Rabu, 17 Ogos 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

How Zul Noordin distorts the truth (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 09:27 PM PDT

In the year 638, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Umar, the third Caliph, led an army to conquer Jerusalem. The Christian leaders of Jerusalem invited Umar into the Church of Holy Sepulcher so that he could fulfil his prayers. Umar, however, refused to do so out of respect for the Christians. Instead, he chose to pray outside the church.

No Holds Barred

Raja Petra Kamarudin


First, see the video below from minute 6:23.

At minute 6:23 in that video, the Member of Parliament for Kulim Bandar Baru, Zulkifli Noordin, said that the Caliph Umar refused to enter a church when invited to do so. This is proof, he said, that Muslims should not enter a church. 

He does not care about the law, argued Zul. Malaysian law may not have made it illegal or haram for Muslims to enter a church. But he is not concerned with that. He is guided by the example (sunah) of the Prophet's Comrades (Sahabat Nabi) and Caliph Umar, one of the Prophet's Comrades, refused to enter a church. This is all that matters.

Zul did not offer any details on this incident he quoted. He did not clarify when and where this incident was supposed to have happened. Either he is not clear about the incident or he is intentionally trying to mislead his audience.

Well, in that case, since Zul is either not too clear about the incident or refuses to clarify his statement with intent to mislead his audience, let me help with the clarification.

In the year 638, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Umar, the third Caliph, led an army to conquer Jerusalem. The Christian leaders of Jerusalem invited Umar into the Church of Holy Sepulcher so that he could fulfil his prayers. Umar, however, refused to do so out of respect for the Christians. Instead, he chose to pray outside the church.

Umar's main concern was that, if he entered the church to pray, future generations of Muslims might misinterpret his action as he had 'acquired' or 'captured' the church and had turned it into a mosque. That was why he chose to pray outside the church rather than in the church. This was to safeguard the church and not trigger a precedence where churches are taken by force and turned into mosques.

That was the real reason why Umar refused to enter the Church of Holy Sepulcher to pray. He intentionally prayed outside the church to avoid any misunderstanding and conflict. He wanted to demonstrate that even though the Muslims had conquered Jerusalem, they did not disturb any churches or took these churches by force. Churches would remain churches and Muslims would have to build their own mosques if they wanted to pray.

I don't wear a songkok or white skullcap like Zul. But I know my history. And that was the history of what happened when Umar conquered Jerusalem. And that was the real reason why Umar declined the invitation to enter the church to pray. It was to avoid any misunderstanding and conflict, and not as Zul is tying to mislead us.


SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHFXx_ITQL8


Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-post_18.html



Remember this, Ezam?

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 06:19 PM PDT

Oaths are merely playthings for Malays. They will stand on a stage or go to a mosque to swear their oaths just for show. They do not mean what they swear. Oaths are not their solemn words. You can't trust these oaths farther than you can throw the 'oath-taker'.

No Holds Barred

Raja Petra Kamarudin

I wonder whether Ezam Mohd Nor remembers back in 1999 when Pemuda keADILan went all over Malaysia to swear an oath or sumpah keramat. The oath they swore was that as long as there is a moon and a sun in the sky and as long as they have life in their bodies, they would defend justice and the truth and oppose lies and evil with their bodies and their lives.

You can read the full oath in Bahasa Malaysia below.

In fact, Ezam's mother also swore an oath, which was recorded on video and distributed all over Malaysia. And her oath was that she forbids (haram) Ezam from ever rejoining Umno. And the Malays believe that the oath of a mother is very powerful because, they also believe, that heaven lies below the feet of your mother.

This oath by all those leaders of Pemuda keADILan, who have since rejoined Umno, was made in front of tens of thousands of people. And they toured Malaysia to make this oath.

It makes one wonder about the worth of the Malay oath. If Malays were to swear an oath can we take that oath at face value? It appears like Malay oaths have no real value other than a sandiwara or stage-play for political gain.

They are asking Anwar Ibrahim to swear an oath that he did not bugger Saiful and that it is not he in that porn video. What purpose would that serve? Would that be sufficient to convince us that Anwar is innocent? I fear not.

Oaths are merely playthings for Malays. They will stand on a stage or go to a mosque to swear their oaths just for show. They do not mean what they swear. Oaths are not their solemn words. You can't trust these oaths farther than you can throw the 'oath-taker'.

That is what oaths or sumpah keramat or whatever type of sumpah (there are many types of oaths the Malays play around with) have been reduced to. In fact, the more they sumpah, the more suspicious we become of them. Those who like to sumpah a lot appear to be those who lie a lot and who need to cover their lies with these public displays of sumpah.

This is sad because now the impression created is the more you sumpah, the more you are a liar -- instead of the other way around. So, if a Malay says 'sumpah', then we can assume he or she is a bloody liar.



Sumpah Keramat Pemuda keADILan beriltizam untuk berdiri teguh berjuang menentang kezaliman dan menegakkan keadilan dengan ikrar :-

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Menyedari, Negara Terus Dilanda Kezaliman

Menginsafi, Umat Perlukan Perubahan

Mengakui, Keadilan Mesti Ditegakkan

Maka - atas nama kemuliaan dan perjuangan

Atas nama kesucian agama

Atas nama kedaulatan negara

Atas nama kehormatan Rakyat Jelata

Kami bersumpah - Selagi ada bulan dan matahari

Selagi hayat dikandung badan

Keadilan tetap kami pertahankan

Kebenaran tetap kami tegakkan

Kezaliman tetap kami benamkan

Pembohongan dan Sandiwara tetap kami hancurkan

Jiwa dan nyawa kami taruhkan

Inilah sumpah kami

Sumpah Keramat, Pemuda keADILan

Reformasi! Reformasi! Reformasi!


Sumpah Keramat Keadilan Kedah

Tarikh : 10 Oktober 1999

Masa : 9.00 malam

Tempat : Padang Awam Taman Ria, Sungai Petani, Kedah.


Penceramah : 1. Sdr. Ezam Mohd Noor

             2. Zahid Mat Arif

             3. Hamdan Taha

             4. Hamdan Taha

             5. Mustafa Kamil Ayob

             6. Lokman Nor Adam

             7. Idrus Wan chik

             8. Zuraidi Rahim

             9. Gobalakrishanan

            10. Low Chiew Chong


Pengerusi Majlis : Sdr. Hanafiah Man.

Sembah Hajat akan diadakan ditempat ceramah yang diketuai oleh Ustaz Dr. Badrul Amin.


RABU, 20 OKTOBER 1999. Aktiviti Jelajah Negara SUMPAH KERAMAT PEMUDA akhirnya sampai ke negeri Pahang Darul Makmur. Bertempat di Kg. Tengah, jalan antara Temerloh ke Triang, kehadiran orang ramai yang hampir 10,000 orang sekali lagi memberi kegentaran dan ketakutan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin (layakkah mereka digelar pemimpin?) Barisan Nasional, khususnya di Negeri Pahang. Seperti aktiviti SUMPAH KERAMAT PEMUDA di negeri-negeri lain, SUMPAH KERAMAT PEMUDA di Pahang juga diketuai oleh Saudara Ezam Mohd Nor, Ketua Pemuda keADILan Pusat.

Diiringi oleh barisan Exco Pemuda keADILan Pusat dan negeri-negeri seperti Saudara Hamdan Taha, Saudara Idrus Wan Chik, Saudara Zakir, Saudara Gobalakrishnan, Ustaz Badrul Amin, Saudara Zahid, Saudara Hanapiah Man, Saudara Lokman Nor Adam dan lain-lain lagi.Dari Pahang pula diketuai oleh Sdr Zakaria dan Naib Ketua Sdr Soleh Mohamad.Kehadiran diserikan lagi dengan pemimpin-pemimpin barisan alternatif yang lain termasuk Ustaz Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.

Di permulaan majlis, hujan mulai turun tetapi tiada seorang pun berganjak. Ketika Saudara Lokman memulakan ucapannya, guruh pun berbunyi. Ini disahut dengan seruan "takbir!!!" oleh beliau dan disambut dengan "Allahu Akbar" oleh para hadirin. Hujan berhenti di pertengahan majlis, nampaknya Tuhan gembira kerana hamba-hambaNya pada malam ini tahan kepada dugaan.

Satu isu ditimbulkan oleh Gobalakrishnan tentang mengapa sebuah lebuhraya boleh dibina oleh kerajaan menuju ke Bukit Tinggi Resort yang sudah tentunya MENGGUNAKAN DUIT RAKYAT semata-mata untuk memberi kemudahan kepada seorang yang bernama VINCENT TAN berniaga resort dan padang golfnya. Dan yang paling pelik, lebuhraya ini tidak mempunyai satu pun kaunter kutipan tol. Ini bukan sahaja satu bukti pembaziran duit rakyat, malahan juga satu tanda jelas penyalahgunaan kuasa Barisan Nasional demi kepentingan kroni-kroni pemimpinnya.

Kesemua pemimpin Pemuda keADILan pada malam ini memberi ucapan yang begitu bersemangat dan bertenaga menyebabkan laungan REFORMASI dan TAKBIR tidak putus-putus kedengaran memecah dingin malam Temerloh, mungkin mengejutkan tidur Dato' Sabaruddin Chik yang sudah sedia tidak lena. Saudara Hanapiah Man mendedahkan bahawa kesemua 23 cawangan keADILan di Perak didokong oleh bekas pemimpin Umno, membuktikan bahawa Umno Perak kalau pun bukan telah hancur lerai, mungkin sudah menjadi arang yang hanya boleh digunakan untuk menulis perkataan BN di dalam warna hitam!

Saudara Zahid sudah menjadi BEKAS cucu Ghafar Baba, Saudara Hamdan Taha pula terkilan kerana dua orang anak didik Anwar, Saudara Zahid Hamidi dan Sarip Jusoh kini hanya berdiam diri dan bersekongkol pula dengan rejim zalim lagi rakus, MAHATHIR dan DAIM semata-mata kerana mementingkan perut dan bawah perut mereka sahaja. Menceritakan pengalaman lima hari di dalam lokap, Ustaz Badrul Amin mengatakan usahkan lima hari, lima puluh hari, lima ratus hari, matipun beliau sanggup demi jihad menentang kezaliman ini kalau itulah harga yang terpaksa dibayar.

Majlis pada malam ini diselang dengan acara kemuncaknya iaitu SUMPAH KERAMAT PEMUDA keADILan yang dibarisi oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Pemuda keADILan Pusat, Negeri-negeri dan semua bahagian di Pahang. Dari setiap baris kata yang diucap, terpancar satu semangat perjuangan yang kental untuk menegakkan keADILan di bumi Malaysia ini, sehebat bunyi guruh yang berdentum tadi. Pengakhirannya, pemimpin yang ditunggu-tunggu, Saudara Ezam menyampaikan ucapan penutup. Sekali lagi Saudara Ezam mencabar Dato' Seri Najib menafikan dakwaannya bahawa kontrak pembelian jet-jet pejuang semasa beliau menjadi Menteri Pertahanan turut diiringi dengan perjanjian bahawa penggunaan jet-jet pejuang tersebut mestilah dengan kebenaran Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat.

Saudara Ezam juga mencabar TPM, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mendedahkan kontrak-kontrak yang diluluskan oleh beliau kepada seorang yang berpangkat BAPA MERTUA kepada beliau. Kemenangan Gus Dur, seorang Kiai dalam pemilihan Presiden Indonesia sekali lagi memberi kejutan kepada jantung MAHAthir. Kalau Indonesia boleh berubah mengapa kita tidak...?


Who is REALLY behind Malaysia Today? (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Posted: 14 Aug 2011 07:06 PM PDT

They are always trying to speculate as to who could be behind Malaysia Today. Raja Petra is broke. Raja Petra has no money. Raja Petra could not afford to finance Malaysia Today. So surely there must be someone else behind Malaysia Today who is helping to finance the operation. It is impossible for Malaysia Today to operate otherwise.

No Holds Barred

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Who is REALLY behind Malaysia Today? That has been the million-dollar question since way back in 2004 when Malaysia Today was first launched.

I remember an incident around the time Anwar Ibrahim was first released from jail, which was also around the time Malaysia Today was launched.

Datuk Azmi Hamid Bidin, the husband of PKR Sabah Chief, Datin Saidatul Said Keruak, was in Anwar's house and the conversation they had gave the impression that Anwar suspected that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was behind Malaysia Today.

Soon after that, the late MGG Pillai and I had a chat with Anwar in his house and he commented that Najib would never become Prime Minister. As he said this, Anwar looked at me. I did not understand what that look meant until Datuk Azmi later told me the reason why:  Anwar thought Najib was my 'boss'.

Of course, this was soon cleared up in 2008 when I signed my Statutory Declaration. Najib could not be behind Malaysia Today if I could attack Najib in such a brutal manner.

In 2006, talk of Najib being behind Malaysia Today was no longer an issue. The suspicion now was that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was behind Malaysia Today. Then, in 2008, when I campaigned against Barisan Nasional during the March general elections, talk of Mahathir being behind Malaysia Today subsided.

They are always trying to speculate as to who could be behind Malaysia Today. Raja Petra is broke. Raja Petra has no money. Raja Petra could not afford to finance Malaysia Today. So surely there must be someone else behind Malaysia Today who is helping to finance the operation. It is impossible for Malaysia Today to operate otherwise.

Now, most of the people are convinced that neither Najib nor Mahathir are behind Malaysia Today. They are convinced that the person behind Malaysia Today is Tun Daim Zainuddin.

So, I have been receiving phone calls from various people who are telling me that KITA President Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, Blogger Bernard Khoo, etc., are telling people that Daim is behind Malaysia Today. Over the last two days a number of people have called me to tell me this.

Since it is not Najib or Mahathir who is behind Malaysia Today, then it must be Daim. If none of these people are behind Malaysia Today then Malaysia Today would not exist.

So many phone calls. And all these phone calls are from people telling me so-and-so is saying this and that, or the phone calls are from people asking me to confirm who Malaysia Today's financier is.

None of these phone calls are from people asking me whether I have any money. None of these phone calls are from people asking me whether I can afford to put food on the table. None of these phone calls are from people asking me whether I have eaten. None of these phone calls are from people asking me whether I can afford a roof over my head. None of these phone calls are from people asking me about my health. None of these phone calls are from people asking me whether I can support myself in the UK.

All these phone calls are from people asking me whether it is true what so-and-so said or whether it is true that so-and-so is financing Malaysia Today.

I am yet to receive a phone call from these people asking me whether I am financially hard up -- and if so to not take any money from Najib, Mahathir or Daim because they are prepared to help finance Malaysia Today.

I am yet to receive even one phone call from anyone asking me for my bank account details so that they can send money to me every month so that I need not receive financing from people like Najib, Mahathir or Daim.

The phone calls are only from people asking me whether it is true that so-and-so is financing Malaysia Today, as what they have heard.

They want to hear from my own mouth me saying that people like Najib, Mahathir and Daim are NOT financing Malaysia Today. That is very important to them. As long as people like Najib, Mahathir and Daim are NOT financing Malaysia Today that is all that matters.

So, if Najib, Mahathir, Daim, and people of that ilk, are not financing Malaysia Today, would they then finance Malaysia Today instead? Even asking readers to pay RM20.00 for a one time registration fee is a major issue to some.

No, of course they would not. They are not interested in the financial welfare of Malaysia Today. They don't care a damn whether Malaysia Today has any money or not. They are not concerned whether I have money to buy food or to pay for a roof over my head. They just want to hear that Najib, Mahathir, Daim, etc., are NOT financing Malaysia Today. That is all that matters.

In 2004 Najib was said to be behind Malaysia Today. In 2006, it was supposed to be Mahathir. Today, it is Daim. That is what is my friends back in Malaysia are saying as to who the person behind Malaysia Today is.

Soon, when I start attacking Daim and allege that he is the man behind the MAS-Air Asia deal and when I begin to expose his plan of making a comeback, people will no longer say that Daim is behind Malaysia Today. How can Daim be behind Malaysia Today when I whack him and expose his shenanigans?

Then the story will change again. No, Najib, Mahathir and Daim are not behind Malaysia Today. The man behind Malaysia Today is Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

That will be the new story that they will be talking about.


Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-post_16.html


Quantity over quality

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 04:14 PM PDT

In other words, we have no say in the matter. Allah will decide when the time is right and whether it will happen or not. Allah will decide whether you are born a Muslim or born a kafir (infidel). Allah will decide whether you become a sinful Muslim or a good Muslim. Allah will decide whether the sinful Muslim finally repents and becomes a good Muslim. Without Allah's will, nothing will happen.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Demos in Selangor and Penang to show support for Jais

(The Star) - Demonstrations were held in Selangor and Penang in support of the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) operation during a multiracial dinner at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC).

A group calling itself Gerakan Anti-Murtad (Anti-Apostate Movement) would lodge a police report in every district of Selangor so that investigations could be carried out against the DUMC, said spokesperson Datuk Zulkifli Noordin.

The Kulim Bandar Baru MP said this after Friday prayers at the Sultan Salehuddin Abdul Aziz Shah mosque in Shah Alam yesterday.

Also present were Senator Mohamed Ezam Mohd Noor, PAS members and the movement's supporters.

Ezam said the movement had nothing against non-Muslims, but would wage war against those "who were rude and who tarnished Islam", including by burning down online news portals.


You will notice one thing about the Malays-Muslims. They are very preoccupied with getting non-Muslims to become Muslims. And they are paranoid about Muslims renouncing Islam.

Maybe what happened at the DUMC did happen. Maybe the allegations are true. I was not there but I have been told that the allegations are not entirely false. Nevertheless, I go by what the Malays would normally tell me.

If you ask a 'sinful' Malay why he does not stop his gambling and drinking and womanising and go to Mekah to repent and to perform the pilgrimage, he would reply, "Allah belum gerak hati lagi." This translates to 'Allah has not moved my heart yet'.

When a non-Muslim becomes a Muslim, the Malays would say, "Allah buka hati dia." And this means Allah has opened his or her heart (to become a Muslim).

If you ask an ustaz (religious teacher) why Allah made only 20% of the world Muslim while 80% are non-Muslims, and why did Allah not make 100% of the world Muslim, the ustaz would reply, "Only Allah knows."

In short: this is all Allah's will and Allah could make you Muslim or He could make you non-Muslim and it is up to Him to open your heart to receive Islam or to repent your 'evil ways' and go to Mekah to perform the pilgrimage.

In other words, we have no say in the matter. Allah will decide when the time is right and whether it will happen or not. Allah will decide whether you are born a Muslim or born a kafir (infidel). Allah will decide whether you become a sinful Muslim or a good Muslim. Allah will decide whether the sinful Muslim finally repents and becomes a good Muslim. Without Allah's will, nothing will happen.

Now, that is a most interesting concept. This means I may be born a Muslim but be born a bad Muslim because Allah has not opened my heart to become a good Muslim. This also means, later on in life, Allah may open my heart and I will see the error of my ways and repent to become a good Muslim.

Then again, Allah may will it that I be born a non-Muslim and, later on in life, convert to Islam when Allah opens my heart to Islam. Or, Allah may never open my heart and I may die a non-Muslim like 80% of the population of the world.

The crux of this whole issue is Allah decides and wills it and what happens (or does not happen) can never happen without the will of Allah. And only when Allah wills it or opens our heart will we see something happen -- and not otherwise and not before that.

Okay, based on this ideology, what about when someone is born a Muslim and later leaves Islam? Could this ever happen if Allah does not will it? Would it not be Allah who opens your heart to make you leave Islam?

Everything that happens is the will of Allah and everything you do is because Allah has moved or opened your heart into doing it. So, when you leave Islam is this not also Allah's doing?

This is the confusing part about the argument on the will of Allah. You will never be born a Muslim without Allah deciding this will happen. You will never convert to Islam without Allah deciding this will happen. When you decide to leave Islam does Allah not also have a say in the matter? Is this not His will?

As I said, Malays-Muslims are preoccupied with non-Muslims becoming Muslims and paranoid about Muslims leaving Islam. So we now have a Gerakan Anti-Murtad (Anti-Apostate Movement) organising demonstrations in the Pakatan states to protest those leaving Islam.

I am not so concerned about Muslims leaving Islam because if it is true that nothing happens without the will of Allah then no Muslim can ever leave Islam unless Allah wills it. What I am more concerned about is Munafiq (hypocritical) and Fasiq (sinful) Muslims.

Why don't these people also launch a Gerakan Anti-Munafiq dan Anti-Fasiq (Anti-Hypocrites and Anti-Sinners Movement)? We should perang (declare war) on Muslims who kill, rape, rob, steal, cheat, swindle, abuse their power, lie, and do all sorts of evil things that give Islam a bad name.

We should not worry about the quantity. After all, 80% of the world is non-Muslim anyway. We should worry about the quality. We do not want Muslims who have no scruples, compassion, honesty, ethics, values, etc. We want Muslims who demonstrate the ideals and ethics of Islam. We want Muslims who demonstrate what a good Muslim should be like. We want Muslims who show what a good Muslim is so that we can be proud of Islam.

That should be the perjuangan (struggle) for Muslims.


Read my lips: 'arah' means 'advice' (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Posted: 11 Aug 2011 01:00 AM PDT

First read the Malaysiakini news report below. Then read the copy of the 'surat arahan' or 'advisory letter' below it that Nazri is talking about. 'Arah' may mean 'directive' or 'instruct' to those of you who do not speak Bahasa Malaysia well enough. But it means 'advice' to those like Ministers who do. This is what we call 'lost in translation'.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Nazri: I didn't instruct the GLCs, I only advised them

Hafiz Yatim, Malaysiakini

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz has admitted that he sent a letter to government-linked companies (GLCs) on Aug 8 over a settlement with former Malaysia Airlines chairperson Tajudin Ramli, but denied instructing them to drop their suits against the tycoon.

Nazri said he made the move in his capacity as de facto law minister, and it came on the heels of moves by Tajudin over the past several months to come to a settlement with the government over the companies' suits against him.

It was therefore not compulsory for the companies to settle their suit, but it was conveyed to them that it was advisable, given the possible scenarios the new situation had presented, said Nazri.

The alternative was for the GLCs to further slug it out with Tajudin, without a guarantee as to when it would be resolved.

"Tajudin had been in contact with us for the past six months, proposing a settlement.

"I wrote to the GLCs after gaining approval from Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, and as a law minister to the effect, as this case has been going on for so long - six years," Nazri told Malaysiakini when contacted.

He said it was "not necessary" for the GLCs to follow his advice, as it was up to them to decide based on what they deemed to be in their best interests.

"If they feel they can win, they can continue with fighting the suit. As a legal entity, they have the right to make their own decisions.

"I only wrote to them to remind them Tajudin had approached (the government) with a view to settle, and I merely asked them to look into it," he said.

The minister said further that the court cases could drag on without an assurance of victory for any party.

"Let's say this case goes into trial, it will take another five to six years and on appeal. It may (even) take another 10 years. We do not know whether the suit will go our way or in favour of Tajudin. Hence, that is why the out-of-court settlement was proposed.

"However, if we settle, it must not be at an additional cost to the government. We do not want a payout," he said, admitting that some of the GLCs, like MAS, were in a bad shape.

Earlier today, former deputy prime minister-turned opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim questioned Nazri's actions in writing to the GLCs.

Instructions to GLCs to drop their legal suits should come from the finance ministry, not Nazri, said Anwar.

Some GLCs upset

It is learnt several GLCs had disapproved of a settlement as some of them had already obtained summary judgments against Tajudin, who some said had provided a weak defence.

Some familiar with the case said such a move would not go well with the principle of corporate governance as GLCs were still public limited companies. The law requires the board of directors of these companies to decide.

It is not for someone outside the company to issue directives, and some even questioned how someone could direct a company to withdraw lawful suits.

It is learnt that Tajudin took loans from several financial institutions, totalling in excess of RM1 billion, which some alleged he was not able to repay when he took over MAS, resulting in the on-going suits.

Asked about this, Nazri said the GLCs have to look at the context that they were faced with counter-suits by Tajudin.

On the surface, the minister pointed out, when you get a summary judgment it means you win without a trial and that is just on the surface.

"However, on appeal it may go for a full trial and there is no way of telling who will be victorious. But I stress, it is upto the GLCs," he said.

Nazri also explained that the matter came before Federal Court judge Justice Md Raus Sharif today, who was upset that the case had taken so long. Raus is the managing judge for the commercial division.

That is why, Nazri said, there was this proposed settlement.

"If nothing can be worked out by Sept 29, which is supposed to be the last date, the matter may go for a full trial," he said, adding that between now and then, the parties concerned could discuss the matter.

Not afraid of skeletons in closet?

Asked whether the suggestion for a settlement was because the government was afraid of skeletons coming out of the closet if it were to go into full trial as there was a potential number of former VVIPs being involved, Nazri denied such a notion.

"Actually, we (the government) are not afraid if the case goes for trial," he said, without elaborating further.

In Tajudin's counter-claim, he alleged that he had been instructed by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad to take over MAS and this was against his will.

His defence is mainly about doing national service and that there was a conspiracy to get him to fail.

Nazri's letter comes on the heels of questionable actions taken by the minister and government, such as the replacement of lawyers who had been involved in the case for the past five or six years.

It is learnt four to five well-known legal firms acting on behalf of the GLCs in their suits against Tajudin and on the counter-claims he filed have been replaced by the Putrajaya-based law firm of Hafarizam Wan & Aisha Mubarak, which is well known among legal circles to be aligned to Umno.

According to sources, some of the GLCs are not happy that Hafarizam Wan & Aisha Mubarak had called them up and showed them the letter, directing them to transfer all files to that firm.

"Never in history has there been a case where lawyers direct their clients to appoint them," a senior lawyer said.


Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-post_13.html


Ban non-drinkers from driving

Posted: 10 Aug 2011 05:40 PM PDT

Those British who came out to riot over the last few days came out with intent to riot, loot and plunder. They had no intentions to hold a peaceful demonstration. They were not concerned about loss of life or damage to property. They intentionally wanted to damage property. It was part of the plan.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

About 3,000 people die a year on the roads of Britain, a country with a population of about 72 million.

About 6,000 people die a year on the roads of Malaysia, a country with a population of about 27 million (now just touched 28 million).

Compare the two statistics above and it will be clear that it is more dangerous to drive or ride on Malaysian roads than on British roads. So, Malaysia should ban cars and motorcycles from Malaysian roads. Then less Malaysians will die every year.

The number of drink-driving deaths in Britain is about 400 a year. That comes to about 1.4% of the total road accident fatalities.

This means 98.6% of deaths on British roads are caused by drivers/bikers who DO NOT drink. And this also means people who DO NOT drink should be banned from driving/riding. Then less Britons will die every year.

Only three people died in the last few days of riots in the UK (due to a hit-and-run incident rather than due to the riot proper). Only one person died in the BERSIH march of 9th July 2011 (due to a heart attack).

So riots and demonstrations are safer than driving or riding a motorbike. This is because, over the last ten years, 30,000 people died on British roads and 60,000 on Malaysian roads. Over the last 30 years you can triple those figures because the statistics are basically consistent from year to year.

So we should encourage people to stop driving/riding and start rioting instead. The statistics prove that less people will die if they riot rather than drive/ride.

This sounds like a stupid argument, does it not? Well, no more stupid that the argument by the Deputy IGP regarding his comparison between the UK riots and the BERSIH march of 9th July 2011.

Those Malaysians who came out to demonstrate on 9th July 2011 came out with intent to demonstrate, not to riot. They were determined to demonstrate peacefully with no loss of life or damage to property.

Those British who came out to riot over the last few days came out with intent to riot, loot and plunder. They had no intentions to hold a peaceful demonstration. They were not concerned about loss of life or damage to property. They intentionally wanted to damage property. It was part of the plan.

How can the government and police compare BERSIH to what happened in the UK? There were two different motives here.

The BERSIH march was a political statement. There was no political statement in the UK riots. It was all about plundering, looting, robbing and stealing.

No, we can't compare BERSIH to the UK riots. This would be like banning drivers/bikers who do not drink and only allowing drunks on the road because drinking and driving causes only 1.4% of traffic accident deaths.

Did not the Malays oppose the Malayan Union that the British were trying to impose on Malaya through a street demonstration? And was it not because of this demonstration that the British abandoned the plan for the Malayan Union and instead the Federation of Malaya was formed?

So, street demonstrations are not all bad. If street demonstrations are held for the purpose of delivering a political message, like opposing the Malayan Union, then it is good. But in the UK this was not a street demonstration. It was not about a political statement. It was a riot. It was about plundering, robbing, looting and stealing. That was the intent from the very beginning.

On the second matter below -- the complaint by Ahmad Syauqey Abdul Ghani about human rights abuses in prison -- what is he talking about? This is normal. This is what all of us have to endure in prison. Why only now complain when we have had to suffer this for a long, long time?

Yes, now they know what it is like in prison or under detention. We are no longer treated as humans in there. We are treated like animals. In fact, you would not even treat animals the way humans are treated behind those high walls and barb-wired fences.

Welcome to the real world. 


DIGP's statement shows his 'ignorance', says Nurul

(Malaysiakini) -- Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar hit out at deputy IGP Khalid Abu Bakar for saying that the Bersih electoral reform rally, if allowed to proceed unimpeded, will lead to the same rioting as now taking place on London streets.

"That statement only serves to showcase his ignorance," Nurul Izzah told reporters when met outside the Petaling Jaya district police headquarters today.

In a posting on his Facebook page last night, Khalid Abu Bakar had said the ongoing riots in London and other major cities in Britain are evidence of the "nightmares" that can be prevented by avoiding street protests.

"Alhamdullilah, we are able to avoid these scary and tragic scenes from erupting here in our beloved country.

"Street protest should always be avoided as we will never know what it can turn into. Peace loving Malaysian will understand. The right to assemble must always be balanced with public order," read his post.

Nurul Izzah added that she cannot accept such statements from the senior police officer and asked him to "check his facts first before opening his mouth next time".

She pointed out that the root cause of the London riots was discontent because of government budget cuts and high unemployment in the riot hit areas.

This, she claimed, is different from the mainly middle class Bersih supporters who were not as inclined to such excesses.

'Riots may be our future if we fail to reform'

However, the Lembah Pantai MP said one similarity between the situation in UK and Malaysia is the failure to reform an economic system that promotes the wealth gap between the rich and the poor. 

While Malaysia is not as worse off as the UK, she warned "that this is our future if we fail to reform".

Police had declared the July 9 Bersih 2.0 rally illegal and outlawed the electoral reform movement itself and cracked down hard on anyone even suspected of supporting or wanting to attend the rally.

Police claimed it was only keeping public order and did so to prevent chaos, though this was disputed by Bersih organisers who had pledged a peaceful march. 

There was no recorded incident of looting or widespread property damage during the rally, with most damage seemingly resulting from tear gas and chemical laced water used by police. 


Kelantan prison detainees forced to strip naked

(Malaysiakini) -- A former training director for election watchdog Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) has complained of human rights abuses during his almost two-week-long detention at the Pengkalan Chepa Prison in Kelantan. 

Ahmad Syauqey Abdul Ghani said he and 113 other prisoners were ordered to strip in front of one another on June 23, the day he was sent to the prison.

"I was scared and confused, along with the other detainees who also had to strip naked. It was very embarrassing.

"We were ordered to strip in stages, 10 to 20 prisoners at a time... the situation, with more than a hundred naked men, was horrible, embarrassing and inhumane," Ahmad Syauqey said.

Ahmad Syauqey, who has made several sketches to describe his time in detention, said the prison was overcrowded and stuffy.

"Ten other prisoners and I were ordered into a cell at the quarantine block. The size of the cell was 6ft by 12ft. 

"We had to squeeze against one another to fit in, and some of us had to put our legs on the walls, as there was no space to lie down. Many of us could not sleep due to the heat and over-crowding," he said.

Ahmad Syauqey also said that the unhygienic conditions made it very difficult for Muslims to conduct their prayers properly.

The quarantine block is exclusively for detainees who have been remanded and are awaiting trial or bail.

Among other complaints he had are:

    1. No proper facilities for Muslims to pray;
    2. Only two pails of water for 10 to 12 prisoners to share for toilet use;
    3. Prisoners were told to defecate in front of other prisoners; and
    4. Prisoners were caned on their feet as punishment for 'wrongdoing'.

Ahmad Syauqey has since lodged a report on his ill-treatment at the Kota Baru police station and plans to file a complaint with Malaysian Human Rights Commission (Suhakam), besides the email he has already sent.

When contacted, Pengkalan Chepa Prison director Husni Johari said an investigation was under way.

"For now, we will not be commenting as an investigation is already under way. It will be completed as soon as possible," Husni said.

Ahmad Syauqey was arrested on June 20 under Section 186 of the Penal Code for obstructing a public officer and under Section 90 of the Police Act for behaving indecently in a police station.

He was remanded and sent to the Pengkalan Chepa Prison and was freed on July 5, after bail was posted in a magistrate's court in Bachok. 

His case is fixed for Nov 2 and 16 respectively for hearing.


Chinese honour (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 07:59 PM PDT

It is very difficult, I know, for some of you to comprehend that the triads had honour and code of ethics. But then I am talking about the triads of the 1960s, 50 years or so ago. Times have changed, though. Even the politicians of the 1960s had honour. Today, the politicians are worse than criminals. The politicians, today, would not meet the high standards of honour that the triads of the 1960s had.


I learned about 'Chinese honour' from the streets of Kuala Lumpur. This was back in the 1960s, before May 13. The streets I am talking about are Petaling Street, Sultan Street, etc.

Basically, this is what the tourists would call Kuala Lumpur's 'Chinatown'.

I was no older than those kids who rioted all over London and in Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham, Leicester, Birmingham, Croydon, etc., over the last few days. In fact, I was exactly that age, in my teens.

That was me back in my 'younger' days. My 'street name' then was 'Chap Chong Kia'.

I 'found' my first girlfriend in Petaling Street. She and her sister sold sugarcane in front of the Rex cinema. The problem is she spoke not a word of English or Bahasa and my Chinese was a rojak-mix of Hokkien, Cantonese and Hainanese and confined to street lingo like ta sei, pinto ley, niamah, fai ti chow, and so on.

Invariably, our 'dates' in the Malaysia Snack Bar, across the road from the Rex cinema, had to be held in the presence of an interpreter. There was no way my 'girlfriend' and I could communicate without the assistance of this interpreter -- and until today I still don't know whether the exchanges of communication between us were a true translation of what transpired or whether my interpreter 'sabotaged' me and translated the opposite of what we said.

Anyway, 'Uncle Lee' can tell you how I won the 'competition' to win her heart. Well, let's face it, I was better looking than Uncle Lee so certainly he would have had to lose out to me. Nevertheless, the relationship did not last because of the absence of intellectual discourse between us.

Yes, you probably would have suspected by now that I was 'jalan' with the Long Fu Thong, the triad that controlled that part of Kuala Lumpur. I was far from a 'Tiger General' and certainly not one of the 'soldiers' -- so I was spared the task of having to engage in any gang wars.

But the streets of Kuala Lumpur were a scary place back in the days prior to May 13. Many a time I had to run for cover as parangs 'flew' and blood spattered the streets. I always believed that those who fight and run away live to fight another day. So I ran like the devil was on my tail. And that is why I am still around to tell my tale.

I admit that I lost many friends. But that is the price we have to pay for our association with the triads. Those who live by the sword die by the sword. Some died in a hail of bullets. Some got 'chopped' to death, the 'traditional' punishment for being on the 'wrong side' of the street ('salah jalan', as we would say then). But all this was accepted as an 'occupational hazard' and we just shrugged off these loses and moved on.

Eventually, we all grew up and grew out of all this. We were kids and this was what kids did back in the 1960s prior to May 13. But we learned a very important lesson. And that lesson was there is honour amongst thieves. In fact, there was more honour amongst triad members then, than you would find amongst 'honourable' people like politicians and leaders today.

We respected 'authority'. We had a very strict code of ethics that you broke only on pain of death. Punishment was swift and brutal and you would always pay for your crime of breaching the code of ethics and of having no honour.

It is very difficult, I know, for some of you to comprehend that the triads had honour and code of ethics. But then I am talking about the triads of the 1960s, 50 years or so ago. Times have changed, though. Even the politicians of the 1960s had honour. Today, the politicians are worse than criminals. The politicians, today, would not meet the high standards of honour that the triads of the 1960s had.

We were not criminals, as such. We did not rob, steal, sell drugs, or beat up defenceless people. We were the enforcers. We kept the peace. We kept the streets that we 'controlled' safe from crime so that honest and decent people could live their lives and conduct their business unhindered.

The residents and shopkeepers did not shun or defile us. They welcomed our presence because they knew we did what the police could never do -- we ensured their safety. (In fact, the people feared the police but did not fear the triads). 

Whenever any new business opened up the owner would seek us out to request 'protection'. They were at liberty to decide whether they needed protection or not. There was no compulsion but once they offered to join the protection 'scheme' their premises were 'off-limits'. No one would dare 'violate' these premises. To do so would mean death.

It was a good system back in the 1960s. It was how things worked then. Everyone was happy and the police did not have to worry about crime on the streets. All the police could do was to arrest the perpetrators. The triads, however, made sure that crime is eliminated through the elimination of the criminals.

As I always said: you eradicate the plague by killing the rats. This was more or less how matters were resolved on the streets of Kuala Lumpur 50 years or so ago.

Yes, enforcement of the law was swift and brutal. You disturb the peace and you die. You can't run riot and burn shops and houses and beat up innocent and defenceless people -- like what is now happening all over the UK.

In fact, you still can't do that in the Chinatown areas of the cities in the UK. It can happen in white, black or 'brown' parts of the cities in the UK, but not in the Chinatown areas. Try and the punishment would be swift and brutal.

Do I sound nostalgic? I suppose I am. The Malaysian Chinese of today are not the Chinese I knew back in the 1960s. The Chinese of today have no honour. They do not understand things such as code of ethics. They have no scruples. There is no longer any camaraderie. What has happened to the Malaysian Chinese?

Last weekend, I went to the funeral of a local Chinese leader from Liverpool (see photos below). That suddenly brought back fond memories of the Kuala Lumpur of 50 years ago. It appears like the Chinese in the UK -- those from London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, etc. -- still retain the honour and code of ethics that we once knew back in Kuala Lumpur in the 1960s.

Yes, that's right. I think you know what I am talking about and whom I am talking about. The camaraderie and brotherhood amongst the Chinese here is very strong indeed. Brothers look after brothers. Brothers do not sell out brothers.

Malaysian Chinese should make a trip here and learn a thing or two from the UK Chinese. Those in their 60s and 70s would probably recognise this as Kuala Lumpur back in the days when they were still teenagers.

My respect for the Malaysian Chinese honour and code of ethics of the 1960s knew no bounds. It is very difficult to feel the same way about the Malaysian Chinese of today. They will sell their own mother for the right price.

Look at DAP. DAP leaders are badmouthing and sabotaging fellow DAP leaders. In the 1960s, these types of Chinese would 'disappear' without a trace. They would be executed and their bodies dumped into one of the many mining pools surrounding Kuala Lumpur.

Maybe it is time to bring back the old Chinese honour and code of ethics. Maybe it is time that the triad laws are, again, enforced and those treacherous DAP leaders with no honour and code of ethics be made to suffer a swift and brutal punishment.

Maybe only then will the DAP Chinese leaders understand what honour and code of ethics mean.


Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-post_9685.html

Who's lying now?

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 07:36 PM PDT

So, are there still Malaysians in London or not? Can Anifah Aman make up his mind? In the one breath he says Malaysians have all gone back to Malaysia for the holidays and in another he says Malaysians have been advised to stay away from the affected areas.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

No Malaysians involved in London riot, says Anifah Aman 

(Bernama) - No Malaysian citizens were involved in the London riot that erupted over the weekend, said Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman.

In fact, no Malaysians were in the vicinity, he said.

"I received a report from our High Commissioner there, Datuk Zakaria Sulong, that our citizens, especially students, were on holiday."

"Most have returned home (to Malaysia), but we have advised Malaysians in areas nearby not to go to that specific area," he told reporters after his ministry's breaking-of-fast function, here, Monday night.

A smashing and looting rampage broke out on Saturday at Tottenham in North London after a peaceful demonstration over the death of its local 29-year-old Mark Duggan, a black man, who was shot by police two days earlier.

However, Anifah said, it was still safe to travel to Britain, but he advised Malaysians to stay away from Tottenham, an area with a high unemployment rate and racial issues, for the time being. 


And how does Anifah Aman know that no Malaysians were involved in the London riots?

Well, he knows because, as he said, "I received a report from our High Commissioner there, Datuk Zakaria Sulong, that our citizens, especially students, were on holiday."

So there you have it. Malaysian citizens, especially students, are on holiday. Therefore, no Malaysians were involved in the London riots.

But hold on. My daughter is Malaysian and she is not on holiday. She is still here in the UK attending summer class. And the entire committee of Friends of Pakatan Rakyat UK are still in London and are not on holiday. So are the Kelab PAS members. They are also still here in the UK and are not on holiday.

So who are these people Anifah Aman is talking about who are not in London and are on holiday and therefore no Malaysians were involved in the riots?

Okay, maybe Anifah Aman means the sons and daughters of the UmnoPutras. These are the people who have flown back to Malaysia for their holidays. And this is because they are the only people who can afford to fly back to Malaysia every school holiday.

Yes, that's right, the rest of us less wealthy Malaysians stay here in the UK during the holidays. We don't have that kind of money to afford to fly back to Malaysia every holiday, ten times a year.

Hmm…wasn't it Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's cousin, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, who said today, 'New media used to spread lies'? New Media or New Straits Times? That report came out in the New Straits Times (you can read it here).

"….but we have advised Malaysians in areas nearby not to go to that specific area," added Anifah Aman.

Ah...if there are no Malaysians in London because they have all gone back to Malaysia for the holidays, then whom are these 'Malaysians in areas nearby' who are being advised not to go to that specific area?

So, are there still Malaysians in London or not? Can Anifah Aman make up his mind? In the one breath he says Malaysians have all gone back to Malaysia for the holidays and in another he says Malaysians have been advised to stay away from the affected areas.

Anifah Aman ended by saying that it was still safe to travel to Britain, but he advised Malaysians to stay away from Tottenham, an area with a high unemployment rate and racial issues, for the time being.

Now that is the crux to the whole matter. One Umno Blogger, Syed Akbar Ali, has used the London riots as the reason why he opposes the Bersih rally. If rallies such as Bersih are allowed, there would be a danger it could escalate to a riot, like what happened in London.

In fact, the riots have now spread to many other parts of the UK. It is no longer confined to just London. And these riots have nothing to do with free and fair elections or human rights or freedom of religion or whatever. It is all about the frustration of the people.

Remember I wrote about this matter in my article yesterday titled 'Upsetting the ecological balance'? Well, this can happen in Malaysia as well if we are not careful.

What we are seeing in the UK is a 'class struggle'. It is a demonstration of the people's frustration. And unless Malaysia addresses this issue then what we are seeing in UK today we will see in Malaysia in time to come.

Let's imagine if the above story was about Malaysia in the year 2030.


No Indonesians involved in Kuala Lumpur riot, says Khir Toyo

(Antara) - No Indonesian citizens were involved in the Kuala Lumpur riot that erupted over the weekend, said Indonesian Foreign Minister Khir Toyo.

In fact, no Indonesians were in the vicinity, he said.

"I received a report from our Ambassador there, Da'i Bachtiar, that our citizens, especially students, were on holiday."

"Most have returned home (to Indonesia), but we have advised Indonesians in areas nearby not to go to that specific area," he told reporters after his ministry's breaking-of-fast function, here, Monday night.

A smashing and looting rampage broke out on Saturday in Brickfields in Kuala Lumpur after a peaceful demonstration over the death of its local 29-year-old Aramugum Pillai, an Indian, who was shot by police two days earlier.

However, Khir said, it was still safe to travel to Malaysia, but he advised Indonesians to stay away from Brickfields, an area with a high unemployment rate and racial issues, for the time being.


One step forwards, two steps back (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 07:53 PM PDT

Why can't the Umno people see this? They need the non-Malays to retain the government. Maybe if they can get 70% of the Malays on their side then they don't need the non-Malays. But they can't get 70% of the Malays to support them. At best maybe 55%, that is all. So they need the non-Malays. But what they are doing merely pushes the non-Malays farther and farther away.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Remember, yesterday, I wrote an article called 'You need brains to do it'? Well, again, Umno has proven me correct. Their people just don't have enough brains. They are like the Keystone Cops, shooting themselves in their feet and bumbling every step of the way.

Take the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) matter as an example. PERKASA and the Malaysian Muslim Lawyers Association (MMLA) have now also joined the fray. So it looks like every man and his dog has jumped onto the bandwagon.


Now, if I were Umno, I would instruct all our people to stay out of this fiasco of major proportions. This is going to be a very explosive issue. So let DAP and PAS fight it out. Chances are Hasan Ali would help do more damage by defending his actions, by defending JAIS, by defending Islam, and by offering to resign for the sake of defending Islam.

Hasan Ali will become a hero for standing up for his principles while sacrificing himself and his political career. Hasan Ali will be a martyr. And this will become a problem for Pakatan Rakyat.

This is a sure recipe for a split between DAP and PAS. This will be just like the Terengganu ISD of ten years ago, which saw DAP leaving Barisan Alternatif and which resulted in the opposition getting slaughtered in the 2004 general election. 

JAIS made the allegation that DUMC is converting Muslims to Christianity. So the accuser must prove the allegation. DUMC need do nothing. The onus is on JAIS to prove what they allege. 

If JAIS or JAKIM brings out statistics to prove that 100,000 or 500,000 Malays have now become Christians (as what the Perak Mufti alleged) then this will backfire on Umno. Umno will lose face -- and, in Asia, face is everything and is very important.

Politics is all about face. Never underestimate the power of face. It is very important to me and I will defend my face even if I have to go back to Malaysia and serve some time in jail to 'save face'. (Unfortunately, my lawyers, friends, family, and even the Malaysian government, profusely refuse to agree to this even though I have communicated this wish to Bukit Aman). 

If JAIS or JAKIM can't reveal the 'alarming' statistics, then the government will also lose face. So, keep quiet you are damned and bring out the statistics you are also damned. Either way, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Umno has painted itself into a corner on this one and with so many others, in particular PERKASA, taking up this issue they will be hard-pressed in getting out of this dicey situation.

Umno should have maintained an elegant silence. Let the opposition fight it out amongst themselves. Now that Umno, PERKASA, et al, are involved, this will force DAP and PAS to close ranks.

Yes, that's right, DAP and PAS will now unite in the face of the onslaught by Umno and its minions. Now it is Pakatan versus Barisan. And Pakatan will have to speak as one voice on this DUMC issue.

Of course, this exercise may help swing back some Malay support for Umno. Certainly some Malays would get upset with what they see as the opposition's compromise on the matter. So these Malays would abandon the opposition and go back to Barisan.

But how many Malays are we talking about? For every Malay that swings back to Barisan, five would swing over to the opposition.

We must not forget the law of diminishing returns. The Malays are already split 50:50. Ask Umno. They know this. So how many Malays can you get back? Less than 5%.

Even if you can get 5% of the Malays to swing back it will not be worth it because you will lose more than 5% non-Malays to the opposition. That is one step forwards and two steps back.

The non-Malays are very angry. And they are getting angrier and angrier by the day. Everything that Umno does just adds to this anger.

Why can't the Umno people see this? They need the non-Malays to retain the government. Maybe if they can get 70% of the Malays on their side then they don't need the non-Malays. But they can't get 70% of the Malays to support them. At best maybe 55%, that is all. So they need the non-Malays. But what they are doing merely pushes the non-Malays farther and farther away.

Big mistake!

Who the hell are these political strategists in Umno? Are they that dumb or are they intentionally doing all this to weaken Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak? 

Hmm…that's a thought. Maybe they are not as dumb as we think after all. Maybe this is meant to hurt Najib. Maybe that is why Najib has remained silent. Maybe he knows if he opens his mouth then he is going to walk into a well-laid trap.

Maybe, maybe, maybe…..


Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-post_12.html


Upsetting the ecological balance

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:25 PM PDT

The Indians and Chinese we have in Malaysia today are descendants of the immigrants of the 1850 to 1920 era. In short, today's Indians and Chinese are Malaysian-born, which means they are Malaysians and not immigrants. That is why these 'immigrants' are loyal to Malaysia and not to India or China, which is very important (and if I have to explain this statement then you are brain dead).


Raja Petra Kamarudin

What Mahfuz Omar said, reported by The Malaysian Insider (read below), is very interesting. In time, what he said will certainly happen. The implications, however, will be farther reaching than how Mahfuz has explained.

The bottom line is you can't upset the ecological balance without seeing something happen. When you clear the forests, remove the mangrove trees, or terrace the hill slopes, something always happens. And it is normally bad rather than good.

Look at Britain today. In the 1960s and 1970s, it was an influx of Asian immigrants. Of late, it is an influx of Eastern Europeans. Britain is no longer the Britain we once knew or the Britain I was born in. It has transformed so much that I really don't know whether to call it good or bad.

For one, honesty has gone out the window. In the old days, you could put your newspapers and a box outside your shop and customers would take the newspaper and put the payment in the box. Today, they would take the box of coins.

Rental and property prices in 'immigrant' neighbourhoods are low. The crime rate is high. And the cost of car insurance is higher if you live in such neighbourhoods because the danger of theft or vandalism is higher.

Unemployment is up and the standard of living has declined. More people are on welfare and in time Britain is going to face bankruptcy because of the 'freeloaders' it has to support. The NHS (national health service) has practically no more money. And they have had to increase fees for universities.

The long and short of it: Britain's 50-year old very lax immigration policy is finally taking its toll on the one-time Empire where the sun never sets. The sun is certainly setting very fast on Britannia that no longer rules the waves.

Malaya, too, in 1850, had a very lax immigration policy. In 1920, the British Colonial Government realised that if they allowed this to continue it would upset the 'ecological balance' and Malaya would erupt into chaos. So, in 1920, the British stopped bringing in Indians and Chinese.

The British realised very early that the country could support only a certain number of immigrants before all hell breaks loose. In their wisdom, the British said, 'Enough!' and thus ended the immigration policy.

The Indians and Chinese we have in Malaysia today are descendants of the immigrants of the 1850 to 1920 era. In short, today's Indians and Chinese are Malaysian-born, which means they are Malaysians and not immigrants. That is why these 'immigrants' are loyal to Malaysia and not to India or China, which is very important (and if I have to explain this statement then you are brain dead).

Now, the government has reversed what the British did. We are now 'importing' foreigners at a higher level than what the British did from 1850 to 1920. We may think that we are importing 'fellow Muslims'. Well, that's what Britain thought as well when they allowed the 'Christian' Eastern Europeans into Britain in droves.

But these Christian Eastern Europeans have a different culture and set of values. And that is the problem. The 'Muslim' immigrants coming into Malaysia also have a different culture and set of values. And, in time, Malaysia is going to face the problem that Britain is facing today.

What Mahfuz said is partly true. But the problem is not going to be confined to just their rejection of the Monarchy. The implication is farther than that.

We must remember, these immigrants are not facing political, ethnic, or religious persecution in their fatherland -- like those who went to America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, etc., around the Second World War. In those days, they had to emigrate or die. So they owed their adopted country their lives. And because of that they owed their adopted country their loyalty.

But the new (post-Merdeka) immigrants into Malaysia do not face death in their country. They do not owe Malaysia their lives. They are merely 'economic refugees'. It's all about money. Their loyalty is to money, not to Malaysia. 

Those are the types of people we are giving 'instant citizenship' to. And in time we shall realise the folly of this immigration policy.

They have no memories of the British Colonial era. They have no memories of the Japanese occupation. They have no memories of Merdeka. They have no memories of the Emergency. They have no memories of the creation of Malaysia. They have no memories of the Konfrontasi with Indonesia. They have no memories of May 13. They have no memories of anything at all that Malaysians hold dear. They are here only for the money. 

So where do these people's loyalty lie? Certainly not where our loyalties lie because they do not share our culture and value system. They are only loyal to the Ringgit and as long as the Ringgit is there they will become 'true Malaysians'. However, once the Ringgit is no longer there, they would not care two hoots about Malaysia.

Learn from Britain's mistake. Britain, which was once Malaysia's Colonial master, is beginning to pay a heavy price for being too lax in its immigration policy. It took 50 years but it is finally taking its toll.

In time, Malaysia too is going to pay for this mistake. By then, however, just like in Britain today, it will be too late.

Sure, this new immigration policy is meant to help Barisan Nasional in the next general election. The 'instant citizens' are going to vote for BN.

That is the short-term gain, of course. But for the benefit of short-term gain, Malaysia is going to suffer in the long term.


Pakatan says foreign voters will bring down monarchy

(The Malaysian Insider) - Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers demanded today an emergency sitting of Parliament over claims that 1,600 foreigners had been given citizenship and voting rights, claiming that if left unchecked it would erode Malaysia's constitutional monarchy.

PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar told reporters today that the permanent residents who were being given "express" citizenship and voting rights "would not appreciate our royalty as we do."

DAP publicity secretary Tony Pua said the "campaign by Barisan Nasional (BN) and the authorities to turn all permanent residents into citizens, if not monitored, will cause the peninsula to be like Sabah."

"There, permanent residents who have become citizens outnumber actual locals," the Petaling Jaya Utara MP said, referring to the claim that BN had given votes to foreigners in the east Malaysian state in the 1990s to reclaim power in the 1999 state election.

"This will cause the fall of our monarchy. They don't appreciate our constitutional monarchy," Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz said.

PR handed a memorandum demanding the emergency sitting to be held within seven days to Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz today, who received the demand on behalf of the prime minister.

The minister in the Prime Minister's Department said he would hand over the letter to Datuk Seri Najib Razak when breaking fast today and "after discussing with him, maybe we can respond."

The minister in charge of Parliament said that there was no problem for Parliament to meet during the fasting month as that had been the practice in the early 2000s, when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was prime minister.

Although Nazri refused to comment on PR's claims, he said that complaints over fraudulent voters should be brought to the Election Commission to be investigated.

"I don't think it can happen. To vote, you need a blue identity card," he said, referring to the document that proves citizenship.

PR had also claimed that 1,108 permanent residents in the Klang Valley were given the status of full citizens on August 2 alone, and ridiculed the notion that over 1,000 identity cards were issued within a day.

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub also showed documents claiming that between 1.06pm and 2.30pm on August 2, three voters had their status changed from permanent residents to citizens "in the blink of an eye."

"This was information downloaded from the NRD website itself and we have a total of 1,597 cases across the country," the Kubang Kerian MP had said.

Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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