the fact remains that this sum of money is still unaccounted for.

For those who are not informed, Bazar Larut Malam @ Midnite Jelatek was a concept introduced by the PKR Wanita Chief way back in 2008 but did not receive official approval from MPAJ until 2010 and after constant and repeated pressure from the Ampang MP. Even though this well intended proposal could have taken off and remained successful, the reluctance for proper management and enforcement from MPAJ and the intense involvement of the Ampang MP herself has doomed this project from the very start. Bazar Larut Malam @ Midnite Jelatek was abandoned a mere nine months later.

As with any pasar malams, hawkers' licensing fees were collected prior to its launch but the monies involved were never remitted to MPAJ and hence the outstanding status on its book keeping. Who collected these fees on behalf of MPAJ and why were the hawkers willing to give these license fees to anyone else rather than MPAJ directly? The more pertinent question remains why MPAJ is not actively seeking the return of this outstanding amount.

It is widely known amongst the MPAJ inner circle that the MPAJ Councillor in charge of Jelatek, Ketua Zon Kak Hayati is a softie and is incapable of such actions. Furthermore, she does not possess the authority to do so as it infringes on municipal regulations. The only two people possessing sufficient clout to supersede this municipal regulation are the MPAJ Chief, Yang Dipertua (YDP) Dato' Mohammad Yacob (who rejected the Bazar Larut Malam concept from the very beginning), and the Ampang MP, YB Zuraida Kamaruddin (who proposed the Bazar Larut Malam concept from the very beginning).

Lastly, unknown to the majority of people in Selangor and during the time between 2008 and 2010 (before Bazar Larut Malam @ Midnite Jelatek was finally approved), yet another bizarre proposal was submitted to MPAJ for the widening of all sidewalks surrounding Spectrum Shopping Mall at Ampang for street hawkers to operate. This concept was again rejected by MPAJ after numerous complaints from the shop owners and business operators within that vicinity as the worsening traffic condition and woefully insufficient car-park bays was already creating a traffic gridlock inside those few streets surrounding Spectrum Shopping Mall and the addition of licensed street hawkers could turn the entire area into a "black zone" and this will ultimately hurt business.

No points for guessing the name of the MP who put forward this proposal to MPAJ.

The MPAJ Cover Up (Episode 1)


Akjan, go ahead and sue!

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 03:22 PM PST

Daniel J Jambun

Datu Akjan's media conference in which he said that there was never an Projek IC and the call for an Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) was ill-intended and can damage interracial relations was the strangest event with the most stupid statement I have ever seen in my years of political observations!

I know that in politics we may sometime meet certain characters who are extra daring and say a lot of shocking things, purposefully to agitate society for the sake of cheap publicity. But there is a limit to everything. One can overdo things and behave in a way that goes beyond what is acceptable and respectable, and this is what Akjan had done to himself. It seems that he had not learned anything form his huge blunder in declaring himself as Sultan of Sulu on Malaysian soil. After all the nationwide ridicule and insulting remarks about him because of the declaration, and after the arrest and investigation, it seems he has not grown up enough to behave in a civil and educated manner.

Now he had taken a most ridiculous action by saying there was no such thing as a Projek IC, when in fact he himself was arrested under the ISA for his direct involvement in the project. I fully support Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau for pointing out to Akjan about the court ruling in the election petition for Likas, in which the judge made a ruling based on the sworn testimony if Hassnar Ibrahim about his involvement in Projek IC. Why doesn't Akjan make a statement to say that Hassnar Ibrahim, Jabar Khan and many others who had confessed about their involvement in the project, are liars? And why not also say the judge in the Likas election petition was unprofessional and should be defrocked and disbarred? Why not sue these people, including the judge?
And for goodness sake, how is an RCI going to cause ill-feeling between the races? Who indeed is causing ill-feeling between people and between the people of Sabah and the Federal Government? It thought it was those people who produced the false ICs. But now Akjan is saying those people who want the RCI are causing the ill-feeling. What kind of logic is this? The whole state wants and RCI except for him, why? Obviously Akjan is trying to defend the illegal immigrants and wants the huge problems of illegals immigrants in Sabah to continue and become worse. Again, why? Is it because he himself is an illegal immigrant who managed to get a MyKad through his own Projek IC (as proven by Mutalib M.D. in his book IC Palsu)? How come he had sued Mutalib? By his statement we are reminded that Sabahans are losing their position as masters of their own future, because now an immigrant is saying it is wrong to investigate illegals. If Akjan really believes there is no Projek IC and no illegal immigrants, why not let this be proven with an RCI? The RCI will clear up everything, and settle the issue once and for all. There will be no ill feeling against anyone, including aliens, as long as they are legal. What we don't want is a lot of questions about people like Akjan claiming to have been born in Limau-Limauan Kudat but the people there swear they don't know him, or Pakistanis holding ICs saying they are from a village in Ranau and they don't know a word of Dusun. Are the people of Semporna happy that they are being outnumbered by aliens by five to one?
So if Akjan is offended and believes he is right, I challenge him to go ahead and sue. By suing and the case going to trial we will be able to know the real story behind why he was arrested under the ISA for manufacturing false ICs, how many aliens benefited from his unpatriotic act, how much money those people involved managed to make to enrich themselves, and whether Akjan himself is an illegal immigrant. He had admitted that he is not a Malaysian by declaring that he is the Sultan of Sulu. His personal history raises a lot of questions, but he has all the opportunity to prove himself by proceeding to sue on the matter. But then again, I would also like to ask if he still considers himself a Sultan of a foreign country, in which case he has no business trying to be a Sabahan and a Malaysian or interfering in our state affairs.
Advisor, UK-based Human Rights Foundation Malaysia


Guan Eng Concealed Full Truth

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:25 PM PST

Tan Cheng Liang 

When Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng claimed that the Penang state government had sliced RM600 million or 95% off the state's debt since taking over in 2008, he was craftily deceiving voters into thinking that the Pakatan Rakyat-run government had reduced the state's debts.

But the truth which Guan Eng conveniently forgets to reveal is that, on 2 June 2011, the Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang (PBAPP), a state-owned company had entered into a water restructuring agreement with the federal government via Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd (PAAB), a company under the Ministry of Finance. The water deal saw Penang's outstanding loan of RM655.24mil owing to the federal government to be converted into a grant.

In short, the federal government has shouldered the debt of Penang State government. Thus, the real scenario is that the Pakatan Penang state government has thrown the debt to the federal government. When Pakatan Rakyat blamed the federal government for the federal RM 20.5 billion debt, they opted not to inform that actually RM 600 million of the debt hailed from the Penang state government.

Perak, not Penang with the highest volume of debt reduction

The Penang state government claimed that it is the state which has highest reduction in debt but that is a misinformation.

In reality, it is Perak under the Barisan Nasional administration which has the highest reduction in debt. Penang reduced its debt by transferring this burden from RM600mil to RM29mil with huge publicity! But Perak reduced its debt from RM970mil to RM78mil with no self praise nor fanfare.

Pakatan's surplus a continuation of BN's surplus

The Pakatan Rakyat state government of Penang keeps saying that Penang never had surpluses before, but based on the state's financial report for the respective years, the previous Penang state government under BN before 2008 also recorded surpluses. Details are as followed:

2004 – RM28 million surplus

2005 – RM 83 million surplus

2006 – RM 10 million surplus

2007 – RM 43 million surplus

Hike in operating expenditure

The Penang state government adopts "CAT" in governance i.e. Competency, Accountability and Transparency. They should reduce the expenditure, but their operating expenditure increased from RM 252 million in 2007 to RM299 million in 2009.

Promise not inserted into Buku Jingga

Pakatan Rakyat also claims that they want to abolish prepaid mobile user service tax. But such a promise is not mentioned in the Buku Jingga or Pakatan Rakyat Alternative Budget 2012.


TAN CHENG LIANG is Wanita MCA Deputy Secretary General


Is Mahathir really the brave Malay hero who does not fear the US or the Jews?

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:13 PM PST

By Ken

Truth is not what matters to Mahathir but perception, in particular what the Malays perceive him to be. This is why Mahathir is vehemently denying that he had asked for loans from the World Bank (an institution he had labelled, together with the IMF, as being "Zionist, American Imperialist, etc."), even though it is apparent to all that Malaysia HAD RECEIVED loans from the World Bank AFTER Anwar's sacking in Sept. 1998.

If the majority of the Malays even suspect that Mahathir had approached the World Bank for any help, that would destroy the image that he had so craftily and cunningly built up over decades, as a brave and defiant "Malay" who dared to take on even the most powerful nation in the world, the US.

There is ample evidence, however, to show that Mahathir, in reality is anything but anti-US.

The US was and is one of the biggest investors and trading partners of Malaysia. Mahathir launched the billion dollar MSC on the strength and support of major US companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Cisco, Dell, AMD, DHL, etc.

Malaysia spent billions of dollars on military purchases from the US during Mahathir's tenure as PM. Mahathir engaged and consulted American economic advisors and writers such as Jeffrey Sachs and Naisbit.  

Mahathir loves the Western life style - he stayed on a "Precinct" (that's as American as you can get) in Putrajaya when he was PM and now lives in a "Swiss" mansion in the Mines.  

Mahathir secretly allowed the US military to conduct exercises on Malaysian soil when he was PM (see Barry Wain's "Malaysian Maverick").

Openly, however, Mahathir has been a vitriolic critic of the US. But secretly he has been not just a close ally but a lackey of the US. That is why Mahathir is still around because he remains a lackey of the US and is of use to the US in global Islamic matters and the super-power's interests in Malaysia and the region.

Just consider this. Who is Mahathir compared to the Marcos and Suhartos and other notable dictators of the world in terms of strength, control and influence? They fell, or rather the US allowed them to fall, when they were no longer of use to the US or their continued dictatorships were no longer tenable.

It would have been kid's play for the US to destroy Mahathir, the PM of a country which has marginal influence on the world stage in terms of military, political, strategic or economic power. The US's track record shows that they would have most certainly done so in response to Mahathir's regular and often ridiculous out-bursts against the US, unless he served a greater purpose for the US and the open criticisms were merely distractions from the truth that he, Mahathir, was a US lackey.

In order to hide his close links with the US, Mahathir often diverted the people's attention through his harsh and often illogical rhetoric against the US and would subsequently make up with the US when the rhetoric goes beyond the limits – e.g. Mahathir's million dollar payment to the Heritage Foundation to meet George Bush in 2002 to "normalize" relationships ( 

Furthermore, Mahathir, despite his open vitriol against the Jews, is in fact also a close friend of the Jews.

Mahathir's reason for the open animosity for Jews is the same as that applicable to his diatribes of the US - the open animosity is a diversion so that Mahathir's close relationship with the Jews will not be apparent, and he can continue to deceive the Malays and the Islamic world.

Let us look at the facts. Mahathir was a close buddy of Soros (a Jew) in hedge-fund deals and currency manipulation, later blamed Soros for the financial crisis of 1997/1998 and called him a "moron", and subsequently absolved Soros of any responsibility for Malaysia's financial crisis when Soros visited him after his retirement ( ).

Was Mahathir a hypocrite, lambasting first then later embracing and absolving Soros? Mahathir had engaged Saatchi & Saatchi, Goldman Sachs and other Jewish firms for various projects and tasks during his tenure as PM. In fact, he engaged Salmon Smith Barney, a Jewish firm, to advise him on how to manage the financial crisis and implement currency controls in 1998.

Mokhzani, Mahathir's son, worked for Lehman Brothers, a Jewish firm. Another of Mahathir's son, Mirzan, worked for Salomon Brothers, another Jewish firm. Prof Jeffrey Sachs from Harvard, one of Mahathir's top economic advisors, is a Jew. Mahathir (ok, some unknown person) engaged Abramoff, a Jew, to arrange the meeting between Mahathir and George Bush mentioned above. Could Mahathir make an enemy of the Jews (who, according to Mahathir himself, control the world) and still survive, unless he had been granted leeway? 

Mahathir's October 16, 2003 speech at the OIC meeting contained some of the most outrageous statements any leader of a country has made publicly against the US and the Jews. Mahathir explicitly labelled the US and Jews as the enemy of Muslims and said that Muslims need "guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships for our defense." 

How is it that Mahathir is still alive and kicking and can even visit the US after having seriously offended the most powerful nation in the world (the US) and the most powerful people in the world (the Jews), not once but repeatedly? Something to think about. Something that must be clearly explained to the Malays so that they will know the real Mahathir.

That Effing Show #69: Say X to X'mas!

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:11 PM PST

By Mark Teh

It's been a tough year for our brothers and sisters of the cross. Their plans to install a Christian Prime Minister was foiled. Their efforts at converting Muslims was thwarted. Every one of their attempts at sedition and subversion was left for naught. Proving once and for all that it really is hard out there for a pimp.

 But it's Christmastime.  Mistletoe and wine.  'Tis the season folks.  A time to be merry.  A time to be jolly.  A time to forgive and forget. Or is it? You decide as we take a look back at the all the Christian shananigans of 2011.

Watch it here:

Malaysia: Revoke Law Banning Same-Sex Sexual Relations

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:33 AM PST

Drop Case against Ex-Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim


(New York) – The Malaysian government should revoke its colonial-era law criminalizing consensual sexual acts between people of the same sex, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should drop their criminal case alleging consensual "sodomy" against opposition leader and former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, who is awaiting the verdict in his trial that began in February 2010.

"The Malaysian government uses its outdated sodomy law to slander political opponents and critics," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "Whether or not Anwar Ibrahim engaged in consensual 'sodomy' is irrelevant. It's time to reject this law and end the farcical political theater that promotes discrimination based on sexual orientation and destroys people's lives."

On June 28, 2008, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, then a 23-year-old aide to Anwar, filed a police complaint accusing Anwar of having forcibly sodomizing him two days earlier. The charges were later changed to consensual sodomy, after the authorities determined that Anwar, a 60-year-old with a bad back, was physically incapable of compelling the young man to engage in acts against his will. The complainant avoided being charged because he had reported the incident and asserted he needed protection. 

Anwar is being tried under section 377 of the Malaysian penal code, which prohibits "carnal intercourse against the order of nature." This so-called sodomy law is a relic of British colonial rule dating back to the mid-19th century. Conviction could result in a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. Leading members of the Commonwealth of Nations, to which Malaysia belongs, called for the abolition of sodomy laws during the recently concluded summit meeting in Brisbane, Australia.

As a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Malaysia has agreed to "uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights." Revoking the sodomy law would be consistent with Malaysia's undertakings as a Human Rights Council member, Human Rights Watch said.

In 1994, the Human Rights Committee, the UN body of experts that monitors civil and political rights, held that sodomy laws violate the right to privacy and non-discrimination. The Yogyakarta Principles, a set of international legal principles on the application of international law to human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity, call on states to, "Repeal all laws that criminalize consensual sexual activity among persons of the same sex who are over the age of consent." A November 2011 report by the UN high commissioner for human rights, which will be presented to the Human Rights Council in March 2012, recommended that UN member states "repeal laws used to criminalize individuals on grounds of homosexuality for engaging in consensual same-sex sexual conduct."

Appeals to cultural or social exceptionalism do not overrule international human rights standards. The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, which was adopted by consensus at the World Conference on Human Rights in 1993, provides that, "It is the duty of States, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms." In his 2010 Human Rights Day statement, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rejected discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and said that, "Where there is a tension between cultural attitudes and universal human rights, rights must carry the day."

This is the second time Anwar Ibrahim has been arrested on allegations of sodomy. His previous trial for sodomy, which resulted in a conviction in 2000 and a nine-year prison sentence, was marred by rights violations throughout. Upon being arrested on September 20, 1998, Anwar was beaten by the police chief at that time, resulting in severe facial injuries. Due process violations included lack of access to legal counsel; witness intimidation; harassment of his lawyers; and major problems with the prosecution's evidence. The conviction was overturned in 2004.

"Laws punishing consensual sexual relations between adults of the same sex are an unjustifiable invasion of the rights to privacy and personal security," Robertson said. "They foster a climate in which discrimination and abuse takes place. These rights cannot be willed away by selective appeals to cultural tradition and religious belief."



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