Jumaat, 16 Disember 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Illicit Money

Posted: 15 Dec 2011 10:10 PM PST

Malaysians Mourn The "Lost Decade Of Corruption" Where RM 1,077 Billion Of Illicit Money Had Been Illegally Siphoned Out Of Our Country From 2000-2009.

By Lim Guan Eng

Malaysians mourn the "the lost decade of corruption", where RM 1,077 billon of illicit money had been illegally siphoned out of our country from 2000-9. According to the Washington-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI), in 2009 alone RM 150 billion (US$47 billion) in illicit money was illegally siphoned out of Malaysia.

This RM 150 billion amount is in addition to the staggering loss of RM927 billion (US$291 billion) over a period of nine years between 2000 and 2008. The GFI report has shocked us all, with results showing that Malaysia is now ranked one of the top 5 countries in the world in terms of highest illicit capital flight.

The latest GFI report, 'Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries Over the Decade Ending 2009', is penned by economists Sarah Freitas and Dev Kar, who is a former senior economist at the International Monetary Fund. According to the authors, the estimates are based on balance of payments, bilateral trade and external debt data reported by member countries to the IMF and the World Bank.

They stressed that these illicit outflows are basically "unrecorded capital leakages through… illicit transfers of the proceeds of bribery, theft, kickbacks and tax evasion." In other words, it refers to corruption money or black money that is obtained illegally and worse, not even re-circulated into our economy.

This whopping and unaccountable loss of more than RM1 trillion as a result of corruption or black money will never be recovered. The fact that RM1 trillion worth of corruption was generated and subsequently siphoned out of our country makes the last 10 years the lost decade of corruption for Malaysia.

It is time that we get rid of the robber barons in this country. It is precisely projects like the Port Klang Free Trade Zone, the RM52 billion Bumi share scandal, the RM250 million NFC "cows and condos" fiasco, the half a billion ringgit "commission" for the purchase of two Scorpene submarines, and the multitude of government-linked projects that run into massive cost overruns with zero accountability, including the RM3.7 billion over-expenditure by government departments reported in the latest Auditor-General's report, that contribute to Malaysia now becoming the king of black money.

No wonder Malaysia performed dismally in the latest 2011 Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index(CPI), dropping 4 spots to No. 60 out of 183 countries this year from No. 56 out of 178 last year. Malaysia's 2011 CPI dropped for the third year running, slipping to 4.3 this year, leaving it in 60th place out of 183 countries compared with 37th place when Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took over as prime minister in 2003. TI Malaysia Deputy President Mohammad Ali even noted that Malaysia's CPI has continued to decline as "elements of state" that facilitated 'grand corruption' were still prevalent.

The latest expose by GFI of RM 1,077 billion in black of corruption money illegally taken out of the countrys explain the extent of losses suffered by Malaysians. DAP regrets that the BN government has dismissed this reputable study carried out by an independent and prestigious body. Malaysians must unite to save this country from BN, clean up corruption and try to get back this RM 1,077 brillion of illicit money.



Rakyat Malaysia Kehilangan "Satu Dekad Yang Telah Hancur Dek Korupsi" Di Mana Wang Haram Sebanyak RM1,077 Bilion Telah Dikeluarkan Dari Negara Kita Dalam Tempoh 10 Tahun Dari 2000-2009.

Rakyat Malaysia kehilangan "satu dekad yang telah hancur dek korupsi", di mana wang haram sebanyak RM1,077 bilion telah dibawa keluar dari negara kita dalam tempoh 10 tahun dari 2000-9. Mengikut laporan terkini badan pemerhati kewangan Washington Global Financial Integrity (GFI), wang haram sebanyak RM150 bilion (USD47 bilion) telah dikeluarkan dari Malaysia dalam tahun 2009 sahaja.

RM150 bilion ini adalah tambahan kepada kerugian besar RM927 bilion (USD291 bilion) dalam tempoh 9 tahun dari 2000 hingga 2008. Laporan GFI ini telah mengejutkan kita semua, terutamanya apabila Malaysia kini berada di kedudukan 5 negara yang tertinggi untuk pelarian modal haram yang terbesar.

Laporan terkini GFI yang bertajuk "Aliran Kewangan daripada Negara Membangun Dalam Dekad Berakhir 2009" telah disediakan oleh ahli ekonomi Sarah Freitas dan Dev Kar, yang pernah menjadi ahli ekonomi kanan di Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa. Mengikut penulisnya, unjuran tersebut adalah berdasarkan kira-kira bayaran, perdagangan dua hala dan data hutang luar negeri yang dilaporkan negara-negara ahli IMF dan Bank Dunia.

Mereka menekankan bahawa aliran haram ini merupakan "ketirisan modal yang tidak direkod melalui... pemindahan wang secara haram yang terhasil daripada rasuah, pencurian, sogokan dan pengelakan cukai." Dalam erti kata lain, ia merujuk kepada wang rasuah yang diperolehi secara haram dan tambahan pula tidak diedar semula ke dalam ekonomi negara.

Ketirisan lebih RM1,000 bilion yang amat besar dan tidak bertanggungjawab ini adalah akibat daripada rasuah dan sukar untuk ditebus semula. Hakikat bahawa hasil rasuah sebanyak RM1,000 bilion telah dialirkan keluar daripada negara kita dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lalu bermakna bahawa rakyat Malaysia telah kehilangan satu dekad yang telah hancur dek korupsi.

Sudah tiba masa untuk menghapuskan lanun-lanun yang telah merompak negara kita. Projek-projek seperti Port Klang Free Trade Zone (PKFZ), skandal saham Bumi RM52 bilion, skandal "lembu dan kondo" RM250 juta NFC, "komisyen" setengah bilion untuk pembelian dua kapal selam kelas Scorpene, dan banyak lagi projek kaitan kerajaan yang penuh dengan kos "overrun" atau kos berlebihan tanpa apa-apa kebertanggungjawaban, termasuk juga pendedahan Lapora Ketua Audit Negara terkini tentang RM3.7 bilion yang terlebih dibelanja oleh jabatan-jabatan kerajaan, yang telah menjadikan Malaysia sebagai raja wang haram.

Tidak hairanlah kenapa prestasi negara kita telah merosot mengikut laporan Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) 2011 badan pemerhati rasuah Transparency International (TI) yang menunjukkan bahawa Malaysia telah jatuh kepada tangga ke-60 daripada 183 negara, berbanding tangga ke-37 pada tahun 2003 apabila Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengambil alih pucuk pimpinan negara sebagai Perdana Menteri. CPI Malaysia pula telah menurun kepada 4.3 pada tahun ini, dan Timbalan Presiden TI Malaysia Mohammad Ali juga berkata bahawa CPI Malaysia terus merosot kerana "unsur-unsur kerajaan" yang memudahkan "rasuah besar" masih lagi tersebar luas.

Pendedahan terkini oleh GFI tentang wang haram sebanyak RM1,077 bilion yang telah dialirkan keluar daripada negara kita sedikit sebanyak menunjukkan betapa banyak kerugian yang dialami rakyat Malaysia. DAP menyesal kerana Kerajaan BN mengambil ringan kajian bereputasi ini yang telah dijalankan oleh sebuah badan yang bebas dan berprestij. Rakyat Malaysia harus bersatu untuk menyelamatkan negara kita daripada BN, membersihkan rasuah yang berleluasa dan mendapatkan balik RM1,077 bilion yang telah kehilangan ini.





2000年至2009年之间,马来西亚共有17700亿令吉的黑钱非法外流到国外,全马来西亚人因此而为这"贪污而失去的十年"哀悼。根据华盛顿一家非盈利机构"全球财务整合"(Global Financial Integrity (GFI)),单在2009年,就有1500亿令吉(相等于470亿美元)的黑钱从大马流失出去。


最新"全球财务整合"报告,是由经济学家Sarah Freitas 及国际货币基金组织前资深经济学家 Dev Kar所撰写、题目是《截至2009年过去10年从发展中国家流失的黑钱》。 根据作者称,有关的预算是以成员国向国际货币基金组织及世界银行所提呈的国际收支平衡表、双边贸易及外债等数据而作出的预算。






Blackout Papers

Posted: 15 Dec 2011 10:08 PM PST

In past three days, BN-controlled media have degenerated further to become "blackout papers" – on call for arrest of Taib Mahmud for corruption, Penang High Court defamation judgment against Utusan and over RM1 trillion illicit capital outflows from Malaysia in past decade

By Lim Kit Siang

For the past three days consecutively, the Barisan Nasiona-controlled media have degenerated further to become "blackout papers", over three episodes, viz:

Firstly, over the call on Tuesday by 17 international and national environmental groups and activists, including Greenpeace and Swiss-based Bruno Manser Fund, addressed to the Attorney-General, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency Chief Commissioner and the Inspector-General of Police for the arrest and criminal prosecution of Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud and his 13 family members for massive graft and plundering of Sarawak's rich natural resources;


Secondly, the Penang High Court judgment on Wednesday against Utusan Malaysia for defamation against Penang Chief Minister and DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng for its article "Kebiadaban Lim Guan Eng" of 20th December 2010, and the High Court award of RM200,000 for general and aggravated damages and RM25,000 for costs against Utusan; and

Thirdly, the release yesterday of the latest report by Washington-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI) that Malaysia has maintained its position as one of the top five countries in the world suffering the highest illicit capital outflow in the past decade, 2000-2009, involving over RM1 trillion (US$338 billion or RM1,077 billion) as a result of corruption and misgovernance!

Apart from one small inconsequential paragraph about the Utusan judgment, there have been total blackout of these three developments in the Barisan-controlled "mainstream media".

Recently, coinciding with the UMNO General Assembly, Malaysia suffered its worst international report card for anti-corruption when the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2011 gave the country its worst ranking in 17 years as well as the lowest-ever CPI score - placed No. 60 when Malaysia was ranked No. 23 in 1995 with a score of 4.3 when Malaysia scored 5.32 in 1996.

With the egregious "blackout" of unfavourable news by Barisan Nasional mainstream media as happened blatantly in the past three days, Malaysia's press freedom index is set to nosedive further in future – as if Malaysia's press freedom index is not bad enough.

In conjunction with the World Press Freedom Day in May this year, Malaysia was ranked 143 out of 196 countries in terms of press freedom, categorised as "not free", in the Freedom of the Press Survey 2011 by US-based Freedom House.

After the "black eyes" by Transparency International and Financial Global Integrity, and the bulldozing of the undemocratic and repressive Peaceful Assembly Bill in Parliament, Malaysians must be prepared to suffer more "black eyes" by other international watchdogs for freedom, integrity and good governance in the coming year.

Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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