Ahad, 11 Disember 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News


Posted: 10 Dec 2011 10:22 AM PST

He claimed that we had "lost an island (I suppose referring to Singapore) " because of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and "the same fate awaited the rest of the country if they (I suppose referring to Malaysian) stood idly by".

Here, I would just like to ask – who are the Malay traitors that Ezam is referring to? Was he referring to any particular personality in the opposition? And why wouldn't he name that person out loud and clear? Are you too afraid Ezam? The word traitor is a damning word to use upon someone, and if I were to call Ezam a traitor for having jumped the UMNO boat onto the PKR boat, and soon after back into UMNO's boat, would Ezam like it? And you know, I am still waiting for the many boxes that reportedly hold the many mysteries of UMNO's corrupt practices that Ezam had promised to expose when he was in PKR. Till this day, the boxes are nowhere to be seen, and would you still believe in Ezam?

And may I also ask – who actually 'gave away' the island of Singapore to Lee Kuan Yew, just by a stroke of a pen? Was it anyone person from the opposition today; be it a Malay, Chinese or an Indian? I would advice Ezam to read up his history, because he was too young to understand the causes that led to the separation of Singapore from Malaysia. Why don't Ezam blame it on Tengku Abdul Rahman who was the UMNO President then? Surely, Ezam wouldn't dare because he would be deprived of his Senatorship by a stroke of a pen too.



After PBDS and SNAP, it’s SUPP’s turn to be history

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 07:16 AM PST

Factions including those aligned to presidential aspirant Wong Soon Koh, who pulled out a day ago in protest, say the least the Registrar of Societies could do is to order the party to halt its triennial general meeting (TGM) scheduled for Dec 10-11 until the alleged irregularities are rectified.

Amidst charges and counter-charges of massive fraud and irregularities in the party set-up, the various factions have been making daily visits to the RoS in Kuching. The result is the foregone conclusion that Supp would have to show cause why it should not be deregistered.

The party will probably face the same fate as the Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) which suffered the dubious distinction of being deregistered twice, in 2003 and 2004, and the Sarawak National Party (Snap) which was deregistered in 2002 before being given a new lease of life last year by the Court. However, the party has never recovered and remains comatose and on life-support.

PBDS's deregistration was followed by the formation of the Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) by James Masing who created a crisis by challenging the assumption of the party leadership by founder Daniel Tajem Anak Miri, the Lion of the Ibans and Dayaks, from 1st President Leo Moggie Anak Irok. At the same time, Tajem was not allowed to register the Malaysian Dayak Congress (MDC).

New party on the cards

Soon Koh, the deputy secretary-general, has on his side 7 key party leaders, all either MPs or state assemblymen. Nothing could be more telling.

It's predictable that these seven will form a new multiracial-based but Chinese-dominated party in Sarawak. The seven have been named as Richard Riot Jaem and Tiong Thai King, both MPs, and state assemblypersons Francis Harden Hollis, Lee Kim Shin, Dr Jerip Susil, Ranum Mina and Johnichal Rayong Ngipa. Ironically, five of the seven in the ostensibly multiracial but Chinese-dominated Supp are Dayaks.

Wong, also the State Minister of Local Government and Community Development, led a group of his supporters to meet RoS deputy director-general Fison Yahaya and Deputy Home Minister Lee Chee Leong in Putrajaya last week.

The focus of their visit was to list out their litany of woes and complaints against another major faction in the party led by Federal Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Peter Chin Fah Kui.

Both men are seeking to replace party chief George Chan who is being forced to step down. But really, the party could not have picked a worst time to wash its dirty linen in public.

Chin is seen to be Putrajaya's candidate, thereby making the infighting at the state level all the more passionate as few Sarawak-based members want their party to be under Prime Minister Najib Razak's thumb.

Another excuse for Najib to delay GE-13

The next General Election, the 13th, is due soon if Najib is to be believed. So far, Najib has put off getting his own mandate by latching on to one lame excuse after another. His latest excuse is the need for electoral reform before polls. This is like him claiming that free and fair elections can only benefit his ruling coalition and not vice versa. Now the on-going power struggle in Supp will give him yet another excuse to delay nationwide polls.

Supp could have put off its party polls, like other BN component parties including Umno, until after GE 13. However, party members wouldn't hear of it especially after the electoral debacle in April last year in state polls and the need to exit party chief George Chan as soon as possible. Chan, whose daughter is married to Taib's younger son, Sulaiman, had pledged many times before to quit but each time went back on his promises.

To add insult to injury, Chan lost his Piasau seat and presided over the loss of another 12 of its 19 seats.



Dr Mahathir meminta Shahrizat berhenti. Yang lain-lain itu macam mana?

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 07:07 AM PST

Sebenarnya berundur itu memang tidak payah disuruh dan dipaksa kerana isu itu memang menuntut Shahrizat untuk mengundurkan diri secara 'voluntary' sesuai dengan semangat demokrasi yang tulen. Sepatutnya Sharizat lebih awal lagi berundur tetapi beliau sebaliknya menyingsing lengan dan mengkritik pembangkang pula yang melakukan fitnah dan sebagainya.

Seperti yang saya sebut dalam tulisan saya beberapa hari yang lalu keputusan kerajaan untuk memberikan pinjaman dengan begitu mudah adalah disebabkan Shahrizat adalah seorang ahli jemaah kabinet negara. Kalau Shahrizat seorang bidan di klinik desa di kampung saya suaminya tidak mungkin mendapat pinjaman yang mudah daripada kerajaan.

Kalau dipandang dari sudut mana sekali pun, skandal ini melibatkan bukan sahaja Shahrizat tetapi seluruh ahli jemaah kabinet dan sepatutnya yang berhenti bukan Shahrizat seorang tetapi kesemua ahli yang berada di dalam jemaah kabinet semasa itu, terutamanya TS Muhyiddin Yassin yang ketika itu menjadi menteri pertanian dan asas tani negara.

Jika Shahrizat bertanggungjawab, maka Muhyiddin sepatutnya mengambil 'accountability' kerana projek ini mendapat sokongan beliau sebagai menteri yang bertanggungjawab. Sayalah orang yang paling awal menerima cadangan TUN yang Shahrizat patut berundur tetapi masalahnya kenapa Sharizat sahaja? Kenapa tidak mereka yang lain yang telah menggunakan kuasa untuk kepentingan anak-anak dan keluarga dengan menggunakan duit orang ramai untuk menyelamatkan keluarga yang gagal dan perniagaan.

Tentu Dr Mahathir tahu siapa yang menggunakan lebih dari satu billion wang rakyat untuk digunakan untuk menyelamatkan perniagaan anaknya yang dalam kerugian besar semasa itu. Kenapa pemimpin itu tidak meletakkan jawatan dengan serta merta? Kita akui yang kesalahan politik dan moral yang dilakukan oleh Shahrizat adalah besar tetapi kenapa tidak mengambil tindakan kepada kes yang lebih besar dari itu?

Saya juga hendak bertanya bagaimana hendak membuang Shahrizat sedangkan parti telah mengambil ketetapan untuk mempertahankan Shahrizat. Muhyiddin Yassin, Noh Omar, Khairy Jamaluddin dan ramai lagi yang mempertahankan Shahrizat. Dalam perhimpunan agong 3 sayap parti dan perhimpunan agong UMNO sendiri tidak ada apa-apa tindakan yang di ambil terhadap Shahrizat.

Inilah masalahnya UMNO ini. Pemimpin-pemimpin mereka mempunyai kepentingan perniagaan. Kepentingan perniagaan itu satu hal. Yang lebih menyedihkan berlaku di dalam UMNO ini ialah nilai kepimpinan, nilai kemanusiaan serta budaya di kalangan ahli-ahli dan penyokongnya telah terlalu ,'un Malay', budaya yang bukan dimiliki oleh Melayu.

Persepsi kepada sesuatu isu itu sudah terlalu jauh menyimpang dan tidak pernah kita sangka yang keadaan sudah sampai ke tahap yang sangat merunsingkan. Kita boleh lihat apa yang berlaku di Pulau Pinang beberapa hari yang lepas di mana sekumpulan penyokong kerajaan yang anti DAP telah menampakkan kebobrokan mereka dengan menghantar kek berbentuk tahi kepada Lim Guan Eng.

Apa semuanya ini? Tindakkan tidak berbudaya dan beragama ini disokong pula oleh media masa perdana kepunyaan UMNO TV3 dengan menyiarkan berulang kali untuk memberi tekanan kepada DAP. Inikah hasil perjuangan UMNO? Ini kah budaya yang UMNO bentuk selama ini. Ini kah budaya Melayu?

Mentaliti yang sudah jatuh ke tahap ini sekali gus melambangkan pihak yang menyokong UMNO itu sudah berada di dalam keadaan desperate yang tidak terhingga. Di perhimpunan agong di Kuala Lumpur kita mendengar ada pemimpin-pemimpin yang menggunakan ayat-ayat suci, tetapi di bawah, penyokong-penyokongnya menggunakan taktik politik yang bukan islamik.

Mereka membuat kek berbentuk tahi untuk di hadiahkan kepada Ketua Menteri yang menyambut hari jadi yang ke 51. Kalaulah hanya ini yang UMNO mampu untuk mencapai maka kita eloklah berfikir 1000 kali sebelum memberikan undi kepada parti yang kian hari kian gila ini.

Sampai bila kita rakyat hendak hidup bersama dengan kumpulan yang tidak berbudaya ini. Menghantar kek berbentuk tahi ini memang satu insiden yang sudah cukup untuk di nilai bagaimana UMNO membentuk budaya dan sifat penyokong-penyokong mereka. Sifat amarah yang tidak ada batasan semata-mata kerana hendak menjatuhkan pimpinan negeri dengan melakukan tindakkan yang tidak terperi hinanya ini amat memalukan bangsa.

Kenapa tidak bertindak dengan melakukan kerja-kerja baik untuk meyakinkan rakyat untuk menyokong pimpinan UMNO? Percayalah ini bukan budaya yang sepatutnya ada dalam UMNO. Itulah sebabnya saya telah menyebutkan ratusan kali, budaya ini bukannya budaya UMNO yang asal. Ini budaya UMNO baru, parti yang ditubuhkan untuk menyelamatkan Dr Mahathir dahulu. Jika UMNO yang ada pada hari ini serupa dengan UMNO dahulu, politik negara tidak akan jadi begini keadaannya.

Bagi pendapat setengah pihak samada Shahrizat berhenti atau pun tidak UMNO akan tetap berada dalam keadaan yang sama. UMNO itu telah jatuh imejnya bukan oleh kerana Shahrizat seorang. Ia di sebabkan oleh semua pemimpin-pemimpin parti itu. Terus terang saya nyatakan yang patut berhenti ialah Najib dan seluruh barisan pimpinannya. Kata perbilangan, 'busuknya ikan itu bermula dari kepalanya'.



A Single Spark that starts the prairie fire?

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 05:59 AM PST

Dengar cerita CEO NFC (suami Sharizat) dpt gaji 100k sebulan, anak sulung (age 31) dpt gaji 45k sebulan, anak kedua (age 27)dpt 35k sebulan, anak ketiga (age 25) dpt 35k sebulan. Jika ini betul, ia sesungguhnya memalukan. Ambil duit rakyat buat bayar gaji besar.

Anak saya pun graduate juga. UPSR, PMR, SPM dapat semua A. Umur 24 tahun. Kerja swasta. Dia pun work hard. Balik kerja paling awal jam 9 malam. Kadang2 sampai 1 pagi. Gaji dia RM2,700/sebulan. Adakah anak saya akan sokong BN/UMNO kalau begini keadaannya? Saya dah tahu jawapannya. UMNO tak boleh kelentong orang cerdik. UMNO is not capable of changing, not with the current leaders.

When more than 50% of our working population is earning less than RM2k/month, tak tahu malu ke mereka-mereka ini. Merompak siang dan malam, 7 hari seminggu. Perompak Ali Baba P Ramli pun ada cuti hujung minggu.

8 December 2011 15:12


Even if we refuse to admit it, the above is an outpouring of bitterness. Although personal and UMNO people will wish it's confined, its personal anecdote such as this that strikes fear in UMNO. Maybe it's already that single initial spark that has ignited the prairie fire.

Shahrizat can huff and puff and weave her tales as her mythical namesake did in 1001 Nights. While she can fool UMNO delegates by employing attack is the best form of defence, her actions are only an exercise in futility. For her, the writing is already on the wall. Whatever she does will not extinguish her blackened image.

Dr Mahathir has called for her exit from UMNO politics. She's finished. Incidentally, the 1001 Nights contained the story of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves which the writer of the comment cited.  Perhaps, Ali Baba and the thieves aptly describe what UMNO has become.

This kind of anecdotal and very personalized tale of feeling marginalized and alienated reflects the wider bitterness of Malays with UMNO. There is nothing that UMNO can do about it now. It's a discredited brand. It's synonymous with pillage and plunder, corruption, arrogance that can only be the result of being far too long in power. It's the manifestation of the political dictum- power corrupts absolutely and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Last year, every big idea thrown up by the UMNO president, were rejected by UMNO delegates. When he spoke about 1 Malaysia, delegates insisted on Malay first, Malaysia second. The deputy UMNO president was even forthright in affirming that line of thinking, which is more in common with the UMNO ground. Even as UMNO members deny it, there is worrisome disconnect between the UMNO president and the rest of his team. When he spoke about his nebulous New Economic Model, delegates spoke about more NEP like policies.

In the end, what has Najib got to defend himself?

He has only the claim that he is the son of Tun Razak- imagining such pedigree is testimony that he won't abandon principles dear to UMNO. When a person has nothing else to defend himself but lay bare his bloodline credentials it's a sign he is in trouble. No one can deny that biological connection. The similarities end just there- as people are arguing whether he has inherited the leadership talent of the father.

This year what has UMNO got? It didn't encourage delegates speaking about economic achievements. No talk on vision, policies and so forth. No one debates about how Shahrizat got the RM 250 million. No one spoke about the ETP, EPP, GTP and whatever labels the UMNO president gave to his string of initiatives. None. The UMNO president pleads for continued mandate from the people as the Malay Agenda has not finished. No one spoke or elaborated about the agenda.

How is that the agenda can only be achieved through UMNO at all? No one puts forth convincing arguments telling us why UMNO is the only qualified instrument for Malays to achieve their collective agenda. Najib is confused about the concept which he came up when he took over Pak Lah which is, the claim that the age of government knows best is over. Yet, by asking the nation to give him the mandate to enable him to continue the agenda, he is reaffirming the exact opposite. The government and the party is the deity and dispenser of what is good to the people.

The 2011 Umno GA was an occasion for an orgy of vituperative shouting match. UMNO does nothing but directed themselves to attacking and insulting its political opponents. UMNO does two things actually- heightened the morbid patriotism and nationalistic urges of Malays. And it does what it hasn't done before- speak about Malays' greatest fear- assault on the religion of Islam.



Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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