Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Bruno Manser Fund names Taib’s secret foreign helpers

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 10:27 PM PDT

By Bruno Manser Fronds

EXCLUSIVE: The Swiss Bruno Manser Fund has released a list of thirty individuals from nine countries who have helped Malaysian potentate Abdul Taib Mahmud ("Taib") and his family to conduct international business transactions, hide foreign assets or gain undeserved respectability outside Malaysia.

(BASEL, SWITZERLAND) Thirty individuals from nine countries have today been named and shamed by the Swiss Bruno Manser Fund for being business partners, proxies or other helpers of Malaysian potentate Abdul Taib Mahmud ("Taib") and his family. Taib, Chief Minister of Malaysia's largest state since 1981, has for a long time been accused of destructive logging of the Borneo rainforest and the massive abuse of his public office for personal gain. With his family members involved in global business operations estimated at several billion US dollars, Taib is believed to be one of South East Asia's richest and most corrupt politicians.

The Bruno Manser Fund is calling on the international community to carefully monitor and scrutinize the Taib family's international business transactions and investments as they are likely to be linked to illicit activities in Malaysia. The governments of Malaysia, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States have been contacted and asked to investigate the Taib family's business activities and to freeze suspected or proven Taib family assets in their countries. 

In June 2011, the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) officially announced that Taib was under investigation for corruption. Authorities in Australia, Germany and Switzerland have also indicated to us that they would investigate the legality of Taib family activities and potential Taib family assets.

Taib's foreign helpers list includes one head of state and three public officials 

The Bruno Manser Fund's list includes one head of state, Monaco's Prince Albert II, as well as three public officials from the United States and Australia, namely FBI Director Robert Mueller, FBI Special Agent Laura M. Laughlin and Adelaide University's Vice Chancellor-cum-President, James McWha. Most other persons on the list are business partners of the Taib family, some of whom are accused of helping Taib and his immediate family members to hide significant overseas assets which are believed to be laundered proceeds of corruption and illicit business transactions

Prince Albert II of Monaco asked to cut ties with the Taibs

 Prince Albert of Monaco is accused of maintaining an unduly close relationship with the Taib family. In 2008, Albert made a state visit to Sarawak, accompanied by three members of the Prince Albert II Foundation. Last year, Albert hosted a Taib-sponsored Islamic Fashion show in Monaco, during which he collected an anonymous 100,000 Euro donation for his Prince Albert II Foundation. The donation was presumably made by Taib who was on stage when Albert was given the cheque by Rosmah Mansor, the wife of the Malaysian Prime Minister. 

The Bruno Manser Fund is demanding that Prince Albert cut ties with the Taib family and freeze potential Taib assets in Monaco's banks.

FBI executives accused of whitewashing Taib family assets in the US

 The highest-ranking public official on the BMF list is the head of the American federal police, FBI director Robert Mueller. He is listed together with Laura M. Laughlin, the Special Agent in charge of the FBI's Seattle field office.

The FBI executives are blacklisted for renting the premises of the large FBI office in downtown Seattle from Wallysons Inc., a Washington state company controlled by the Malaysian Taib family. In an attempt to cover up this embarrassing relationship with one of South East Asia's most corrupt family clans, the FBI has left several written complaints by the Bruno Manser Fund and other NGOs unanswered. In March 2011, the FBI refused to meet NGO representatives who protested in front of the FBI Seattle office against the FBI's ties with the Taib family.

It is an embarrassment for the American people that its federal police, which ought to combat public corruption, is operating from premises owned by a notoriously kleptocratic family. The Bruno Manser Fund condemns the FBI's role in whitewashing and legitimizing Taib family assets in the United States and is asking for an explanation.

Adelaide University's dodgy deals with the Taibs

Pecunia non olet ("money doesn't stink") was the proverbial ancient Roman reply to allegations of dodgy deals and appears to have become the University of Adelaide's motto for dealing with the Malaysian Taib family. The university has accepted large donations from Sarawak's corrupt Chief Minister but refuses to disclose to the public just how much money Taib has spent on supporting his alma mater. This earns James McWha, the University's Vice-President-cum-President an entry in the blacklist. The university disgracefully honoured its corrupt "long-time benefactor" in December 2008 by renaming a plaza on the university campus the "Taib Mahmud, Chief Minister of Sarawak Court".

Taib Mahmud has also been made a director of the Adelaide-based "Australian Universities International Alumni Convention Pty Ltd", which earns the company's sole shareholder, Michael Lewis Abbott, a place on the Taib's foreign helpers list. Abbott, a leading Adelaide barrister, is also a former chairman of the Australia-Malaysia Institute.

The Taibs' Adelaide connection appears to go far deeper. Adelaide's Hilton hotel, which is operated by Sitehost Pty Ltd, is fully owned by the Taib family. Sitehost's Australian directors have also been listed by the Bruno Manser Fund': They are John Antoine Kiosoglous (MBE), who is a former member of the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal, and Sydney lawyer Gary Patrick Doherty.

Besides his directorship with Sitehost, Mr. Doherty is also involved in other remarkable business activities. A AUS $5 company with the intriguing name Conceal Pty Ltd, which is run by Mr. Doherty and associates, has amazed us with its leading role in massive property developments in Western Sydney. Another person linked to Sitehost is Melbourne-based nominee companies operator Gabriel Amira, whose Golborne Pty Ltd enjoys a strong financial relationship with the Taibs' Sitehost Pty Ltd.

Key helper Sean Murray and the Taib family real estate crew 

Another director of the Australian Sitehost Pty Ltd is Sean Patrick Murray, Taib's Canadian son-in-law. Sean is married to Taib's daughter Jamilah; they live in Ottawa's Rockcliffe Park in a 9.6million-dollar mansion that has been rated Ottawa's second most expensive private home. Sean Murray is a director of the Ottawa-based Sakto corporation, chairman of the British Ridgeford Properties and president of the US-based Wallysons Inc. and Sakti International Corporation.

While Mr. Murray claims to be the owner of these companies, the Bruno Manser Fund has identified them as secret Taib-family investments, which we believe to be ultimately controlled by the Sarawak Chief Minister himself. This is why we have added Lee Gartley, Tanya Caleta, Laird J Rasmussen and Brian Murray of Sakto, as well as Christopher Timothy Murray (Sean Murray's cousin), Kerstin Bowers, Shaun Doherty, Michael Keaveney and John Murphy of Ridgeford Properties, to the Taib's foreign helpers list. The Taib companies run by Sean Murray are estimated at several hundred million US dollars. While British Ridgeford Properties is specialized in luxury buildings in Central London, Sakto corporation has heavily invested in office towers in Ottawa which are being rented to the Canadian and the Ontario government.

Shea Kin Kwok, the Hong Kong agent behind Taib's timber kickbacks scheme

It is believed that the Taib family's foreign properties have been funded by corruption money such as kickbacks cashed in from the timber industry. In 2007, the Tokyo tax authorities found out that Japanese shipping companies who exported Sarawak timber to Japan had been paying kickbacks to a Hong Kong company, Regent Star, which is closely linked to Taib's brother Onn Mahmud. This earns Chinese national Shea Kin Kwok, founding director of Regent Star and a number of other Taib-related companies in Hong Kong, a place on the Taib's foreign helpers list.

Former Taib aide Farok Majeed is missing

Farok Majeed is another former business associate of Onn Mahmud (Taib's brother). He was closely involved in multi-million dollar property developments in Australia. In 2007, a New South Wales court awarded him 2.2 million AUS dollars in damages against Onn Mahmud for unpaid work by his construction company. Despite significant research and a public appeal in Sarawak, Mr. Majeed cannot be located and appears to be missing.

Mr. Majeed's case appears to bear a striking resemblance to the case of the late Ross Boyert, a former Taib US aide who was found dead in a Los Angeles hotel in September 2010 in an unusual case of suspected suicide. Prior to his death, Mr. Boyert said he and his family had been systematically harassed ever since he had filed a civil case against his former employer, the Taibs' US-based Sakti International Corporation. 

Taib's invisible hand on the British Virgin Islands

A number of Taib companies are linked to a mysterious PO Box 438 in Road Town, Tortola, on the British Virgin Islands. This is the postal address of Integro Trust, Equity Trust and other companies that are being handled by Taib's invisible hand on the British Virgin Islands, Mrs. Linda Romney-Leue. Without offshore financial service providers like Mrs. Romney-Leue, it would have been much harder for the Taibs to conceal their illicit foreign assets. Astar Properties Ltd, Tess Investments Ltd, Tagus Investments Limited and CMS (Cahya Mata Sarawak) BVI are all Taib-linked companies who give Mrs. Romney-Leue's PO Box as their mail address. 

Deutsche Bank CEO Joe Ackermann blamed for joint venture with the Taibs' Cahya Mata Sarawak

A more visible financial link is the extensive cooperation between the Taib family's Malaysian business flagship, Cahya Mata Sarawak (CMS,) and Deutsche Bank, which earns Deutsche Bank CEO Josef ("Joe") Ackermann an entry in the Taib helpers' list. CMS and Deutsche Bank have significant joint ventures in Malaysia, including K & N Kenanga Holdings, of which Luigi Fortunato Ghirardello and Taib's son-in-law, Syed Ahmad Alwee Alsree, are directors. 

CMS is a Sarawak-based construction conglomerate that benefits routinely from untendered public contracts from the Taib government and has made corruption the core element of its business strategy. Another foreign Taib key helper is CMS' Group Managing Director, British national Richard Alexander John Curtis. CMS, a public company, holds net assets of 1,46 billlion Malaysian Ringgits (US $467 million); at least 85% of its shares are held by the Taib family.

Deutsche Bank has also been accused of administering the Jersey-based Sogo Holdings Inc., an alleged Taib family holding. In September 2009, the German Federal Ministry of Finance announced that German bank regulator BaFin is looking into Deutsche Bank's Taib ties from a money-laundering compliance perspective.

Norwegian CEO assisting Taib in flooding Sarawak natives

Norwegian executive Torstein Dale Siøtveit has chosen to play one of the most problematic roles among Taib's foreign helpers. In 2009, Mr. Siøtveit replaced Taib's brother-in-law at the top of Sarawak Energy, the Taib-controlled electricity supplier of Malaysia's largest state. As CEO of Sarawak Energy, Mr. Siøtveit is directly responsible for the Sarawak state government's excessive dam plans which are threatening the livelihood of tens of thousands of natives in Sarawak's interior. In the case of the planned Baram dam, the flooding of large Kayan, Kenyah and Penan areas would come close to cultural genocide. Taib's dam plans are widely thought to be driven by corruption rather than by demand for electricity. The cement for the already-constructed Bakun, Murum, Batang Ai and Murum dams was provided by Taib family-linked companies that hold a state-wide cement monopoly.


Alan Friedman, Taib's public relations man

Alan Friedman, a former US journalist and chairman of the British FBC media group, is blacklisted for having signed a three-year public relations contract with Taib to boost the latter's tattered international reputation. Friedman was to be paid 5 million US dollars per year, but, following the disclosure of FBC's deal with Taib by whistleblower website Sarawak Report, it appears the contract has been cancelled. Major news outlets such as CNBC and the BBC stopped broadcasting shows that had been produced by the FBC Group and were in breach of official media regulations. In one of the shows, Taib had claimed that 70 per cent of Sarawak's forests were still intact - an outrageous lie.

Ta Ann represents Taib family logging interests in Tasmania

The Taib family is also known to hold a significant stake in the Sarawak timber industry. Ta Ann Holdings Bhd is under the directorship of Taib's cousin Hamed Sepawi, one of Taib's main cronies and suspected business nominees. Ta Ann's wholly-owned Australian subsidiary is currently logging Tasmania's native forests on behalf of the Taib family. This earns Ta Ann Tasmania's director David Merrick Ridley a place on the Taib's foreign helpers list.

Robert Geneid, Taib's Australian brother-in-law

Another Australian national with a Lebanese background, Robert Geneid, is a key helper for Taib businesses inside and outside Malaysia. In Australia, Geneid holds significant stakes in Geneid Holdings Pty Ltd and Ostgro Australia Pty Ltd that operates a Taib family-linked ostrich farm in West Australia. Geneid is married to Taib's sister Raziah, who is currently believed to be the potentate's most favoured sibling. Raziah's business interests in Malaysia alone are estimated at several hundred million US dollars.

Last but not least: "Stella", Taib's witch doctor

Taib, who is extremely superstitious, has over the years used a number of "bomohs" (witch doctors). Taib's most important bomoh, Pakistani Ustaz Abdul Rahman Hazrat, died in 2008. Currently, his alleged main spiritual medium "Stella" is an Australian national whose full name is given as Kharleen Tashman. Before the April 2011 state election, Stella appeared in public on the occasion of Taib's re-nomination as a candidate. This resulted in a row with Taib's competitor, Salleh Jafaruddin, who later called for Stella and two other foreign bomohs to be expelled from Malaysia. 

- Ends -

Download our exclusive Taib's Foreign Helpers poster (print quality) for free under:

For more information, please contact us: 

Bruno Manser Fund for the peoples of the rainforest

Socinstrasse 37, 4051 Basel / Switzerland

Tel. +41 61 261 94 74 

Follow us on twitter: @bmfonds

Institutions Of Higher Learning Must Promote Ideas, Debate, Dialogue And Discussion

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 01:03 PM PDT

By Lim Chee Wee, President of Malaysian Bar 

The Malaysian Bar questions the reasoning behind the decision of the Rector of International Islamic University of Malaysia ("IIUM"), Professor Dr Zaleha Kamaruddin ("Rector"), to suspend and investigate IIUM law lecturer Professor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari for his recent comment.

According to press reports that have not been refuted, the Rector said that Professor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari had been suspended on the ground that his comment – that the decree of HRH the Sultan of Selangor regarding the Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor's raid on a church in Petaling Jaya was "unusual and inconsistent" – was against the interests of IIUM.

The Malaysian Bar is astounded that a comment by a professor at an institution of higher learning, about a decree by a ruler of a state, could in any way be against the institution's interests. The Rector's decision appears to be an insidious extension of the machinery of the Government, which is investigating the constitutional law expert for sedition arising from the same comment. Such an attitude is wholly out of place in a democratic society, and unbecoming of someone entrusted with a position of leadership in an academic institution that claims to be world-class.

Indeed, IIUM's investigation stands in stark contrast to its stated missionand vision to produce better quality intellectuals, professionals and scholars, and to the Recommendations Concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation ("UNESCO") on 11 November 1997. This states, among others, that:

26. Higher-education teaching personnel, like all other groups and individuals, should enjoy those internationally recognized civil, political,social and cultural rights applicable to all citizens. Therefore, all higher-education teaching personnel should enjoy freedom of thought, conscience, religion, expression, assembly and association as well as the right to liberty and security of the person and liberty of movement. They should not be hindered or impeded in exercising their civil rights as citizens, including the right to contribute to social change through freely expressing their opinion of state policies and of policies affecting higher education.

30. Higher-education teaching personnel have a right to undertakeprofessional activities outside of their employment, particularly those that enhance their professional skills or allow for the application of knowledge to the problems of the community, provided such activities do not interfere with their primary commitments to their home institutions in accordance with institutional policies and regulations or national laws and practice where they exist.

Such stifling moves are symptomatic of what is wrong with our institutions of higher learning, as documented in the recent World Bank Report, The Road to Academic Excellence, The Making of World-Class Research Universities ("World Bank Report"), which examined the problems faced by another leading local institution, University of Malaya ("UM"). The World Bank Report commented that UM "continued as an executor of government policy and decision making", and quoted Syed Husin Ali as having said that UM has joined "younger universities [in Malaysia] that are directly controlled or strongly influencedby the government. Basic freedoms of university staff and students have been so effectively curbed… It is not surprising, therefore, that the quality and standards of local universities have been deteriorating."

The World Bank Report stated that institutions of higher learning are vital to any country wanting to be competitive economically, because "(k)nowledge generation has replaced ownership of capital assets and labor productivity as the source of growth and prosperity. … The modern university is the ideal space for the ecosystem of scholars to search for new ideas in a spirit of free inquiry…"

We have hitherto accepted reports by the World Bank when it has offered bouquets of praise about Malaysia, most recently in our rise in the Doing Business Survey 2011. We must not now be selective and reject brickbats from the same organisation, if they are indeed warranted.

IIUM's suppressive move is also contrary to the Government's moves to develop Malaysia as a high income nation, and the Prime Minister's promise to make Malaysia "the best democracy in the world". Unfortunately, whilst the Prime Minister's promised legislative reforms on preventive detention and freedom of assembly were premised on "the success in developing the country, the increasing maturity of the people and the greater awareness of human rights in society", it would appear that such maturity and awareness seems lacking in one of our supposedly premier institutions of higher learning, or at least in its Rector.

Furthermore, Professor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari's comment must also be viewed in the context of comments made during the debate surrounding the amendments to the Federal Constitution in 1993 (which removed the sovereignty of rulers). These comments, which involved far stronger criticisms (if not attacks) against the royalty, made in Parliament and in the media, all went unchecked.

The Malaysian Bar applauds the courage of, and stand taken by, Deputy Higher Education Minister Saifuddin Abdullah in advising IIUM to retract the suspension. The Malaysian Bar calls on the Rector to immediately withdraw the show cause letter and cease all investigations against Professor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari so that he can get on with his important responsibility of teaching and inspiring our young generation.


LIM CHEE WEE is President of the Malaysian Bar

Call for a Financial Accountability Commission answerable to the Parliament

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 12:44 PM PDT

By Tony Pua

Every year Malaysians are treated to a series of "tall tales" in the Auditor-General Report, which are unfortunately true stories.  This year, despite an "upgrade" in ratings for the overall financial management by Government departments and agencies, the tales of financial abuse and degrees of incompetence is no less fantastic than previous years.
In previous years, we had screw drivers worth RM32 was purchased at RM224 or a car jack worth RM50 purchased at RM5,700 making a complete mockery of the Government's procurement process.  Last year, Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara in Balik Pulau purchased a whole list of products for its computer laboratory at prices well above that of the market, including 2 Acer computer laptops at RM84,640 when it is worth only be a tenth of the price paid.
This year is no different with the Marine Parks Department taking the leading role by purchasing binoculars worth not more than RM1,940 was purchased at RM56,350, more than 28 times the market price.  It was of course not the only offending item – the Department purchased RM192,694 worth of products including common items such as laptops, printers, LCD TV, DVD Player when their total value should not exceed RM20,193.
There were many repeat offenders as well in the current year's report.  Of note is the construction of computer laboratories by the Ministry of Education throughout the country.  In Sabah, a RM160.7 million project was awarded to equip 300 schools by 2008.  However, as at the end of 2010, only 2 computer laboratories were completed.
Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara), an agency tasked to uplift the welfare of bumiputeras is again chastised for making high-priced purchases such as an oven worth RM419 for RM1,200, folding beds worth RM100 for RM500 among other things.
What is perhaps more illuminating is the fact that everyone the Auditor-General only has the necessary resources to audit a small sample of Government procurement and projects.  And despite that, such tales of incompetence and abuse are in abundance.
The logical conclusion from the Auditor-General's report is that heads must roll, but it rarely or never happens.  The Government's Chief Secretary Tan Sri Sidek Hassan has the all-important role to take the necessary disciplinary actions against the relevant offenders, including the supervising officers who failed in exercising their responsibility in a diligent fashion.  However, as informed by the Auditor-General during our Public Accounts Committee briefing yesterday, most of these offending officers are only given a letter of reprimand "surat teguran" before the cases were closed.
The natural outcome is, there is little disincentive for government officers to increase its level of competence or reduce the amount of waste, mismanagement and abuse since the "rewards" far outweigh the potential punishment, even if their deeds are hung out to dry in the Auditor-General's Report.
While the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has the powers to call upon the relevant Ministries and officers to explain their actions and conduct, the PAC has no powers whatsoever to mete out punishment except to make "recommendations" to the Government.  This has proven to be completely ineffective, made worse by the fact that the PAC is only able to focus on a handful of the misdeeds highlighted in the Auditor-General's report.
Therefore, given the inability of the Chief Secretary of the Government, the absence of powers endowed upon the PAC as well as the lack of political will from the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to mete out effective punishment and deterrence to offending civil servants, we would like to call for a independent Financial Accountability Commission (FAC) set up via an Act of Parliament to be created.
The FAC should not be staffed with any civil servant to avoid conflicts of interest, but instead by headed by leading professionals in the field of audit and integrity such as the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) and Transparency International (TI) Malaysia.  The proposed Commission should be made answerable only to the Parliament and granted the powers to take punitive and disciplinary actions against officers guilty of misconduct, negligence and sheer incompetence highlighted in the Auditor-General's Report.
Tony Pua

BLOCKADE UPDATE: Penan demand closure of timber camp

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 10:24 AM PDT

By Bruno Manser Fronds

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends,

last Saturday, 22 October, at 10 a.m., eight Malaysian police officers, two forest department officials and three Interhill staff jointly dismantled the Penan blockade in Sarawak's middle Baram region. After the dismantlement, Interhill logging company passed the blockade site with heavy machines.

Despite the dismantlement of the blockade, the Penan are maintaining their demands to the Sarawak government and to Interhill logging. Penan spokesperson Lakei Jaau said the Penan have the following five demands:

  1. The government of Sarawak must recognize the native customary rights of the Penan by withdrawing the timber companies' licenses.
  2. The companies should immediately stop working on the NCR land of Long Item, Long Kawi and Ba Abang.
  3. The company concerned must shutdown Camp Kabeng and clean the rivers and areas that have been polluted with toxic materials.
  4. The government of Sarawak must immediately order the company to stop their workers from entering the affected villages without the permission of the kelunan pina (everyone's consent).
  5. The Federal and Sarawak Governments must solve the longstanding problems of birth certificates and ICs with of Penans and with the direct participation of the Penans.

The Penan are protesting agains the unjustified police action and are pointing to the fact that they have challenged the legality of the currentl logging activitzies in a court case filed in December 2009.

Your BMF team

Thank the people, not politicians or govt

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 10:53 PM PDT

By Jackson Ng

I WANTED to puke when I spotted The Star's report titled "Chua: Thanks for the Chinese school help".

The "offensive" excerpts of the report are:

"KAJANG: MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has thanked the Government for allocating land and money to build two new Chinese schools and refurbish another in the Kajang area.

He welcomed Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's announcement yesterday of a RM9mil allocation to build two SRJK(C) schools in Kajang Utama and Sg Long and RM3.5mil for SRJK(C) Sg Chua to improve its infrastructure.

"We thank the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister for bringing us this much-awaited news."

What do expect when it is a report from a newspaper that is directly owned by the MCA and led by a No.1 Umno boot-licker Chua Soi Lek.

In the first place, why must Chua thank the government for the land and money for the construction of the two new Chinese primary schools and the refurbishment of another.

It is the people, the Malaysian taxpayers, who we must thank. Not the politician or government because providing facilities for education is the elected government's duty and job. If not, why the hell do we elect them.

In realty, the government had fared below par in providing quality education since Merdeka due to the politicising of education instead of giving due recognition to meritocracy. None of our universities are rated in the world's top 200, losing out to all our neighbouring countries.

The Star reports Chua as saying he welcomed Muhhyiddin's announcement! Can he not welcome the announcement? Please lah! Don't insult the intelligence of Malaysians.

Furthermore, the announcement is made due to the coming 13th General Election. There is no sincerity.

If The Star had reported Chua as saying he did not welcome it, or it was long outstanding, etc, etc, etc … then that is news and worth the money that one is paying for the newspaper.

As usual, The Star goes about reporting their boot-licking boss as thanking the prime minister and his deputy when it is only their job and duty to serve.

The master is the people who elected them, not the other way round.

If the people don't work hard to pay taxes, then there is no money for the government. If the people don't elect them, then they are not the people who will govern us.

It is as simple as that and The Star and Chua cannot understand or maybe they choose not to. In this digital era, education and knowledge is boundless.

Therefore, the people today are more informed and more educated. We must therefore treat them with more respect and understanding, not insult their intelligence.

This also means, we must change with the times which obviously The Star and Chua (MCA) have not.

Stop spewing non-news and making a fool of yourselves. 

Jackson Ng

Muhyiddin, oh Muhyiddin

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 01:43 PM PDT

By Gomen Man

Whenever Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin opens his mouth, everyone should remember that he stands a good chance of becoming the prime minister. 

Unlike Dr Novandri Hasan or Khairy Jamaluddin or some junior Umno politician, Muhyiddin is the deputy president of Umno and DPM.

I bring attention to this because of his comments vis-á-vis the now discredited allegations that Lim Guan Eng's 16 year-old son molested a girl in his school. The principal denied the incident, saying the boy was not even in school at the time of the alleged incident and investigations showed that the girl shopped around by Umno bloggers was a foreigner. The girl has since said that she has not been in Malaysia for seven years. 

So Muhyiddin's statement that Lim must go beyond just denying this incident is strange. Either the DPM is dense or is the type of politician who loves to support the indefensible. 

But since he is holding Lim to a very burden of proof, perhaps Muhyiddin also should be held to high standard regarding some allegations about him and his family. 

Is Muhyiddin's son-in-law the mover behind the billion ringgit biometric scanning project? Why was this project pushed through without a back up system? 

Is it true that Prime Minister Najib Razak was against the biometric project and that it was rushed through when the PM was away? 

Was there an open tender for this project or was it a sweetheart deal? 

Is it true that Muhyiddin is marshalling his forces to move against Najib? Is the relationship between their wives very bad? 

This is the discussion among Umno people. So please, Muhyiddin, please privide cogent evidence that all this is not true. 

A bland statement of denial will not do.

DPM Muhyiddin must apologize for insinuations against Guan Eng's son

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 10:16 AM PDT

By N Surendran

I am astonished and appalled by the statement made on 22 October 2011 by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's denial of sexual harassment claims against his son is inadequate and that " mere denial is not enough". By making such an irresponsible comment, Muhyiddin is clearly suggesting and insinuating that there may be truth in the accusations against Lim Guan Eng's 16 year old schoolboy son.

How can the DPM make such a remark when the school headmaster and the alleged victim herself have denied that such a thing happened? It was a deliberate and calculated attempt by the DPM to keep alive the slander against Guan Eng's son. The DPM's conduct is thus no different from that of the malicious pro-UMNO bloggers and Umno Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin who instigated and perpetuated this vicious rumour about this innocent boy.
It has been proven beyond any doubt that Guan Eng's son is completely innocent. Anya Corke, the young chess grandmaster who was supposedly sexually harassed by Guan Eng's son has said that no such incident ever happened and that she does not even know the boy. She also expressed sympathy for the ordeal Guan Eng's son had gone through. In doing so, young Anya Corke showed more maturity, generosity and decency than the Deputy Prime Minister of our country. Although she herself is hurting from the false allegations, she reached out a consoling hand to a boy across the oceans whom she had never heard of before this ugly incident.
It is extremely disturbing to note that slander and baseless character attacks of a sexual nature has become the norm for UMNO and the ruling Barisan Nasional pollitical coalition. Bankrupt of ideas and integrity, and widely seen as corrupt and oppressive, UMNO/BN  are relying for political survival on personal attacks, vulgar abuse and blatant falsehood. Another prominent victim of UMNO-inspired sex allegations is Malaysia's parliamentary opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Resort to such disgraceful tactics degrades and embitters the national political discourse, and does a tremendous disservice to the people of this nation. It is increasingly clear that UMNO/BN will do practically anything and stoop to any depth simply to cling on to political power. We call upon the Deputy Prime Minister to immediately and unreservedly apologize to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his son for making such insinuations, and we demand that UMNO/BN forthwith cease the politics of slander and character assasination.   
Issued by:

Statement on DPM remarks on allegations against Lim Guan Eng's son

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 10:06 AM PDT

Media Statement by Tony Pua

Datuk Seri Najib Razak must reprimand his Deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for giving implicit support to the UMNO bloggers to defame and destroy an innocent 16 year old child.

We are shocked and appalled by by the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who reportedly said that if the Penang chief minister "thinks it is important to correct the information, then he has to come up with a strong statement. Mere denial is not enough." 

Tan Sri Muhyiddin was commenting on the case where Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng's 16 year old son was accused of sexual harassment by a plethora of UMNO bloggers which resulted in him being transferred to another school this year.
The Deputy Prime Minister needs to have his head seriously inspected – not only did Lim strongly denied the above incident in the strongest possible terms by calling the allegations by the UMNO bloggers "barbaric lies", we have proven that the case is entirely fictitious when the alleged victim is a 21 year old university student in the United States from Hong Kong who never went to school in Penang.
The alleged victim has even sent a statement to all press, stating clearly that she has not been to Malaysia for the past 7 years, and "the only way in which my 'modesty was outraged' has been the publication of my picture in connection with these scurrilous and unfounded rumours."
The principal of SMK Heng Ee, where Lim's son was studying until the end of last year, Mr Goh Boon Poh has also come out to state that he was shocked by the allegations that Lim Guan Eng's son had sexually harassed a female student of the school, and it is "completely untrue."
Despite Lim having nothing else to prove, Tan Sri Muhyiddin has chosen to lend credence to the despicable rumours and give support implicit to the UMNO bloggers by stating that "mere denial is not enough".
Instead of taking stern action against those perpetrating the evil lies to humiliate the Penang Chief Minister's family, especially since they are all UMNO leaders and members, Tan Sri Muhyiddin has chosen to defend the indefensible.  The onus to prove the scurrilous allegations are on the accusers, and not those unjustly maligned.
To protect the image of the Government, the Prime Minister and UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak must immediately put a stop to this madness by sternly reprimanding his Deputy and all his members from making further unfounded claims against an innocent 16 year old boy.  Otherwise, it'll prove to all Malaysians that UMNO has become morally bankrupt in its pursuit to hold on power at all cost, including attacking innocent children.

Why National schools Cannot be the choice of All Malaysians

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 09:31 AM PDT

By Richard Teo

Khairy Jamaludin has become one of the latest growing lists of proponents that a unitary or singular school sysytem would be an all encompassing solution  to our current racial polarisation.. The introduction of a singular school system would means the abolition of vernacular schools.For some one of Khairy's educational background it is indeed sad that he could not even be unbiased in his evaluation of the dilemma facing our present education system which has caused ethnic division .

The question is why is Khairy only focusing his attention on vernacular schools? What about Mara schools , religious agama schools and even tertiary university level like UITM where the students strictly only cater exclusively for one race.?
Is Khairy implying that only vernacular schools are the sole cause of ethnic polarisation and that Mara schools, Religious Agama schools and tertiary university like UITM are exempted from any blame for the ethnic division? It is really sad that someone of Khairy's educational background can be so biased in his evaluation of the cause for such racial polarisation.
The simple and unpalatable truth is that ever since  Tun Razak became the second P.M, we had the misfortune of having Education Ministers who could not understand why National schools could not become the choice of all Malaysians. All of them were incompetent or were not interested in finding out the truth. In the end we had education policies that were ad hoc and flip flop. Even till now there is no clear define policies whether we should adopt English as a medium of instructions.
However, tribute should be given to our first P.M, Tuanku Abdul Rahman. He did not tinker with our education system when we got our independence. He was a visionary leader who knew the importance of the English language. and during his tenure kebangsan schools flourished.. I was a product of that era . The schools were populated with 50% malays, 40% chinese and 10% indians. There was camaderie in all our activities and we accepted each other as Malaysians. We did not look through our differences through any racial or religious lens.We did not bring religion to schools. Religion was something personal where individually we practice our faith at home.Each of us accepted our cultural diversity and each of us respected our religious beliefs. During this time, vernacular schools suffered enrolment problems since majority of Chinese and Indians and malays all opted for National schools.For practical and financial reasons one by one vernacular schools was slowly decimated without any govt forced closure.
The schools during this era was composed of different ethnic compositions.There was mat sallehs, chinese, indians and malays and through their own cultural diversity we learned to accept diversity, tolerance and respect of each others religious beliefs. All these we didnt learned from our school curriculum but through our impressionable minds we were able to acquire from our various  teachers of different origins.
Fast forward to present day, everything has changed for the worse. Religious practice of the islamic faith are conspicously introduced without care to the sensitivity of the other races.Prayers or doa are recited in classes and assembly. Almost 100% of the teachers  were of one race and they were employed because of their religiousity rather than their abilty to teach.Female students were compelled by some schools to wear the malay baju Kurung and some were even forced to wear tudungs.During the fasting month of Ramadam, schools canteen were closed and non malays were forced to fast with the muslim students. Some schools even disallowed students to take food in the school canteen since they view it as a sign of disrespect to the muslims.
With all these various display of islamic introductions in National schools it is little wonder non malays were avoiding the National schools like plague. Khairy almost strike the right chord when he said,'the overtly Malay and Islamic character of national schools  turn other ethnic communities away. ' But he glossed over this core issue which was the chief reason why chinese and indians turned their backs on National schools. It was often argued that the chinese wanted vernacualr schools because of the desire to preserve cultural heritage and language but this was only a mere excuse. Chinese enclaves from San Francisco to London did not see any chinese clamour for chinese language education. They were so willing to send their children to the english school system and in many cases even excel better than their english counterparts.
Khairy and the present Education Minister should examine National schools during Tuanku Abdul Rahman's era and the present era to see what has caused the change in the choice of National schools by non malays.They should not behave like ostrich burying their head in the sands and think that it was the existence of vernacular schools which had caused non malays not to choose National schools

Malaysia Children's Day

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 12:29 AM PDT

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng

Dato' Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil Should Be Pro-active And Courageous In Upholding The Child Act 2001 And United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child To Ensure Them A Safe Physical, Emotional And Mental Environment.

On the occasion of Malaysia Children's Day, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development. Dato' Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil should fulfil her Ministerial duty to be pro-active and courageous in upholding the Child Act 2001 and the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child to ensure them a safe physical, emotional and mental environment. 

In the past she has paid lip service in opposing child brides but refused to act to take corrective measures. However lately she has even failed to condemn those who lie about innocent children or use innocent children as their object of fun to score political points.
Sharizat's failure to reproach or condemn UMNO Youth President Khairy Jamaluddin for perpetuating a lie that my 16 year old son had sexually outraged the modesty of his classmate shows that Sharizat has failed in her Ministerial duty to protect the basic fundamental rights of a child to live with dignity and safety.
Amongst some UMNO leaders who highligted this shameful episode in the blogs is Bukit Gelugor(Penang) UMNO Division vice-chairman Dr Novandri Hasan Basri. He was then followed by many UMNO leaders rehashing the lies. Sadly even UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaludin joined in these shameful lies by poking fun at my son with this tweet:-
@Khairykj Khairy Jamaluddin
@PapaGomo Mungkin dia roboh Kampung Buah Pala sebab nak ganti dengan Kampung Buah Dada.!/Khairykj/status/125841671102529536
Even though the alleged victim had come out with a statement denying the lies, there is no remorse or apology as yet from Khairy or UMNO leaders.
The Child Act 2001 stipulates that every child is entitled to protection and assistance in all circumstances. No protection was afforded to my child when his photo was plastered all over the blogs and some media outlets. Furthermore, this contravenes Article 16 (Protection of Privacy) of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child to which Malaysia is a signatory. No child should be subjected to libel or slander.
What has Sharizat done to protect not just my child but also any child subject to such lies and slander? Violence against children whether physically, emotionally or mentally cuts across all sectors and violates their rights to protection and a safe environment.
I speak for every parent when I say we live for our children. We work to provide a better life for them. We struggle to ensure their world is better than ours. We strive to protect them from the evils of the world, especially when they are still young.
As a father, there is no pain worse than the helplessness you feel when you are unable to defend your innocent child against brutal, inconsiderate and appalling abuse. If you want to finish me off, do your worst but leave my innocent children alone.
Sharizat had said that as a mother, she constantly fears for her child safety. The question now is how is she going to act when the emotional security and mental well-being of a child is being violated by lies and slander?
In Malaysia, the Child Act 2001 [Act 611] was enacted to fulfil our obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In the preamble, it is stated that every child is entitled to protection and assistance in all circumstances without regard to any status. The provisions of this act are based on four core principles, namely: non-discrimination, best interest of the child, right to life, and respect for the views of the child.
What has she done to act against those responsible, including holding high political office, who have violated the spirit of these laws? Why has she chose to remain silent and passive when failure to act will only encourage more of similar mental and emotional abuse of children in future. Today my child may be the victim but will your or another child be the victim tomorrow.
Let's act now to ensure that the needless trauma that my son had to go through because of such lies is not repeated on another or any innocent child.

Aziz Bari's suspension - Najib sabotaged by his own govt and party?

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 12:08 AM PDT

Media Statement by Lim Kit Siang

Prof Aziz Bari has become a critical test case whether Malaysia is moving towards greater democrartisation, academic excellence and enhanced International oompetitiveness or the reverse.

The suspension of Aziz by IIUM could not have come at a worse time for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's National Transformation Programme whether government, economic or political.

It has firstly thrown into doubt Najib's political will, commitment and stamina whether the Prime Minister and his administration are prepared to see through the wide-ranging government, economic, educational and political  reforms without which Malaysia stands no chance of escaping from two decades of middle-income trap, overtaken by one country after another most notably Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea.

Malaysia cannot expect to achieve the goal of a high-income developed nation unless and until we can produce world-class universities, not just in the eyes of Ministers but acknowledged internationally. 

The failure of any Malaysian university to get into the recently-released Times Higher Education (THE) World Top 400 Universities Ranking 2011-2012 is powerful testimony that Malaysia is not doing enough to train, retain and recruit talents to transform our economy into a knowledge economy so as to restore our international competitiveness.

The suspension and persecution of Aziz Bari for expressing his views and comments will be a message to the international academic community that Malaysia is not prepared to accept and respect academic freedom resulting in worsening of brain drain of Malaysian talents and condemning the Talents Corporation to failure to attract brain gain from the Malaysian diaspora and the world intellectual resources.

Politically, Aziz's suspension has come as a slap-in-the-face for Najib's recent claim of wanting to make Malaysia 'the best democracy in the world''. If Najib is sincere,  then the curbs and fetters undermining academic freedom and excellence like the Universities and University Colleges Act should be repealed! But instead we have the Aziz Bari persecution - reminder that the undemocratic mentality and mindset of repression in key institutions in the country are still in full control of the levers of power despite all the sloganeering about democratization and political transformation.

Why was Aziz Bari arbitrarily suspended at variance with Najib's call for democratisatio  and government, economic and political transformation? Is Najib being sabotaged from inside his party and government?

Najib's should  direct that the suspension of Aziz by IIUM be revoked immediately and cause an investigation why his call for democratization and government, economic and political transformation is being flouted so blatantly by his own subordinates in government and party!

Two-thirds Majority

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 12:06 AM PDT

By Hakim Joe

When Malaysians gave total control to the Alliance Party by voting in 51 parliamentarians out of a total of 52 contested seats (98%) in 1955, and 74 parliamentarians out of a total of 104 contested seats (71%) in 1959, they are in reality placing their immediate future and the future of their kids and grandchildren in the hands of the politicians.


The Malay-dominated ruling elite then proceeded to use this unprecedented majority in Parliament to elaborately construct an electoral system that practically guaranteed that it could never be removed from power, ever. Additionally, they instituted a wide range of political controls and passed an assortment of laws that restricted interference, criticism and opposition from any single individual or group within Malaysia. 

So when BN leaders and former leaders tell you that Malaysia is overtaken by minorities' interests, they are telling a blatant lie. No Non-Bumiputera can ever aspire to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia no matter how suitable or appropriate he or she is for the job or even if 100 percent of Malaysian voters voted him in. The Malaysian Constitution forbids it and that is what I meant by political controls.  

A lot of Malaysians are now ecstatic when the news that the Government is planning to repeal the Internal Security Act was announced by the PM on Malaysia Day. The trouble is that no time frame was ever declared and that the foundations to reintroduce a similar law as a replacement for the ISA are still practically in place. It is called the "Emergency Powers" and is enshrined in the Malaysian Constitution. 

Clause 1 of the Malaysian Constitution states that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may issue a proclamation of emergency if he is satisfied that a grave emergency exists whereby the security, or the economic life, or public order in the Federation or any part thereof is threatened. Clause 2 states that this emergency proclamation can be declared before the actual occurrence of the event if the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is satisfied that there is imminent danger of the occurrence of such event(s). Clause 8 states that the satisfaction of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall be final and conclusive and cannot be challenged or called in question in any court on any ground. 

It is understood that in such cases, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong will be acting on the advise of the Malaysian PM and there are no automatic withdrawing or time-lapse of such a proclamation once it is declared as exhibited by the first emergency proclamation after independence in 1964 after Indonesia launched its policy of confrontation against Malaysia and the 1969 Emergency Proclamation after the race riots. 

Once an emergency proclamation has been made, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has the ultimate "power to promulgate ordinances that possess the same force and effect as an Act of Parliament" and "may be exercised in relation to any matter with respect to which Parliament has powers to make laws, regardless of the legislative or other procedures required to be followed". 

Additionally, Parliament has an unrestricted power to "make laws with respect to any matter, if it appears to Parliament that the law is required by reason of the emergency". It is also stated that neither ordinances nor acts passed under the emergency powers can be found "invalid on the grounds of inconsistency with any provision of the Constitution" except for provisions relating to religion, citizenship, language, Islamic Law, Malay customs and native law and custom in East Malaysia.


Malaysia is legally still in a State of Emergency and based on the grounds that it cannot be challenged in a Court of Law, it is not necessary for the Government to show cause that a grave emergency has in fact existed or still exist within the society. There is no burden of proof necessary. Failure to lift an emergency proclamation has in fact left the government with far-reaching and legally unchallengeable powers that can be brought into force at any juncture of time without the need of Parliamentary approval or the need to declare a new emergency. 

Emergency proclamations can be issued nationwide or to a particular state only. In 1966, emergency was proclaimed in Sarawak after the East Malaysian state has fallen to the opposition party SNAP. In 1977 this happened to Kelantan after PAS won the state elections. In both incidents, the central government took over control of the state and deposed the legally elected government. PAS won back the state in the subsequent elections but Sarawak was never lost to the opposition again.  

Legally, BN can advise the King to declare separate statewide emergencies in Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan today and take over the state government without fearing any legal recourse. They are not doing it because such an action will have its setbacks but it does not mean that they cannot do it. 

Lifting of Emergencies are no euphoric events either as shown in the lifting of the 1948 Emergency in 1960. The Alliance Party (71% Majority) used powers derived from Article 149 of the Constitution to introduce the ISA with the reasoning being that such a law is urgently required to combat Communism in the country after the Emergency is lifted. The ISA Bill sailed through both the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara smoothly without any noticeable opposition. If an individual is detained under the ISA, it means indefinite detention without charge or trial.  

In 1987, Malay Christian Jamaluddin Osman was detained under the ISA for his allegedly proselytizing activities after the government claimed that he was festering animosity between the Muslim society and the Christians. In the Supreme Court of Malaysia, Chief Justice of Malaya, Tan Sri Hashim Yeop Sani ordered the release of Jamaluddin Osman concluding that, "we do not think that mere participation in meetings and seminars can make a person a threat to the security of the country. As alleged to the conversion of the six Malays, even if it was true, it cannot be regarded as a threat to the security of the country". 

This was a no-no for the government and in 1989 amendments were made to the ISA that virtually eliminated the possibility of court challenges to indefinite detention under the ISA. This gave the Government carte blanche to detain (and not arrest) any individual without charge or trial for an indefinite period. The government was also no longer compelled to attempt to establish a credible link between the detainee and any actions deemed to be a grave threat to the security of the country. One could be eating nasi lemak alone at Steven's Corner in Pandan Indah (if you could get someone to take your orders in the first place) and be eating nasi lemak in Kamunting the next day and no Court of Law in Malaysia could get you out from there. 

Subsequently a High Court Judge declared that, "it is not competent for the court to inquire into the sufficiency, relevance or otherwise of the allegations of facts (if any). The (Home) Minister's finding is a subjective satisfaction and is not subjected to judicial review". 

Another few laws introduced to "protect" the government are the Sedition Act and the Official Secrets Act. While it can be argued that these laws were deemed necessary to preserve public order, in practice their implementation restricted fair play on the political background as these laws were used to restrict the opposition's scope for public criticisms of governmental actions. 

In 1948 when the Sedition Act was first introduced into law, the Colonial Government used the act to direct against offences such as inciting disaffection against the government, inciting contempt for the administration of justice and raising discontent amongst the people. In 1969, the Sedition Act was amended to cover matters and issues with a tendency to promote ill feeling and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia. Also introduced into the Sedition Act was the banning of "any matter, right, status, position, privilege, sovereignty or prerogative established or protected by the provisions of Part III of the Federal Constitution (dealing with citizenship) or Article 152 (establishes Malay as the National Language), 153 (safeguard of the special position of the Bumiputeras) and 181 (sovereignty of the Malay Rulers) of the Federal Constitution". 

In 1971, the Federal Constitution was re-amended to extend the application of the Sedition Act to Parliament itself, thus removing parliamentary privileges from discussion of these topics and other issues considered sensitive. All amendments to the Sedition Act required a two-thirds majority for it to be passed in Parliament and even when the Alliance Party did not possess quite the necessary numbers, talks were already in an advanced stage with Gerakan to join the Alliance Party. The PGRM sell out gave the Government sufficient votes. 

Both the Sedition Act and the Official Secrets Act hold extensively far-reaching scopes and legally outlaw an individual to inform another individual of any information that is in the possession of the government regardless of how trivial, insignificant or widely known it already is or is in publication worldwide outside the boundaries of Malaysia. Whether that information is correct, true or otherwise is not in question here and any violation of these laws are punished by mandatory jail terms from one to fourteen years under the penal code if one is found guilty by a Court of Law in Malaysia. 

De-politicizing potential opposition is yet another political control instrument in place here. In many Third World nations (and yes, Malaysia is considered as one), opposition to existing governments comes from workers, students and peasants. Malaysia therefore introduced precautionary measures to inhibit its growth. 

In 1959, the Trade Unions Ordinance was introduced to prevent office bearers or employees of political parties from holding office in trade unions. The 1969 Essential (Trade Unions) Regulations made it illegal for a trade union to use funds for political objectives. Additionally, trade unions can only be registered into "particular" trades (in the opinion of the Registrar) and therefore it was unlawful to form large general unions covering workers from different trades and fields. The MTUC (Malaysian Trade Union Congress) is therefore strictly not a trade union but a society (registered under the Societies Act). 

In 1975, Dr. Mahathir introduced the Universities and University Colleges Act whereby students were banned from joining or allaying themselves with any political party, trade union or any other organization, body or group without the written permission of the Vice-Chancellor. Furthermore, students were prohibited from saying or doing anything that could be interpreted as supporting or sympathizing with, or opposing any political party or trade union. This applies to the academic staff as well. Either one was a politician or a student (or teacher) and not both. 

In Malaysia, peasants or rural inhabitants are politically quiescent. There are in fact no independent peasant organizations but the government already has organizations in place to control, manipulate and indoctrinate the farmers and planters. Both the secretary-generals of FELDA and FELCRA are civil servants appointed by the government. 

Additionally, the educated middle-class is controlled by the Societies Act. Members of such groups and societies are governed by laws in accordance to the Act and any infringement or purported infringements are penalized by immediate deregistration. In 1981, amendments were made to the law to make clear distinction of a political group or society from a non-political group or society, and to make any decision by the Registrar to deregister a group or society final and non-challengeable in court. In 1983, the category of political society was dropped after then ABIM chairman (who opposed the law) was recruited into Umno (1982). The ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia) chairman in 1981 was Anwar Ibrahim. 

All such repressive legislations could never be legally implemented unless the government possesses a two-thirds majority in Parliament. It is therefore of utmost importance that Malaysians continue to vote in opposition politicians as a precautionary safeguard against total parliamentary control by any one single political party.


Why is BN so afraid of White paper on SAS?

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 06:37 PM PDT

I fully support that an investigation be carried out on the SAS affair. If Yong is the culprit that caused the massive loss to the 55,000 investors, then let him be answerable, morally and legally. To me this is the only way to solve the whole issue. But isn't it strange that the BN keeps refusing to produce a White Paper on the issue? 


We all know the protracted issue of Saham Amanah Sabah (SAS) which was launched on a share value of RM1 and then got reduced to 20 sen ("Cheaper than kueh pisang," as many people put it) and caused a loss of more than RM400 million involving 55,000 investors. And it is still raging today, with certain groups, especially BN leaders trying to point their accusing fingers at Datuk Yong Teck Lee who happened to be the Chief Minister when SAS was introduced. The strategy is to make the people believe it was all Yong's fault, mostly because he is now no longer in the BN.

I fully support that an investigation be carried out on the SAS affair. If Yong is the culprit that caused the massive loss to the 55,000 investors, then let him be answerable, morally and legally. To me this is the only way to solve the whole issue. But isn't it strange that the BN keeps refusing to produce a White Paper on the issue? Even as early as 2004, Yong had called for a full investigation into the messy affair, saying "I hope findings of any investigation conducted on SAS by the authorities, including by the Securities Commission, should be made public so that the truth would come out." He even welcomed the DAP's statement that it would make a report to the police and the then ACA (now named MACC) on the matter. The Chief Minister, Datuk Musa Aman, appealed then that the issue be not politicized, to which LDP President, Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat said he was not politicising the issue but was "merely clearing the air on certain facts… This is not politicising, this is telling the world what should be told. This is explaining to the people what had happened...I'm talking about responsibility. If people can stop politicizing other matters and if certain people themselves can behave then everyone else also can behave." 

In response Yong expressed surprised that although Chong said he was telling the world what should be told, he (Chong) declined to name the culprits behind the losses suffered by SAS investors. Chong didn't say it was Yong. Yong said then that Chong's "comment that he does not want to reveal the identity of the culprits shows he is deliberately concealing information at the expense of the 55,000 investors of SAS by saying HE WANTS TO GIVE FACE to the persons who are responsible for the losses suffered by Saham Sabah investors. The people have a right to be suspicious who is he protecting and why. The people of Sabah, especially the 55,000 investors of Saham Sabah, have a right to know the identity of the person whom Chong now says he wants to give face to." To date Chong never dared to reveal the names of those responsible.

This situation has continued until today. Chong clearly admitted HE KNEW who were responsible, but never said who they were. Then last year lawyer Joseph Ambrose Lee whose name kept cropping up in the SAS debacle said "I support the idea to have a White Paper because it will reveal the truth. But it (White Paper) will never happen."  Lee seems to know something very sinister, by implying the white Paper is too sensitive and dangerous for certain leaders. Dr. Yee Moh Chai, Yong's archenemy, had previously said that Yong should not hide behind the calls for a White Paper "because the Barisan Nasional state government has no time to waste."  Why is a White Paper a waste of time? Is time better spent on arguing about who is right and wrong without any real answer for more than 10 years now? Even PBS vice president Herbert Timbun Lagadan had to say something on the matter: "The onus is on Yong to explain," he said. "A White Paper cannot resolve this problem. Let the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) investigate." Other than PBS, Upko and PBRS also rejected the idea of a white paper. Why did Lagadan say a White Paper is unable to solver the problem? Are White Papers useless in the BN system of government? Or is it because a White Paper done in Sabah will be very biased, or impossible to do, because of the involvement of certain powerful people who are guilty in the whole affair? 

In the SAPP website, News that Matter, Foo Fook Ming writes: "Adolf Hitler once said that a LIE being repeated for a hundred times will become a TRUTH. Dr Yee had been using this tactic (by repeatedly) blaming Datuk Yong Teck Lee on the decline of SAS value. Datuk Yee being senior minister in the government for around 10 years and recently advanced to Deputy Chief Minister has access to the government information and he can initiate action against the people who were responsible for the fall of SAS price. When Yee was still in opposition he blamed the BN government on SAS but later only singled out Datuk Yong Teck Lee as his target. Now that Yee is in the position, it is his responsibility to disclose to the people and the holders of SAS the real reasons and the real culprits. He knew well who those responsible yet he chose to remain silent which was why he objected strongly to the publication of White Paper on SAS."

Even as late as last year SAPP had again proposed the production of the White Paper at the State Legislative Assembly, but to no avail. Why is a White Paper on the debacle so frightening to the BN? Is it possible that it was some Umno leaders who were responsible? I have been made to understand that prior to the launch of SAS, some Umno leaders had already been allocated substantial FREE shares! And the managers of SAS were not experienced and so were not qualified to manage an investment agency. The only party which the BN components could be really afraid of in Sabah is Umno, so is Umno or some Umno leaders the ones responsible? If not them, then who else? My question is, if it is Yong who is the real culprit it shouldn't it have been the BN to table for a White Paper at full speed? If found guilty BN can then crucify Yong,  and kill him and his SAPP politically for good. But clearly, BN doesn't dare to do this simply because UMNO/BN have something to hide. They prefer, as the Malay proverb says, to throw stones and hide the hands.  

Since this is a matter of grave public interest which concerns the money of so many  investors the BN government should have supported the proposed White Paper if it is truly transparent, accountable and open, and practicing the principle of people first and performance now which is endlessly being promoted by the Prime Minister. In the same way, all local BN component parties namely PBS, UPKO, PBRS, LDP should assertively demand the government to introduce this White Paper to ascertain the real culprit on this SAS massive failure lest they are seen as nothing more than traitors, stooges and proxies of Umno. They is no logic in them continuing to harp on Yong and yet refuse to undertake a proper investigation to reveal the truth, unless they have something very big to hide. There is still time for the white Paper before the coming 13th General Election, if BN dares to risk exposing their own guilty leaders, for the sake of the people, especially the 55,000 suffering investors.


No ring but what about the Birkin handbags?

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 06:29 PM PDT

As the General Elections looms, UMNO is pulling out all the stops in its efforts to reclaim the state.

Most recently, the UMNO propaganda machinery has launched an all-out charm offensive including a comic strip entitled "Who's Rosmah?" in a desperate attempt to portray her as a cost-conscious and kind-hearted "First Lady".

No matter how much glorious praise is lavished on the Prime Minister's wife by the UMNO propaganda department, it is unlikely that the term "cost-conscious" coulee be applied to her!

During the current Parliament sitting, I had put forward a question requesting confirmation whether there is any truth in the persistent rumor that Rosmah owns a diamond ring worth USD24 million and a large number of Birkin handbags. 

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz in his written reply dated 11th October curtly confirmed that the rumour about Rosmah owning a USD24 million diamond ring is not true. However, Nazri evaded answering the other part of the question pertaining to the Birkin handbags.

Indeed, the Royal Custom and Excise Department of Malaysia had confirmed that there was no transaction pertaining to the diamond ring as the ring had been returned to the U.S. company that owns it.

Now, if Nazri so obviously chose not to clarify the Birkin handbag question, does this mean that this particular rumour is true?

It is a known fact that Rosmah has appeared in public countless times clutching her Birkin handbags. Going by the photos compiled by netizens, the number of Birkin handbags carried by her in official functions as well as when she is on holiday adds up to not just one or two but at least 11 in different colours!

Manufactured by Hermès since 1984 and named after the British actress/singer Jane Birkin who resides in France, a Birkin handbag is a universally recognized as a symbol of extravagance and wealth. Due to its limited quantities therefore causing a huge demand, the price of a Birkin handbag ranges from USD9,000 to USD150,000.

Let us analyze the situation further. Najib started his political career at the age of 23 by inheriting, without a fight, the parliamentary seat held by his father, Tun Abdul Razak who was the second Prime Minister of Malaysia. In his smooth-sailing political career, he was appointed as a Deputy Minister by the age of 25, and then Menteri Besar of Pahang at the age of 29. He returned to Parliament when he was 33 and was appointed as Culture, Youth and Sports Minister. He then held various ministerial positions such as Minister of Defence (1991), Minister of Education (1995), Deputy Prime Minister (2004) and DPM-cum-Minister of Finance (Sept 2008). Although the salary of a Prime Minister or a Minister is quite considerable, surely the salary isn't so high that one can easily afford such excessive extravagance such as the items being flaunted by Rosmah? 

If UMNO is fanatically pitching Rosmah as a "First Lady" of great prudence and passion for charitable work, it would bode well for its propaganda department to address the public's curiosity and valid questions regarding the Birkin handbags that accompany Rosmah wherever she goes -- whether she bought them with her own money, or they were given to her as gifts, or they are in fact just imitations bought from Petaling Street vendors.


DAP Assistant National Publicity Secretary-cum-Serdang MP



Stop The Intimidation Of Dr Abdul Aziz Bari

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 11:02 AM PDT

By Ratina Osman, Sisters in Islam

Sisters in Islam (SIS) is appalled at the current targeting of Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari by many sectors, including the police force and the International Islamic University of Malaysia (UIA).

As an academic whose interest lies in Constitutional matters and Islamic policies, Aziz acted within his professional bounds when he commented on the fallout from the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS)'s raid on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church on 3 August.

While some may take issue with Aziz's analysis, they should engage and challenge his views via civil, public discussions instead of intimidating him. To accuse him of treason (derhaka) when he was critiquing the monarchy's exercise of its Constitutional powers is unjust and in breach of Islamic adab.

After all, SIS is no stranger to intimidation by state authorities, political parties and non-governmental organisations when we comment on issues of public interest.

Therefore, we are concerned at the way Aziz is now being treated, such as being investigated under the Sedition Act and suspended by the UIA.

SIS is thus worried at the systematic demonising and shutting down of diverse voices wanting to discuss matters of public interest related to Islamic policies and laws in Malaysia.

We hope that various parties will show mercy and compassion towards Aziz and call for the harassment on him to stop.


RATNA OSMAN is Executive Director of SIS Forum (Malaysia)

#CleanBefore13 Global BERSIH 2.0 Launch in Australia with Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan (UPDATED ...

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 01:00 AM PDT




#CleanBefore13 Global Campaign -

Fulfil the 8 Demands Before GE-13


TUESDAY 25 OCTOBER 2011 - 6.30PM- 8.00PM 

FREE PUBLIC LECTURE Electoral Reform and the Quest for Democracy in Malaysia


RSVP Essential:


FRIDAY 28 OCTOBER 2011 - 6.30PM- 10.00PM 

CleanBefore13 - BERSIH2.0 SOLIDARITY NIGHT / Nasi Lemak Dinner served
(Vegetarian Option Available) $15 non-students/ $10 students

Venue: Clayton Hall, 264-268 Clayton Road


RSVP Essential: 


SUNDAY 30 OCTOBER 2011 - 6.30PM- 8.00PM 


Dinner $40 /pp

Venue: Emperor's Garden, 96-100 Hay St, Haymarket, NSW, 2000


MONDAY 31 OCTOBER 2011 - 12.30PM- 2.00PM 

FREE PUBLIC LECTURE (Light lunch served)

Venue: Boardroom, Level 2, Law Building, UNSW




MONDAY 31 OCTOBER 2011 - 6.00PM- 7.30PM 


New Law School Lecture Theatre, Room 24, University of Sydney


TUESDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2011 - 6.30PM- 8.00PM 


Law Theatre, ANU College of Law (Building 5), Australian National University


TUESDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2011 - 8.00PM- 10.00PM 


RSVP for all events essential. Email us at or contact us on facebook


Register to vote at any of these events. Bring a photocopy of your Malaysian NRIC with you.



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