Khamis, 7 Julai 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Darkest hour before a new dawn

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 05:20 PM PDT

It is now clear that Malaysia has further deteriorated from a kleptocracy (a nation run by thieves) to a kakistocracy (a nation mismanaged by the vilest, most vicious, most venomous and violent elements). With the benefit of hindsight, we can see how the Polis Di Raja Malaysia (Royal Malaysian Police) was systematically co-opted (especially during Mahathir Mohamad's 22-year reign) to serve the narrow interests of the ruling elite rather than the general public. Those of cynical bent will say, quite correctly, that all police departments on earth primarily exist to protect the vested interests of the ruling elite - not the ordinary citizen, whose function is to fund the scam by paying involuntary taxes - but it's time to clean up the police, perhaps even delete the concept from the human imagination!

Muscle-brained Gestapoman
Arbitrarily arresting anyone promoting the concept of Clean and Fair Elections - even charging a handful under the dreaded ISA for "trying to revive Communism and for waging war against the King" - the recently appointed deputy Inspector-General of Police, Khalid Abu Bakar, has conspicuously taken over from Ismail Omar, who appears more of a bureaucrat than a bully. When Khalid Abu Bakar was Chief Police Officer of Selangor, a large number of people died under gory circumstances.

Take the case of A. Kugan, a 22-year-old arrested on suspicion of involvement in a car theft sydicate, who was cruelly beaten to death in a police lock-up in January 2009. Khalid Abu Bakar immediately began lying about the circumstances of Kugan's unnecessary death at the hands of uniformed sadists. A gentleman would have publicly apologized for this glaring instance of police misconduct and resigned.

Khalid Abu Bakar
A few months later, there was a high-speed car chase in Shah Alam, which ended in 14-year-old Amirulrasyid Amzah getting a bullet in the back of his head for the crime of driving without a licence and panicking when he saw a police patrol car. Within months there was a spate of unexplained teenaged deaths at the hands of the police, all accused of being armed criminals, and all summarily executed with bullets through their heads fired at point blank range. Khalid Abu Bakar wasn't asked to resign in those instances either.

Obviously, he was earning himself brownie points with the top crooks in UMNO as a potential high-ranking Gestapo Officer. They appreciate tough cops without moral scruples who know which side the bread is buttered.

There were many other alarming reports of citizens being harassed at roadblocks, arrested, robbed and beaten black-and-blue by police officers - and not a single case has been brought to justice. The big bosses in UMNO have covered the cops' arses in every instance. Even in a case as gruesome and sensational as the cold-blooded abduction, torture and murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu in October 2006, the two policemen assigned to the dirty deed by Najib's security chief were protected from public view because they were allowed by the judge to conceal their faces throughout the long-drawn and ludicrous trial.

Malay supremacy
So the signs have all been there, ladies and gentlemen. Indeed, they have been there since the days when the Internal Security Act was abused, even by the generally benign Tunku Abdul Rahman, as an all-purpose weapon against political dissent. It may be argued that in primate politics, a savvy and strong leader must be prepared to don jackboots from time to time and stomp on serious threats to his leadership. That's how Lee Kuan Yew retained control of his party and remained at the helm of Singapore for so many decades - indeed, many say he still has the final say from behind the scenes.

The use of police and army to suppress angry populations is nothing new - but there is a growing sense around the world that such repressive measures reflect negatively on those who wield them. It reveals that they have lost their legitimacy to lead.



See you at our Stadium Merdeka, folks

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 04:05 PM PDT

We have come to expect little else from them.

See you all at Stadium Merdeka at 2pm, Saturday, 9th July, 2011.

Come in yellow.

Come in any colour.

All colours are yours.

As is this nation.

Hidup Rakyat


His Majesty and Steel Magnolia - TIME Magazine Persons of the Malaysian Year?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 01:24 PM PDT

Yes, I know the year has still some six months to go and there might yet emerge some other terrific character who might make it to the number 1 spot in our search for 'Person of The Year.'

But surely there cannot be two better candidates than the charismatic Malaysian King, His Majesty Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agung Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Almuktafi Billah Shah who executed a neat carpe diem, and the former Chairperson of the Bar Council and now leader of the 09/07/201 Bersih 2.0 call for free and fair elections, Dato Ms. Ambiga Sreenivasan, who exhibited courage, guts, gumption, savvy and an as cool as cucumber exterior and calmness that put to shame many a seasoned and veteran politician in Malaysia. 

Yellow may by the language of the Bard signify cowards. But in Malaysia, since the times of Parameswara of Melaka in 1400 CE, yellow has been the of colour of OUR Royalty. 

In the end those who least expected it were royally screwed and caught completely off-guard!

In the face of some Machiavellian machinations and manipulative skulduggery (or so they thought) by the establishment, OUR King responded with an even-handedness that silenced Prime Minister Najib, Home Minister Kerismudin, the Cabinet, UMNO/BN and his entire administration and the IGP, while rendering that vile and foul mouthed agitator, provocateur and demagogue Ibrahim Ali and his PERKASA sycophants to sputtering idiots.

So unexpectedly regal was the Royal pronouncement that Ibrahim Ali and PERKASA let slip their masks to reveal their true hypocritical nature. They dared question His Majesty's decision in agreeing to and subsequently actually meeting up with Ambiga and her 09/07/2011 Bersih 2.0's organizers for a tete-a-tete at the Palace.

Well, I personally don't subscribe to the logic of these les majeste court cases that abound in Thailand. 

But, if the police are to be seen to be consistent in their upholding and enforcement of OUR Constitution and laws of Malaysia, then surely Ibrahim Ali and his followers MUST be hauled up and charged with Sedition and inciting racial and religious hatred? Or stand accused of practising double standards!

Especially since they publicly challenged the very ROYAL institution they swore they would protect from insults by "others" and "pendatangs" and have been quick on the draw in alerting the AG's attention to numerous alleged perceived slights directed at OUR Royalty.

After all, Karpal Singh was charged with Sedition (and found not guilty) for merely saying the Perak King can be sued in court. The AG had proceeded with that case based on a police report made by, among others, a slimy Bututsan reporter. True to the pathetic state of education in our country, that reporter later testified in court that by 'ultra vires' he understood it to mean 'insult (the Perak King)'!!??

So, what may well turn out to be the Philosopher King of Utopia's Kallipolis as envisaged by Plato in his 'Republic,' joined forces with a Steel Magnolia and put paid to rest the the possible emergence of a true Police State.

Nipped in the bud (for the moment anyway), as they say!

And who are the losers? 

In order of pre-eminence, they are:

1. Unelected PM Najib who played it like a rank amateur and confirmed state sponsored religious bigotry by publicly uttering, "Who doesn't know Ambiga. She's the one who threatened Islam."

PM Najib was of course referring to the Lina Joy case. She, (as do all citizens and others brought before OUR courts) has an inalenable Constitutional right to legal representation, in her case, to have the courts recognize her conversion out of Islam to Christianity. Her right of conversion is also guaranteed by OUR Constitution.

The fact is Ambiga DID not defend Lina Joy. 

It was Dato Dr.Cyrus Vance!! CLICK HERE . And if it had not been him , another lawyer would have had to!

So, where did PM Najib get this piece of deliberately bigoted misinformation which Ibrahim Ali and PERKASA latched on to and quoted from gleefully, albeit in grave error?

If the Prime Minister of our country does not verify information before mouthing false statements, understand the law, and with scant regard for it, makes inflammatory public statements, he's not fit for that August office!

2. Deputy PM Muhy. If OUR King wanted to meet up with Ambiga and the Bersih organizers, who is he to dictate to OUR King and Ambiga/Bersih any pre-conditions?

3. Ibrahim Ali. He has brought Malaysian politics to utter disrepute. Earlier than the PM he made an even more incendiary statement by referring to Ambiga as,"That bloody Hindu woman" thus soring a hattrick of racial, religiously bigoted and misogynous vilifications.

Of course, Ali did not fail to raise the possibilities of Ambiga/Bersih's possible links to Zionists, Communist USA and other foreign powers who has nothing better to do than intefere in Malaysia's internal affairs.

Just so as to confound those looking for some redeeming qualities in him, Ali also sledged the Bar Council as "bastards" and once again played that favourite card of his and Dr. Mahathir's by raising the bogey spectre of "13th May 1969." Ooh, that scared the King, didn't it?

As an aside, he "only advised" the Chinese to stock up on food and STAY AT HOME!" Heh, heh, heh!

4. The Police. It's time they stopped allowing themselves to being misused by UMNO, PM and Kerismudin as the whipping boys for all the bullying and blatant subversion of the law.

Let me state it very clearly. No leader of any democratic nation which subscribes to the rule of law has ever, with the exception Dr. Mahathir and now Najib, said the cops have authority over freely elected Ministers, Government and Parliament to marshall law and order as they please.

And by no stretch of anyone's imagination could Dr.Jeyakumar and 30 of his party members have proceeded to Penang to "wage war against OUR King" and resurrect Communism, armed to their eyeballs with YELLOW T-SHIRTS, could they? He's a medical doctor for God's sake! Grant him a modicum of intelligence.  He did a David on Goliath Samy Velu at GE 2008. You think he got there by having Stalinistic ambitions or being stupid?

OUR King and Najib govern from the Federal Territory of Putrajaya outside Kuala Lumpur and Dr. Jeyakumar headed for Penang to foment revolution?

And that so-called cache of petrol bombs and T-shirts stashed away among some rocks in the boondocks of Bentong. Only an idiot would cart these things all the way from Bentong in Pahang to KL when he could just as well come empty handed and assemble it all fresh here.

The last time the natives got restless and waged war with machetes must have been during that Jurassic era when they still wore grass skirts.

Wake up, IGP! It's not worth gaining the whole world only to lose your soul!

5. Bit players like Khairudin Jamaludin and UMNO Youth saved themselves embarrassing blushes after the King's intervention. They mouthed what sounded pretty much like an apology and withdrew their planned copy cat march. 

6. There is also that shallow and scurillous Masjid India gold peddling blogger who sounded more panicked than the rest of the nation, demanding Amibiga and Bersih members be arrested under the ISA. He insulted her as being as 'still new from the plantation.' Well Mr. Righteous who always quotes from the Koran, Ambiga's father was a kidney specialist at Pantai Medical centre and her uncle, Justice Gopal Sri Ram. They could probably tell you a thing or two about some Indian Muslims claiming to be Bumiputra and Malay and freely and shamelessly giving unsolicited advise to the Malays on what is adat and what is adab!

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